The Family - Cover

The Family

Copyright© 2021 by ThePrinceHedonist

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Sean's meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

They showered when they got up. The bedclothes were still damp from their cum. She fondled his cock in the en suite and he tickled her pussy. Getting dressed for dinner, Sean took her in, sitting naked at the dresser. He loved her naked body, when they were home, she’d always be naked, whether it was in his apartment, or hers. Denise, Freya’s roommate was very much the same way. Even around Sean, she would walk from the kitchen to her bedroom, or from her bedroom to the bathroom totally exposed.

“Do you ever walk around here naked, in front of your family?” He asked her in hope of a sexually exciting answer. She knew this and wasn’t going to disappoint the man she loved. Looking back at him through the mirror. Smiling at his boyish mischief.

“We used to, all of us. My parents too. But as my siblings and I have gotten older not so much. Of course, if I need something from the laundry, I’ll go naked, and no one would think anything of it, as would they. If you see my brother or Father naked, do not be at all surprised.” She warned still applying make-up.

“I was hoping more for your Mother or sister.” He teased. They both knew of the very real chances that Sean would find himself in a situation where he might fuck Freya’s Mother or sister. She knew this even more than he hoped for it. She didn’t mind, thinking it would be nice to be Eskimo sisters, with either of them, or both.

“Well, there’s a chance of that too. Don’t forget my sister likes to eat breakfast before she showers, and she doesn’t usually put any clothes on in the morning. She, like the rest of us, sleeps nude.” He smiled at the thought. He looked down to the bed; Freya’s evening dress was laid out on top it. She would wear it and nothing else. Sean learned she was not exclusive in this fashion trait, neither her mother nor sister wore underwear most of the time. Especially with dresses, and since Connie was introduced to the family, she’d adopted the same approach.

He looked down again past the bed and to the box of sex toys on the floor. He had an idea; he approached the box and drew out a butt plug. A mid-range silver one, a nice size to be up Freya’s ass for a lengthy period of time and not cause too much discomfort. He brought it over to her at the dresser and held it up to her.

“Wear this to dinner.” She looked at it, and then at him and scoffed. But then let the idea sink in. An evil little grin shot up her face and she stood up.

“Get me some lube.” She was finished with her hair and make-up. She looked even more beautiful than usual if it were possible. Sean applied a tiny dollop of lube to his finger and put it to her anus, circling it around the outside and then pushing his finger slowly into her. They stood close to one another and her eyes rolled with bliss. He took the butt-plug and even slower than his finger, eased the cold metal inside her.

They both instinctively felt the presence of someone in the doorway to the room. It was Connie, watching what was going on with a little smile on her lips. She was wearing a towel. She and Freya started laughing.

“So, you’ll be wearing a little more than just you’re dress this evening?” She said teasing.

Again, they both laughed. Sean felt a little out of the loop. She walked into the room.

“You need something to wear?” Freya knew pretty instinctively, walking over to the wardrobe and opening it.

“If you wouldn’t mind?” Connie started looking over her sister-in-law’s dresses. Freya stepped away and drew back closer to Sean. Connie dropped her towel, revealing her pert ass. Sean’s heart raced, both of them stood away from her taking in her brilliant nakedness. Her back to the couple, Freya didn’t miss a beat. She started stroking Sean’s quickly growing cock through his pants. He was the only one in the room wearing anything.

“I hope my little accessory won’t come up over dinner?” Freya said, only trying to talk about it further to add to the sexuality of the moment. She couldn’t care less if everyone at the table knew she was attending dinner with a toy in her ass.

Connie turned her head, with a wicked smirk. She pulled her hands out away from the dresses and to her ass cheeks, pulling them apart. Inside her round cushions, where her anus should be, sparkled back at the couple, the pink diamond end of a butt-plug. Freya squeezed Sean’s cock in the same instance.

“I won’t tell if you won’t.” She winked and the two broke out laughing again. Sean shot a load down his pant leg, trying his best to hide his climax from Connie, but she could tell, and just smiled at him. She went back to looking for a dress. Freya brought her hands up to Sean’s cheeks, encasing them and kissing him passionately. She pulled a dress out of the wardrobe, a red slutty little number. She had a satisfied look on her face with it. She turned to Sean and Freya and walked up to them, particularly him and gave him an ever so soft kiss on the lips. Leaving Freya wet, watching them.

“I’m flattered you think of me like that. And that I could aid you with your climax.” She said it directly to him. She turned and walked for the door. Picking up her towel along the way, but not bothering to put it back around her.

“See you both at dinner.” She winked back into the room. Freya turned Sean’s head away from Connie’s perfect ass and in for another kiss. She needed to put her dress on. He needed to change his pants.

If Sean thought it was hard keeping his hard-on down around Connie, he was glad he was sitting down at the dinner table. While he and Victor and Lukas were dressed formally in slacks and shirts. The women were dressed in evening gowns fit for escorts and porn stars. Connie’s little red number turned out to be just that, barely long enough to cover her pussy and ass as she sat at the table.

While she had the smallest chest of any of the women, Sean could tell she still two nice handfuls of mammary. The dress covered her neck and chest, however, left a generous amount of side boob.

She sat beside Victor, who was at the top of the table and Lukas sat across from her. As did Freya sitting across from Sean and Brita at the other end of the table. He was glad he was getting to sit so close to his lovers Mother. She wore a black number with a very deep, wide vee neck. Sean could just make out the areolas of her nibbles. She caught him looking, giving him a wink and a smile when she did. And when he stopped, thinking it was impolite she leaned in and whispered;

“You haven’t gotten bored of looking at my tits already, have you?” She caught him off guard and his heart rate went through the roof. He blushed and looked at Freya. She smiled coyly back at him.

Her dress was practically see-through. Sean thought the material would be thicker than it was and when she finally put it on when they were getting ready, he couldn’t believe how daring it was. And yet, no one at the dinner table bat an eyelid. She was all but naked eating her meal and no one cared. Sean was beginning to really like it here.

Then there was Klara, she was sitting on the opposite side of Sean. Again, like her mother, she wore a flower-patterned dress with a plunging neckline. Every time Sean looked down, he could see her nipples.

With the wine loosening everyone up, Sean noted that there became a sexual air around the table. The conversation became more titillating. Klara told of a weekend she’d recently enjoyed in Berlin with some girlfriends of hers and spoke of how she had attended an orgy and revealed the lurid details of some of the sex acts she committed and recalled some of the people she fucked.

Sean watched Victor’s reaction as she described at length how she met two guys who later, she ended up letting spit-roast her. Her Father hung on her every word and was not fazed by it at all. Even Connie started to talk about her parent’s sex life, going into detail about catching them fucking in the kitchen not too long ago. Watching for a few moments and playing with herself.

Everyone also was getting more and more intimate and touchy, feely. Connie was sitting extremely close to Victor. Across the table from Sean, Freya and her mother were holding hands and from time to time one would cup the other’s face or stroke their hair. At one point Brita pinched one of her daughter’s nipples, visibly on display.

It was something Sean knew got Freya extremely wet. Did her Mother know that too? Though she’d been talking with her brother on her far side for some time, Klara eventually turned and started talking with Sean. She too noticed how close her Mother and Sister were sitting.

“They get like that when they have a few glasses of wine.” She whispered into Sean’s ear. She placed her hand on his knee, he froze as he felt it creep up his thigh. Watching his girlfriend and her Mother all but make out with each other.

He turned to Klara; she was still facing him. Now, their lips were practically touching.

“And how do you get with your Mother when you’ve had a few glasses of wine?” He whispered softly. He knew it was daring in front of everyone but everyone else seemed to be in their own world. Brita and Freya. Connie, Lukas and Victor. Klara smiled and whispered back;

“let’s just say after my Mother gets me worked up, like what she’s doing with my sister, your girlfriend, I have to finish myself off. But sometimes I wait until she takes my Father to bed, and I watch her take out her pent-up lust on him as they fuck.” They looked over at Brita and Freya in unison. Freya having her thumb in her Mothers mouth.

“I think you two are going to have one hell of a fuck tonight.” She leaned into his ear as she spoke and has moved her hand up to cup his crotch. Slowly she massaged his cock under the table, she massaged it as Sean looked around the table. Brita and Freya sharing a tender kiss and when he looked up the other end, Connie and Victor were inhaling each other as Lukas watched. He looked down at Klara, Lukas from the other side of her had his hand on her thigh, massaging up between her legs.

Sean was in a blur; he was so aroused and at the back of his mind a little voice asked; ‘what kind of family is this?’

Finally, Brita turned to him, Freya looking on.

“Freya tells me you two still haven’t found a Sex therapist you are happy with.” She placed her hand on his other knee. The little voice screamed ‘Is this really happening?’

“I didn’t know we were looking for one,” Sean said aiming it at Freya.

“If you’d like, we could have a little session after dinner? It won’t be anything too intense, I’d just like to know the sexual health of your relationship.” Her hand crept up his thigh as she spoke.

He looked back down the table to Connie and Victor, they were no longer kissing but were deeply intimate. Brita didn’t even notice, if she even cared.

“If it’s okay with Freya, I think that’s a great idea.” Brita’s hand found its way to Sean’s crotch and also, to Klara’s stroking hand. The two women looked at each other in surprise and burst out laughing. Sean shot a load at that same moment, looking pleadingly into his girlfriend’s eyes sitting across from him. She smiled devilishly and winked back; she knew what was happening all along, he knew she knew. He was starting to like this family.

They shared the bathroom after dinner. Lukas and Klara declared they would clean up the dishes. Victor and Connie mysteriously disappeared, and Brita was waiting for the couple in the den to begin a sex therapy session.

“Relax, she’ll just want to know how often we fuck, how often we go down on each other, how much we communicate ... stuff like that,” Freya said peeing. Sean was looking pretty stressed as he had his pants around his knees, cleaning the cum stains with tissue. He obviously couldn’t believe that his girlfriend’s Sister and Mother had both placed a hand on his cock under the dinner table and that Klara had rubbed him to climax.

He wanted to ask but was afraid. Freya could read him like a book, knew something was on his mind. She could always tell when something wasn’t okay with him.

“Ask me, go on. I know somethings up.” He looked at her as she tore a piece of tissue and began wiping her pussy. Even with the dress bunched up around her waist, she still looked totally naked.

“I saw your father and Connie making out, they were getting pretty fucking hot with each other.” Sean had stress in his voice as he spoke. She stood up off the toilet and flushed, leaving the dress bunched up around her waist. She could tell he was a little freaked out by the night’s events. She cupped his face tenderly.

“Would it surprise you, or offend you to know they’re probably in my parent’s bed right now fucking like rabbits?” Sean felt a jolt in his penis. Freya didn’t miss a beat, dropping a hand down to stroke it. She even made herself wet with the thought of Connie and her Father fucking.

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