The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: A Frustrated Priest

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Frustrated Priest - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Then when I had shrunk completely,’ Mark continued, ‘His tongue gave my tip a good licking. Well, I howled with delight at the feeling that gave me.’

‘Whilst all this was going on, I had seen Uncle Jimmys twinkling eyes watching me. As he very slowly let my soft cock slide out of his mouth, I expected he would be making a dash for the bathroom. I knew the amount of cum I’d fired must have filled his mouth to capacity.’

‘As my cock finally slipped out and dropped between my legs, he gave me a lovely smile and said, ‘I really enjoyed that, I hope you did too.’ ‘It was fantastic.’ I said before it suddenly hit me.’

‘Your mouth is empty.’ I said, I couldn’t understand how that had happened. He grinned. ‘I told you two of the options,’ he said, ‘But there’s a third. You can eat it.’

‘As I looked at him with my mouth open, he continued, ‘It’s usually only done when you’re sucking someone who’s very special to you.’ He moved up alongside me and put his arm around me.’

‘We kissed and held each other close. I was feeling so happy at the sensations I’d just had, but also knowing Uncle Jimmy felt that I was so special to him made me feel really good too.’

‘His cock was still rock hard. I took hold of it and felt all over it. I was determined that I was going to try sucking him, but I remembered what had happened when his tip had touched the back of my throat.’

‘He must have realised that I was working something out in my head, but he misunderstood what it was. ‘Remember what I told you, you don’t have to suck me.’ he assured me, ‘I’d be more than happy if you fired me by hand again, or even just went to sleep in my arms.’

‘No, it’s not that,’ I said, ‘I really do want to suck you. It felt so wonderful when you sucked me, I want to experience doing it for you. I was just concerned that your tip would keep touching the back of my throat and I’d be choking all the time.’

‘He smiled, ‘When my school pal and I tried it many years ago, we had the same problem,’ he said. ‘After he had finished coughing, I told him to put his mouth on me again, but go down very slowly, especially as he got near to my hairs. Be ready the moment my tip touches to pull off, I told him. But only pull off a quarter of an inch.’

‘He looked puzzled, just like you are doing now,’ Uncle Jimmy said smiling. ‘Think about it. Where you’ve pulled back to is the furthest you can go down on my cock without choking. So, you then put one hand round my cock with the side of your hand tight against your lips.’

‘Then you keep your hand there all the time. Now you can slide your mouth up and down as hard as you like. It will hit the side of your hand each time and stop you going too deep.’

‘I smiled, ‘That’s a brilliant idea,’ I said, ‘That was my only worry. Uncle Jimmy, I want to suck you.’ ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘But remember, I will enjoy it whichever option you use, so pick the one that suits you.’

‘I will,’ I told him, ‘Take your position.’ I got off the bed and he moved over to the middle. I got up between his legs and copied him with his legs on my shoulder.’

‘I managed to heave him up, but when I tried to take his balls in my mouth, they were too big and my mouth was too small, so I only managed to take one in. I enjoyed it just the same and played with it with my tongue.’

‘Uncle Jimmys happy noises suggested he was enjoying it too, so after a while I let it drop out and took the other one in. That made him make even more happy noises. When I lowered him down, I took hold of his cock right at the bottom and held it still whilst I put my lips around it. Then I slid them down until they almost reached my hand.’

‘Taking my hand away I slid my lips down very slowly and carefully. The second his tip touched the back of my throat I pulled back. It was very hard only to lift off a quarter of an inch, but I managed it.’

‘The touch on the back of my throat had been so slight and short that all it made me do was splutter. I took hold of the base of his cock once more, this time with just my top three fingers. I pushed my mouth down slowly as far as my fingers allowed, and nothing touched the back of my throat.’

‘Happy it was safe to proceed, I slid my lips up his cock then thrust down hard. As my lips hit my fingers round his cock all was well, so I went into a slow but regular rhythm.’

‘I glanced up and saw Uncle Jimmy had his eyes closed and a lovely smile on his face. He had rested his hands on my head, and they were moving easily with it.’

‘I kept at the same speed for as long as I could, then when Uncle Jimmys hands tapped gently on my head I increased speed slightly. It felt lovely sliding up and down his cock, but when it throbbed, which it did frequently, it felt even better.’

‘I could have happily gone on for ages, but it seemed no time at all when he tapped my head fast and a bit harder. I went a little faster and seconds later I felt his cock swell.’

‘I heard him start to scream in ecstasy at the same time as it gave its first pulse. I felt the first jet of cum hit the roof of my mouth. I’d given it careful thought, so I put my plan into practice. Whilst keeping my lips tight on his cock to contain it, I managed to swallow a tiny bit to taste it.’

‘To my surprise it was as Uncle Jimmy had said, creamy, pleasant and very slightly salty. By now the second jet was filling my mouth so decision made I started swallowing as fast as I could. I was still sliding my lips up and down and kept doing so until just after the last shot.’

‘Then I went much slower whilst still swallowing. As his cock started to shrink, I went slower still, then came to a stop. I had swallowed everything by now, so I started giving his tip a good lick. His noises showed how much he was liking that.’

‘Then as it became really soft, I let it slip slowly out and drop down between his legs. As soon as it was out, I clamped my lips together and puffed my cheeks out. Lifting my head to look straight at him I managed to hold my cheeks puffed out for about thirty seconds. Then I opened my mouth and said, ‘You were right, it did taste nice.’

‘I could see he was moved by the fact that I’d eaten it. ‘I enjoyed it too,’ I said, ‘I’m glad I’ve had the experience, and that I had it with you.’ I moved up beside him and we kissed.’

‘As we lay there in each other’s arms he asked, ‘What made you decide to eat it?’ ‘I wanted to from the beginning, for the same reason you did,’ I told him, ‘But I wasn’t certain I would be able to. So, the moment your first jet started I tasted a bit. That decided it.’

‘We’ll always have a bit of each other inside us now,’ he said, ‘So we’re even closer now than we were.’ I got up and put the duvet over him, then got into bed alongside him. We wrapped ourselves in each other’s arms and were soon asleep.’

‘We woke the next morning just in time for me to have a shower and breakfast before we headed to the station. ‘Have you ever regretted any part of that weekend?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, never.’ Mark told him. ‘As things worked out, I haven’t seen him since, but I still feel just as close to him.’

‘That’s nice,’ Lewis said. ‘You both agreed to do what you did. You both enjoyed it. It’s left you both with happy memories and it hurt no one. And you had some life experiences. You can’t say better than that.’

‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘You told me that on a previous visit you’d discussed your confirmation with Uncle Jimmy. Can you tell me how that went?’

Mark went silent as he thought back to the time when he had parents. He gave a sigh. Then he began. ‘It had been made very clear to me that if I didn’t go along with confirmation, I was likely to be ostracised by my entire family.’ he said.

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