The Family - Cover

The Family

Copyright© 2021 by ThePrinceHedonist

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Sean's meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

Sean woke up around midday, alone with his hard-on, in Freya’s bed. Memories from the night before came back to him in flashes here and there. He laughed to himself, the orgy the three men had attended, had been a crazy ride.

He got up out of bed naked and walked down the corridor, assuming no one would care, every member of the family has now seen him not only naked but actively fucking another family member. Following some distant voices, he came to a rest in the entrance to the living room, initially taken aback and embarrassed, but gradually relaxing and actually smiling.

Freya, Connie and Lukas were sitting, talking to another older couple. Everyone was dressed but casually smiled at Sean, as his erect cock entered the room before him.

“Good morning.” He said, totally uninhibited. Connie stood and greeted him with a kiss.

“Sean, I’d like you to meet my parents.” She beamed at him. He in return smiled at the older couple. They were probably in their mid to late fifties but looked younger. Both lean, tanned people, with short cut greying hair. Sean thought it must have been a pretty attractive gene pool.

They stood up to greet Sean, Connie’s father, Richard, shook his hand first. No one said a word about his nudity, cluing Sean in on the idea that perhaps Connie’s parents were aware of their in-law’s outrageous sex lives. Connie’s mother, Alma, was next, shaking his hand and making solid eye contact with Sean’s raging cock.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My daughter has told me great things about you.” She let go of his hand and loosely gripped his cock. “She told me great things about this, also.” She laughed. Sean looked over at Connie and Freya, both nodding encouragements, then put his hands on Alma’s hips.

“She told me a thing or two about you as well.” Sean teased, letting her stroke his cock, in front of everyone.

“Do tell?” She teased back and allowed his hands to rub and squeeze her sides, occasionally finding their way to her ass. Behind her, Freya had gone to Richard and started removing his clothes and her own. Lukas and Connie were in their own lip lock.

“She told me I could probably fuck you, at first sight, I thought she must have been exaggerating, but seeing you now, has only emboldened me.” His hands left her sides and undid the tie to her light-yellow, summer dress, in front of her. In one quick motion, he opened the dress and pulled it off her shoulders, letting it fall and bunch beneath her. She stood only wearing her summer sandals and even those she quickly kicked off.

“Do any women in Denmark wear underwear?” He asked her.

“Only the prudes, but I’ve been told you prefer the company of a group of sluts.” She replied wantonly.

Sean kissed her and she kissed back very hard. He sat on the couch and had her sit on his lap and began circling his middle finger around her clit. Her breathing became sharper between making out with him some more. He was pleasantly surprised how toned her mature body was, her tits and ass had a subtle sag to them, but she was in great shape for her age.

They kissed passionately and played with each other’s genitals and in between, Sean would look across the room to see what the others were up to.

Freya was on the opposite couch on all fours, naked, with an equally naked Richard thrusting his cock in and out of her slick cunt, from behind.

On the same couch as himself and Alma, Lukas was eating Connie to several orgasms as she moaned and cursed into the room. Eventually, Sean led Alma down on the couch, mirroring Connie and Lukas and both men penetrated their partners. Alma and Connie’s heads were right beside each other, as mother and daughter were moaning and grunting as they were vigorously fucked. Sometimes they turned to each other and shared a very steamy kiss, tongues passing into each other’s mouths.

Connie began shouting something in Danish, the words coarse and harsh, she had an intense look in her eyes. Alma started laughing.

“What’s she saying?” Sean inquired, his ass pumping in and out.

“She’s telling Lukas here to be a man and to fuck her cunt inside out. That she wants him to blast his hot load all over her tits and face.”

“She has a wonderful way with words.” Sean teased her mother.

“Who do you think she learned it from. No stop stalling and show me how you use that cock of yours. Connie told me you could split a woman in half with it, show me, fuck me in two, break me and ruin me for all other men, including my husband, over there, balls deep in your girlfriend’s beautiful little cunt.” Alma teased as Sean started to buck faster, sawing his cock in and out of Connie’s mother’s twat.

It was a fuck-fest, with lots of hard and fast pounding. It didn’t have quite the intensity of the previous night, but few sexual encounters ever would, Sean thought. But he was delighted at just how quickly sex could be orchestrated in this house.

After a while, he got Lukas’s attention and with one word, “Swap?” Was suddenly fucking intimately into Connie.

“Fuuuuccckkkkk!!!” she moaned extravagantly as he sank into her. He fucked her maintaining a steady pace and rhythm for a while, which was blissfully agonising for Connie, all while taking in, all the fucking happening around him, Lukas and Alma intimately making out as if they were very frequent lovers, Sean would later learn they were, Freya sucking and deep throating Richard as he sat back and toyed his fingers into her anus.

Sean and Lukas eventually swapped back and soon after that, Lukas was switching with Richard. Sean had to laugh, in one room at the same time, there was a brother-sister and a father-daughter fucking across from one another. Then it struck him.

“Wait, where’s Victor and Brita and Klara?” Sean asked the room.

“They’re ... down the hall ... having ... their own ... threesome,” Freya answered between being skewered on Lukas’s cock. He was between her legs and lunging into her twat with all his might. Sean laughed at the abundance of incest happening all under one roof. He was also laughing at how cum-drunk his girlfriend was on her brother’s cock.

“Uuuuuhhhhh fuck! Sean, keep fucking me, you’re cock ... it’s so good.” Alma screamed from under him. “Connie, you were so right, he is such a magnificent fuck.” Her daughter laughed at her, her mother, also cum-drunk and out of it.

“Let him shoot his semen into you, mother. I’d love to eat It from your lovely twat, as it oozes out.” Connie said, licking her lips. With those words Richard bucked and froze, clenched his eyes shut and choked out a pained groan of climax, shooting his spend up into his own daughters’ hot cunt.

And a few moments after that, Lukas produced his own orgasm into Freya, across the room. Sean was the last man standing. He saw no reason to prolong his own please and sped up and felt his raising climax build in his loins.

Finally, sweating and shattered, he blasted into Alma. Letting a smile line his face as he felt himself shooting into her. She in return ‘oohhhed’ and ‘ahhhed’ as she felt his spend squirt into her, endeared by its warmth. They hugged and shared further hot kisses of love and intimacy. It was already looking like a highly rewarding day.

It was their last full day with the family before they left for Copenhagen proper to sight-see for one day in the city, before heading back stateside. Sean had a dilemma, he wanted to fuck Brita before he lost his opportunity and if ever there was a sure thing, the mother of his girlfriend was it.

They had their last sex therapy session scheduled for that afternoon. He was going to bring it up at the end of it. From what he’d seen and what he’d done over the last few days, he felt very sure, it wouldn’t be considered untoward.

The thought excited him as he showered, having a moment to himself away from the rampant fucking of the house. Having just moments ago, walked past the open door of the master bedroom, on his way to the shower. Watching from the doorway for a moment the incestuous threesome, as Victor fucked Klara blind, both their bodies sweating and grinding in the missionary position, Brita bedside them on the bed, stroking her own pussy, whispering dirty talk into her daughter’s ear. Klara’s wails of ecstasy as her father’s fat cock filled her up.

Sean had been fucking that pussy only recently, he knew how snug it was. All three lovers made eye contact with him before he departed for the shower, the scene was strangely familiar to him, from watching his own parents fuck in adolescence.

It was a wonder to him that he hadn’t fucked Brita already, what with the carnal attitudes of every member of the house. Fucking Freya and her mother, Brita after their therapy session, a mother and a daughter in a perfect threesome, everyone interacting on equal footing, with equal feelings of lust and love for everyone else.

His thoughts turned to the idea of his own mother and sister sharing themselves with him. How would the three of them interact in a threesome. The hot water cascaded down his body as he thought, and he felt the blood surge back into his cock. He brought a hand to it, stoking it a few times.

It was unavoidable it seemed to him, the constant strain at the back of his thoughts, the constant urge and need and desire. The constant thoughts of sex and fucking. Who and where and how he’d fuck them. He would never outrun his own thoughts, never be able to turn off his thinking regarding sex, was he a pervert? Yes. Did he like that about himself? Fuck yes. He’d never outrun them, his sexual thoughts, so the only thing to do, in his mind, was to embrace them. A smile caught his cheek at the thought of just how free and liberated, he really was.

“Need a hand with that?” A voice boomed in towards him. He turned around to see who was there, wiping away the shower water from his face and eyes. In the doorway, Lukas stood naked. He smiled and walked into the walk-in shower wide enough for two or three people. Sean saw his cock, also stiff, and smiled. “Do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all.” Sean suddenly felt like a little bitch in heat. He was giving Lukas ‘fuck me’ eyes. Lukas stood closer under the water, their hard cocks swinging into contact on occasion, like duelling swords, the tips hitting off one another. Neither man cared.

Though Sean considered himself naturally dominant, he wasn’t a stranger to being forced down on his knees to suck a cock, or take a nice fat cock up his ass, often loving being made to be another man’s fuck toy. He would regularly get pegged by Freya and had many male lovers down the years.

Nevertheless, today Sean wanted sexual dominance over Lukas. They had made each other incredibly hot the previous night, at the orgy. But the thought crossed him, would Lukas except submitting to Sean, would he fight it, would they have to wrestle right there in the shower. Sean’s cock only twitched harder.

“It looks quite painful, it’s so hard, I think you need to relive it.” Lukas opined, keeping his eyes firmly held on Sean’s cock. Sean grabbed his wrist and brought Lukas’s hand to it; he naturally began stroking as his fingers laced around its girth. Sean started stoking Lukas and with his free hand, grabbed and cup the back of his neck, to steady himself.

Lukas brought his free hand down to cup Sean’s balls, releasing a shuddering sensation through him. They started to kiss wildly, like all the pent-up sexual tension from last night and over the last few days were reactivated. Deep penetrative kisses, of wide-open mouths and interlocking tongues.

Sean forced Lukas to his knees, shoving him down at the shoulders. Lukas knew instantly what to do, catching the stiff prick in his waiting mouth and sealing his lips tight around it. Sean groaned out a heavy excited sigh as Lukas brought his sealed lips along his shaft, slowly, drawing out every little nuance of feeling, bobbing his head gradually, softly killing Sean in pleasure. He gripped the cocksuckers head with both his hands, making sure Lukas didn’t have any ideas of releasing his throbbing cock.

Their eyes never left each other’s, as Lukas, with his tongue and mouth, brought out every carnal desire and every animal instinct in Sean, who finally, couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Stand up so I can fuck you.” Lukas did as commanded, kissing Sean passionately as he did it. Sean flipped him around and aggressively pinned him to the wall. Lukas, taken a bit by surprise at just how primal Sean was, beamed a shocked smile.

Sean spat on his hand and rubbed the fluid over his cock, then aimed it right at Lukas’s anus. He placed the head at the opening and slowly pushed forward. Sean’s penetration was surprisingly effortless, sliding in inch by inch. When he felt himself bottom out, he pushed with a little more force. He grabbed Lukas in a lock, wrapping his arms around his chest and under his arms. He pushed a little harder then, meeting resistance from Lukas’s anus but blowing right past it.

Lukas started grunting out pained animal groans with Sean’s every thrust, but he didn’t stop, only fucking into his lover’s brother faster and stronger and harder. Eventually, with such force, the slapping of wet skin from Sean’s crotch slamming into Lukas’s buttocks reverberated around the bathroom.

“Ahhhhh, fuck!” Lukas shattered and pleaded. Sean now lost in his lust, let out low feral grunting with every buck and grind of his hips, every piston of his sensitive cock.

“Uhhhhh” Lukas started wailing and slamming his open palm against the tiled wall of the shower, Pleasure ripping through him now also.

“Don’t fucking stop, don’t fucking stop,” Lukas begged. Sean had no intention of stopping. It was physical and at moments brutal, but Sean liked to mix the tender with the rough and would sometimes slow down to a fleeting pace, turning Lukas’s lips to his own for a soft kiss.

He reached around and started stroking Lukas’s hard cock. He loved the feeling of it, the strength within it, like rebar. Sean stroked softly and then fucked up into Lukas’s ass hard, eliciting a guttural groan of pleasure from the man.

“Lukas, I won’t be able to hold back much longer, where do you want me to cum?” Sean asked, still pumping.

“Wherever you like.” Lukas smiled back behind him. Sean thought for a moment, never ceasing his fucking.

“Then I’m going to cum inside of you.” He said, his eyes and face starting to strain with his impending climax. Lukas laughed and kept laughing as Sean threw his head back and started blasting his semen into his asshole. Gradually coming down from ecstasy, his pumping hips slowing until they stopped. Lukas turned around, and palming Sean’s face, gave him a deep soul kiss. Tender and sensual and erotic. Sean drew away from the kiss and looked down at Lukas’s still raging hard cock.

“Your turn.” He said with a smile. He hunched down until Lukas’s cock was at eye level and admired it for a few moments, stroking it a bit, then taking the whole thing into his mouth. He let it hit the back of his throat, Sean wasn’t any good at deep throating, but he gave an admirable effort at sucking and rolling his tongue around the head of Lukas’s cock.

He knew he was doing something right when he felt Lukas grip the back of his head with both hands. He vigorously slurped and slaved over the other man’s dick bobbing his head up and down on the prick. Hearing Lukas’s heavy sighs of pleasure made him feel wanton, like a fuck-toy bitch to be used to gratify other men’s pleasure.

Then, with Lukas’s very vocal and very guttural screams, Sean felt the hot load start blasting into his mouth. Rope after rope of thick goo, Sean had no problems with the taste of semen, or swallowing it himself, Freya sometimes even shared the load she would collect from his shaft after she blew him.

Standing, he sloshed the jizz around his mouth, exaggerating the show for Lukas. He laughed and cupping Sean’s face, moved in for another hot kiss. Sean pushed the semen into Lukas’s mouth with his tongue and quickly they were snowballing the cum between them.

“That was great. You suck cock really nicely, Sean.” Lukas said, picking up the shower gel off the rack and lotioning up Sean’s front.

“I’ve already done all that,” Sean said playfully, as Lukas rubbed and lathered the soap around his crotch.

“You can never be too clean.” He teased with a wink and a smile and kissed Sean softly.

Her ‘fuck-me’ eyes and smirk said, ‘you’ve been fucking my son,’. Sean wore the glow of post-sex proudly, Brita noticed it immediately, so did Freya, when he sat down next to her.

“These past few days have been a real eye-opener for me.” He began. “Seeing how your family live and love, has given me time to reflect on my own family, and my feelings regarding them. Sexual feelings.”

Brita and Freya hung on his words. He was calm and felt totally at ease, in this highly sexual environment. At the same moment an orgy was taking place, Victor, Klara, Lukas, Connie, Richard and Alma, all engaged in sex play in the living room. It was understood by everyone in the house that after the therapy session the others would join, and the fuck-fest would continue for the rest of the evening. Sean felt at ease with the libertine sexual attitudes of Freya’s family.

“It’s been a real pleasure sharing with everyone, this sexual energy and freedom. It’s a very loving, sensual, environment.” Brita held long glances with Sean as he spoke, as he went on about the future and his hopes for himself and Freya. She held his hand throughout and often smiled encouragingly.

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