The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Little And Large

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Little And Large - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘He was nine.’ Butler admitted. ‘And how old were you then?’ Lewis asked. ‘I was also nine.’

As Lewis massaged his balls he said, ‘Now think back to the first cock you played with, erected and fired.’ Butler’s cock throbbed at the memory. ‘How old was he?’ Lewis asked. ‘Twenty-five.’ Butler answered. ‘How old were you at the time?’ Lewis asked. ‘I was ten.’ he replied.

As Lewis moved down his legs, taking his shorts with him, he asked, ‘Who was the youngest male you’ve ever fired?’ ‘That was Ricky who was eleven,’ Butler answered, ‘I was eleven too.’

Slipping his shorts off altogether, Lewis said, ‘You’re doing very well. Being able to relax naked is always a good sign. But being able to tell me the things you have done so far makes me sure we will be able to find a solution between us.’

‘You must think I’m a terrible person.’ Butler said looking as if he was about to burst into tears. ‘Sit up.’ Lewis instructed putting his arms out. As he held him close, he said, ‘What you did to Len was terrible. But I’m not judging you, I’m trying to find out what made you do it.’

‘You come over to me as basically a nice person,’ Lewis told him. ‘The very fact you have come today because you feel bad about Len confirms that. After today, I want you to always think of me as your friend, so you’ll always have someone to turn to if you need anyone.’

Butler had his head against the side of Lewis head. He put it down on Lewis’s shoulder and burst into tears. Lewis held him tight as his sobs wracked his frame. He caressed the back of his head saying, ‘Let it all out, don’t try and make yourself stop, you’ll stop when your body’s ready.’

As his body relaxed and his sobs died away, he just held Lewis tight. Then as he sat up, he looked at Lewis with a tear-stained face. ‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘I just felt so overcome. I’m not used to people being nice to me.’

Lewis gave him a hug then told him to go and swill his face. When he returned, his cock had gone soft but still hung down a long way. Lewis was standing up waiting for him.

He held his arms out and when he came into them, he gave him a hug. ‘You’re doing great,’ he said, ‘Let’s carry on now.’ As Butler stepped back, he looked at Lewis and said, ‘Thank you.’ Then he couldn’t stop himself, he moved forward and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

As he stepped back looking alarmed, he said, ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.’ ‘Come here.’ Lewis said holding his arms out. He put his lips to Butlers and gave him a long kiss.

As they broke for air, Butler said, ‘Wow, that was a kiss and a half.’ ‘Come and lie down.’ Lewis told him smiling. When Butler lay on the settee, Lewis settled back at his side.

‘I’m going to start at your feet and go up your front,’ Lewis told him. ‘I’m going to concentrate my questions more on your sexual experiences now you are so relaxed. But remember you can still say ‘Pass’ if you need to.’

As he started massaging his ankles, Lewis asked, ‘How did you get on with the boys at school?’ ‘So-so,’ Butler said. ‘I didn’t really fall out with any of them, but I was a bit of an outcast.’

‘Did you have any good friends?’ ‘Only one,’ Butler told him. ‘By the end of my first year at secondary school I was getting used to being alone. Then Colin arrived when his family moved into the area. He was very quiet and shy and must have noticed that I was apart from the others too.’

‘He started joining me at playtimes and in no time at all we were pals. The first time we went swimming with the school after he arrived, some of the boys laughed at him. We were always known as little and large afterwards.’

Lewis had reached the top of his legs by then. Butler’s cock had grown steadily the nearer Lewis’s hand had got to it. As he took hold of his balls and massaged them, Butler made a lot of happy noises. His cock waved about happily, and Lewis asked, ‘Can you describe Colins body to me.’

As Lewis took hold of Butlers very large very hard cock and massaged all over it and all around it, Butler struggled to do as he had been asked. ‘He was about five foot six,’ he said, in between excited cries. ‘He was dumpy, is the best description I can think of. He had a roll of fat on his stomach. But his cock was one of the smallest I’ve ever seen. Hence our nickname.’

‘So apart from swimming,’ Lewis asked as he moved up onto his stomach, ‘When did you next see each other’s cock. Tell me who held the others cock first?’ ‘Colin held mine,’ Butler admitted. ‘I’d seen him looking at mine enviously in the changing room. Then one weekend when we had gone cycling together, we stopped in some woods to have the sandwiches we’d brought with us.’

‘After we’d finished, I said, ‘I need a wee.’ and went over to a tree. ‘Me too.’ Colin said. ‘We stood a couple of feet apart and both had a wee at the same time, aiming at opposite sides of the same tree.’

‘As I did, I looked over at Colin to find him staring at my cock. He was studying it so intently he hadn’t noticed that I’d seen him. So, I turned a fraction towards him.’

‘Pause there for a moment.’ Lewis instructed as he reached Butler’s head and took his hands away. ‘Sit up for a moment.’ When he did Lewis moved to the end of the settee. Butler lay back down with his head on Lewis’s lap.

Lewis put one hand on his head and his other over Butlers still very hard cock. He let it stand up between his thumb and forefinger. ‘That feels nice.’ Butler said happily.

‘Carry on with your tale,’ Lewis instructed as he massaged his head. ‘He was still holding his own cock,’ Butler told him, ‘Although he had finished his wee. As I looked at it, I realised it was growing. It seemed so cute seeing something so small getting bigger. Clearly whatever he was thinking about mine was exciting him.’

‘As he got fully hard it was still very small. Then he looked up and saw me watching him. He went bright red and started to turn away to hide his erection.’

‘It’s ok,’ I said, ‘Don’t turn away.’ I took a step back from the tree and glanced around to make sure we were still alone. I started undoing my trousers. ‘Come closer,’ I told him. He took a step towards me as I dropped my trousers.’

‘If you do the same,’ I told him, ‘I’ll drop my shorts then if you do the same, I’ll let you look as close as you want and hold it too if you’d like.’ His hard little cock throbbed at that.’

‘He looked at me uncertain. ‘Go ahead,’ I said, ‘I’d like to see yours too.’ He let go of his cock, undid his trousers and dropped them. I slipped my shorts down to my ankles and turned to face him. He dropped his underpants to his ankles and looked at me.’

‘Come closer,’ I said, ‘Feel anywhere you like.’ He took hold of my cock which flexed like mad. His touch felt lovely. ‘That’s nice,’ I said, so he took hold of my balls too. I made a happy noise, and he ran his fingers through my hairs.’

Then he stepped back. ‘That was nice, thank you.’ he said. ‘Can I do the same to you now?’ I asked. ‘Yes of course,’ he said, ‘Do you really want to hold such a little tiddler.’

‘Yes.’ I told him. ‘First, it’s someone else’s cock, so it will feel just as exciting to me as feeling mine did to you. Secondly, it’s the cock of my best friend, so that will make it special too. I nearly said my only friend.’

‘Because of our difference in height, I knelt down in front of him. I took hold of it and felt it all over. Then I felt his tiny little balls. His face was a picture of rapture as I did. Then I gave his cock a kiss before I stood up.’

‘He cried out happily as I kissed it. When I stood up, he was looking so happy that I told him, ‘Have another feel before I get dressed.’ His face lit up even more and as he took hold of it, he moved his hand up and down it once, as if he was going to fire me.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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