The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: When Bed Sharing Spreads

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: When Bed Sharing Spreads - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Then I realised that instead of feeling a cock against my bum, I was feeling breasts against my back.’

‘I turned over and it was you. You were fast asleep and had moved close in your sleep.’ ‘What did you do?’ Fiona asked. Jane went very red again. ‘Go ahead,’ Fiona said, ‘Remember it’s only a dream, you didn’t actually touch me.’

‘Well, I reached out slowly and rested my hand on your breast,’ Jane said. ‘How did it feel?’ Fiona asked, evidently delighted with the story. Seeing she didn’t seem to mind, Jane said, ‘It felt lovely, firm yet soft but,’ and she paused, ‘Go on,’ Fiona encouraged, ‘I had such a desire to feel it in the flesh.’ she said.’

‘And did you?’ ‘No, I woke up just before we got up.’ Jane said sounding very disappointed. ‘And here’s me just sleeping through it all night,’ Fiona said, ‘Missing all the fun.’

‘You’re not offended?’ Jane asked. ‘No, it sounds rather nice,’ Fiona said, ‘Perhaps we should try spending a night together in one bed and see what happens.’ ‘Oh gosh,’ Jane said, ‘Really? I never dreamt it could actually happen.’ ‘Well, let’s see how the day goes and decide later.’ Fiona said. They went downstairs and spent another nice day with Garth and Percy.’

‘That night as we came upstairs after our evening meal,’ Garth said, ‘Both couples had another hug and kiss before parting. This time both the hug and the kiss were slightly longer.’

‘Percy and I returned to our room and got changed for bed. As we got ready, we discussed our day. ‘I told Jane the same as you said about sleeping together without sex.’ Percy said. ‘She seemed to like the idea, although she didn’t say she would.’ ‘Well, we both got a longer hug and a longer kiss tonight,’ I told him, ‘So we’re heading in the right direction.’

‘Once they were ready for bed, Percy hesitated and looked at me. ‘Go ahead,’ I said, ‘Ask me anything you like, I won’t take offence.’ ‘Would you er..., can we try er..., sharing the double bed.’ he managed to get out. ‘Sure,’ I told him, ‘Just remember that if either of us bump into the other at any time, it doesn’t matter, there’s no need to back away. Are you ok with that?’

‘Yes,’ Percy said sounding pleased. ‘Do you have any preference for which side of the bed you’re on?’ Percy asked. ‘No, I’m fine with either.’ I told him. ‘You get in wherever you want, and I’ll get in the other side.’

‘Once we were in bed and sitting up with about a foot between us, Percy said, ‘This feels very strange but quite exciting.’ ‘It’s up to you,’ I told him, ‘But my suggestion is when we settle down and switch the light off, we move together and have a trial close contact. That way you’ll be sure it’s ok, and it won’t worry you if it happens during the night.’

‘Ok.’ Percy said, ‘But will you supervise, otherwise I’ll be too scared to move.’ ‘No problem,’ I told him, ‘Let’s settle down first and see how we go.’

‘We switched the light out and wriggled down under the duvet. ‘Turn on your side and face towards me.’ I told Percy as I turned my back to him. I waited until I felt him stop moving and told him, ‘Move nearer to me by about six inches. Now reach your uppermost hand out and see if you can find my shoulder.’

‘I sensed his hand moving warily towards me. Then it touched my back against my spine about a foot down from my neck and he froze. ‘Now lift it up, move it higher and rest it on my shoulder.’ I instructed.’

‘He moved it cautiously until it landed on my shoulder. I could tell he was holding its weight off me. ‘It’s ok,’ I told him, ‘You can rest all its weight on me.’ After he had done so, I asked, ‘How do you feel having made contact?’

‘Nervous,’ he said, ‘But very excited.’ ‘Move forward another six inches,’ I said, ‘Keeping your hand where it is.’ When he had done so, I told him, ‘I am lying in a particular position. I want you to move your hand around on my body, anywhere you want, until you can tell me what position I’m in.’

‘His hand started moving down my side. He was clearly nervous, but he kept going. He reached my waist and moved up onto my hip. He paused so I prompted him, ‘Keep going, remember I said you can go anywhere.’

‘His hand moved down the side of my thigh to my knee, then he said, ‘You’re lying on your side with your back to me and your knees are drawn up.’ ‘Well done.’ I complimented him. ‘Now put yourself in the same position and get your front as close to my back as you can, from head to toe.’

‘Moving his hand back to my shoulder and keeping it there, he wriggled slowly forward. The first part to touch was his knees on the underneath of my thighs. He froze again. ‘That feels cosy,’ I told him, ‘Keep going, get really close.’

‘His knees slid along the backs of my thighs and several things touched at once. His knees slid up to the back of my knees. His feet touched mine. His chest touched my back. His face was up against the back of my head and before he realised it, his cock was pressed against the crack in my cheeks.’

‘I think it was that that made him freeze again. ‘That feels really nice,’ I said, ‘Are you liking it?’ ‘Yes.’ he said as I felt his cock starting to grow. ‘I can’t stop it growing,’ he said, ‘Shall I move away.’ ‘No,’ I told him, ‘It feels nice. Stay where you are, unless of course you’re not happy there.’

‘He stayed where he was. ‘Now,’ I told him, ‘Put your hand over my front in the middle of my chest.’ When he had done so, I took hold of his wrist. ‘I don’t think you would manage to do this on your own,’ I said. ‘So, I’m going to move your hand to where it should be. Because it’s me moving it, you don’t need to worry about where it lands. When I let go, only move your hand away if you are not enjoying it being wherever it is, understood?’

‘Yes.’ he said sounding even more excited. I started moving his hand downwards, there was no resistance. I rested it on my stomach but kept hold of it. Then I moved it slowly down and rested it on my abdomen. I could feel his heartbeat increasing against my back.’

‘Then it went even higher as I started moving it lower still. As I rested it directly over my cock, now also very hard, he cried out in excitement. I took my hand away and his hand stayed locked in place. He was clearly terrified to move it in case I thought he was playing with my cock.’

‘Just relax and let your hand feel anything it wants to.’ I told him. It took him a while but soon he moved slowly and gently and felt my cock through my shorts. ‘You see what I meant about size.’ I told him.’

‘I let him stay there for a while, I was enjoying feeling his hand on my cock. Also, his bigger cock flexing against my bum even through two pairs of shorts felt lovely.’

‘Ok,’ I announced, ‘In a moment I’ll call out ‘Turn.’ When I do, we’ll both turn over and be in the same position as this, but with me at the back. ‘Are you happy with that idea?’ ‘Very.’ he said immediately.’

‘I gave him another few minutes then I called out, ‘Turn.’ We both turned over, and once he was settled, I moved up tight behind him. ‘Oh, that feels amazing.’ he said as my cock flexed against his bum. I put my hand on his chest and slid it slowly downwards.’

‘Percy got more and more excited as my hand went lower. ‘If you don’t like where my hand is, just call out stop and I’ll take it away.’ I told him.’ He didn’t speak, just kept making a happy sounding moan which increased in volume the closer my hand got to his cock.’

‘Soon my hand was resting on his cock over his shorts. It flexed like mad at my touch. It certainly wasn’t a whopper but compared to mine it felt like it was. Feeling it under my hand was lovely.’

‘We lay like that for a while, then I said, ‘Ok Percy, turn over as soon as I move away.’ I moved back six inches, and he turned over. I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder once we were facing each other. ‘Do the same with your hand.’ I instructed.’

‘Then I wriggled closer to him so that our fronts touched. As our chests made contact, we both moved our heads slightly so that they went each side of each other’s head. At the same time, we felt our cocks touch then throb, making both of us give a happy cry.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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