The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: The Final Victim?
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Final Victim? - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Tuesday teatime, Danny was cycling home after spending a day with Lorraine and her mum. He was just passing the end of the linear park when his phone gave a ping. He pulled into the picnic area and read his text. It was from Kevin one of Gordon’s victims that he had interviewed some time ago. He asked if it was convenient could he give him a ring. Danny sat down at one of the picnic tables and rang him.
Kevin explained that his friend Gerry had been one of the boys who had denied it had happened. Kevin explained that he had noticed he was getting very withdrawn and depressed. “I got him to call round to mine when everyone was out,” Kevin told him. “We sat and chatted a bit, then I said, do you remember that Gordon Jones everyone was asking about? He nodded, so I told him, well, I was one of his victims. He looked surprised so I said, you’ll notice that it hasn’t affected me, but it did very badly to start with, so I went to see the chap my parents asked me to go to. He wasn’t a doctor and he’s a similar age to us, but he talked me through it, and I’ve been fine ever since.”
“Why are you telling me? he asked. I told him that since around that time I had noticed a drastic change in him, and I could only wonder if he had been a victim too. But before you say anything, I said, whether you were or whether you weren’t, something is obviously bothering you. So will you let me arrange for you to go and just have a chat to Danny. I told him no one but me would know he’d been and nothing he talked about would ever be known by anyone but you and him.”
“Anyway, he said he would. So, I didn’t press further. Will you see him?”
“Of course, I will,” Danny told him, “Can he come for half ten tomorrow?” There was a muffled sound of two voices then. Kevin said, “Yes that’s fine, he doesn’t want his parents to know so he’ll come on the bus. I’ll come with him, then I’ll go for a wander once I’ve introduced you.” “Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Danny told him. “Thanks Danny,” he said, “He’s a good mate, I don’t like seeing him like he is. See you tomorrow.”
The next morning Danny got to Johns just after ten. He put his things in the front room ready and sat in the kitchen to wait. At twenty to eleven there was a ring on the bell. When Danny opened it, Kevin and his mate stood on the step. Kevin threw his arms around him in a bear hug. “Great to see you again, sorry we’re late the bus got delayed.” he said, “Thank you so much for what you did for me.” “Glad to have helped,” Danny told him, “It’s good to see you so happy.” Kevin put his arm out towards his companion, “This is my good pal Gerry,” he said, “I’m hoping you can work your wonders on him.” Danny shook hands and looked Gerry up and down. He was about the same height as Danny, of similar build and jet black. “Welcome Gerry,” he said, “I can do lots of things but only if you help me, so it’s really in your hands, ok?”
Gerry nodded. Kevin said, “I’m off to explore the area, text me when you’re done.” With that he put his hand on Gerry’s shoulder and said, “I trust Danny totally, otherwise I wouldn’t have brought you here, so don’t waste the opportunity. I want my old pal back.” Then he trotted off down the drive.
“Come on in, Gerry,” Danny said. They went in and Danny closed the door, then took Gerry through into the kitchen. He sat him at the table, got two cokes out of the fridge, gave Gerry one and sat opposite him with the other. “Let me tell you how this works,” Danny told him. “We sit here and have our cokes whilst you tell me a little bit of general stuff about yourself. Then we go in the other room and relax a bit more, by which time hopefully you’ll have relaxed enough to tell me about, or at least give a hint of what’s troubling you.”
“So let me tell you that nothing you say to me will ever be repeated. Even Kevin will never hear anything about it unless you tell him. Depending on what the problem is, you may need some physical examination, so I’ll tell you now, I’m not a doctor and if I think it’s necessary, I can only examine you if you agree ok?” Gerry nodded. “I’m not a psychiatrist either, I just seem to have the knack of making people feel at ease with me enough to tell me their problems, but as has already been said, it’s really in your hands. I can do nothing unless you help me.”
“Now,” Danny said, “All I know about you so far is that you are a pal of Kevin’s, and something is bothering you. I know you were in the area of Gordon Jones at a bad time and that you said no to your parents when asked about it. That your answer should have been yes has to be a possibility, but if it’s something totally unrelated, I’ll still do my best to help, ok.” This time he got a nod and a “Yes, thank you.”
“So, in your own time, tell me something about yourself,” Danny said, “Age, family, hobbies, girlfriends, hopes for the future, anything at all so I can get to know you.” Gerry took a swig of coke then told him, “I was fifteen last week, I live near Kevin with my mum dad and a younger brother. My hobbies are walking, cycling, computers and railways. I don’t have a girlfriend yet, I have Kevin and a few other good mates and when I leave school, I’d like to be either an engineer or a mechanic, something working with my hands.” “How do you get along with the other kids at school,” Danny asked. Gerry told him, “I have my group of mates who are really good, most of the others are ok and we get on well but there are a couple who don’t like me because I’m black and can be quite nasty about it.”
“How does their nastiness show?” Danny asked. “Mainly they just call me names,” Gerry told him, “But there have been occasions when I’ve had the odd punch or kick.” “How do you feel about it,” Danny asked. “I don’t like it and I wish it wasn’t like that, but I don’t let it bother me,” Gerry said, “There are white kids who get bullied too for a variety of reasons. And it’s the bullies who will spoil their lives by being like that.”
“That’s a very good outlook,” Danny said, “Well done, don’t let that change.”
“Now,” Danny said, “I know that Kevin has told you how we met, how do you feel about what happened to him?” “It’s terrible,” Gerry said looking angry, “People like that should be put down or...” then he realised he was overreacting and came to a stop. “Did Kevin tell you what happened to Gordon Jones?” Danny asked, “No,” came the answer. “Perhaps I’ll tell you later if it’s relevant,” Danny said, “I think you would like it.”
They had both finished their cokes by now, so Danny led the way through to the front room. He asked Gerry to take his shoes off, then whilst he was doing so, he lifted the end cushion off the settee, sat down and put the cushion on his lap. When Gerry stood up, Danny indicated he should stretch out on the settee with his head on the arm. Once he was settled, Danny rested one hand on his head and the other on his chest.
“What we’re going to do now,” Danny said, “Is, I am going to relax your head and chest like this,” he demonstrated, “Whilst you answer some questions. I want you to try not to just say yes or no, try and give as much detail as you can. But if the question really embarrasses you, just say pass and I’ll try again later, ok?”
Gerry nodded. “What we’re trying to do is get you relaxed enough for a very simple physical fitness test, checking your heart, lungs, joints etc. So, when you feel relaxed enough to take your top things off, I want you to either jump up, take them off and lie down again, or just sit upright and I’ll help you. Ok?” “Yes,” came the instant reply.
Danny started his massage, thinking how different Gerry’s hair felt. “Have you had any illnesses or accidents in the last five years,” Danny asked. “I had my appendix out about three years ago,” he replied, “And I broke my thigh bone two years ago when I fell of the back of a friend’s homemade trolley.” “You’ve been in the wars,” Danny said, “Have you had any aftereffects from either of them.” “No,” Gerry replied with a smile, “They both healed up fine.”
“During an average week,” Danny asked, “Not counting time at school,” “How much time would you spend with Kevin?” Gerry thought for a few moments then said, “About an hour each night and half of Saturday and Sunday.” “How much time with anyone else?” Danny asked. “Probably only a couple of hours with a couple of my other pals, all the others are just at school.” Came the reply.
“Are you a virgin?” Danny asked. Gerry went silent for a few moments, then a quiet little voice whispered, “Yes.” “Did you feel embarrassed answering that question?” Danny asked. “Yes, a bit,” Gerry told him. “So why didn’t you say pass?” Danny asked. “I don’t know, Gerry said, “I was embarrassed, yet telling you seemed ok somehow.” “That’s a good sign, Danny told him, “And if it’s any help, up to a few weeks ago, I was too, but that’s another story,” he said with a big grin.
Gerry smiled at that. “Are you still a virgin because you choose to be, or is it because you haven’t had any opportunity to lose it?” Danny asked smiling at him. “No opportunity,” Came the prompt and clear reply. Danny said, “Now, you’ve just told me that you are a virgin and it’s only because you haven’t had the chance to have sex yet. How many people have you told that to?” “No one ever,” Gerry said. “Because you would find it too embarrassing?” Danny asked. “Yes definitely,” Gerry replied. “Yet you’ve just told me, so you must be feeling very much at ease with me already,” Danny said, smiling at him.
Gerry smiled back, “I’m amazed,” he said. “So,” Danny said, “Thinking of what you’ve just told me, can you tell me what exactly being a virgin means?” Gerry thought, then said without any hesitation, “It’s someone who’s never had sex.” “Ok,” Danny said, “So imagine I haven’t a clue what having sex means and explain it to me.” “Well, in a man’s case, it means he hasn’t put his erect penis into a woman’s vagina.” “Excellent explanation,” Danny told him, “But can you believe you just told me that?” Gerry grinned again, “No, I’ve never said anything like that to anyone before. Can I ask you a question?” Gerry asked. “Certainly,” Danny replied, “Go ahead.” “What if,” Gerry asked, “You went into a woman but didn’t fire, would you still be a virgin.” “No,” Danny told him, “The definition of virgin is someone who’s penis has never entered into a woman. Just going in is a loss of your virginity.”
“I’ve always wondered,” Gerry said, “But had no one I would have dreamt of asking.” “You’re doing well,” Danny told him, “A good result is looking increasingly probable. Show me how relaxed you’re feeling.” Gerry was puzzled for a moment, then he remembered what Danny had said earlier. He sat up, stood up, took his top things off then lay back down. “Well done,” Danny told him.
Danny resumed his head and chest relaxing, saying, “I’m going to ask you more questions to get you even more relaxed. What we’re aiming for next is for you to feel able to strip to your shorts. When you do, I will know you are ready for a simple fitness test. Your brain and your body are the same. Feeling able to get undressed in front of someone takes time and is best achieved in stages. Similarly, getting you to release the information in your brain is best done in stages. So far you have stripped to the waist, are being relaxed by massage and have talked about lots of things in your brain that you haven’t done with anyone before. So, we are heading in the right direction.”
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