The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: When Genitals Get in the Way
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: When Genitals Get in the Way - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Taking hold of the tip, Lewis squeezed it gently, moving down its length doing the same. Reaching the bottom, he examined Tony’s sack and his balls. When he had finished, he told Tony, “Well at least there’s no damage to your important bits” Tony grinned, “That’s a relief, it would be awful to spoil it before I got a chance to use it!” Lewis smiled, “I take it you’re a virgin then?” he said. “Yes,” Tony said, sounding regretful. “Don’t worry,” Lewis told him, “It’ll happen soon enough. I presume that when you say it hasn’t been used, you’re not counting when you fire yourself.”
“Heavens no,” Tony said with a laugh. Lewis looked at his now rock-hard member standing up straight and waving about. “It looks like it’s ready right now,” Lewis said with a smile. “It’s your gentle hands,” Tony told him, “Plus it’s never had anyone else touch it before.” “Well, I’m glad it’s enjoyed the touch of a new pair of hands,” Lewis said, “Because I might need Ron here to hold it and your balls out of the way while I clean up your leg.”
Tony smiled over at Ron whose cock was starting to wave about in his shorts at the suggestion. “I hope your hands feel as nice as Lewis’s” he said. Ron didn’t know what to say so he just grinned at him. Lewis had had a closer look at the damaged skin. “A wash and some antiseptic cream will do the job, “he announced. Ron, can you boil the kettle and put some hot water in a small bowl, then find me a clean cloth, a tea towel would do.”
Ron got up and put the kettle on, then went and got a tea towel and his first aid box. Whilst they were waiting, Lewis asked, “If no one else has touched your cock before, does that mean you haven’t touched anyone else’s too?” Tony nodded and said, “Yes.” “You’re missing a lot of fun,” Lewis told him with a grin.
When Ron returned with the hot water, Lewis told Tony to sit up. Ron sat where his head had been, and Tony lay down with his head on Ron’s lap. Lewis sat at his side just below his knees. He had put everything he needed within reach. He positioned Tony’s wounded leg, then took hold of his still hard cock and balls, lifting them out of the way of the injuries. He told Ron to give him his hand, then he put Ron’s hand in place of his under Tony’s balls. “Now don’t get too excited, you two,” he said with a grin, “Not yet at least,” he added.
Lewis took the tea towel and dipped one corner into the hot water. He washed the area over and around the wounds from Tony’s groin down to his knee. It washed off some of the blood that had congealed, but no fresh bleeding started. Lewis then dried the area with paper towel and told them, “Just stay as you are for the moment whilst your skin dries completely.”
He looked up and saw Ron and Tony’s faces. They were both clearly enjoying the feel, Ron of having a new cock in his hand and Tony having a new hand on his cock. After a few minutes, Lewis took the antiseptic cream and rubbed it gently all over the injured area. None of the wounds needed a dressing so Lewis told them to stay as they were a little longer whilst the cream absorbed into the skin. He got the impression that they wouldn’t have minded if he’d said stay there all day.
After ten minutes, Lewis decided it was done and told Ron to let go of Tony’s cock. He did so, reluctantly. Tony lay there with his cock still fully erect. Lewis smiled at him, saying, “I’m done, but I think there is one more treatment that you need. Whilst Ron held your cock for me, you stayed hard, so that means you liked it. If you move your head a little, I’m sure you’ll find that holding your cock has made Ron hard too.” “Tony smiled and nodded; he had felt Ron’s cock throbbing against the side of his head from the beginning but hadn’t let on. Lewis took hold of Tony’s cock and stroked it. It threshed about and Tony gave a happy moan. “Sit up,” Lewis told Tony. When he did Lewis told Ron to go in the bedroom and strip off. When Ron went, Lewis told Tony to lie back down. Sitting stroking his cock, Lewis told him, “Ron will now be lying on the bed next door, naked, with his cock hard and standing up in the air. In a moment I’m going to stand up so that you can get up.”
“You have several choices. You can get dressed and go home, you can go next door as you are and join Ron for a play, or you can join both of us for a play. If you want to go home, just get up and get dressed. If you want to go and play with Ron, just get up and go next door. If you want a play with both of us, get up and give me a hug. Remember it’s entirely your choice.”
Lewis stood up and waited. Tony didn’t hesitate, he got up, came to Lewis and threw his arms around him. Lewis hugged him back then told him, “Go on through, I’m right behind you.” Tony opened the bedroom door, stopped for a second to admire Ron who was flat on his back, cock standing tall. Tony climbed up alongside him, they hugged and put a hand on each other’s cocks. Then they looked at Lewis who was standing watching them with a smile on his face. He pulled his T shirt off and dropped his shorts, then after kicking them off he climbed up to join them.
Lewis lay on the opposite side of Tony to Ron. Once he was settled, he looked down at the row of three hard cocks and said to Tony, “As you have never had the pleasure before, for the next ten minutes, Ron and I will lie here as we are whilst you explore us in any way you want. You don’t have to ask, if you want to touch anywhere, just do it, ok?” Tony nodded, “Mm, Yes,” he replied with a colossal smile on his face. He got up and knelt between them, facing them, his own cock now stuck out pointing towards them. He took hold of Lewis’s cock with one hand and Ron’s with the other, loving the feel of them throbbing, as well as their hardness.
Tony stroked both of them, getting happy murmurs from Lewis and Ron. Then he felt their sack and played with their balls. After he had run his fingers through both of their hairs, Lewis said, “OK, that’s your ten minutes up, now you lie down, and we’ll give you a massage. Start off lying on your front.” Once he was settled, Ron and Lewis knelt each side of him, put both their hands on his head and started massaging.
They kept level with each other and worked their way down over Tony’s shoulders and down his back. Tony calling out, “Ooh, that’s lovely,” as they did so. Reaching his waist, they stayed around there for a few moments, going down the sides as well as the back. Then they moved on to his cheeks. Taking one each, they massaged all over, then they each pulled a cheek towards them, and Lewis ran his index finger down between them, followed by Ron. Tony let out another cry of pleasure at that point.
Going down each leg to his feet, they started back up again, repeating their massage on his cheeks before going round his waist, up his back and on to his head. Telling him to turn over, they started down over his face and onto his chest. A special massage of his nipples brough a fresh cry of pleasure, then as they went down his chest and onto his stomach, his cock did a lot of dancing about. They went slower down his abdomen, running their fingers into Ron’s hairs and then going down each side without touching his cock. They went down both legs to his feet, then started back up.
Going up the top of his legs until they reached his knees, they moved onto the inside of his thighs, a movement that made Tony draw his knees up and apart. Reaching the top of the inside of his thighs, Ron took hold of his balls and played with them, making Tony call out in ecstasy, whilst Lewis licked his fingertip and then ran it around the opening to Tony’s bum. That got an even louder shout of joy from Tony. Next Lewis and Ron moved back up both groins, making sure they didn’t touch his cock. They ran their fingers through his hairs and massaged back up his abdomen, stomach and chest, then onto his head.
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