The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: An Unfrocked Priest
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: An Unfrocked Priest - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
The Superintendent had had another vehicle fitted out similarly, this time with a central heating firm’s logo on. These were alternated every few days between the shops.
It soon became clear that both shops were supplying local dealers only, not users direct. A file was soon built up of photos of over forty suspected dealers. Many they were able to identify from police records.
Jenkins was recorded having lunch with another unidentified male later in the month. He too brought a briefcase with him, so he was followed when he left. He went to a large house on the outskirts of the next town. A check of the address showed it was owned by a Norman French. The electoral register showed he lived there with his wife and a twenty-year-old son. The house had been bought three years ago with cash.
Jenkins meanwhile had gone to the big house, then he went right across the city to a rundown area. His trace showed him stop briefly in a side street just off the main road. Then he returned home.
Constable King happening to be around at the time was given a picture of the box in the wall by DI Johnson, and the location Jenkins had just stopped at. He was told to go in plain clothes and see if he could find a matching box. He was advised that it would likely be up an entry in the back wall of a shop. Telling him to try not to be noticed, he was sent on his way.
Chuffed to be going solo, he changed into his civies, then went in his own car. Parking in the side road where Jenkins had parked, he could look down the road at the Manchester Ship Canal. He got out and strolled aimlessly up the entry behind the shops. He got to the end of the entry having seen nothing, so he turned back and checked once more.
Reaching his car, he crossed the road and went up the opposite entry. He passed three back gates, then sure enough, there was a box in the wall matching the description. He checked no one was about, then took a photo on his phone. Looking up at the roofs, he was able to work out that the box was in the wall belonging to the third shop along.
He carried on up the entry, coming out into the next side road. Turning back out onto the main road, he crossed over and looked back at the row of shops. He could see that the third shop along was a video hire shop.
He took several photos in all directions making sure to include a picture of the shop as well as its location in relation to the others. Crossing back over, he strolled back to his car passing the shop on his way. He glanced in in passing, but it looked no different than any other video hire shop.
Back at his car, he made a note of the shops address, then rang DI Johnson who had sent him, in case he wanted him to do anything else. Explaining what he had found, DI Johnson told him, ‘Well done, come back and do me a brief report with your pictures.’
Returning to the station, he downloaded his picture of the row of shops. Also, a picture of the metal box built into the wall. He wrote out what he had found along with the address. He had included the post code which he had looked up online, plus the shop phone number which was displayed in the window. Printing it out, he took it up to the incident room that he knew DI Johnson was using.
As he entered, Brian was just coming out of his office. He nodded to him and took his report. Giving it a quick read, he told him, that’s excellent, thank you. ‘Are you working on anything specific at the moment?’ he asked him. When Roy said no, Brian told him to give his team a hand for the rest of the day. ‘Ring your section Sergeant and tell him what you’re doing,’ he told him, ‘Tell him to contact me if there’s any problem.’ ‘Yes sir,’ Roy said, delighted at the prospect.
After ringing his Sergeant, Roy went over to speak to the officer Brian had pointed out to him. Detective Sergeant Aiden Walters introduced himself and shook hands. ‘You can help me search records,’ he told him, ‘It’s boring but essential.’
Brian was already planning an operation to raid all three shops, and the big house all at once, as well as hopefully picking up the courier at the same time. He wasn’t planning on raiding the homes of Wilson, Triggs and French, doubting if he’d find anything other than cash. He felt confident he could deal with them at a convenient later date. But he didn’t want to act whilst there was a chance to nail the big supplier.
DS Walters and Roy were searching through all sorts of records, police and internet to build up as much information as they could on all the suspects. It was something Roy seemed to have a flair for so by the end of the session, DS Walters was delighted with him.
‘Thanks for your help today,’ he said as Roy was leaving. ‘How would you feel about staying on here for a few weeks?’ ‘Great,’ Roy replied, ‘It’s all good experience.’ ‘I can’t promise anything but leave it with me.’ ‘Thanks, Sergeant,’ Roy said as he left.
The next day, DS Walters had a word with Brian. ‘You know you said we could do with some extra bodies on this case,’ he said, ‘Well I’d like to suggest young Roy who you sent to help me yesterday. He seems to have a flair for seeking out information and he’s a pleasure to work with.’
Brian had been impressed with him too, so he looked up his record. He was interested to see that he had been a bobby for two and a half years. Also, he had glowing reports from everyone he had worked with. Two things in particular caught his eye.
First that Roy was waiting to sit his National Investigators Exam, the first step to becoming a Detective Constable. But it was the second item that he was most interested in. Giving his reasons for wanting to join the force, as well as many of the usual ones, one in particular caught Brian’s eye.
‘My best mate at school Robert, got hooked on drugs,’ Roy had told the interviewing officer. ‘We had been pals since primary school. When I left school, he went on to university. I didn’t see him after that, then within a year he had become a drug addict, ending up committing suicide because of it.’
The interviewing officer had asked him ‘Who do you blame for his death?’ ‘Robert has to take at least half of the blame,’ he had replied, ‘After all we are all responsible for our own actions. But if there were no drug dealers, the temptation wouldn’t have been there, then he would still be alive. I can’t do anything to help Robert, but I can do something to help take drugs off the streets. That was the main reason for me deciding to apply to join the force.’
Brian who had had a similar experience with a close nephew knew how he felt. He rang Roy’s section Sergeant there and then. As a result, when Roy reported for duty the following day, he was told to go and report to Brian.
When Roy arrived, Sergeant Walters came over to him, ‘Welcome back,’ he said, ‘The chief wants to see you first, then you’ll be working with me to start with.’ He took him over and knocked on Brian’s office door. Going in, he announced, ‘Constable King is here chief.’ Then he left, closing the door behind him.
‘Come and sit down, son,’ Brian said indicating a chair in front of his desk. ‘Everyone speaks highly of you, and I was impressed with the way you handled the little job I gave you the other day. DS Walters has sung your praises, but don’t tell him I told you that,’ he said with a grin.
‘I’ve looked at your record and seen the reasons you gave for joining the force. I think you’ll fit in well with our group. For how long the powers that be will let me keep you I have no idea, so I’m afraid your future with us is a little uncertain.’ ‘I understand sir,’ Roy told him, ‘But thanks for the opportunity, if nothing else it will add to my experience.’
‘I see you’re waiting to sit your NIE, how long have you been waiting?’ ‘Six months so far,’ Roy told him. ‘Bloody ridiculous,’ Brian muttered. ‘How confident do you feel about taking it?’ ‘I’d like to think I’ve learnt everything I’m supposed to,’ Roy said with a grin, ‘But when they give me a date I’ll still be revising like mad and nervous on the day.’
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