The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: An Unexpected Holiday For Butler

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: An Unexpected Holiday For Butler - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

The close up showed them a perfect view of his cock disappearing into her vagina and sliding out again. It was as real as if they were standing over them watching. Every time it slid out it had an oily sheen on it showing how excited she was.

In between those shots they were treated to glimpses of his hand caressing her breasts and occasionally his lips sucking her nipples.

Joey and Gregg had unconsciously begun stroking the cock in their hands. They were feeling their hand stroking a cock and their cocks were feeling a hand stroking them. So, they both forgot they had hold of each other’s and adjusted their stroking to match their own inclinations.

That of course meant they both went faster and faster. Suddenly the man in the film cried out and gave some extra hard thrusts in. The woman screamed out too, it was evident he was shooting his load into her.

Gregg and Joey had been stroking the cock in their hand much faster as the film built up to a climax and just after the man shot his load, they both cried out, ‘I’m coming.’ and shot their loads accompanied by some lovely cries of delight from each of them.

As their jets of cum soared up in the air, they both remembered they had hold of each other’s cocks. They watched it soar up and crash down into their hairs because of the angle they were sitting.

They both lay back exhausted but happy. Joey stopped the film. They had a quick kiss then they both got up and went into the little bathroom. They got the worst of the cum out of their hairs with toilet paper then had to wash themselves in cold water.

Once dry, they lay flat on the bed and hugged each other close. They kissed frequently and played with each other’s now limp cocks. ‘That was good.’ they both said, ‘We’ll have to come back and watch some of the others.’ Joey said. ‘We’ll have to try a full-length suck too,’ Gregg said grinning. ‘After all, we went the whole way with the other end so we should do this one the same.’

‘That sounds a good idea,’ Joey said. ‘This can be our den.’ They lay in each other’s arms for a while enjoying the naked contact. Then they stood up and had a naked hug plus a last play with each other’s now very soft cocks.

After getting dressed, they had a final hug and a kiss. Then Gregg got back on his raft and paddled back home across the pond. Joey stood on the balcony watching him go. He moored over the step and got out. No need now to hide the raft.

They waved to each other, and Joey went back inside. He had a root through all the drawers and discovered a dozen DVD’s which the labels made clear were pornographic. He collected them all together and hid them behind the drawers of the bedside table. He didn’t anticipate his mum coming down here, but he thought he would be better safe than sorry.

He returned back to the house and had just made himself a drink when his mum arrived home. ‘Andrew is on his way over to help with the bedroom,’ she told him, ‘So I’ve asked him to stay for dinner.’

‘That’s good,’ Joey told her smiling, ‘I like Andrew a lot.’


On Tuesday evening, Lewis had a text from Butler about Sandra. ‘Hi Lewis, thank you again for Sunday. I’ve been dreaming about Sandra ever since. I thought she was lovely. I don’t care how far away her home is, I’d like to keep in touch. Would it be possible to have her phone number, or at least could you send her mine?’

Lewis texted back telling him the same as he had told Sandra. ‘Ok, thanks.’ came the reply, ‘I’ll text you a week on Thursday.’


During the day, Lewis had a text from Mr Forshaw the solicitor asking him to contact him when he could. When he rang him later, Mr Forshaw told him he now had the deeds to Mrs Bates house. He told him a number of interesting facts that had shown up in them.

‘Under the circumstances,’ he said, I’ve sent the deeds to you so that you can take them to her and explain things in person.’ Lewis thanked him for all he had done.

When he got home that night, the deeds had arrived in the mornings post. He read through them with interest. He texted Joey to say he had them and wanted to bring them round to discuss them when it was convenient for his mum.

Joey contacted him soon after to invite him to come for dinner the next evening. At school the next day Joey told him Andrew was joining them too. ‘Can I suggest you invite Gregg as well.’ Lewis suggested.’

Joey rang and confirmed that with his mum, then went and found Gregg.

Mrs Bates had dinner ready when they all arrived that evening, so Lewis left it until after everything had been cleared away.

They all sat around the dining table once more and watched as Lewis opened the big envelope the solicitor had sent. He handed Mrs Bates the official deeds of the house.

‘Whilst he was transferring the deeds,’ Lewis told her, ‘The solicitor discovered some rather interesting facts which he looked into. He’s put all the details separate.’

‘Apparently a few hundred years ago, the whole area that this housing estate was built on used to be the grounds of an old manor house. The pond at the bottom was built in sixteen forty-three as part of the garden landscaping when it changed hands.’

‘When the housing estate was first built, the land was split up into small plots for each house and as they were each sold, they were given new individual deeds. There is no record of why, but the pond and the whole area around it was left attached to the last of the surrounding houses to be built.’

‘Mr Forshaw thinks it likely that the builder was going to hang onto it as a separate plot. However, at the end he realised there was no access left. So, he just stuck it on the deeds to the last house to be sold just to get rid of it.’

‘That house was this one. So, all that area now belongs to you.’ he said smiling at Mrs Bates. Lewis spread the map out that the solicitor had sent. It showed the pond, its surrounding land and all the houses that backed onto it.

‘Well, I never,’ Mrs Bates said, ‘I have never even seen it. What am I going to do with it?’ She automatically looked at Andrew, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Lewis.

Seeing her looking at him for help Andrew said, ‘It would seem to me that it has been left virtually untouched since the house was built. That has made it a perfect conservation area. As there is little else you could do with it, my suggestion would be to simply leave it as it is.’

Relieved at finding an easy solution, she turned to Joey and looked at him enquiringly as she said, ‘That sounds a good idea to me.’ ‘Me too,’ Joey said, ‘As long as it’s understood that Gregg has permission to sail his raft on the pond.’

‘Knowing exactly why that request was made,’ Andrew immediately said, ‘That’s a great idea, then someone will be keeping an eye on it.’ Joey gave him a thank you smile.

They spent the rest of the evening playing monopoly and much to her surprise Joeys mum won. ‘This property owning must have inspired you.’ Andrew told her laughing.

As they all left, they all exchanged hugs and kisses. Lewis noticed that Andrew got Mrs Bates’s best hug and kiss. He gave Gregg and Lewis a lift home. After they had dropped Gregg off Andrew said, ‘Gladys is a lovely lady.’

‘Yes, indeed she is,’ Lewis agreed, ‘And Joeys a lovely lad. You’ll make him a great dad.’ The car did a slight wobble as Andrew said, ‘Is it that obvious?’ ‘I don’t think anyone else has noticed yet,’ Lewis told him, ‘Certainly not Joey, but I’d be very surprised if Gladys hasn’t.’ ‘I’ve been trying to decide how long I should wait,’ Andrew admitted. ‘How do you think Joey would take it?’

‘I’d be very surprised if there was any problem,’ Lewis said. ‘In the unlikely event there was one with Joey, I’m sure I can sort it. Gladys, in my opinion, has already decided.’ ‘Any suggestions as to the best way to do it?’ he asked as they pulled up outside Lewis’s house.

‘Well, what you could do... ‘ Lewis told him his idea. Andrew smiled, ‘I like that,’ he said, ‘When would you suggest?’ ‘The sooner the better.’ Lewis told him. As he went to get out, Andrew asked, ‘Oh Lewis, that card you showed Gladys, could I see it?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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