The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Destroying The Evidence
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Destroying The Evidence - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As Kaye sobbed in his arms, Lewis just held her close with one arm and stroked the back of her head with the other. Putting his head by hers he said in her ear, ‘Let it all out, a good cry will do you good. But be sure that between us we are going to sort all this out so you can go on and have a happy life.’
Kaye cried even louder, partly because of her suffering, and now partly with happiness at what Lewis was suggesting. The two soon cancelled themselves out and her sobs faded.
‘Go and rinse your face,’ he told her, ‘Then come back for another hug and I think you deserve a kiss too.’ As she got up and went to the bathroom, she was wondering what sort of kiss he had in mind. ‘It would be lovely to have a proper kiss with Lewis.’ she was thinking to herself.
Returning, she found Lewis standing up with his arms open. She walked straight into them, and they hugged with their heads on each other’s shoulders. Kaye couldn’t help herself wondering how nice it would be if Lewis was naked too. She was amazed she could even think that after her recent experiences.
‘You know the kiss you had with the boy at school,’ Lewis said, ‘Can you demonstrate what it was like?’ She lifted her head up off his shoulder and looked him in the face. ‘You mean kiss you?’ she asked with excitement. ‘If you can.’ Lewis said. ‘Ok.’ she said happily as she moved her face closer. Lewis let her lips make contact, then as she tried to kiss, he kissed her back. After a few seconds he broke off.
‘How did that compare?’ he asked. ‘Ten times better.’ she said hoping he was going to repeat it. ‘Do you want to try once more?’ he asked. Kaye didn’t answer she just moved her lips to his. They had a long kiss then when she broke for air Kaye just said, ‘Wow.’
‘I promise you that you’ll be doing that with your boyfriend before very long.’ Lewis told her. He moved away and sat at the end of the settee. ‘Come and lie down again.’ he said patting the settee. Kaye moved over and lay down feeling amazed that she could be walking around naked with a boy looking at her and feel so relaxed.
As she settled down, Lewis rested one hand on her head and massaged gently. Then as he rested his other hand flat and still over her hairs, she smiled up at him feeling so content.
‘Well done,’ he said, ‘You’ve told me the gist of the problem. All that remains now is to tell me every little detail. Then we can decide what to do.’ Hearing him say ‘we’ made Kaye feel so good, she knew she was no longer bearing it all alone.
‘Before you start,’ Lewis said, ‘Can you picture Arnold standing naked and describe him to me in detail.’ ‘Between thirteen and fourteen,’ she began, ‘He seemed to have had a growth spurt. He is several inches taller than me now. He is also much stronger, although being so obese he has no stamina.’
‘I think that if he shed all his fat, he would have quite a good figure with broad shoulders. His hips are hard to tell as he is now. I guess he’s about five feet eleven tall, He has dark hair, and his man boobs are much bigger than mine.’
‘He has a patch of dark hair on his chest, but it’s not very thick. His waist is non-existent, and his stomach is like a balloon. The tops of his legs are bulbous, and he has a very small tuft of dark pubic hairs. When he is soft it is almost impossible to see his cock or his balls amidst the fat.’
‘When he is hard it only looks about two inches long. But with all the fat around it, it’s difficult to judge. It is also very thin, even when hard it is only about the thickness of my little finger.’
‘How far back was the first occasion?’ Lewis asked. ‘Ten weeks.’ Kaye said with a shudder. ‘How many times has it happened since?’ ‘Once definitely.’ she said looking as if she could burst into tears again.
‘Thank you,’ Lewis said, ‘I can picture him now. Ok. I want you to start at the beginning and tell me everything that happened in as much detail as you can.’
Kaye lay for a few moments thinking, then she began. ‘Shortly before his birthday,’ Kaye said, ‘He seemed to get even worse if that was possible. Then six weeks ago I’d gone up to bed on the Saturday night. I had sat up in bed reading for a while, it was a good book. I had glanced at the clock and saw it was gone midnight, but being Saturday I didn’t think it mattered.’
‘Suddenly my door flew open. It didn’t have a lock on it, I’d never needed one, no one had ever come in whilst I was there. I looked up startled to see Arnold standing in the doorway completely naked. He never looked attractive anyway, but naked he looked even more revolting.’
‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘Go back to your bedroom. No one wants to see you looking like that.’ I was worried, but not over concerned at that point.’
‘Then he closed the door and came over to the bed. I said, ‘If you come any closer, I’ll scream for your mum and dad, you shouldn’t be in here.’ ‘Make a sound and you’ll regret it.’ he said looking even nastier than usual. ‘This is my house,’ he said, ‘Not yours, I’ll go where I like.’
‘If you scream, it’ll be the last sound you ever make.’ I was really frightened then. Even as bad as he was, I couldn’t believe he was threatening to kill me, but that’s what it sounded like.’
‘As he spoke, he had moved right up to the bed, then he suddenly grabbed my neck and started strangling me. I struggled but he was very strong, and his weight made him almost immovable. I thought I was going to die. Then as quick as he started, he let go. As I coughed and spluttered, he said, ‘Do as you’re told, or I won’t let go next time.’
‘He yanked the duvet off and got up on the bed astride me. ‘Fight me and I’ll strangle you.’ he said. Then he dragged my T shirt off. I think mine were the first breasts he had ever seen. He seemed hypnotised for a while, then he started feeling all over them.’
‘I felt sick, and it must have shown on my face. ‘You think you’re better than me, don’t you?’ he said. Perhaps unwisely I retaliated with, ‘I’m certainly not as obese as you. Your breasts are twice the size of mine and as a boy you’re not meant to have any.’ He started squeezing my breasts very hard, I was terrified he would damage them.’
‘Apologise for that,’ he said, ‘And I might stop.’ ‘I’m sorry,’ I gasped, ‘Please stop, you’re going to do some damage. Then I’ll have to go to hospital and explain how it happened.’
‘That worked, he stopped squeezing, but kept hold. ‘Upset me and I’ll hurt you.’ he said. He moved to my side and keeping hold of a breast with one hand he started pulling my shorts off. ‘Please don’t,’ I begged. ‘Lift your hips up or I’ll start squeezing.’ he said. I lifted my hips.’
‘When they were off, he felt all over my hairs. Then he pushed my legs apart and poked his finger into me, he was very rough, and it hurt. Then he lay on top of me. I could hardly breathe with his weight. I could feel something tickling me near my vagina. It took me a while to realise it was the end of his cock.’
‘He was clearly trying to get it inside me, but every time he tried to push in, his stomach seemed to stop him getting close enough.’
‘If you rape me, they’ll take you away and lock you up.’ I told him, ‘Then you’ll only get basic food rations for years.’ ‘They won’t believe you,’ he said. ‘I’ll tell them you enticed me in here because you were desperate for sex. You’re much older than me so they’ll blame you. You know that mum and dad will back me up.’
‘I opened my mouth intending to say that no one could be that desperate but thought better of it. He had a few more attempts at trying to get his cock to go into me and failed. It clearly upset him, and I decided to give him a chance.’
‘So far, you haven’t done anything really bad,’ I told him, ‘Why don’t you go back to your bedroom right now and I promise I’ll say nothing to your mum and dad. But if you ever come back again like this, I’ll scream the place down and take my chances with the police believing me.’
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