The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Ella Finds the Victim

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Ella Finds the Victim - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

His mind was on that more than what he was doing as he paddled gently round the quite large pond. He sailed past the cabin, glancing in through the patio doors as he passed and seeing the double bed where he and Joey had spent such a lovely and memorable night together. He moved on and was about halfway between the cabin and home when he heard a scream of agony.

It was short and from the sound of it, it had stopped only because it had been stifled. It had sounded quite close to the pond, so he doubted if anyone else would have heard it. The trees around the pond were very dense and the pond and surrounds covered a large area away from any housing.

He paddled carefully into the side near to where he thought it had come from. Tying the raft to a tree, he manged to climb quietly off the raft onto a low branch. He moved slowly and carefully along the branch and found land.

He could hear faint voices now, so he went very, very carefully. He had moved very slowly and had only gone about six feet in from the pond amongst dense foliage. Then he could just make out a small clearing ahead in between the trees.

Moving even more carefully now, Gregg settled down on the ground and wriggled forward on his belly to push his head forward slowly and carefully between the leaves. He could see into the clearing now and was fairly certain no one could see him. Apart from being hidden, no one would expect there to be anyone else around.

He could make out three boys in the clearing and as he moved forward very slightly, he could see that they were all naked. One of them was on his knees and seemed to have his arms tied to a tree in front of him and each knee tied to a tree at the side, so his legs were apart.

The other two looked quite a bit bigger and were standing kissing each other. One of their cocks was hard and the other was hanging soft. They were feeling each other every so often. Both cocks looked larger than his own but not as big as Lewis’s.

‘You go now,’ the one with the soft cock said. He moved to the side and stood watching. Gregg had put his phone on silent, so he moved it carefully between the leaves and took a picture of the one with the soft cock.

Then the one with the hard cock moved round behind the boy who was tied up. He knelt down and aimed his cock at his bum. Then he thrust forward making the boy cry out in pain.

As his cock tore into him and he started thrusting in and out the kneeling boy screamed again, just like the one Gregg had heard earlier. After that he was constantly crying out in pain. Gregg took another picture. Soon the boy who was doing the thrusting went faster and cried out. Gregg recognised the noises and knew he had just shot his load.

As he slowed down and lay over the back of the kneeling boy, the boy was crying out, ‘All my insides are on fire.’ No one seemed to care. The boy up his bum must have gone soft and slid out, for he stood up.

The two bigger boys came together and had another kiss, both their cocks now soft and hanging together. They each had a feel and then they got dressed. Gregg didn’t risk any more pictures, just sat still.

Once they were dressed, they untied the boy and rolled up their ropes, pushing them in amongst the foliage. ‘Remember, one word and you’ll wish you were dead.’ one of them told him.

As they moved out of the clearing up a narrow path amidst the trees, the boy remained on his knees sobbing. Gregg thought it best to remain concealed, much as he wanted to dash out and comfort him.

Soon the lad looked around to check the others had gone. He stood up and turned towards his clothes which were on the floor between him and Gregg. Waiting until he was putting his shorts on and looking down, Gregg positioned his phone. Then as he stood up to pull them up and was looking in Gregg’s direction, Gregg managed to get a picture of his face. He thought it looked familiar but wasn’t certain.

The boy got dressed and left the clearing. Gregg had seen he was definitely younger and smaller than the other two. His cock was also much smaller than theirs had been so Gregg knew his bum would be small too. That meant he would have really suffered having the other two much bigger cocks pushed hard up his bum.

Gregg remained in place for a good five minutes before squeezing out into the clearing. He cautiously followed the path and eventually came to the fence at the bottom of the garden of the house backing onto the pond at that point.

Trying to keep out of sight, he took photos of all the houses he could see in each direction in the hope that Lewis would be able to work out where they were.

Returning to the clearing he made his way back to his raft. Once on board he took his handkerchief out and managed to tear it by rubbing it on a rough bit of tree. He tied it tight around a branch about a foot above the water level so it would mark where he had moored.

Then he paddled back to his mooring point. Once he had tied up, he sat on the grass and studied his pictures. He hadn’t recognised either of the two older boys who he would guess were around seventeen to eighteen.

The last picture he had taken of the younger lad, he thought he had seen him before but wasn’t certain. He studied his face, but nothing came to mind.

He returned home and then went out front. He went along the road taking a photo of the front of each house until he reached a point that he knew the houses no longer backed onto the pond.

Satisfied he had done all he could for that night, he returned home and texted Lewis to say he needed to speak to him tomorrow. He got a reply shortly suggesting mid-morning break by the main gate.


Meeting Lewis by the main gate the next day at school, Gregg explained what had happened and what he had seen. He explained what he had done afterwards and showed him the pictures. ‘You’ve done really well.’ Lewis told him.

Gregg emailed them all over to Lewis’s phone and once sure he had received them all ok, happily deleted them from his own. ‘Thanks,’ Lewis said, ‘Leave it with me. I’ll let you know if I need your help with the raft.’

Lewis opened up the full-frontal picture of the younger boy, took a face only shot off it, saved it, then blew it up as big as he could. He studied it for a while memorising it as much as he could. Then he spent the rest of break wandering round looking at faces without success.

After lunch he met Ella in the playground as usual. He showed her the full-face picture. ‘Can you help me find this boy,’ he asked, ‘I know nothing about him except that he needs help.’

He sent the picture to Ella’s phone, and they separated. Half an hour later Lewis got a call from Ella. ‘Found! If you were standing with your back to the main gate, look to the left and he’s in the furthest possible corner.’ He returned a thumbs up and headed over.

He found Ella first. She nodded over to a young lad sitting on his own in the corner just staring into space. ‘I’m sure that’s him.’ she said. Lewis agreed, ‘It certainly looks like him,’ he said, ‘thanks.’ ‘I’ll leave you to it.’ Ella said and wandered off.

Lewis wandered over, decided it was definitely him and plonked himself down beside him. ‘Hi,’ he said offering his hand, ‘I’m Lewis.’ ‘Oh, hi.’ the lad said evidently surprised. ‘I’m Nelson.’ He shook his hand. ‘Do you live in Pine Walks?’ Lewis asked.

‘No.’ Nelson said looking surprised, ‘I live on Atlantic Road. But I have been to Pine Walks.’ ‘It’s just when I saw you sitting here, I thought I’d seen you somewhere before,’ Lewis told him. ‘I’ve been trying to think where. For some reason I thought of Pine Walks, but that was probably because my pal Gregg lives there.’

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t recognise you.’ Nelson said. ‘Although I was at Pine Walks yesterday after school.’ ‘What number?’ Lewis asked. ‘Twenty-seven,’ Nelson told him sounding sad. ‘My pal lives at number nineteen,’ Lewis said, ‘But I wasn’t there yesterday.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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