The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Lewis and Ron’s First Night Afloat

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Lewis and Ron’s First Night Afloat - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Lewis’s phone alarm started ringing. He came to slowly, realising that he was in a strange bed and there was a naked body alongside him. Then he remembered where he was and what had happened. He shook Ron to wake him.

They both hugged and kissed, as well as having a quick play with now limp cocks. “I set my alarm,” Lewis explained, “I knew we would probably fall asleep, and I didn’t want us to lose the afternoon or evening.” Ron grinned at him, “Especially the evening,” Ron said. “Let’s get dressed and get underway.”

They sorted out the heap of clothes, got dressed, opened the curtains and went on deck. Looking around, Lewis wondered if anyone in the other boats had heard their noises. There was no indication that anyone had, and they cast off. Sailing along sitting each side of the tiller as usual, Lewis asked, “So you enjoyed that then?” Ron looked at him with a big grin, “And how,” he said, “I’ve never had so much pleasure.” “Right,” Lewis said, “I fired you and then you fired me, so that’s two of your dreams taken care of already, so that only leaves one more, each firing the other at the same time.”

Ron said, “mm,” then looked as if he was about to speak, then changed his mind. Lewis grinned at him. “Think about two things I did when I was firing you,” he said, “I think they might be part of some of your other dreams, which can only come true if I know what they are.” Ron still felt shy about mentioning them but thinking how lovely the afternoon had been and what it would be like to live out his other dreams, he decided he would risk two of them at least.

“There were a couple of others,” he said going a bit red as he spoke. Lewis, who had the tiller, said, “Take your time and tell me, don’t forget I’ve had a lot more experiences than you.” They sailed along in silence for a while, Lewis could see that Ron was trying hard to get his words out but wasn’t succeeding. Ahead appeared another lock, so Ron gave up trying for the moment. It was a lock down to a lower level, so Ron told Lewis to stay with the boat whilst he did the gates and paddles.

Approaching the lock, the gates were closed and when Ron got out and walked up to the lock, it was empty with the lower gates open. He closed both gates, checked the paddles where closed, then opened the paddles in the top gates by the boat. The lock soon filled up, so he was able to open the top gates. Lewis sailed the boat in, and Ron closed the gates and closed the paddles. Walking along the side of the lock, Ron opened the paddle in the lower gate on his side of the canal, then crossed the gates and opened the one on the other gate. Lewis suddenly realised he was sinking. After a moment of panic, he remembered it was just the boat going down with the water. Even so, it was weird seeing the brickwork of the lock towering above him as the boat sank lower and lower.

Once the water level in the lock had sunk to the same level as the lower canal, Ron opened the gates, closed both paddles and walked along the bank past the lock. Lewis sailed out slowly and pulled into the bank so that Ron could jump on board. Stowing his winding handle, he sat back by the tiller.

“That was a weird feeling,” Lewis told him, “But an interesting experience even so, and that’s what life is all about after all, a series of experiences.” Ron nodded, thinking to himself, Lewis might be younger than me, but he sounds older.

After they had sailed along for a few minutes, Ron said, “About those dreams, the next one was me dreaming that you sucked my cock until I fired.” “That sounds nice,” Lewis told him, “What was the next one?” “I sucked you,” Ron told him. “And the next one? Lewis asked, “We sucked each other at the same time,” Ron told him, relieved that Lewis didn’t seem offended by the suggestions.

“Well, that gives us four to choose from,” Lewis remarked, so which would you choose to do before going to sleep tonight?” Ron thought, then said, “Can I leave it to you to choose?” “Sure,” Lewis told him, “I’ll surprise you later, I take it you’re happy to try them all?” “Oh yes,” Ron said, his voice making it clear that he had no doubt about that.

“It wasn’t too hard to tell me, after all, was it?” Lewis asked. Ron looked sheepish, “No,” he admitted. “So, it looks like we’re going to have a lovely evening then,” Lewis said smiling at him, “Then who knows, you might be able to tell me the others.” “How did you know...” Ron said then stopped and went red. “Experience,” Lewis replied with a smile, “Experience.”

Ron imagined putting into words what his other dreams had been and went cold at the thought. Yet he mused, it would be lovely to try them. I’ll never be able to, he told himself and put it out of his mind.

They sailed along for a few hours, then they came to a lift up bridge. It was like a drawbridge across the canal carrying a small country lane. Lewis decided that he would go and lift it whilst Ron took a video for him to send home. He jumped off the boat and walked along the tow path to the bridge. Ron had told him what to do, he used the winding handle from the lock to lift the bridge up as Ron filmed him. Then as nothing was coming on the lane or the canal, he went back to the boat and changed places with Ron.

As Lews sailed the boat past the bridge, Ron filmed him. Then he gave Lewis his phone back so he could film Ron lowering the bridge. Lewis and Ron looked at the video, decided it was ok and Lewis sent it to his mum with a text saying he’d ring soon.

They sailed on until about six o’clock, then tied up for the night. There was nowhere near to shop but Ron said he always kept enough supplies in for a few meals, so he would rustle something up. Soon there was a lovely smell of cooking wafting through the boat as Ron cooked bacon, eggs and fried bread. They sat around the table and tucked in. He had one can of cider left, so they shared it.

After they had eaten, washed up and cleared away, they sat out on the front deck drinking a cup of coffee. A few people passed, walking along the tow path, all gave a cheery hello as they passed. Ron told Lewis that most folk he met along the canal where like that.

They sat for a while after they had finished their coffee, then decided to go for a walk along the canal. They set off in the direction they would be going tomorrow. They eventually reached the next lock, which was deeper than the two they had already come through. Ron said he would film Lewis working it when then came through the next day.

They had walked for twenty minutes which is about a mile, so they decided to turn back. When they reached the boat, it was half past eight. They decided an early night was on the cards. Ron checked the moorings, then they took turns in the bathroom. Lewis went first, so by the time Ron came into the bedroom, Lewis was stripped to his shorts and lying on the bed.

He watched Ron strip off down to his shorts, then when Ron got onto the bed alongside him, he put his arms around him and kissed him. Ron kissed back and they lay there for a while enjoying the close contact. Soon their hands started exploring the others body and they both felt themselves stirring down below.

Lewis told Ron to turn over and lie on his front. He got up on his hands and knees and kissed the back of Ron’s head. Then he kissed the back of his neck and worked his way down Ron’s back. Ron was already making happy noises as new sensations surged through him. Reaching the top of Ron’s shorts, he took hold of the waist. Ron lifted his hips up without being asked and Lewis slid them down to his knees. Once Ron was lying down again, Lewis kissed all over both of Ron’s cheeks accompanied by happy moans from Ron, then he kissed down the back of his legs to his heels.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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