The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: A Mystery Visitor In The Night
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Mystery Visitor In The Night - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘So, what happened next?’ Lewis asked. ‘I had stopped putting the chair against my door,’ Kaye said, ‘Because he was being so good and trying so hard. A week had passed since I gave him his bonus and that night when I went up to bed, I took the scales into him.’
‘He stripped off and stood on the scales. He had lost another four pounds. I congratulated him and told him that he was only six pounds off his next bonus. ‘Also, I think when you’ve lost two stone we’ll do another set of measurements.’ I told him. ‘Measurements every two stone, photo’s every four stone should do.’ I added.’
‘Now, whilst you’re naked,’ I said, ‘I’ve had an idea for a position that might make your next bonus easier.’ Arnold had a double bed which had four pillows. So, I put all four in one heap and told him to lie on the bed with his head to the foot of the bed and his bum up on the pillows with his feet on top of the bedhead.’
‘Once he was in position I looked down at his cock. The position had made his rolls of fat on his abdomen hang up towards his head, away from his cock. I could have easily got hold of his whole cock.’
‘Try firing yourself in that position,’ I told him, ‘See how it goes. I’ll leave you to it. Goodnight.’ I kissed his forehead and headed for the door. ‘Goodnight.’ he called after me.’
‘As I closed the door I glanced back and saw his hand was already moving up and down.’ ‘Did it work?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Kaye told him. ‘The next morning over breakfast we were briefly alone at the table. He gave me a lovely smile and whispered, ‘It worked fine, thank you.’
‘As we walked to school, something we had started doing instead of Aunt Laura driving us, he told me again how lovely it had been to be able to fire himself without any struggle. ‘When you lose more weight,’ I told him, ‘You’ll be able to do it the same, but in a more comfortable position.’
‘As we walked on, he suddenly said, ‘Kaye can I tell you something in confidence.’ ‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘I’ll never repeat anything you tell me without your permission.’
‘He looked behind us to make sure no one was within hearing. ‘Before you started training me, I used to think about killing myself quite often, I was so unhappy.’ I stopped dead and looked at him. ‘Well, if you ever feel like that again,’ I said, ‘Don’t do anything. Come and find me even if you have to wake me up. Killing yourself would solve nothing and think how your mum and dad would suffer for ever afterwards.’
‘Ok,’ he said, ‘But I used to have thoughts like that at least once a week. Since you started training me, I’ve only thought it once.’ ‘The way you have behaved these last eight weeks,’ I told him, ‘I have no doubt that you’re ging to succeed and I’m sure you can imagine what a difference that will make to your life.’ That seemed to cheer him up.
‘You seem to be doing a great job with him.’ Lewis told her, ‘So, what is it that happened in the last two weeks that’s worried you.’
‘Two days after I’d had the conversation with Arnold about suicide,’ Kaye said, ‘I woke up in the dark and felt that there was someone in the room with me. I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not because I didn’t seem to be able to move.’
‘I sensed someone kneel on the floor at the side of the bed, and then a hand slid under the duvet and felt between my legs. Then it slid up the inside of my T shirt and caressed my breast. I was trying to scream but my voice wouldn’t work.’
‘My first thought had been that it was Arnold, but as the hand slid up the bare skin of my stomach and then moved about on my breast, I realized that I couldn’t feel any rolls of fat on the arm. I must have fallen asleep again, because the next thing I remember was waking up the next morning.’
‘I threw the duvet off and looked down my front. I always slept with my T shirt loose over my shorts, so I couldn’t see anything out of place.’ ‘I can sense a but coming.’ Lewis said.
‘It bothered me all day,’ she said. ‘I was convinced it had been real. I didn’t want to put the chair back under the door handle, having told Arnold to wake me up if he felt suicidal. So, the next night I tucked my T shirt inside my shorts all round. I also tightened the draw string on my shorts so it would stay inside.’
‘Nothing happened for three nights, then on the fourth night I had another similar dream, again I couldn’t move, but this time I felt the hand pulling my T shirt out of my shorts, so I knew for sure it was real. The hand caressed my breasts then slid down the front of my shorts and felt all over my hairs. Then again, I woke up the next morning. But now my T shirt was loose at the front but still tucked in round my back.’
‘That’s when I decided to take Marias advice and come to see you.’ ‘How was Arnold with you whilst this was happening?’ Lewis asked. ‘Just the same as always,’ Kaye said. ‘I didn’t say anything to him because I felt sure I knew him well enough by now to be able to tell if he was hiding something from me.’
‘Tell me everything you did on the two nights it happened, from when you decided to go up to bed.’ Lewis asked. ‘Arnold had already gone to bed,’ Kaye said. ‘I got up and said goodnight to Aunt Laura and Uncle Clifford, then went up to the bathroom.’
‘Did you take anything up with you?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, just my usual glass of water,’ she said, ‘I got it myself from the tap.’ ‘Ok take me through everything from when you reached the top of the stairs carrying your water.’ Lewis instructed.
‘I went into my bedroom and put the glass on the bedside table,’ Kaye said. ‘Then I went into the bathroom to the toilet and for a wash. After that I went to bed.’ ‘Did you see or hear anyone else once you were upstairs?’ ‘Uncle Clifford was going downstairs as I came out of the bathroom,’ Kaye told him, ‘That’s all.’
‘When do you usually drink your water?’ Lewis asked. ‘Whilst I’m reading before I settle down to sleep.’ Kaye told him. ‘Although I leave one good mouthful in case I wake in the night.’
‘At breakfast the next morning did anyone pass any comments different to usual?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, I don’t think so,’ Kaye said, ‘All I can remember is Aunt Laura complaining that she hadn’t slept at all well and felt very tired.’ ‘Was that on both occasions?’ Lewis asked. ‘I think so,’ Kaye said, ‘I remember her saying it on two occasions, but I couldn’t be certain about when the other one was.’
‘Never mind,’ Lewis told her, ‘We’ll deal with that before you go. What was the next thing to happen after your second nighttime visitor?’ ‘Two nights later it was Arnolds weekly weigh in,’ she said. ‘As always on those nights, when I went up to bed I took the scales into him.’
‘He just jumped out of bed and stripped off without being asked, he was really at ease with me now. He got on the scales, and he had lost another six pounds. ‘Wow, well done,’ I told him, ‘That’s a total of two stone you have lost so far.’
‘He gave me a beaming smile, then a few seconds later another one even bigger. I knew the first one was genuine delight at the lost weight. The second one was when it registered that he was due another reward.’
‘Ok, let’s do the measurements first.’ I told him. ‘I did them all, but I couldn’t measure his soft cock, because the anticipation had made him hard already. I’ll get that one later, I told him. Now before I give you your reward, I want to teach you a couple of things.’
‘You enjoyed your reward last time, didn’t you?’ ‘Yes, it was the nicest experience I’ve ever had.’ he told me. ‘Can you tell me what made it so nice?’ I asked him. ‘Because it was the first time someone else had done it for me,’ he said. ‘And because you were so gentle and nice about it.’
‘In the future, when you have a girlfriend and you do things for her too,’ I told him, ‘If you are gentle and nice about what you do, she will enjoy it too. Then she will want to enjoy it over and over again, just like you want me to keep firing you.’
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