The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: I Want You to Be My First
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: I Want You to Be My First - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
If you co-operate, I’ll see you get enough of the proceeds of this house to buy yourself somewhere smaller to live. I’ll also arrange for you to keep the money in this account. In the meantime, I suggest you consult an estate agent about selling this house and start looking for somewhere else to live.’ He gave her a card. ‘This is the solicitor you need to use for the sale and purchase.’
As they were leaving, Brian got the text ‘Terminate Order’ He had already had the ‘Item Sold’ notice for Dunstan, so he contacted the car holding Jenkins and had him sent to the garage. Later he got a text saying, ‘Item in stock,’
Sending the remaining team back to the station to sort through all of Jenkins papers, he set off for the garage. Going in, he found Jenkins was still unconscious. He had brought his iPad with him, so he typed up some notes on the case whilst he waited. Twenty minutes later he heard some sounds from the table. Standing up he could see Jenkins was awake.
He sat on the edge of the table and looked down at him. ‘Barry Jenkins, you have been found guilty of assisting in the supply of illegal drugs by a jury of twelve good men.
‘The first part of your sentence,’ Brian told h33m, ‘Is to experience the misery you have been responsible for inflicting.’ He showed him the normal syringe. ‘This holds five times the dose your victims use, so if you survive the suffering, we’ll talk some more.’
As Jenkins looked at him with terrified eyes, Brian cut the front of his clothes to expose his groin, then injected the canula. ‘I’ve just put a canula in your groin right where heroin addicts inject themselves with your heroin,’ Brian told him. He held up the syringe for him to see then injected it into the canula.
Jenkins did the usual twitching, muffled screams and frothing mouth which lasted for a good fifteen minutes. Once he had settled down, Brian said, ‘Blink if you can hear and understand me.’ Jenkins blinked several times. ‘The second part of your sentence,’ Brian told him, ‘Is to be executed by the lethal injection of a dose of heroin fifty times the normal dose. That’s ten times greater than you’ve just experienced.’
‘I can tell you that your suppliers, the Dunstan’s in the village, died on this table yesterday. Now I have the power to cancel that sentence if I think you have been helpful. So, listen very carefully. In a moment I’m going to put my recorder by your head. Then I will undo the strap over your mouth and remove your gag.’
‘If you don’t do exactly what I am about to tell you, I will put the gag back and inject you with this. He showed him the syringe. But if you give your full name then tell me everything, how you were recruited, by who, how you were paid, everything you know, then if you tell me true, I’ll put this syringe away and release you. Blink if you understand.’
‘As Jenkins blinked rapidly, Brian put the syringe up on the shelf and set his recorder. ‘Remember, say anything except what I’ve asked. and the gag goes back, there will not be a second chance.’ As he spoke there was a terrible smell. Brian realised Jenkins had messed his pants.
Throwing a blanket over his waist to mask the smell, he undid the strap and pulled out the gag. ‘I’m sorry about the smell,’ Jenkins said sounding terrified. Then before Brian could say anything, he reeled off his full name, then spent the next twenty minutes giving all the details he had been asked for.
When he finished, ‘He added that’s everything I know honest.’ Brian smiled at him, ‘I believe you,’ he said. He put the gag back in and replaced the strap over his mouth. ‘I’m going to go now and check on what you’ve told me,’ Brian said. ‘If you’ve lied to me, I’ll know then I’ll be back to inject you. But if what you’ve told me is true, I’ll come back and release you.’
As he turned the tap on the canula to start the blood flowing into the can, Brian said, ‘I’m leaving the canula in ready, just in case you’ve lied to me.’ Then he got up and left.
Four hours later he returned. He had brought an aerosol disinfectant spray with him and a bag of old towels. When he opened up, the smell hit him again. He could see from Jenkins colour that he was dead. He gave the room a good spray then checked his pulse and eyes, then felt the can of blood under the table.
Satisfied, he undid all the straps and put him in a body bag. A good job I cut the front of his trousers rather than remove them he thought to himself. Most of Jenkin’s mess had been contained in his clothes. Before zipping up the body bag he gave a good spray inside.
Going out with his can of blood, he stopped to get a good lung full of fresh air before opening his boot to put the can inside. I must empty these when I get home, he reminded himself.
Getting in the car he started the car to warm up, then sent the text, ‘Item Ready for Collection’ Then he went home for a nice hot shower. After his shower he spent the rest of the evening bringing his tape recordings and transcripts up to date.
The next day, as soon as Brian arrived at work, Reg came over and asked if he could speak to him. Taking him into his office, Brian asked, ‘How can I help?’ Reg handed him the letter he had received that morning. It invited him to attend for the next available National Investigators Exam and gave location and possible dates.
Brian smiled at him, ‘That’s great he said, good luck.’ ‘Thank you, sir,’ Reg said, ‘Not just for the good wishes, but for arranging this, for I’m sure you had something to do with it.’ Brian grinned, ‘How did you come to that conclusion?’ he asked. ‘I checked with two other PC’s I know who applied on the same day as I did,’ Reg told him. ‘They’re still waiting.’ ‘No comment,’ Brian said with a laugh, ‘Perhaps we’ll make a detective of you yet,’ he added.
Brian next updated the whiteboard with the names collected from Dunstan and Jenkins. Then he arranged with Len to hire a minibus. He would pick up the children at Centre Parcs on Saturday morning, then he and the WPC would return them home. He informed the WPC and asked her to make sure that the people collecting them were indeed their parents or guardians.
All that was left now was to deal with the three local dealers. Wilson, Triggs and French hadn’t moved much over the previous few days, so Brian gave instructions to let him know the minute the first one moved.
After school Lewis headed over to the shop. He sat behind the counter and chatted to Mike for a while then went through and put the kettle on. As five o’clock approached, Kaye arrived, and Mike waved her through whilst he served the last customer and locked up.
When he went through Kaye came straight over and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the lips. ‘This is probably a silly question now,’ Mike told her, ‘But are you happy?’ ‘Very.’ she said with a big beam on her face. She automatically glanced at Lewis as she said it, something not unnoticed by Mike.
They had their coffee’s sitting round the table. ‘Arnold has lost another five pounds this week.’ Fiona told Lewis. Then seeing Mike looking puzzled she realised how much Lewis meant his confidentiality rule. She had always trusted him not to blab, but she had still assumed someone so obviously as close to him as he and Mike were, would know. Especially with Mike being involved in allowing use of the room.
She told Mike about Arnold being obese and that she had got him dieting. ‘Lewis is an expert at that,’ he told her, ‘He had a friend who was also obese. He took him under his wing for a year. Today he has a perfect figure and swims for the school. Perhaps you should introduce the two of them,’ Mike suggested looking at Lewis, ‘It would really encourage Arnold.’
‘That’s an excellent idea,’ Lewis said, ‘Now why didn’t I think of that.’ ‘Right,’ Mike said as he finished his coffee, ‘I’m off. Lovely to see you again Kaye.’ He stood up and they had another hug and a kiss. Picking up his coat he headed for the door.
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