The Family - Cover

The Family

Copyright© 2021 by ThePrinceHedonist

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Sean's meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

Brita knocked on the open door, dressed as it was now late afternoon. She leaned on the door frame admiring the show before her. In Freya’s bedroom, Sean was fucking wildly into Klara, her youngest daughter, as she ate out her sister. Everyone was naked and fucking vigorously.

Three sets of eyes looked over toward the door and everyone started laughing. Sean only sped up, feeling encouraged by everyone’s attitude. He Picked up the pace, letting out low grunts. He was slick with sweat, Klara screamed into her sister’s pussy.

“Wanting to join Mother?” Freya let out, coyly, in utter bliss with Klara’s tongue messaging her clit.

“Actually, I need a word with Sean. None of you mind if I come in do you?” No one answered, too focused on the sex act they were performing on each other. Lost in their lust. Brita knew the feeling all too well.

She entered the room and came close to Sean, putting her arm around him and the other went down to his balls. Messaging them, feeling the moisture, the mix of Sean’s sweat and Klara’s pussy juices. He was buried to the hilt inside her daughter. Nose to nose, Brita was inches from his face as he fucked.

“Tonight, Victor would be thrilled if you’d join him and Lukas for a drink and a show at the gentlemen’s club in town.” Sean looked into her eyes still fucking into Klara. Another low grunt.

“You’ll love it darling,” Freya said, looking to Sean and her Mother. “It’s usually a right fuck-fest.” She said no more as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she came in Klara’s mouth.

“So, shall I tell them you’ll be ready by six-thirty?” Brita locked her eyes with Sean’s again and squeezed his balls ever so gently. He leaned in and kissed the girl’s Mother and spasmed, as in the very same instance, he shot a wad of thick gooey cum into Klara. He grunted is climax into Brita’s mouth and she kissed him harder.

“Good. Now, don’t exert yourself too much with these two, you’ll have your work cut out for you tonight. I know how demanding my daughters can be.” She whispered to him sensually. She took her hand from his balls, and in one quick motion ran her palm across her tongue. “Delicious.” She teased holding his gaze. Freya came up to his other side, also putting her hand around him, squeezing her body to him while his now flaccid cock was in her Sister.

“My turn.” She announced. Brita started laughing and walk out of the room, shouting back; “So much for not exerting yourself.”

It was another hour before Sean finished with Victor’s Daughters. He spent the rest of the day relaxing in bed with them, their sexual needs restricted to touches and strokes, here and there. The girls helped him get ready for the evening ahead of him, in the shower washing him down, dressing him. Connie joining the sisters, his excited cock going from hand to hand.

Eventually, with the sun settled on the horizon, the three men were ready to leave, dressed in slacks and blazers. The women saw them off at the door with intimate kisses, openly among everyone.

“What are you and the girls going to do for the evening?” Sean asked curiously. Freya turned and ran an eye over the other women, then looked back to her lover.

“We’ll find something to do to pass the time.” His heart pounded at the sight of her evil grin. Knowing what that meant. Victor joined them, turned to his daughter and in front of Sean gave her a hard French kiss, leaving her panting at its end.

“Shall we?” Sean smiled at the two of them.

In the car bound for the country estate, housing the gentleman’s club, Victor turned from the front seat to Sean and Lukas in the back, pulling a bottle of Cialis from his inside pocket and pouring three out into his palm. The boys took one each.

“Sean, I had a little word with Freya before we left, I hope you don’t mind. She told me you’d be well accustomed to this evening’s activities and that fucking in the same room as Lukas and myself won’t be too daunting for you.” Sean looked over to Lukas, who was smiling back.

“Not at all. In fact, it’s become quite the pass time for Freya and me, back in New York. Swingers’ parties I mean. We both like to watch each other fuck strangers.” Victor smiled, still looking back at the two younger men.

“Yes, I enjoy watching my daughter fuck strangers also.”

“Have you ever brought her, where we’re going tonight?” Sean asked, genuinely interested.

“Oh yes, many times. Though not recently with her being in New York. I mostly attend these little get-togethers with Lukas or Klara, the wild little slut loves the parties. I even bring Connie on occasion, with Lukas’s permission of course.”

“She’s always free to come and cum with you, father.” Lukas chimed in, amusingly. Then moved a hand to Sean’s knee. Sean looked back again at his girlfriend’s brother; he was shooting him with ‘fuck me’ eyes. Sean felt bold and daring in the company of the father-son. He took Lukas’s hand and moved it further up until it cupped his steadily growing cock. Victor watched the whole thing, with amused eyes.

“You never bring your wife, Victor?” Sean asks still seducing Lukas.

“Oh, she comes alright. But often she’ll encourage me to bring our son or daughters. She often goes alone if I’m out of town or otherwise unavailable. She’s very friendly with the madame who runs the manor.” Sean’s eyes were still locked on Lukas’s, something not lost on Victor.

“I tasted your cum from Connie’s cunt this morning. It was delicious.” Lukas moved in closer for a kiss.

“I bet you’d like to taste it from the source?” Sean teased. Lukas nodded lightly. Victor watched, hardening. Filling his eyes with Lukas’s hand trapping Sean’s growing cock. Then threw an eye to the elderly driver at his side, eyes still on the road.

“Boys, let’s wait until we get to the manor.” They stopped right on the cusp of their kiss.

They pulled up to a massive house. A country estate over several dozen arcs. A house of limestone, standing probably 150 years. Stepping out of the car they were greeted on the steps by the madame. She was younger than Sean expected. In her mid-thirties. She wore a cream pantsuit, with red stiletto heels and a red bowtie. The coat of the suit she wore was buttoned but the deep vee allowed sight that she wore nothing under it. Her gorgeous tits nearly spilling out over the lapels. Her hair was short and slicked back.

Sean assumed she wore no underwear as Victor and Lukas greeted her with explicit French kisses that conveyed, they were all lovers. Victor made the introduction to Sean, as he still fondled her ass. She met his eyes and then scanned his crotch. Greeting him with a kiss that turned into a lot of licking and biting.

“A pleasure to meet you. Freya is an old acquaintance, you should know.” She moved her hands down to open Sean’s fly and extracted his Cialis filled cock. “She told me about a new cock she was enjoying in New York. I assume she meant this one.” She said casually stroking him.

“Freya gets to enjoy lots of different cock. Maybe she referred to me. Maybe not.”

“Well tonight, you’ll get to enjoy lots of different cunt.” She leaned into his ear. “Including mine.” She whispered. She led the men up the steps and into the house. It was a roman orgy on steroids, or Viagra, as she brought them through the foyer. It was grand and opulent. For every man, there were two women. They were all leggy and beautiful. Slender with shapely tits and asses. Eloquent and tasteful. They all looked like models of one form or another. Not trashy whores that Sean often had leanings toward.

All the men were naked and of all sizes and shapes. Sean assumed they were all of upper classes and though he tried to hide his glances, was not immediately repulsed by the sight of their cocks.

The women were all uniform to an extent. They wore their hair tied up, with a bowtie or some form of choker close to the neck and hooped earrings of various sizes. Each also wore six-inch, open toe stiletto’s, augmenting their beautiful legs. Apart from that they were totally naked, the only other factor being the various lengths and shapes of their pubic hair.

The men were lead through other rooms with craps tables and roulette wheels and people gambling and drinking cocktails. It all seemed very tame to Sean, except for a few gropes and stokes here and there.

But then, further through the massive house they went, the closer they drew to the low yowls and the smells of filthy sex, Sean was waiting for. They drew to the dining hall, and the sight almost made his eyes water. He lost control of his breathing. Sex was everywhere. It was wild and noisy and rambunctious and untamed. It was wanton and sweaty and filthy and unbridled. A room of about 80 people fucking in every conceivable grouping.

Fucking, sucking, panting, slapping. Screaming and cumming. Roaring and squirting. The filthiest words of passion, the most lurid words of dirty talk – “Take my cum you fucking bitch!” “Suck my cock and swallow my seed”. Women called sluts and cum-dumpsters and fuck-toys. Men called bastards and fuck-pigs and horse-cocks.

The madame led them right through it. Right through the heart of it. Victor, Sean and Lukas fondled a tit or cunt, or cock along the way. Finally, she led them to an anteroom.

Inside waiting for them were six women. Uniformed like the others. It dawned on Sean, this was a private party for him and Lukas and Victor. He scanned the room and came to the back wall past the six cunt’s and pairs of stunning tits. Along a make-shift bar, were brandies and ports and spirits. And next to them, small bowls of more Cialis and lined out ready to be snorted the unmistakable sight of cocaine.

“They are all clean and all on birth control, so feel free to cum inside them all you want. They are here for your pleasure whatever that might be, so use them however you want. When you get bored with them, I can start a rotation and get in new girls. I have to leave to attend to the rest of the party, but I will return in a little while when I’m able to let my hair down and enjoy myself a little more.” The madame spoke while helping undress the three men and stroking Sean’s cock a little more since he never bothered to put it away since exposing it in the courtyard.

She left and six nubile women shared themselves with the boys. The next few hours were some of the most intense of Sean’s entire sexual life.

There was no concern for modesty or discretion, he started fucking one, and then gradually, making her cum, introduced a second to his sex act, then a third and then, after Victor had finished with the girl he was with, started on a fourth and relinquishing his first. The women happily interacted and were keen lovers, fucking him back with equal passion.

At times he looked across the room and saw the most depraved things he’d ever seen in such settings; Lukas fucking one of the women’s mouths, while another whore ate out his asshole, or Victor pissing into the open mouth of one of the women, as she swallowed in big gulps but allowing the stream to flow down her tits and belly.

Sean started on the cocaine and took several more Cialis. He felt the sudden urgency of the task before him. He fucked one of the sluts aggressively, pumping his cock into her, ignoring her pained groans, shooting his hot load up inside her snatching cunt.

And then just as quickly, turning to another slut, his cock still raging hard, fucked her mouth. A quarter of an hour later he was shooting another load across her face.

A half hour later, he was filling the ass of a petit brunette with a bob haircut, with his ribbons of steaming hot cum. His mouth was busy eating the pussy of a voluptuous blonde, with a broad hourglass figure. He grunted into her pussy as she whimpered ‘oh my god’ in elation, over and over again.

The night went on in the same fashion, the Madame checking in on them occasionally, feeding more girls into the room. Sean spit roasted one of the whore’s, another blonde, with Victor. He double penetrated another, a red head, with Lukas.

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