The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: How Did I Get To Bed
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: How Did I Get To Bed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘As it throbbed, it squirted out five jets of cum. Colin kept stroking, but I watched his face as his eyes followed all the jets of cum as it soared up and then dropped onto my chest. He was fascinated. As I finished firing, he kept stroking, going slower and slower until he came to a stop.’
‘Then he just kept hold of my cock whilst it shrank. He put the tip of his other index finger on my slippery tip. His touch felt lovely but then he ran it round in very slow gentle circles until I was completely soft.’
‘I was letting out a happy moan the whole time, I’d never felt anything like it before. When he eventually laid my very soft cock down on my hairs, he gave me a lovely smile then went and fetched tissue and a cloth.’
‘He returned and mopped up most of the lake of cum, then gently washed my chest with the wet cloth. He hadn’t brought a towel, so he dried me with his T shirt.’
‘When he had finished, I sat up and took him in my arms. ‘That was lovely.’ I told him, then I gave him the longest kiss I had ever given anyone.’
‘What happened next?’ Lewis asked.
‘We changed places and sat exactly the same. I took hold of his cock with one hand and his balls with the other. Somehow it felt so exciting to be firing a cock so small. I played with his tiny balls at the same time.’
‘Colin had his eyes shut and a big beam on his face. He was making constant happy noises. He must have been really worked up because it only seemed moments before he cried out, ‘I’m coming NOW!’
‘I felt his little cock swell and throb in my fingers. It may have been small, but it was very hard. The three small jets of cum that it shot out soared up almost as high as mine had done.’
‘Colin cried out ecstatically as the first burst of cum left his tip. His cries got even louder as the cum kept flowing. Soon he had a small lake on his chest. His small quantity of hairs could be seen even more clearly through his cum.’
At that point Butler screamed out in surprise, ‘I’m going to fire!’ ‘Let yourself go.’ Lewis told him. As Butler had been talking about firing Colin, Lewis had begun stroking his cock.
As Colin got nearer to firing Lewis had gone even faster and timed it well. Butler had been looking at him in surprise, and now had a big grin on his face.
As his cock pulsated and shot four big jets of cum up into the air he screamed out with delight. His scream lasted all the way through all four jets and only faded as the last drop hit his chest.
Lewis kept stroking until just after the last bit landed, then held it still as it went soft. Reaching for the tissues he always kept handy Lewis mopped up the worst of it. Then slipping out from under his head he took it to the bathroom.
Returning with a wet cloth he sat at his side and washed Butler’s chest, dried it, then dabbed his tip with the wet cloth. Butler just lay there with a silly grin on his face. Then as Lewis laid his now soft cock down on his hairs he said, ‘Wow, that was lovely.’
‘Sit up,’ Lewis instructed. He held him close then they kissed. ‘You’ll find it even easier to tell me things now I’ve fired you.’ Lewis told him. He returned to the end of the settee and Butler lay back down on his lap.
‘Finish your story now.’ Lewis instructed. ‘As the last drop of cum left Colins tip,’ Butler continued, ‘His cry started to fade. I kept stroking and it seemed to stay hard for a while. Then as it started to go soft, I slowed down and stopped.’
‘In seconds it was soft and tiny between my fingers. It was almost like holding a worm. But from the look on his face Colin had loved every minute of it. ‘Lie still,’ I told him as I got off the bed.’
‘I mopped up his chest with the extra tissues he had brought back. Then he got up and went to the bathroom to wash his chest. When he returned, I was sitting on the side of the bed.’
‘He came and stood between my legs. As we hugged and kissed, our limp cocks just pressed together. ‘That was the best fire I’ve ever had.’ Colin told me. ‘I’m glad,’ I told him, ‘I loved doing it too, I will dream about it often.’ ‘Really?’ Colin said sounding surprised.’
‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘It was something very special being able to fire my very best friend.’ I stood up and told him to sit on the side of the bed. ‘Lie back.’ I told him. I knelt on the floor and lifted his legs up onto my shoulders.’
‘I carefully took his cock and his balls into my mouth and played with them with my tongue. From his noises he was evidently enjoying that too. I let them slip out and we stood up.’
‘After a long hug and a kiss, we got dressed. Before we went downstairs, I told him, ‘If you ever want to do that again, perhaps we could fire each other both at the same time?’
‘The beam on his face at the thought left me in no doubt that we would be having another session very soon.’ ‘Did you?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ Butler said with a smile. ‘Ok we might come back to that later.’ Lewis told him.
‘How were things between you and Colin after you’d fired each other.’ Lewis asked. ‘I felt so much closer to him,’ Butler said, ‘From his comments, I think Colin felt the same about me. We certainly remained best friends for the rest of our time at school.’
‘What was your next experience?’ Lewis asked. ‘The following year whilst Colin and I were fourteen we had several sessions together,’ Butler said. ‘Then at his fifteenth birthday party he got pally with one of the girls from school. We remained good friends after that, but we were never together again.’
‘My fifteenth year started off with a bad experience. At the half term holiday Ian had gone camping with some of his school pals and their parents.’
‘Jackie went away for a few days with one of her girlfriends from school and mum decided to go and visit a cousin she hadn’t seen for years. Tudor was working, so he didn’t go with her. Not that I think he would have done anyway.’
‘So, I did the cooking for the two of us for three days. The first night mum was away we had our meal and he seemed happy enough. He sat in the lounge afterwards and watched a film on tv.’
‘I washed up, he never did anything in the kitchen unless he had to do something for himself. Afterwards, I said goodnight and went up to my room to watch my own tv. The next morning as usual he had gone to work when I got up.’
‘I wandered around town during the day and did some shopping too. That evening, Friday, Tudor finished for the weekend as usual. I went to the chippy and got us two meals which we shared. He usually had a can of beer with his evening meal but being Friday he had several.’
‘Afterwards was the same, I washed up, he sat in the lounge drinking. He was never very sociable at the best of times and especially with me. I had no qualms about leaving him on his own. I went up to my room again and watched another film.’
‘I read for a while after the film, so it was nearly midnight when I switched my light off and settled down. I’d hardly settled when my bedroom door flew open with a crash and the light came on.’
‘As I sat up startled, I saw Tudor standing in the doorway. He was stark naked and clearly drunk. I’d never seen him completely naked before. He is about six foot and very strong looking, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock. It was hanging down soft and only looked to be about three inches long and quite thin.’
‘He staggered over to the bed and yanked the duvet off. ‘What are you doing?’ I said indignantly. He didn’t speak he just grabbed hold of my shorts and yanked them down.’
‘When I tried to stop him he thumped me hard in the stomach and growled, ‘Behave or I’ll start breaking bones.’ I was gasping for breath after his punch and couldn’t speak or move.’
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