Rich Guy 1.1 - Cover

Rich Guy 1.1

Copyright© 2021 by Dark1

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The trio share summer vacation adventures and Carter learns a vital secret from his past

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Group Sex  

“Hey Carter, you got mail!” Cassie yelled out.

I came down the stairs and wandered towards the front door where I met Cassie. She handed me a large envelope.

“What is it?” Cassie asked as I tore it open.

The letter was addressed to my dad but I figured that it was important since it was certified mail.

“Hell if I know.” I said, pulling out the letter and skimming it.

“Do you have another long lost sister out there somewhere?” Cassie teased.

“Wouldn’t shock me. No, it’s something about an insurance payment on a house in Kansas. Where the fuck is Leoti?” I asked aloud.

“Uhm, Kansas?” Cassie replied.

“No shit, smartass.” I replied as I continued to skim the letter.

“Oh well. We’ll be in the hot tub if you want to join.” Cassie called out as she walked away.

“OK cool.” I said, not looking up.

“We’ll be naked!” Cassie sang.

Confused, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

“Hey stranger.” Brad said as he answered.

“Hey there. Do you know anything about a house that Dad had in Kansas? Some town called Leoti?” I asked.

“Nope, doesn’t ring any bells to me. Why?”

“I just got a letter about an insurance payment on this house in Kansas. It wasn’t in any of the other documents you gave me.”

“No, your Dad just had real estate in upscale places as far as I know. Maybe it’s some love shack that he didn’t tell me about.”

“In Kansas?”

“Who the hell knows. You want me to check it out?” Brad asked.

“No, I’ll look into it. I’ll let you know what I find.” I replied.

I heard footsteps next to me and looked up the staircase to see a very naked Candace walking down them.

“I’ll call you later.” I said, hanging up on Brad as Candace walked past me, swinging her hips.

“You through with business, little brother?” Candace called out.


“Good, because I think Cassie and I are in need of some customer service.” She replied as she disappeared down the hallway towards the hot tub room.

To my great annoyance, I discovered that Leoti was a tiny town in the middle of Kansas. There was a private airport that could take my plane, but it wasn’t close to the town.

Since I was still only 19, I had great difficulty finding someone who would rent me a car but after paying a huge deposit, I arranged for something to be delivered to meet me.

The girls had a few more weeks of school left, so I decided on a little road trip to check out the mystery house.

It was late when I arrived at the airport and even later when I got close to the city. When I pulled over for gas, I did some research and learned that there wasn’t anything resembling a decent hotel in Leoti, so I wandered over to the best hotel I could get.

The town was fairly close to Leoti so I decided I’d stop for the night and figure out the rest in the morning.

Though the town I’d stopped in was bigger than Leoti, it still wasn’t huge. I was pretty tired from the trip but wasn’t quite ready to pack it in for the night.

After grabbing some food, I made a drive around town, looking for anything of interest. There were a few girls wandering around aimlessly but they didn’t really look all that exciting.

As I made my way to the outskirts of town, I noticed a big glowing sign.

“Live Nude Girls XXX.”

“Strip club. Well this should be interesting.” I said to myself, pulling into the driveway.

The parking lot was pretty empty but I figured I’d at least check it out. I made my way into the doorway to see an extremely bored looking older woman sitting behind a desk.

She eyeballed me warily.

“How old are you son?” She asked in an accusing tone.

“19.” I replied, taken aback at her voice.

“Law is 21 here.” She replied.

I pulled out my wallet and removed a few hundred dollar bills. I tossed them over the desk at her.

“You see any cops around here?” I asked as I walked past her.

As I had expected, the place was small and very dirty. A handful of rough looking men were scattered around the tables, which were piled high with beer bottles. A waitress who looked like she was in her mid 20’s came to me and brought me a beer.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” I asked, noting her decent body.

“Sorry. I’m just a waitress.” She replied before running off.

The women on stage were certainly nothing to write home about. Plenty of faded tattoos and less than fantastic bodies wandered over towards me quickly, but grew hesitant when they saw me up close.

I sipped my beer and played on my phone, silently kicking myself for bothering with a hole in the wall like this when the DJ came on.

“For tonight’s entertainment, the hottest little barely legal schoolgirl in Kansas. Yes, she’s legal, we checked. Give it up for Kayla!” He yelled to a mostly empty room.

I looked up to see an extremely young, perking blond bound on stage in a cheap schoolgirl outfit. She spun around excitedly, shaking her ass and thrusting her chest out towards the crowd.

“Well that looks fun!” I commented, sitting upright in my chair as Kayla whipped off her shirt to reveal her small tits.

Kayla jumped up in the air and landed in the splits, then flipped around and got up on her hands and knees, giving the crowd a look at her perky ass. The waitress wandered back over to me with another beer and I handed her a $100.

“Make sure she comes to see me.” I said. The waitress looked down at the bill as her eyes opened wide in shock.

“I will!” She nodded.

I sipped my second beer as I watched Kayla grind against the pole for several more minutes before climbing off the stage.

The waitress met her on the floor and I could see her motioning towards me as she talked into her ear. Kayla’s eyes got big and she nodded excitedly as she pulled her top back on.

Attempting to hide my smug grin, I leaned back in my chair as Kayla made her way over to me.

“Hey there, I’m Kayla!” She said in a loud, bubbly voice.

“I’m Carter.” I replied, trying to be cool.

“Uhm, you’re not from around here, are you?” She asked, both as a question and a statement.


“Are you visiting someone?”

“No, I got some business to do in Leoti and it got late.”

“Oh cool! I’m from Leoti! I just work here!” Kayla replied in a chipper voice.

“Well maybe you can show me around there.”

“Ya I can do that! You wanna dance?” Kayla asked.

“Sure.” I replied.

Kayla didn’t have much of a technique, but it’s hard to complain when you have a cute girl grinding on your dick. She didn’t dance much, but basically dry humped me like a high school kid.

“You smell really good.” Kayla commented as she rubbed her tits in my face.

“I shower pretty often.” I replied, causing Kayla to giggle.

After the dance, Kayla climbed off me and sat in the chair beside me.

“Uhm, you want another one?” Kayla asked.

“I’m curious. How much money have you made tonight?” I asked.

Kayla pulled a wad of bills out of the G string on her hip.

“Uhm, if you pay me, then, uhm, $75 it looks like.”

“Is that a good night or a bad night?”

“I’ve only been here a few weeks. It’s about normal I guess. Depends if I get to work on the weekend.” Kayla said.

“Big bucks huh?”

“Better than Dairy Queen.” Kayla shrugged.

I pulled off a $100 and handed it to her.

“Damn!” She exclaimed.

“Is your night getting better?” I asked.

“Hell yeah it is! You want another dance?” She exclaimed.

“That was for your last one. Call it a tip for a pretty girl.”

“Awe, thank you. You’re super sweet! You want more?” Kayla asked, clearly excited.

“I actually have something else in mind.”

“Uhm, you want another girl? I do doubles sometimes. Or VIP?” She asked hopefully.

“I was actually thinking of getting out of here.”

“Oh, leaving so soon?” Kayla asked, her voice dejected.

“I was thinking that you would come with me.”

“Uhm, where?”

“To my hotel.”

“Do you want me to dance for you at your hotel?” Kayla asked, confused.

“No, I want to fuck you at my hotel.” I said bluntly.

“But I need to work.” Kayla replied.

“I’ll pay you.”

“You’re gonna pay to fuck me?” Kayla asked in a shocked voice.

“Yeah. Are you a good fuck?” I asked.

“I’m fucking awesome! Hell yeah! Let’s do it!” She exclaimed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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