The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: Rendezvous at Lock 43

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Rendezvous at Lock 43 - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Saturday lunchtime, Lewis had a text from Ron saying he was heading back and would be at the same area in three days’ time on Wednesday. Lewis had shown the pictures to his parent’s, when he got back from his first trip, and they had agreed he could go as long as he rang and spoke to them once a day. He checked they were still ok with that and then replied saying he could meet him in two days’ time on Tuesday and stay two nights if that was ok.

Ron replied soon after saying that if he looked on the canal map that he had given him, he would see Lock number 43. That was by a bridge crossing a main road which he should be able to find on his phone maps. I will be there in the morning of Tuesday he told him. If you’re not there when I arrive, I’ll moor up and wait. If I’m not there when you arrive you can either wait for me there, or cycle towards me, I’ll be heading down from lock 42.

Any problem text or call me on the day. Looking forward to having your company. Lewis sent him a text back saying, me too, hope you’ve been sleeping better. He got a pair of smiley faces back.

Tuesday morning, he was ready to leave at half eight. He had found lock 43 on the canal map and had no difficulty finding the location on his phone maps. He set the directions in, then set it for cycling. It told him it would take him an hour and a half to reach it.

It was a nice day, so it was a pleasant ride on mainly quiet roads. One hill slowed him down a bit but going downhill on the other side soon made up for it and freewheeling was great. He spotted the canal a while before he reached it, arriving at lock 43 dead on ten. There was no sign of Ron, so he set off along the towpath.

He had only cycled for just over a mile when he saw a boat in the distance heading his way. A few more minutes was enough to tell him that it was Ron. He waved and Ron spotted him, giving a cheery wave back. Ron pulled into the side and by the time Lewis reached him, he had finished mooring.

Lewis got off his bike and lay it down, then went over to Ron and gave him a hug, something Ron clearly liked. “Put your bike on the roof,” Ron told him, “I’ll go and put the kettle on.”

Going down into the galley, Lewis felt as though he had been sailing longboats all his life. As soon as he was down the steps, Ron grabbed hold of him, hugged him and gave him a magnificent kiss on the mouth. “I’m so pleased to see you,” he said, “I’ve been looking forward to it so much. And” he added, “I’ve slept well every night since.”

“I’m sure you’ll sleep well tonight,” Lewis said with a grin.” Ron went a bit red, and Lewis pulled him close, kissed him and said, “Don’t tell me you’re still shy with me?” “I’m sure it’ll soon pass now you’re here,” Ron told him, “It did last time.” He smiled at the memory. “So how often have you fired yourself since I saw you last time?” Lewis asked. “Every single night,” Ron replied without any hesitation. “There you are, it’s gone already,” Lewis said grinning at him. Ron laughed.

“Tell me about the dreams you’ve been having,” Lewis said, “But before you do, remember, I can make most of them come true, but I can’t unless you tell me what they are. And before you start getting embarrassed, I’d be very surprised if I haven’t either had all the same dreams or probably already done them.”

By now they were sitting in the galley each side of the table having a drink. Ron took a sip of his coke, then said, “Well I dreamt several times of you firing me, that will always be special. Then I dreamt that we were both in bed naked when you fired me, then another time I dreamt that I fired you. Another night I dreamt that we fired each other at the same time.”

Ron came to a standstill then.

Lewis looked at him and smiled, “What about all the others?” he asked. Ron went red, “I couldn’t tell you those he said.” Lewis grinned, “Ok, we’ll leave those for now,” he said, “But unless you tell me, they can’t come true and you would like them to, wouldn’t you.” Ron went red again and nodded.

They finished their drinks and whilst Ron started the engine, Lewis went ashore and untied the mooring ropes. Pulling the stakes out, he hopped back on board, taking his seat on the other side of the tiller to Ron. Once they were moving, Ron handed the tiller over to Lewis.

As they sailed along, Ron looked at his map and said, “There’s a lock up ahead, then a village beyond that. We’ll stop there for lunch. When we get to the lock, I’ll go ashore and operate it, you stay with the boat so that you can experience going up or down in the lock.”

Half an hour later they reached the lock. As they approached, Lewis steered the boat into the bank so Ron could jump off with his winding handle. The lock was going to lift them up to a higher level and the lower doors nearest them were open ready. Lewis slowly steered the boat into the lock and drifted to a stop. Ron closed one lock gate behind him and closed the paddle. Then he had to walk the length of the lock, cross over the far gates and walk back so that he could close the other gate and paddle.

Lewis was now floating in a brick walled enclosure closed at each end by two giant timber gates, which towered above him. Ron was walking back to the other end of the lock. He opened the paddle in one gate then crossed the gates and opened the other paddle. As soon as he started opening the first paddle, Lewis felt the boat move as he heard water gushing into the lock. The water pushed the boat back until it bumped gently into the gates he had just sailed through. Ron had warned him that would happen but nevertheless, it was a little unnerving the first time.

When both paddles where opened the sound of water gushing in echoed around the lock and Lewis could see from the lines of bricks the lock was built of, that he was rising up.

Soon his eyes were level with the top of the lock, and he could see out again. A minute later the lock was full, the water now the same level as the higher-level canal. Ron closed both paddles, then put his back to the arm of the lock gate and using his feet pushed it open.

Going around the lock again, he opened the other gate the same way. As Lewis engaged the engine and started to slowly sail out of the lock, he steered so the boat was close to the side where Ron was standing. He jumped aboard and they sailed off along the canal.

Sitting at the stern, side by side with the tiller between them, Ron asked how he had felt in the lock. “It was a bit scary to start with,” Lewis told him, “But very interesting.” “With a bit of luck, we’ll have to go through a lock the other way as well,” Ron said, “Then you’ll be an expert.” Lewis laughed.

They chatted as they sailed along. Moving at four miles an hour through the countryside, you certainly took in more of your surroundings. They cruised along for just over an hour then reached a small village just to one side of the canal. There were two other boats moored so they moored behind them.

Walking in to explore the village, it was like going back in time, timber clad cottages plus a very ancient looking church and cemetery. There was also what looked like it was once the village school but now it had been converted into a house.

The nearest building to the canal was the only shop in the village. It sold just about everything, plus it had a café. They had a look around the shop which hardly had any spare space, it was so full of goods. They saw many things that they had no idea what they were. In the hardware section there was a plaque on the wall saying, “Here you can buy Four Candles and Fork handles.”

Lewis treated Ron to a lunch at the café, they had homemade fish and chips, a plate of lovely fresh buttered bread, a coke each and two large chocolate eclairs to follow. They both felt full afterwards thanks to the size of the portions.

They strolled back to the boat in the sunshine. As they got back on board, Lewis said, “The walk around the village plus a big lunch makes me feel like a siesta.” Ron liked the idea, so they locked the door and went through to the bedroom. Ron drew the curtains and they stood together in the small area between the door and the bed.

They hugged each other and kissed. Lewis lifted the back of Ron’s T shirt and ran his hands up and down his back, making Ron give a shiver of pleasure. Lewis whispered in Ron’s ear, “Remember you don’t need permission, anything I do to you, you can do to me.” Ron needed no more encouragement; he slid his hands up Lewis’s T shirt and felt really excited as he felt Lewis’s smooth skin under his hands.

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