The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Arnold and Dudley Meet
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Arnold and Dudley Meet - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Then with the knife firmly stuck in his foot and his foot bleeding, he fell to the floor twitching. Todd still naked had watched it all happen. He put his hands up in the air ‘Don’t shoot,’ he said, ‘I surrender.’
‘Lie face down and put your hands behind you.’ Tom ordered. Todd dropped to the floor and did as he was told. Tom put his cuffs on him and read him his rights.
John rang the station for prisoner transport. Darren was still twitching. Lewis had moved over to the side of the clearing as they came in and was still filming. He switched off and went over and untied Nelson. ‘Say nothing,’ he whispered in his ear as he passed him his shorts. ‘Put these on and just sit where you are with your back to everyone.’
Aiden had re loaded his Taser. Todd’s handcuffs were removed after he was warned about the Taser. He got dressed then the handcuffs were put back on.
Darren had finished twitching by now but still looked frozen. John pointed out Aiden standing with his Taser pointing at him and told him to lie still.
‘Have you got any disposable gloves John?’ Lewis asked. He put them on and put his hand on the top of Darrens foot. His first two fingers were each side of the blade with the blunt edge towards his hand.
He closed his fingers so that they were gently touching the blade. Then he pressed down firmly making Darren scream in pain. Taking hold of the knife blade near the handle, he pulled it right out.
Darren gave another scream and promptly passed out. Some blood oozed out from the cut in his foot, but thanks to Lewis holding the skin in place, pulling it out had done no further damage. Lewis then used Darrens T shirt torn up in strips to bind up the wound.
By the time Darren recovered consciousness, he had his socks and shoes back on his feet. Lewis had put the knife in the evidence bag that Aiden produced. John ordered him to get dressed then put handcuffs on him and read him his rights.
Aiden had now put his taser away. The two of them were led out, Darren limping and moaning about police cruelty. They were both kept standing at the side of the house until the police transport arrived to collect them. Because of the reputation of James senior, some back up was requested as well, just in case.
As soon as they had left the clearing, Lewis told Nelson to get dressed. Then he told him to follow him. He squeezed through the trees and Nelson was amazed to see the pond.
Lewis looked along and saw Gregg sitting by his raft, he gave him a whistle. Gregg jumped up and fed out the rope as Lewis pulled the raft over to them.
When the raft was in front of them Lewis told Nelson that when he got off, the boy would introduce himself and give him a hug. ‘I suggest you do the same to him.’ he told him.
He held the raft still whilst Nelson sat down on it then after waving to Gregg, he paid out the rope as Gregg pulled Nelson over to him. Helping him off the raft Gregg held his arms open and said, ‘Hi I’m Gregg.’
Nelson went into his arms saying, ‘Hi, I’m Nelson.’ They both hugged, then as it hit Nelson that it really was all over, he burst into tears. Gregg had been expecting it. He held him tight, stroked his back and told him, ‘It’s all over now, let it all out.’
Once his sobs had stopped, Gregg gave him another hug, then broke away and started pulling Lewis over on the raft. When he was standing with them, he said, ‘Thanks for your help, Gregg, let’s go and see what’s happening out front.’
As they walked up through Greggs Garden, Lewis told Nelson that Gregg was at their school too. ‘Don’t worry,’ Gregg assured him, ‘No one will hear anything from me.’
‘As they approached the front gate, they heard a police siren approaching. Standing at the gate they watched as down the road a police car tore up and parked in the middle of the road outside the James’s. Two bobbies got out and stood waiting.
It was followed a few moments later by two police vans who also had their blue lights flashing. As Darren and Todd were led out in handcuffs an older man came running out of number twenty-seven demanding to know what they were being arrested for.
By now a great number of neighbours had come out to see what all the ruckus was about. As Mr James finished speaking everyone watching went as quiet as a mouse. They all heard Aiden answer very clearly, ‘They have both been arrested for violently and forcibly raping a minor on numerous occasions.’
There was an angry murmur from the crowd at that. Mr James watched his sons being shut into the vans and driven away then he just turned away and went back into the house.
John and Aiden returned to the station in the police car. Tom got in his car and drove down to Greggs. No one was paying any attention to his little unmarked car. Or to Lewis and Nelson as they came out of Greggs and got in. On the way to the station Tom chatted to Nelson to put him at ease.
At the police station Nelson was taken off to see the police doctor. Lewis went through to use a computer. Eventually they met up in the interview room. Terence the appropriate adult had arrived. Lewis greeted him and introduced him to Nelson. He explained to Nelson why he was there and left him to do his interview.
When Lewis read it later, he thought it was perfect. Nelson was taken up to the canteen by Tom whilst Lewis did his interview. ‘My name is Lewis,’ he said. ‘A friend from school has a large area of private woodland at the bottom of his garden which includes a very large pond.’
‘Another school friends house also backs onto this woodland and we both have permission to sail a homemade raft on the pond. A week ago today, Wednesday, I was having a sail on the pond. It is an area usually totally devoid of humans so as I sailed around in total silence, I was startled to hear a scream of agony coming from close by.’
‘I paddled in the direction of the sound and had to climb off the raft and into a tree. I could see through the trees two naked men in a clearing getting dressed. On the floor tied to the trees was a younger boy. From the position he was tied in, it looked like he had been raped. Although I did not actually see that happen on that occasion.’
‘I was on my own and in quite a precarious position so there was nothing I could do. I saw no point in calling for help as they were clearly packing up. I watched them untie the victim and soon they had all left.’ I didn’t recognise any of the three involved.
‘I knew if I reported it there would be no evidence, so during the week I got my friend who also uses the raft to help me. We both sailed over one at a time and got into the clearing where it happened.’
‘With his help, I fitted a concealed camera that I use for bird watching into one of the trees.’ He grinned at Terrence as he said that and got a grin back. ‘It has a mobile phone attached and I can access it through the internet. I thought I could keep an eye on the clearing for a while on behalf of the owner as the three men were trespassing.’
‘Nothing happened all week, then tonight I checked it at my usual time as I was on my way home from school. As soon as I saw the same young boy being dragged into the clearing by the same two attackers, I rang a policeman friend for help.’
‘He wasn’t too far away with two colleagues, so I gave him the address of the house it was happening behind. Meanwhile I ran over there too, and we all reached there at the same time.’
‘I led them in because I knew the way. By now watching on my phone I had seen them forcibly strip the younger boy and the younger one that I now know to be Todd James had forcibly raped him.’
‘As we went through the fence at the bottom of the garden into the woodland we heard a terrible scream of agony as the older boy penetrated the victim. I put my phone on video and filmed as we all moved at speed into the clearing and saw the older boy raping the youngster who was still tied up to the trees.’
‘Whilst I filmed what was happening, they were arrested. The older one who I now know to be Darren James, pulled a large knife and threatened to stab the policemen. Fortunately, the senior policeman present was Taser trained and was able to shoot him.’
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