The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Two Men For Sandra.
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Two Men For Sandra. - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Feeling it throbbing in her hand should have terrified her, but all she was feeling was excitement and desire. ‘Help me step out of my trousers.’ Lewis said after a while.
Sandra knelt down and took them off over his feet. Then seeing his bulge waving about in front of her face couldn’t resist giving it a kiss. She had to jump back as it erupted in a flurry of excitement. ‘That was lovely,’ Lewis said, ‘You couldn’t have dreamt that you’d be doing that today.’ As she stood up Sandra told him, ‘I’m going to have a lot of new dreams after today.’
They had another hug. This time Sandra could feel Lewis’s cock throbbing against her even more so. It sent lovely shivers through her. Lewis took her hand and led her over to the settee. ‘I am leading you to my bed,’ he said. ‘At this stage you should expect that we will make love. If you’re not happy with the idea, you should back out now.’
At the settee Lewis stopped and opened it up into a bed. Then they lay down and faced each other. They hugged and kissed and prompted by Lewis they caressed.
Then Lewis got up on his hands and knees. He rolled Sandra over onto her back and after explaining what he was going to do, he kissed his way down her front. He finished off by pretending to remove her panties. Then he ran his hand over her hairs and kissed them.
Next, he lay down alongside her, saying, ‘Your turn now, do to me what I’ve just done to you.’ Sandra got up on her hands and knees, her heart beating like mad. As she kissed her way down, she ran her hand over Lewis’s shorts and felt his cock.
Then as she kissed lower, she slid her hand down inside his shorts and with her heart pounding, her fingertips touched his hairs. As she moved further down, she was able to take hold of his cock in the flesh. As it throbbed in her hand, she felt so excited.
As she took her hand out, Lewis put his in and held his cock flat. Sandra slid his shorts down and off. As she tossed them aside, Lewis took his hand away. Sandra watched his cock spring upright and wave about. She stared at it feeling so excited. Knowing it would soon be going inside her both excited her and made her feel very slightly nervous.
She lay back down, and they turned to face each other. They hugged and kissed with Lewis’s cock now throbbing against Sandra’s hairs. Then Lewis rolled her onto her back. He moved down to kneel between her legs, then sat back on his heels. As she lay there looking at his hard cock pointing at her she still felt that slightest touch of nerves, but she was excited at the same time.
Lewis opened a condom and put it on. Sandra watched him do it fascinated. It was the first time she had ever seen one, let alone seeing it being fitted. Smiling at her when he was done Lewis asked, ‘Are you sure?’ He explained that she should always be asked that on the first time at least.
He lay down on top of her, guiding his cock so it lay squashed between them. Sandra had expected to feel it sliding into her and wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
Lewis kissed her and explained why he hadn’t gone in. He lay still for a few moments, then asked, ‘Are you ready?’ ‘Yes,’ she answered casting all nerves aside now.
As she felt Lewis lifting his hips up, she knew this was it. She braced herself for pain but couldn’t bring herself to say stop. She felt him start to lower down, then his tip touched her opening. Before she could react, it started sliding in and such a lovely feeling started flowing through her.
As it went in deeper and deeper all fears disappeared, she knew now that it was true what she had expected. Making love with Lewis would be painless, nothing like what she had suffered previously.
When she felt all his weight resting on her, Lewis’s cock was throbbing about deep inside her. She kissed him and told him how wonderful it felt.
Then as he eased out and thrust gently back in, she screamed with ecstasy. As he kept going, her noises increased with the amazing pleasure she was feeling. She felt him increase his speed slightly. That made her pleasure increase too, as did the noises she was making.
Lewis kept going steadily, then his feeling kicked in. He slowed down as much as he could. Sandra didn’t notice, she was in a new world of delight. He kept moving at his slower speed hoping that he could hold back long enough.
Fortunately, Sandra was so excited her climax hit quickly. She went rigid and screamed with ecstasy as her vagina grabbed Lewis’s cock in an iron grip. The feeling Lewis had given her earlier swept through her once more, but this time even nicer.
She knew everything that was happening, but she couldn’t move. It seemed strange but lovely. Then she felt herself starting to relax. Lewis suddenly started moving again, but this time going much faster and harder.
Then he screamed out as he gave some extra hard thrusts in. She felt him pulsating as his condom filled up. She didn’t feel any wetness but felt the warmth deep inside.
As he slowed down and came to a stop they kissed, and she felt his cock going soft inside her. He lay on top of her briefly, then told her about getting hold of the condom.
He sat back on his heels so she could see the condom hanging loose on his cock and full of cum. She gazed at it amazed at the quantity. Lewis took it off, wiped his cock then lay back on top of her. After a quick kiss he rolled them both onto their sides.
‘The man is always spent after firing,’ he told her. ‘His instinct is to go to sleep. But he needs to remember how heavy he is. So, he should roll you both onto your sides first.’
They wrapped themselves in each other’s arms. After a long kiss, Sandra thanked him and told him how amazing it had been. She pulled him tight to her, enjoying the close contact. The next thing she remembered was waking up to the sound of an alarm.
As she came to, she found herself naked and lying next to a naked Lewis smiling at her. All the memories came flooding back. She smiled back and said, ‘That was a wonderful experience, thank you.’ ‘As you have discovered,’ he told her, ‘Your instinct is to fall asleep afterwards.’ He told her about setting an alarm.
They stood up and had a naked hug. Sandra had a last feel of Lewis’s cock. ‘Get dressed now,’ Lewis said, ‘Then we’ll have a coffee whilst we wait for Butler. He’s confirmed that he’ll be here.’
Sandra suddenly had a thought, ‘What if I meet him and I just don’t like him?’ she said. ‘Just give me a signal with your eyes,’ Lewis told her. ‘You can give him a kiss and let him feel your breasts, but not see them. Then I’ll show him out. He’ll be happy as Larry and won’t know he’s missed anything.’
As they sat drinking their coffee, Sandra told him she felt so at ease with herself and so happy. ‘When I go home on Wednesday, my life will be so much better. And it’s all down to you.’ ‘Don’t forget Jeff and Isla played their part too.’ Lewis reminded her.
Shortly after Lewis’s phone pinged. ‘I’m outside the shop.’ was the text from Butler. Lewis went and let him in. After they had had a hug, Lewis told him, ‘I have someone in the back room I want you to meet and help me with.’ He led the way through.
Sandra had stood up ready. Lewis introduced them and they sat back at the table. ‘Sandra is here on a short visit from another country,’ Lewis told him. ‘She hasn’t had any experience with boys and needs some practice on breaking the ice.’
‘I thought you could help her if you’re willing. Perhaps enact how you would kiss and pet after your first few dates. Under my guidance of course.’ Butler gave her a big beaming smile. ‘I’ll be delighted to help in any way that I can.’ he said.
‘I’ve had no experience with a girlfriend,’ he told her. ‘Lewis has taught me what to do, but I haven’t met anyone yet.’ Sandra liked his open honesty and could sympathise with him.
‘I’ve been the same,’ she said, ‘Dreams but nothing real. We’ll be good for each other.’ she told him. ‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Butler, I want you to pretend you’ve just met Sandra and you’re inviting her out for the evening to the cinema.’
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