The Family - Cover

The Family

Copyright© 2021 by ThePrinceHedonist

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sean's meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

The pine forest either side of the road was sweeping past in the car and the sky was vividly overcast. Freya drove. She had always been a better driver than Sean and he would be the first to admit it. He was anxious. He had a nervous knot in his chest. She was totally calm. She told him to relax, that he had nothing to worry about.

They were only ten minutes away from her Parents home north of Copenhagen. About thirty minutes outside the city. They were making good time considering it was only three in the afternoon. They had left JFK at five this morning and were feeling it. It was the first time Sean was going to be meeting Freya’s family. They had been together for about ten months and were organizing themselves to move in together back in New York. They figured the next step was to meet each other’s families. Freya met Sean’s parents over a long weekend last month. She already knew his sister, Erin, as she lived in the city also and they hung out together quite often.

Freya was not the stereotypical looking Dane, with blonde hair and blue eyes, she was a brunette and had very dark brown eyes and very full lips, and a strong angular nose. she was tall and slim but toned. She had C-cup tits and an almost perfect tight peach ass. Sean was almost immediately drawn to her when they met, as she was to him.

He was no slouch in the looks department either. Blonde and grey-eyed with high cheekbones. 6,2’’ and broad-shouldered. Broad chested and fit. He took care of himself. But It was his penis that Freya loved the most, long, and straight like an arrow, he didn’t have the greatest girth, but he made up for it in the length. When rock hard he was easily eight and a half inches. She would sometimes just admire it when they were showering together. It was a very beautiful penis.

They loved each other of course, for all the reasons why any two people ever fall in love. Comfort, security, affection, trust, and friendship. But this was different from anything they had had before. He was 28 and she was 26. And it wasn’t their first rodeo by any stretch of the imagination. They had both been very sexually active from young ages. Sean lost his virginity when he was seventeen and Freya had lost hers at sixteen while growing up in Denmark. She had had somewhere in the region of fifty to sixty lovers, men and women, but she always lost count when trying to recollect them all.

Sean’s number was a lot higher. He would lose count after ninety. Mostly women, but Sean wasn’t afraid of the male form and when the mood was right had actively sought male lovers. But what they had now with each other was unbridled, wanton and at times debauched. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Of course, they told themselves the novelty would wear off the longer they were with each other like it had with other relationships. But it didn’t. They kept wanting to touch each other and taste each other. Even on the flight over, Sean fingered Freya to orgasm twice, an hour apart.

They knew each other’s sexual history, not holding anything back. Freya was okay with hearing about the dozens of partners Sean had in the past, not judging him in the slightest for his moods and desires. She understood a man’s needs. It was the way she was brought up. To keep a level playing field Freya shared everything with him. Sometimes in very gritty detail. It would excite him, and she knew it.

Even how they met had been a torrid affair. Sean was set up with Freya’s roommate, Denise. When Sean arrived to pick her up, Freya had answered the door. They got to talking while Denise finished the last touches of getting ready. Sean and Freya’s eyes locked after a few minutes of talking to each other and that was it for both of them.

Sean took Denise out that night. They had a nice time, went for dinner, and then drinks. He liked her; thought she was easy to talk to. He was also impressed with her hourglass figure and her sultry Latin complexion. They went back to her apartment afterwards, he stripped her down on the sofa while she gave him a blow job. Then he fucked her D-cup tits. He hoped Freya would come out of her room and catch them and join them. But she never did. He fucked Denise three times that night, the first being on the sofa. She was not quiet about it. Then in her bed into the late hours of the morning. She was amazed at his powers of recovery and his stamina. The last fuck he gave her went on for an hour and twenty minutes. She came hard, five times. He didn’t bother to put a condom on for that one and she didn’t care, letting him fill her up with cum.

They both enjoyed the night but knew it was a one-time thing. They wanted each other’s bodies and that was it. Telling Freya about their night together the next day and cutting to the chase that she probably wouldn’t see him again, Freya asked her for his number. She messaged him and the very next weekend Sean was back in that apartment, only this time fucking Freya into the late hours of the morning. Denise even made him breakfast the next morning while Freya slept, with a wry little smile on her face.

She teased about giving him a blow job while her roommate slept and he drank his coffee, but nothing untoward happened again between the two. Certainly, not that morning anyway. Freya would later confess to Sean that while he fucked Denise on the sofa she had been listening in her room and messaging her clit to orgasm.

She slowed the car down as they got to the gate of the house; Sean felt sick. She patted his knee and slid her hand up his thigh, and cupped his crotch through his jeans a moment, causing him to whimper.

“Everything is going to be fine. From what I’ve told my family about you I know they’ll love you.” She left her hand to linger on his penis, massaging it. The gates opened and before she drove in, she reached over and kissed him softly on the lips.

“They’ll love you because I love you.” She sat back and pressed on the accelerator and drove up the short pebble driveway to the house. It was a very modern bungalow in the Scandinavian style. A mansion really. Sean knew Freya’s family were pretty well off, both her parents being therapists. She sounded the horn, drawing first the family dog to the car. She got out and hugged Max, the German Shepard.

The front door opened and out came Freya’s father. ‘So, this is Victor’, Sean thought to himself. He was in his early fifties. Very handsome with Germanic angular features, brown hair with a touch of grey at the temples. This was where Freya got her looks. He took Sean in his gaze as he took his daughter into his arms and hugged her. They spoke some words in Danish to each other and as they broke gave each other a kiss, just off center of the mouth. He took in Sean as his daughter introduced her father to her boyfriend. A big grin as Victor took Sean’s hand for a shake and pulled him in closer for a hug.

Words of encouraging welcomes were spoken, he felt easier as he took in the man’s positive energy. Sean looking over Victor’s shoulder, saw Max going wild with excitement, and looking over at the door saw Freya’s mother at the front step, Brita. Freya had shown him pictures of all her family, including her Mother and he’d commented on how beautiful she was, but in the flesh, it was a totally different story. She had auburn, dark red hair. She would be fifty in spring, A tall frame with a surprisingly toned physique and tanned skin. Her tits were about the same as Freya’s, from what Sean could ascertain from under her blouse and her ass seemed snug in her jeans and surprisingly tight for a woman her age.

Victor pulled him away from the hug and asked him how the flight was, while he took in the man’s wife’s amazing presence. She hugged her daughter and spoke to her in Danish and again Freya got a kiss on the mouth from a parent. Sean smiled at Victor as he focused on the man in front of him, answering his questions and keeping Brita in his periphery.

Lukas and his wife Connie then stood in the doorway, and Freya went over and hugged her brother and sister-in-law as Sean made his way to introduce himself to Brita. As he approached, he wondered why his heart was beating so fast. She watched him draw nearer with scrutinizing eyes and a welcoming smile.

“So, this is the man who has captured my eldest daughters, wild heart?” She asked as he instinctively hugged her. She wasn’t surprised by this and when he withdrew, she even gave him a similar kiss to the one she gave her daughter. Innocent, yet intoxicating.

“I guess I am,” Sean answered timidly. Saving some witty or sexually suggestive comeback for when they were more properly acquainted. She smiled at him, as she took him all in. She also had seen photos of him. She was impressed by his looks.

“It’s so good to finally meet you.” She told him. But before Sean could answer, Freya, tapped him on the shoulder and introduced Lukas and Connie. The men shook hands and Connie hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, both came across as very warm and friendly people.

Victor inquired about the luggage in the boot of the car and Sean immediately started over to help him get them out and start to bring the bags into the house. When he closed the boot, Sean looked up and saw Freya hugging another woman. Younger, twenty-one or so. This he assumed was Klara. The youngest member of the family. She had arrived home from college earlier that week.

He felt another twinge in his chest. Her hair was dirty blonde, but her skin tone and complexion were that of her mothers. She was what he thought her mother must have looked like when she was that age. He could see even from afar, where he was standing, she had an amazing body. As tall as the other women in her family and very similar tits to them. Her ass was the best yet, he confessed to himself, it was nicer than Freya’s. But it was her legs that really intrigued him. She was wearing short shorts that her gorgeous ass hung out of. He approached with Freya’s bag in hand. She looked at him and smiled and hugged him and it was then he felt his dick move. He told her it was lovely to finally meet her. Freya looked him over and knew exactly what he was thinking, she could read him like a book. She gave him a wry grin.

Their relationship was built on a foundation of sexuality, and they both knew it from very early on. Freya worked in medical device sales that would take her away from New York, now and then. She always told him, that if he fucked another woman, she just hoped he’d be forthright with her, and honest. And for a while, he resisted that urge. Until one night, when she was away, he went to his local bar and a blonde in the corner of the room was making ‘fuck me’ eyes at him. He brought her home and fucked her all night in the bed he shared with Freya.

He felt bad about it and he confronted her when she got home, nauseous with nervousness. He confessed and was amazed when she wasn’t even remotely upset by it. She told him if she was expecting a faithful partner, she would not have been with him. She encouraged him to fuck other women when she was away but also warned that she might like a casual fuck with a strange man when she was on a business trip.

It made him squirm to think she might fuck someone else. But when she called him out about how excited he would get at hearing about her sexual exploits before they met, he had no answer. Maybe he did like the idea of her fucking other people.

They put it to the test when they went to Puerto Rico for a long weekend. The natural idea of the holiday was a fuck-fest, to begin with. They fucked almost hourly, they would fuck on the beach and in the ocean. She spent a tremendous amount of time with his cock in her mouth, as he spent hours eating her pussy. They’d fuck in the nightclub toilets, they fucked drunk and stoned. They fucked on cocaine. They fucked in a strip club with people watching them. It was pure unadulterated hedonism. But Sean was curious when Freya suggested on their last night there, that they find another couple and swap partners for a night.

They got talking to newlyweds from Florida that night at dinner. They were nice and friendly and didn’t seem to have a knee jerk reaction to some of Freya’s forward jokes, and sexual innuendos. They were all American in looks and seemed to have a pretty liberal attitude when they suggested they go back to their room to smoke a joint. Forty-five minutes later, and with a joint shared among them, Freya didn’t waste any time. Kissing the guy, then the girl.

They fucked each other’s partners all in the same room, putting on little sexual shows for the other couple, and it was then he realized he loved to watch his girlfriend get fucked by other men.

It only made their desire for one another stronger. When they got back to New York, and after an energetic fuck session, Freya proposed they keep their relationship open. Or at least consider it.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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