The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Joey Sails To Freedom
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Joey Sails To Freedom - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘We sat there happily for a while, then he told me to stand up. He tucked me in and fastened me up. Then I sat back on his knee. ‘That’s enough for now,’ he said. ‘We’ll see how it’s doing next time.’
‘Now Butler,’ he said sounding serious, ‘That is a big boys experience and something you should never ever tell anyone about. Don’t tell anyone what we’ve just done and never tell anyone that you are doing it yourself in bed. Understand?’
‘Yes,’ I said, thinking I would be trying it as soon as I was in bed. He read me a story then we went upstairs. I got into bed, and he tucked me in. ‘Remember what I said,’ was his parting shot, ‘Mind you don’t wear it out. Goodnight.’ He kissed my forehead like he usually did and went out, switching the light out on his way.’
‘I lay there in the dark for a few seconds then I slid my hand down over my cock. I moved it round over my pyjamas for a few moments then I slid my bottoms down and played with it on the skin.’
‘It went hard very quickly, and it felt lovely. I must have fallen asleep doing it because when I woke up the next morning my pyjamas were still loose. I remembered, gave my cock a stroke but nothing happened so I got up.’
‘The next night I couldn’t get to bed fast enough. I rubbed it briefly and was thrilled when it stiffened up. I slipped my pyjamas down and played with it, but it wouldn’t stay up.’
‘When did Robert sit with you again?’ Lewis asked. ‘It was about three months later,’ Butler told him. ‘This time I’d already had a bath and was in my pj’s when he came.’
‘As soon as everyone had gone, I sat on his knee. He asked me what I’d been doing since he saw me last, and I told him. ‘I think it’s grown bigger too.’ I told him. ‘Let’s see then.’ he asked.’
‘I slipped my pj bottoms down and I was already stiff. He looked at it then felt it. ‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ he said. ‘How often have you been playing with it in bed?’ ‘Most nights,’ I told him. ‘I did make it sore early on, but I’ve learned now when to leave it alone.’
‘Well done,’ he said. ‘Apart from the sore bit, have you enjoyed it all.’ When I told him yes, he took hold of it and started stroking it. He did it very gently and slowly. The feeling was much better than when I did it. After a while the feeling was getting better and better, then it just faded away and I went soft.’
‘You’ve still got a bit of growing to do yet.’ he said. Then the last time he sat for me was when I was nine and a half. He stroked me as usual, and the feeling grew nicer and nicer. But that night, instead of fading it grew even better.’
‘Then suddenly I screamed out as such a lovely feeling surged through me. My cock throbbed like mad, and I thought I’d wet myself. Something wet shot out of the end and landed on Robert’s arm.’
‘I apologised for the mess, but he said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s only a little bit. Did it feel exceptionally nice when it shot out?’ When I told him, ‘Yes.’ he said, ‘That’s part of growing up. It’ll probably do that every time now. Enjoy it but keep it to yourself. When you’re older you’ll understand why.’
‘Two months later my cousin Julian came to stay for two nights. He’s the same age as me and he shared my double bed. The first night I asked him if his cock was swelling up yet.’
‘He had no idea what I meant, so I told him. ‘It’s lovely when it does,’ I said. ‘Do you want me to show you?’ ‘Yes please.’ he said, so we put the light on and pushed the duvet down. I had already slipped my bottoms down, so he saw my hard cock.’
‘He felt it all over, and then he slipped his bottoms down. I took hold of his little cock and played with it. He loved it and got very excited when it swelled up hard.’
‘I kept stroking it and he got a lovely feeling, but he didn’t shoot anything out. I let him watch me whilst I made mine shoot out. He was amazed and he tried again the next night. This time he squirted a few drops. He was very excited about it.’
‘He rang me a week later just to tell me he had fired as much as I had and thanked me for showing him how.’
‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘I’ve reached a conclusion. Listen carefully. What Robert did was to introduce you to sex far too soon. That awoke your natural urges long before they should have been.’
‘Added to that, you had several unfortunate situations where sex was forced on you. None of that was your fault, but it all added to your knowledge of sexual pleasure and increased your desires.’
‘By the time you got to Len, you had followed a natural progression to wanting more and very wrongly took it by force. That was very bad of you, but given everything that has happened to you, it is understandable.’
‘Added to all that was the ingredient that was missing out of your life. An ingredient that probably would have stopped a lot of it happening. That is, if you had had a girlfriend. You would then have either had proper sex or at least would have been able to dream that it was likely to happen.’
‘I think I know why you didn’t succeed. It’s because when you were rejected by the girls you asked, you unknowingly decided it was because of some defect in you personally. So, you just stopped trying.’
‘I suspect that whilst you probably know the basic facts of life, you have very little idea how to treat a girl when you have sex. That would also affect how you came over to any girl you were asking out.’
‘I’m going to remove that problem right now. He took him through every stage in full detail. Then as he described him firing into her, Butler screamed out in absolute ecstasy and shot five great jets of cum. Lewis had been stroking his cock for the last part of his instruction.’
‘After Lewis had taught him the final details and cleaned him up, Butler gave him a hug and a very long kiss. ‘Thank you so much for that,’ he told him. ‘I knew so little. At least if I have the chance now, I won’t make a mess of it.’
‘What you need to do whenever you feel aroused, or want to be aroused in future,’ Lewis told him, ‘Is, instead of thinking about men, go through the lesson I’ve just given you. Imagine instead that you are making love to a girl you have seen around.’
‘Also, I want you to think about all the things you’d like to do as a hobby. Then go out and join the groups that share those interests. You’ll find all the details at the local library. If you keep meeting new people, sooner or later you will meet a girl who likes you enough to go out with you.’
‘It doesn’t matter how little, or how far, you get with her. When you’ve taken her out once and kissed her you will be set onto the right path.’
‘Get dressed now.’ Lewis said. Then they had another long hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you again,’ Butler said, ‘I feel so much better.’ ‘Go and start your new happy life,’ Lewis instructed. ‘You should already have a lot more confidence in yourself. Let it show.’
He saw Butler out then went home.
Just before ten the next morning Andrew drew up outside Lewis’s. He had been keeping a look out for him, so he went out right away. He gave him directions and they set off.
‘This is the first weekend for ages I’ve been happy to get up.’ Andrew told him. When they drew up outside Greggs house the front garden was empty. Lewis checked the time it was only twenty past ten. He handed a pair of handcuffs to Andrew. ‘Yours or borrowed?’ Andrew asked smiling. ‘Borrowed.’ Lewis told him with a grin.
‘We’re slightly early,’ he said, ‘We’ll hang on here for now. When we go in,’ he explained, ‘We go through the side gate and straight down the garden.’ Five minutes later a lady who Lewis assumed was Gregg’s mum came out of the house and walked off down the street.
Seconds later Gregg appeared out of the side gate with a lawn mower. ‘That’s our signal that the coast is clear.’ Lewis said. As Gregg started mowing the lawn they went past and down the back garden.
When they reached the pond Andrew was quite impressed. ‘What a great conservation area.’ he said. Lewis checked his phone. There were no messages, so he uncovered the raft and showed Andrew the ropes.
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