The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: An Accident on the Canal

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: An Accident on the Canal - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Ron woke up first the next morning. Lewis was still fast asleep, so he got up and went for a shower. When he returned and started getting dressed, he had just put his shorts on when Lewis woke up. He smiled at Ron, “How did you sleep?” he asked. “Soundly and with lovely dreams,” Ron told him. Lewis, still naked, stood up and gave him a hug. Ron kissed him and then bent down and kissed Lewis’s cock, now limp and hanging loose. “Hello again,” Ron said, talking to Lewis’s cock. Lewis laughed and headed for the bathroom.

After a breakfast of cereal, they cast off and sailed along to the lock they had walked to the previous evening. This lock took them down quite a way to the lower level. The gates nearest them were open so as they approached Ron jumped off and walked ahead to film Lewis sailing the boat into the lock.

Once in the lock, they swopped places and using Lewis’s phone, Ron filmed Lewis closing the lock gates and checking the paddles were closed. Then Lewis went to the far end of the lock and opened the paddles very slightly, Ron still filming. Then they swopped places again before the boat started going down. Ron opened the paddles fully, off camera, then he filmed Lewis at the tiller as the boat sank down into the depths of the lock. Next Ron went along the canal and Lewis climbed up the ladder in the lock wall. Ron filmed him opening the lock gates, and the boat sitting in the lock. Then Lewis climbed back down and sailed the boat out of the lock towards Ron.

Ron hopped back on board, and they sailed off along the canal. As they went along, they talked about their enjoyment the previous evening. Lewis pointed out, “That only happened because you told me you had dreamt of doing it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known you wanted to.” Ron nodded, “I know,” he said, “It seems silly now we’ve done it, but I felt too embarrassed to tell you at first.”

Lewis smiled at him, “Well let me help you with those other dreams you haven’t told me about yet. When I was getting ready to suck you last night, apart from the suck, which bit gave you a lot of pleasure?” Ron went red again, so Lewis told him, “Could it have been this bit?” As he spoke, he stuck his tongue out and waved it round. Ron went even redder and nodded.

“So, when my tongue touched your bum, not only did it feel nice, but it also reminded you of your dream didn’t it?” Ron nodded again, still red in the face. “But it wasn’t my tongue in your dream, was it?” Ron shook his head. “Ok, Lewis said, “We’re getting there. Did you dream it was one of these instead of my tongue, Finger, Foot or Cock?” Ron grinned at the idea of a foot, he nodded, and this time said, “Yes.” He was losing his red colour too.

“Well, we both know a foot wouldn’t fit,” Lewis said with a grin, “So it has to be finger or cock. Now, I’d love to put my cock up inside you, but knowing that you’ve never had anything up your bum before, I would insist on putting my finger in first because it’s smaller, to make sure you were ok with it. So, when we go to bed tonight, if you want me too, I’ll rub some oil on your bum and do with my finger what I did with my tongue. Then if you still like the idea, I’ll slide my finger inside you. If you like that and want to continue, I’ll put my cock in you, then only if you like the feeling, I’ll keep going in you until I fire. Would that match your dream?”

Hearing Lewis describe it took away all of Ron’s embarrassment. “Yes,” he said, that sounds lovely, and it was your cock I dreamt of.” “Halleluiah!” Lewis said, “I knew I’d get you to tell me in the end.” Lewis looked at him and said, “You realise that means I know what your other dream was?” Ron went red again, but emboldened by their previous discussion, he said, “I guess so, in my other dream, I put my cock up your bum.” Lewis smiled at him, “So that’s two more dreams you’ll have come true,” he said. Ron couldn’t speak, he was so excited at the idea, but his face said it all.

They were approaching a small town as they finished talking. Ron remembered from his last visit that there was a Chinese chippy not too far from the canal, so they decided they would stop and pick up an order, then sail just past the town and tie up to eat. There was a good towpath by the town with mooring rings built into the side to tie up to. They moored the boat and walked into town after Ron lit the oven and put it on low.

They had a bit of a wander around first, then went and picked up their meals. Lewis wanted a Chicken Fried Rice and Ron wanted a Sweet and Sour Chicken with chips. They decided they would share them and have half each. Returning to the boat, Ron put the meals on plates and put them in the oven whilst Lewis cast off. They sailed for ten minutes to put themselves clear of the town, then moored up. They sat at the table in the galley and tucked in. After all their activity last night, they were both ravenous, so the plates were soon completely empty.

They had brought a couple of cream cakes too, so they took them out of the box and started on them. They were just finishing when they heard a crash and a scream from the towpath. They rushed up on deck to find a cyclist had come off his push bike and landed in the grass on the far side of the towpath. He looked to be around sixteen years old, slim and about five feet ten inches tall. His bike was lying across the tow path whilst he was lying in the grass clutching the inside of his thigh. He was wearing a T shirt and shorts being a warm day. Lewis could see what looked like blood on his fingers.

Going closer carefully, Lewis spotted an old lump of wood amidst the grass, with some nails sticking out, one of which seemed to have blood on it. “What happened?” Lewis asked after introducing himself. “Hi, I’m Tony,” the boy told them, “I was out riding and as I passed your boat, I was admiring the boat instead of concentrating on where I was going. My wheel hit something, and I got thrown off.”

“As I landed, I felt something scrape my leg and then there was pain and blood. Then you appeared.” Lewis told him to lie still whilst he checked him over. “Apart from your leg,” Lewis asked, “Do you have any pain anywhere.” “No,” Tony replied, “I banged my head and shoulder as I fell but they don’t hurt at the moment.” Lewis did a quick check on his pupils for concussion, then asked him to move his arms and legs carefully, then his head.

Happy with his movements, Lewis took a look at his leg, the bleeding had stopped, but his thigh had some nasty scratches from midway upwards. “Ok,” Lewis said, “It doesn’t look too bad, let’s get you into the boat and check you over properly.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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