The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: Obey or Lose Your Cock
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Obey or Lose Your Cock - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As he massaged his head Lewis said, ‘That’s the old saying, ‘A trouble shared is a trouble halved.’ Turn over now,’ he instructed. As Nelson settled down on his back, Lewis asked, ‘How are you finding it?’ ‘The massage was unexpected and it’s nice.’ Nelson said, then he added ‘Well most of it anyway. And the questions have been ok so far.’
‘Am I right in thinking that the bit of the massage that wasn’t as nice as the rest of it was connected to your problem?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ he said sadly. ‘Thank you for telling me that.’ Lewis said.
‘I’m going to massage down your front now with more questions,’ Lewis told him. ‘Same as before, say ‘Go’ when you feel ready.’ He started massaging the front of his head. Nelson lay still enjoying it for a few moments then said, ‘Go.’
As Lewis moved down onto the front of his shoulders he asked him, ‘Tell me about your home and who lives there with you.’ ‘I live in a three bedroomed council house,’ he said, ‘It’s one in a terrace of five all the same.’
As Lewis moved down over his chest he continued, ‘I live there with my mum and my younger sister who’s twelve. My dad died last year of prostate cancer.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Lewis said as he massaged over his flat but slightly padded stomach. ‘Are you the man of the house now?’ ‘I try to be.’ he said, ‘I help mum whenever I can. My sister does too.’ ‘That’s nice to hear.’ Lewis said as he massaged down over his abdomen.
‘Do you know what you want to do when you leave school?’ Lewis asked, as he moved down over the front of his trousers. ‘Not really,’ Nelson said, ‘I guess it will have to be something with my hands rather than my brain though.’
Lewis felt a soft bulge as he passed over his cock. It was hard to tell a size, but it seemed smaller than his own. Nelson was too busy thinking about his future job to notice.
As Lewis massaged down the front of his legs he asked, ‘You mentioned being in Pine Walks the other day, was that connected with your problem?’ ‘Yes,’ Nelson said looking sad. ‘Ok, we won’t go there just yet,’ Lewis said, ‘But can you tell me who lives there?’
‘It’s the James’s,’ Nelson said sounding miserable. ‘Todd James is at our school. He’s in the next year but one up and is known as the class bully. His older brother Darren left school a couple of years ago. He works in a factory somewhere and finishes early on a Wednesday. Their parents and Darren are often in trouble with the police.’
‘Do you know what for?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, they’re often in the local paper.’ Nelson said. ‘Stealing from shops and houses usually, often with violence. Todd seems to have kept out of trouble so far.’
‘Would I be right in thinking you weren’t there voluntarily?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, definitely not.’ Nelson said. ‘Thank you for telling me that,’ Lewis said, ‘We’ll return to it later.’
Lewis had been down to his feet and was now part way up his legs on his knees. ‘How do you get on with the girls at school?’ Lewis asked. ‘I talk to several of them occasionally,’ Nelson said, ‘But I’m a bit shy with them. Well, if truth be told I’m scared of them,’ he added. As he moved onto the front of his trousers, Lewis asked, ‘Can you tell me in one word what it is that scares you?’
Nelson went very red. ‘Er... ‘ he said obviously struggling. ‘Is it sex?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ he said looking and sounding relieved. Then suddenly aware that Lewis was massaging over his cock as he said sex, he was horrified to feel his cock growing. He tried to decide whether to draw attention to it by shouting ‘Stop’ or just hope Lewis would move on up before it became too noticeable.’
As Lewis reached his waist, he thought he was ok, but then Lewis said, ‘Don’t worry about erecting, it’s a perfectly natural thing to happen. I was massaging over your cock just as we were talking about sex, it was bound to grow. You’re a boy, it’s what it does, mine would do the same.’
‘So does sex embarrass you?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Nelson admitted. Then as his cock shot up to fully hard, he panicked and sat up to try and hide it. Lewis saw him moving and opened his arms.
Nelson suddenly found himself in Lewis’s arms, both their arms around each other, heads on each other’s shoulders and Nelsons cock trying to burst out of his trousers. ‘But at least it’s out of sight.’ Nelson thought.
‘Do you know what your cock erecting tells me?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ Nelson answered sounding worried about what was coming next. ‘It tells me your subconscious feels safe and at ease with me,’ Lewis told him, ‘Otherwise it wouldn’t have let it happen.’
‘That’s good, so all we have to do now is to get you to feel the same way, then you’ll be able to tell me all about what happened, and then we can do something about it together.’
‘Lots of youngsters are embarrassed about sex,’ Lewis told him. ‘Let me guess, you don’t think you know enough about it to have sex with a girl properly. Plus, when you had sex education you were far too shy to ask questions about the bits you didn’t understand.’
‘Yes.’ Nelson said lifting his head up and looking at Lewis with a surprised look on his face. ‘How did you guess?’ Lewis smiled at him, ‘Practice,’ he said, ‘You’re far from being the first.’
‘Do you know what often happens to couples who don’t know what they are doing when they make love together?’ Lewis asked. ‘I’d guess they don’t last,’ Nelson said looking very down, ‘It’s always worried me.’
‘You’re quite right,’ Lewis said, ‘But what you don’t know is that some of the couples like that do stick together but miss out on so much. But that’s not going to happen to you.’
‘It isn’t?’ Nelson asked surprised. ‘No,’ Lewis told him, ‘Because when we have solved your problem, I will give you a full sex lesson. By then you will feel so relaxed with me that if you need to, you’ll be able to ask me anything at all.’
Nelson wasn’t so sure about that, but felt it would be a wonderful opportunity even so.
‘Now let’s continue,’ Lewis said. ‘Would you agree that you are fully erect at this moment?’ ‘Yes.’ Nelson answered going red again. ‘Tell me who knows you are?’ After a moment’s thought, Nelson said quietly, ‘Just you and me.’ ‘Suppose you were lying back down, who would know then?’ That took a bit longer before he replied, ‘Just you and me.’
‘So, if we both know you are erect and you lie down and we can both see a bulge in your trousers we will still only know that you are erect, right?’ ‘Right.’ he replied. ‘So can you lie down again now?’ Lewis asked smiling.
Still very red, Nelson said, ‘I’ll try. He started to lie back. Lewis kept his eyes on Nelsons eyes, and he managed to lie back down. ‘Well done,’ Lewis told him. ‘Now we need to get rid of your embarrassment because I suspect cocks and erect cocks could be part of your problem.’
Nelson looked amazed but said nothing. ‘I’m going to resume my massage up from your knees,’ Lewis told him. ‘If you want to close your eyes you can do.’ He moved back slightly and put a hand on each knee. The bulge in Nelsons trousers flexed and he went even redder in the face.
‘There’s nothing wrong with it doing that,’ Lewis said, ‘You could say its waving to me because it wants to be friends.’ That got a brief grin from Nelson.
Lewis massaged up his thighs going slower the nearer he got to the bulge. Nelson had closed his eyes and his redness had faded slightly. As Lewis moved higher up his trousers, his cock flexed again. As his hands massaged over it, Nelson couldn’t stop a happy cry escaping his lips.
‘That’s a good sign,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m sure you know it’s not going to go down for a while yet, so if you can accept that and let it do what it wants you can relax and enjoy it. It does feel nice, doesn’t it?’ ‘Yes.’ Nelson admitted quietly after a pause.
‘Did you ever imagine you could tell anyone that?’ Lewis asked as he continued to massage over it. ‘No, never.’ Nelson said opening his eyes and grinning as he watched Lewis’s gentle hands.
‘Does it feel this nice when you play with it in bed at night?’ Lewis asked. Nelson looked horrified at the question. ‘I do.’ Lewis told him, ‘And I’m sure every other boy at school does too.’ ‘Really?’ Nelson said. Then he thought to himself, ‘That’s obvious really, why didn’t I realise that?’
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