The Family - Cover

The Family

Copyright© 2021 by ThePrinceHedonist

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Sean's meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Lukas and Connie announced they were going for a walk later in the afternoon and asked Freya and Sean to join them. They walked in pairs. Freya and Connie and Sean and Lukas.

They walked for about a mile and a half before coming to a secluded brush. The women walking in front of them, Sean was able to appreciate their asses in their jeans, from behind. Conversation between Lukas and he flowed normally. Each comfortable around the other. It wasn’t long, however, before the conversation turned more intimate.

“My Sister does truly speak very highly of you, Sean.” Lukas came out and said eventually.

“I love her, Lukas. Like I’ve never loved anyone.” Sean spoke from the heart.

“I’m glad, I know she feels the same.” Lukas and Freya were closer in age and so they both felt a closer bond than with Klara, a few years younger than them.

“She has also expressed to me, how generous a lover you are. And about your prowess in the bedroom.” Lukas looked over to Sean, who is now swallowing the lump in his throat. Threading carefully with his lover’s brother.

“Thank you, I guess.” Sean laughed nervously. Feeling Lukas’s looks of lust on him. Sean thought he was beautiful, a Germanic specimen, square chin angular face, blonde and bronzed.

“Hey...” Connie shouted back to the men, they broke their gaze from each other and regarded her.

“There’s a little stream here.” The two girls walked deeper into the dense brush to the shallow water. Sean and Lukas shrugged and followed passively.

When they got to the water’s edge Connie and Freya were already half-naked stripping down from their clothes.

“What are you waiting for, lets jump in!” Freya shouted back to her Boyfriend and brother. As Sean hesitated for a split second, Lukas had no such trepidations. He was stripping off quickly. The girls were nude and knee-deep in the water. It was warm, having the morning sunlight heat it. The sun was still shining down, and everyone had worked up a sweat with the hike, so it was a nice cooling down dip.

Lukas was now naked, and Sean couldn’t help looking straight at his cock. It was nicely trimmed down the way Sean liked and the way he maintained his own pubic hair. He had a great body, lean without being too muscular.

His penis swayed as he headed for the water. It was a gorgeous cock and Sean couldn’t help the impulse of wanting to suck it. His eyes crossed Freya’s, running water down her breasts and body, she knew he was looking at her brother’s cock. She licked her lips and laughed, having caught her lover admiring another man, let alone her own brother.

Sean was naked and wading into the water, the same look he had given Lukas only moments before were now reciprocated by him, and his wife Connie. Everyone splashed around for a little while cooling down, enjoying the pleasant feeling of being naked in nature, being back as one with the world as it were.

Freya eventually came up to Sean and pressed her body to his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she could feel his cock throb with her body press. He was self-conscious as they weren’t alone, but when he looked over to Connie and Lukas, they were way ahead of them. Connie was pressed up against Lukas with one hand stroking his growing hard-on. They were in a lip lock that looked fucking hot, away in their own little world.

“Hey, don’t worry about them. They’ll do their own thing.” Freya said to Sean turning his head back to her. She kissed him softly, then pulled away again.

“Besides, like with Klara. If Lukas ever brought a girlfriend home, I liked the look of, I’d join them in bed. If I brought a guy home, and Lukas wanted him, he’d join us.”

“You’ve fucked Lukas? That is so fucking hot. And Connie?” Sean didn’t care about the pangs of trepidation he had felt before. He was in new territory and was amazed at how turned on he was at the thought of incest.

“Yes, I’ve joined them on many nights of lovemaking.” She didn’t get to say anything else after that because Sean stuck his tongue down her throat. He too, now had a swelling cock being stroked tenderly by a female hand.

“So, Sean? Are you going to show us that world-famous sexual prowess now?” Lukas shouted over. Sean and Freya both looked over to see the other couple watching them, with enthused smiles. Sean and Freya locked eyes, laughed, and continued kissing.

They laid side by side on the grass, close enough for everyone to be in every detail of the sex. The girls on their backs on the grass, able to lean over and kiss and fondle each other. Between their legs, their partners were fucking away at them. Fast stabs and deep thrusts. Sean and Lukas’s asses bobbing up and down with each fuck they threw into the women they loved.

Sean was close enough to suck on Connie’s tits. Connie played with Freya’s clit. Freya spoke filthy words to her brother; telling him how his ‘wife was nothing but a whore and use her like a cum dumpster’. Or that they were both just ‘fuck toys for the two men to fill with their hot spunk’. It was fast-paced and intense, kinetic fucking. They gave the girls orgasm after orgasm. Sean was first to blow his load into Freya. Collapsing onto her after their energic fuck.

Lukas withdrew from Connie, choosing instead to mount her midsection and shot his load into her mouth. Most went in, and she swallowed. But a few strands of his semen landed on her chin and dripped and rolled down to her tits. Freya leaned over and lapped up her brothers dripping cum off his wife’s chin and chest. Making a show of swallowing.

Sean thought it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. They dressed and continued on their hike. Lukas stopping Sean for a moment. Letting the girls walk ahead again.

“It’s reassuring to know my Sister’s sexual needs are being met. And from the way I saw you, piston in and out of her and the way you brought her to climax, I’m glad I got to see for myself the enthusiasm and prowess she boasted about. Thank you for sharing that with Connie and me.” Lukas stood closer to Sean and cupped his face with one hand. Sean knew what he was doing and didn’t fight it. Lukas leaned forward and gave him a healthy kiss that lasted for a good thirty seconds. Both men were out of breath when it ended.

“Maybe, I’ll get to show you my enthusiasm for sex a little closer sometime.” Sean put to him.

“I’d like that.” Lukas looked deep into Sean’s eyes, then smiled and gave him another deep French kiss. When they broke away, they saw the girls watching them, from about twenty yards away. They were smiling, happy that the men were sharing this experience. They too turned to each other when they were sure the men were watching and really went at it, kissing.

The men loved the little shows the girls put on for them walking back to the house. Pulling down their jeans and flashing the men their asses or pussy’s. Putting their hands on each other’s asses, kissing deeply. Etc. Sean was really liking this family.

Things were quiet when they got home, in the late afternoon. Hot and sweaty, Sean joined Freya when she invited him for a cool-down shower. When they got out and dried off, they got into bed and she rode his cock to four orgasms before he shot up into her quim.

It was dinner less than an hour later and again, all the women were scantily clad and loose from the wine. Brita suggested another therapy session for the evening.

So, after dessert, they were once again sat in front of Freya’s sex therapist Mother telling her the intimate details of their sex life. How often Sean went down on Freya etc.

“So, Sean, in our last session we spoke about your aunt and the relationship you both shared. Now I want you to tell me what sex was like in your home growing up.” Brita spoke from her note pad. Sean thought about the question for a moment.

“Well, my parents were pretty liberated people regarding sex and sexuality. I could always talk to either of them about anything I wanted to know or any questions I had. And as you already know we holidayed in the south of France in nudist resorts and beaches in the summertime.”

“So, you were familiar with your family being naked? When did the sexual attraction start with your Sister?” Brita asked nonchalantly. Sean’s cock stirred in his pants.

“I guess when we were in our late teens. She started to develop nice breasts. But I was also starting to notice and admire other girls and women too.”

“Was one of them your Mother?” Brita asked looking into his eyes. He hesitated. Thinking back over the years.

“Tell her about the dirty magazines,” Freya spoke up.

“Your Mother bought you dirty magazine’s?” Brita asked.

“Yes, but is that really that uncommon? She also bought my sister and me, condoms. I mean there were a few times when...” Sean stops himself. Brita senses his discomfort. She places a hand on his knee and his cock ached.

“Sean please, nothing you say here is wrong or bad. Please continue.”

“Well, there were times when I would sneak to the open crack of my parent’s bedroom door when I was a teenager and watch them having sex. But they were very laid back about nudity and sex. Sometimes I’d come home to find my Mother sucking my Father’s cock in the kitchen. I didn’t say anything, I’d just go into the living room or to my bedroom. My sister even told me she sat with them when a porno came on late-night television and was encouraged to masturbate if she was turned on. She did and my mother gave my father a hand job.” Brita took the notes of Sean’s words and was fully engaged with what he was telling her.

“Do you suppose your sister Erin might have had a sexual relationship with your parents without you knowing?” Sean didn’t deliberate over the question at all.

“I doubt it, it would have come out by now.”

“Going back to you watching your parents, do you think they knew you were watching, and did you touch yourself while you watched?” Sean laughed.

“Yes, they knew. I would always catch them looking over to see if I was still watching or not. I think it excited them, to have an audience. As for masturbating, yes, I was a teenager, so my penis was seldom out of my hand.” They laughed at the joke collectively.

“I once accidentally came on the wallpaper outside their bedroom door, and my mother cleaned it for an hour the next day. Though she never was mad at me for that.”

“What’s your relationship like with your Mother, Sean?”

“It’s great, I can still go to her and talk to her about anything I want, which is fantastic.” Freya looked at him and then to her mother.

“I’ve been around his mother. I’d suggest they are very close.”

“How close?” Brita egged on her daughter.

“When they greeted us at the door, the weekend I spent meeting them, she pressed her body up to Sean and kissed him on the mouth. It was French, tender, but still French. Hell, his dad did the same with me, and could barely keep his hands off my ass the whole weekend. And when she finally came to greet me, she kissed me like that too. The whole weekend they were extremely touchy-feely, she constantly complimented my tits and then grabbed and squeezed one. And she continued kissing Sean at every chance she got.”

“They are very affectionate people.” Sean tried to explain.

“There’s more...” Freya exchanged. “I got up our first night there, to go pee. I was naked and was assured by Sean it wouldn’t be a big deal if his parents saw me that way. As I walked down the hallway, I heard moans ... and you know me, I wanted to check it out. I peeked into their bedroom and saw them fucking. They saw me, and waved me in...”

“YOU FUCKED MY PARENTS?” Sean asked in absolute shock. She put her hands on his arms to try and comfort him.

“No, no, no. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched and touched myself. And afterwards, when we all came, I went to the bathroom and peed and came back to bed.” She kissed him and laughed.

“Have you ever had any sexual experiences with your mother Sean?” Brita asked with earnest. Sean took a deep breath.

“The summer I turned eighteen and we were in France, on a beach naked she went into the water and I joined her. These two French girls passed; they were about my age. I got a hard-on and got embarrassed about it. My mother saw me looking at them and saw my cock. She asked me if I liked them, and I said yes. She asked me what I would do to them if I had my chance, she asked me if I’d fuck them, stick my cock down their throats. And as she asked me, she started rubbing my cock. Soon I came, right there in the ocean.” Sean opened his pants and took out his now, massive cock. He didn’t care about impressions, knowing everyone was well past that stage. He cupped the back of Freya’s head and brought her mouth down to his cock tip, she took it from there, bobbing up and down on his dick.

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