The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Joey and Gregg Meet

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Joey and Gregg Meet - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Lewis opened Desmond’s phone to find the pictures of Joey. He needed a password, so he asked for it. ‘No chance.’ Desmond said. ‘Please yourself,’ Lewis told him, ‘I will destroy the photos one way or another. If I can’t delete them, if necessary, I’ll smash the phone up with a hammer before we leave here instead. You’ll be in prison for ten years anyway, so it’s no use to you.’

He put the phone in his pocket. Once Desmond was dressed the handcuffs were put back on properly. Lewis opened the curtains and closed the patio door, then he led the way out and back up the path.

Going into the house, Desmond was told to go and sit at the kitchen table. ‘Where’s your computer?’ Lewis asked. Desmond just glared at him. ‘Ok, I’ll find it myself.’ Lewis said, ‘We have facilities at the station to bypass passwords on your phone and your computer. Perhaps you have done this to other kids too and that’s what you’re trying to hide.’

Desmond just looked sulky. Ten minutes later Lewis returned with his laptop. ‘Now,’ Lewis said, ‘Let me tell you what will happen next. When we’re finished here, I will ring the station and request a van to pick you up.’

‘You will be charged with raping a minor and keeping indecent pictures of a child on your phone. You will be kept in a cell overnight then you will go before the magistrate in the morning. At which point your arrest will become public knowledge.’

‘The Magistrate will read Joey’s statement about what you forced him to do. That will be backed up by mine and the Inspector’s statement of what we saw. Plus, he will see the film of you raping him that I took on my phone as we came in. He will also see another piece of evidence that I will show you in a moment. The magistrate will have to remand you in custody, because you reside at the same address as your victim.’

‘You will be kept in prison on remand for around six weeks before you go to Crown Court. With the evidence against you, you would be daft not to plead guilty. Even so you are looking at least at a ten-year sentence.’

‘Come through to the lounge.’ Lewis instructed. He led the way through and whilst Andrew told Desmond to sit down, Lewis was plugging something into the back of the tv.

Lewis switched the tv on and did something to his phone. On the tv they watched the video Lewis had taken as he stepped into the cabin. Desmond was clearly raping Joey, who was screaming in pain. The size of Desmond’s cock was clearly seen when he was dragged off him.

‘The Crown Court Judge is going to throw the book at you when he sees that.’ Lewis said. He signed into the internet and spun the recording on until he reached the moment Desmond entered the cabin. Spinning it back slightly, he pressed play.’

The interior of the cabin came on the tv. Then moments later they saw Desmond walk in followed by a very scared looking Joey. They watched it through until Joey gave his blood curdling scream. Then Lewis switched it off. When the Judge sees the fear and hears the pain Joey suffered, he’ll throw the book at you,’ Lewis told him. When he hears him pleading for mercy and you ignoring him, you’ll be lucky if you only get ten years.’

Desmond put his head in his hands, all his bombastic manner now gone. ‘I’ll lose my job,’ he said woefully. ‘I think that’s the least of your worries,’ Lewis said. ‘Convicts in prison have a real hatred for child rapists. You’ll be lucky if you still have a cock or your balls by the time you’re released.’

Desmond looked terrified at that. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt him,’ he said, ‘I just let my desires take control.’ ‘How many times have you done it to others before?’ Lewis asked. ‘None, ever.’ Desmond said. He gave Lewis the password to his phone and to his computer.

Lewis found the pictures of Joey on his phone. ‘What else have you done with these pictures?’ he asked. ‘Nothing,’ Desmond assured him. ‘I just took them to keep Joey quiet.’

‘Are they on your computer too?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, just my phone.’ he replied. Lewis checked through the photos on his computer. There was no sign of Joeys pictures although there were a lot of male porn pictures.

‘Did you go and offer them a home just to get at Joey?’ Lewis asked him. ‘No, certainly not.’ he said. ‘I had a letter from his mum. Joey’s dad and I were friends at school,’ he said. ‘Well, that’s not strictly true.’ he added.

‘Joey’s dad befriended me at school and stopped me being picked on. I’ve always thought of him as a friend, but I know he didn’t think of me as one, he was just a nice guy looking after someone suffering.’

‘I waited until the last minute in the hope they would find somewhere else. But when they didn’t, I offered them here. I thought I owed it to Joeys dad, but I suppose I should have known better than have a young boy in close proximity.’

‘Where do you work?’ Lewis asked. Desmond looked sad. ‘I’m a fundraising manager for a children’s cancer charity.’ he said. ‘My job involves no contact with children, I just devise and run the fundraising. I’m good at it too.’ he said sounding depressed.

‘So,’ Lewis said, ‘You’ve made Joey suffer terribly. You are now going to be responsible for him and his mum being homeless. And if you are to be believed, a worthwhile charity is going to suffer financially when it loses you.’

‘I just didn’t think,’ he said, ‘I let my cock rule my head. But you can’t turn the clock back.’ He added with a sigh.

‘Well, I can.’ Lewis said. As Desmond looked at him surprised, Lewis continued, ‘The Inspector here and I are part of a special undercover unit,’ Lewis told him. ‘As such, we have a lot of powers that ordinary policemen don’t have.’

‘I have other options open to me besides sending you to prison.’ As Desmond looked hopeful Lewis said, ‘But to give you an alternative option I would need Joeys agreement, I would need to be sure that if you continued with your job, it wouldn’t put any sick children at risk. I would also need to be sure that Joey is not just one in a long line of victims.’

‘I can’t expect Joey to agree after what I’ve done to him,’ Desmond said. ‘And I have no idea how you could confirm about my job. But if you check police records you won’t find me anywhere.’

‘Are you certain about that enough to put your future on it?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, definitely.’ he said. Lewis picked up his phone and dialled. He was relieved to find Derek on duty. ‘Good afternoon, Sergeant,’ he said, ‘It’s Lewis, could you do a CRO check for me please?’ He gave him Desmond’s name and address.

‘You’re being very formal,’ Derek said laughing, ‘I guess he’s sitting there with you.’ ‘Yes, that’s right.’ Lewis said. He heard Dereks fingers clicking on his computer. Then he said, ‘Nothing known, but he does have an unpaid parking ticket overdue.’ Thanks Lewis said. ‘Good luck with whatever you’re up.’ to Derek said and hung up.

‘You were wrong,’ Lewis said, ‘You are on the system.’ Desmond looked surprised and said, ‘But I can’t be.’ ‘You have an overdue unpaid parking ticket,’ Lewis said, ‘Otherwise you are clear, so we won’t count that.’

He was visibly relieved. ‘I’d forgotten all about that,’ he said, ‘I’d better ... but I suppose it hardly matters now.’

Lewis dialled on his phone again. ‘Hi Joey, it’s Lewis,’ he said. ‘I am considering a punishment for your uncle that will hit him hard but will save him going to prison. I would like to do this for a number of reasons which I’ll explain to you later. Are you agreeable? Thank you.’ Lewis said and put his phone down. He hadn’t actually dialled any number he had just been talking to himself.

‘Because it seems Joey is your first victim, and he is agreeable, I have decided to offer you an alternative to prison.’ Lewis told him. ‘I’ve also taken into consideration your loss to an important charity.’

As Desmond looked relieved, Lewis said, ‘But don’t get the idea you are getting off with it, it’s going to cost you dearly.’

‘I’ve weighed up all the suffering your actions have caused and the results of you going to prison. I’ve come up with one alternative. I should tell you that it’s not negotiable. You either accept it or reject it.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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