Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 9

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Feb 21

Friday morning, the morning I’d been looking forward to. I made it a point to wake up before Dani, even set my Fitbit app to vibrate the watch on my arm at five, well before any likelihood of Dani having awakened. I quietly opened my nightstand drawer, took out her little surprise, and set to work. Very pleasant work, though, I might add.

I’d never in my life done what I was about to do. My heart was pounding in my chest, hoping that it wouldn’t end in disaster. What kind of disaster, though, I couldn’t imagine, just ... not how I intended. She’s a sound sleeper, takes a lot to wake her in the morning. I hoped that’d be the case, that she wouldn’t wake too soon.

I scooted myself under the covers where the smell of her fragrant sex was strong, touching her leg, tugging her knees apart just a little – enough that I could get my head in-between. Off and on the whole night, I’d thought about this, how to do it. As I touched her, she let out a little, ‘Mmm’ and spread her knees a bit more. I wanted to lick her, arouse her in her sleep, like a sexy dream. I scooted up between her legs and touched my lips to her inner thigh, then slowly toward the slit of her pussy, hoping she wouldn’t wake up – not yet.

She let out a soft groan when my tongue first penetrated between her pussy lips, her legs spread a little further apart. I wondered what it would be like for her, to be woken like this, I hoped as pleasant as it was for me.

My tongue worked up and down inside her, my lips sucking, Dani starting to groan, probably awakening, her juices starting to flow ... it was time. I pulled back from between her legs, snuggled up to her, sucking a nipple in my mouth and let my fingers do the walking ... between her legs ... pressing inside her wet, slippery pussy ... pressing the little silver ‘bullet’ vibrator inside her, the ‘surprise’ Rebekka had given me when I went back in the store Tuesday night. “She won’t even feel that it’s there,” she told me, “until you turn it on.”

Dani was waking up, soft moans coming from her lips. I continued my ministrations of her pussy with my fingers, rubbing up and down, over her clit, in and out, all to cover up the possibility of the funny feeling inside her, her hips thrusting up and down to my fingers. Well, that and the fact that it was fun as hell! I sucked her nipples until they were little hard nubs.

As she woke up, her hand wrapped around my cock, pulling it to her, “Not now,” I whispered in her ear, “tonight.” But, God, I wanted to fuck her! I was afraid it might press the little bullet too deep.

She rolled over toward me and we kissed, morning mouth and all. Then she was up on her knees, scooting herself up to my mouth and I happily accommodated her desires, bringing my bride to a very satisfying morning orgasm ... and my ‘surprise’ very successfully embedded inside her.

Later, watching her dress was especially sweet. “Oh, by the way,” I told her as she was fastening her bra, the red satin one that matched her red satin thong. “I want to take you out to dinner tonight, that okay?” I asked her.

“Mmm, I like it. Where you want to go?” Good! That had been a loose end, whether she’d agree to go out or not. “Italian? Mario’s?” I suggested, “You could wear those sexy leather pants, I’ll dress up a little, too.” Very tight on her pussy, buttons up both sides, will make it almost impossible for her to do anything about the little vibrator hidden inside her. Pretty certain she’s never felt one. They didn’t exist twenty-eight years ago and we’ve only recently discovered toys at all.

“Love it,” she said, “it’s about time you and I had a date night, just the two of us,” as she slipped into a silky skirt.

Thinking of Dani during the day, having no idea of the little device tucked away inside her, maybe flashing her boyfriend with that pink thong, was keeping me on edge all day. My hand was constantly in my pocket, toying with the little remote that I hoped was going to rock Dani’s world tonight. She said she liked to be surprised. Well, once I hit that ‘on’ button, it should be a surprise.

A single week ago I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing something like that to my wife. The thought wouldn’t have even crossed my mind, but if it had, it would have just been a silly idea, not something to actually ‘do’. Now, here I was, toying with the remote in my pocket, and getting hard. Seems like I was perpetually hard thinking about Dani, even after twenty-eight years of marriage. What a difference her having a lover makes.

Speaking of lovers, Dani’s been texting him, even making plans to go see him again. Thursday evening, she asked me if I’d mind if she used one of her personal days to make a three-day weekend in Tampa. I know what we talked about just a couple days ago, telling her that I wanted her to see him for a weekend, but the reality of it, her actually making plans, sent shivers through me. I wanted it, yet ... I remembered my misery on that plane trip home, only four days ago. It seems that in those four days and the two days before, our entire world had been turned upside down.

Could I cope with Dani being with him for an entire weekend? And a three-day weekend at that; knowing how she felt about him and him about her, those words ‘I never married because no other girl could compare,’ kept going through my mind. This wasn’t just a sex thing, they had real feelings for each other, stemming from so long ago.

Pretty sure those will be three days wracked with jealous misery, but at the same time, God, it’ll be hot wondering what she’s doing.

The store’s open till eight on Fridays and naturally, it was busy so I couldn’t sneak away a little early. Good for the bank account but not so much for my evening plans. Dani would have been home, showered, probably shaved her legs for tonight – maybe shaved something else, too. I just hoped she hadn’t felt or discovered my little surprise.

I had a guy come in the store about a quarter till eight, all apologetic with some reason why he hadn’t been in earlier but was overhauling the engine on his Jeep and ordering parts. Sandy was busy with another customer, so I ended up helping him, almost forty-five minutes’ worth. Sandy had already locked the doors and I’d texted Dani, telling her I was with a customer and would be a little late.

‘OK, should be ready when you get home’, she texted back. Not a word all day about anything amiss. God, I was already getting hard. That customer had been a short reprieve.

Thankfully, there wasn’t any traffic to speak of that late. Hell, It’s Kennewick, not Seattle, there’s hardly ever traffic. Still, it was almost nine when I walked through our door. Dani walked into the room and I was like, WOW! I’d seen her one time in those leather pants and hadn’t realized just how fuckin’ sexy they were! I remembered them being tight around her waist and pussy, but they were like a second skin, those buttons up the sides so there was no zipper, buttons, or anything else to distract from her you-know-what.

And on top, she had a blouse I’d never seen before; flowery beige, that I could barely make out her black bra underneath. And those heels – God! That was all topped with her makeup and that perfume we’d bought in Tampa. It was enough to drive a man totally out of his mind.

“You look ... I can’t even say it, how nice you look,” I told her.

“Thank you, not often that we get a date night. We need to do it more often,” she said as she kissed me on the cheek. God, that perfume!

“Give me fifteen minutes,” I told her. I had to at least change from my dirty work clothes. Maybe shower the stink off, too. Handling automotive parts all day is not clean work. Even if they are mostly boxed – there’s still sometimes handling the customer’s old parts to find a part number.

I was showered, shaved, teeth-brushed, and dressed in my nicest slacks and sports jacket in fourteen minutes. A record, I was sure. And before I left the bedroom, grabbed that remote out of my dirty work jeans.

We went to Mario’s, a very upscale Italian restaurant in an old restored railroad dining car. We hadn’t been there before but had heard about it from friends, how good it is. It’s very ‘adult’, too, catering more to romantic couples than families.

The hostess, in a flowing, flowery skirt greeted us with “Ciao, my name is Maria,” and led us to our table; white tablecloth, three candles in the center. There are only six tables, each separated by a sheer privacy curtain, that didn’t seem very effective at affording privacy but at least gave the allusion, especially with the low lighting, letting the flickering candles do much of the table lighting.

She left us and returned a moment later with two small loaves of bread, hot out of the oven. We ordered a white wine, and she left us alone for a bit. Dani looked fabulous, her long, flowing brown hair over her shoulders, slightly pink lipstick, and makeup to perfection. “I can’t get over how beautiful you look tonight,” I told her.

“Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself for a parts store jock,” she kidded.

We had a pleasant conversation about our day, Dani just off-handedly mentioned that she had a very pleasant break-time, both of us knowing exactly what she was talking about. When Maria came back to take our orders, I ordered the Lasagna Al Forno, Dani the Shrimp Calamari.

Maria seemed very pleased with our choices and soon brought us a salad and another loaf of that heavenly bread, as we’d already devoured both.

I had a hard time taking my eyes off my beautiful wife, even after twenty-eight years. How I’d been so lucky to marry a woman who would still look like this at forty-nine was beyond me. Especially, with our newfound sexual joys.

Maria brought our food, looking like it could have come from a chef’s pictorial, and smelling just as good. Just as Dani lifted her first forkful to her mouth, I switched the vibrator on to ‘low’. I’d experimented with it enough during the day to know exactly how to control the settings.

Dani’s hand paused and her eyes grew big with a mystified look on her face. I’d already brought my hand back to the table and was leisurely eating, pretending to not pay her any attention.

She looked around, trying to see ... what?

“What?” I asked her, all innocently.

“I don’t know ... something...” taking a deep breath. I wished I had some idea what those low vibrations might be feeling like.

I left it there, remembering what Rebekka had said, ‘start it low, let it build in her.’

Dani was fidgeting in her seat, eating the bite she’d just taken. “How is it?” I asked her, meaning the food.

“Good, wonderful,” she managed to answer. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, trying to act normal for the next few minutes until I turned it up one more notch.

She was breathing hard, her face starting to turn reddish, and I turned it up one more notch. “Mmff,” Dani gritted her teeth, “I think I have to go to the restroom,” she said, starting to get up, at the same time, opening her mouth and eliciting an “Aah, aah.”

“You okay?” I asked her, trying to keep my grin hidden.

“Don’t know ... yes ... no...” as I turned it off.

She sat back down, “Something ... inside me...” she never finished the statement, closing her eyes and taking a breath, then beginning to eat again.

‘Vary it, high – low – off – on, random’ Rebekka had said. ‘it’ll drive her crazy.” I turned it back on low. Dani let out a low moan.

“You’re...” I turned it up, the third level out of five. She dropped her fork and pressed her legs together, pressing down on her chair with her hands and emitting little sounds, “Ngh, ohhh,” eyes gazing up at the ceiling. I turned it back on low.

Dani’s breaths were coming in short gasps, “How ... what ... you’re doing...” I turned it back up, to four this time. She threw her head back and let out with a loud moan, “Ohhhh Gawddd!” sweat breaking out on her forehead.

This time it caught the attention of Maria, who came into our little space and asked Dani if she was alright. I’d momentarily turned it completely off. Dani was having a hard time answering, trying to tell her she was fine, I think. I cleared my throat, trying to catch Maria’s attention and pulled the remote out of my pocket, showing her where Dani wouldn’t be able to see. She got a smile on her face and very quietly said, “Ahh, I think I understand,” closing our little curtain and leaving us alone again.

As soon as she left, I turned it back on low again. At that point, even the low setting was obviously making Dani’s pussy throb. She put her hands over the leather pants, pressing them into her pussy, and moaning. She looked up at me, “How?” and a low wail as I turned it up again.

“Don’t come,” I told her, turning it momentarily up to ‘five’. She gritted her teeth, clenched her face, and did her Lamaze breathing for the thirty seconds or so until I switched it off.

She took deep breaths and then again asked, “How?” and I turned it back up again.

After leaving it on a little longer this time, then turning it off, she started to ask again and I interrupted her, “You keep asking, it keeps coming on,” I told her.

Dani managed to get down a few bites and I’d eaten about a quarter of my lasagna, when Dani blurted out, “I need to fuck!” I looked around with a smile on my face, sure that some of the other tables must have heard that then turned it back on low, getting another growl from my bride.

I got Maria’s attention to get our bill, paid it along with a fifty-dollar tip, and Dani and I headed home, with the vibrator still on a low buzz, doing exactly what Rebekka said it would do – driving her out of her mind.

Once home, we were barely in the door, and Dani was stripping her pants and pink thong off. “Get this thing out of me and fuck me!” I left it vibrating and reached inside her with my fingers, finding the little bullet, pulled it out, and she leaned up against the wall, demanding, “Fuck me, now!”

I pushed my slacks and briefs to my ankles and was inside her, pressing her up against the wall, both of us moaning as I frantically thrust into her over and over again until Dani started screaming and I couldn’t stop myself from erupting inside her spasming vagina.

We were both sprawled on the floor, “This morning,” I started to explain, “Rebekka gave it to me, said you’d never know it was there, until...” breathing hard, it was still hard to talk. “Guess she was right,” I grinned.

“God,” she moaned, “I couldn’t...” still not recovered enough to talk.

A few minutes later, she leaned over and picked it up, smelling it, still damp and slippery with her juices, “Such a little thing.”

After we went to bed, Dani laying on her back, said, “I can’t believe you did that.”

“Can’t believe I got away with it,” and she slugged me on the arm.

I had to work Saturday. It’s always a busy day at the store. At three, my phone buzzed with a text, ‘Don’t forget dinner with Jen and Rich. Told them we’d pick them up at seven. Reservations at 7:30.’

I smiled, remembering last night.

“NO! Think that’s you, you’re talking about. Be on time this time.”

‘Try, do my best,’ I answered her. There were three of us in the store that day, so it shouldn’t be a problem to leave a little early.

At six I told Sandy and Derek that I had a hot date so had to bug out a little early. They both knew Dani so knew who my ‘hot’ date was. They didn’t know we were going with our friends, Jenny and Richard, though, so only knew about half of the ‘hot date’.

As gorgeous as Dani is, I have to admit she’s not in the same league as Jenny. Hardly anybody is, at least nobody we’d ever met. Homecoming night still bothers Dani, thinking that Jenny should have been queen rather than her, even now, thirty-plus years later. Maybe it was because Dani was head cheerleader and Jenny was on the dance squad, instead. Jenny made professional dancing a career, so it worked out for her.

I think I mentioned earlier that Jenny had an offer for modeling and turned it down. It was the biggest agency in the Tri-Cities, making all kinds of big, glamorous promises, but would have probably taken her away from the Tri-Cities and drastically curtailed her first love - dancing.

The long and short of it is that Jenny is stunningly beautiful; with a lean, long-legged dancer’s body, just enough meat on her bones for that fabulous, sexy figure, gorgeous, long golden-blonde hair that she’d let grow out after she retired from dancing, face, and personality to match, reminds me a lot of Heather Locklear. Besides that, she’s a world-class flirt so being around her is always fun and exciting. She’s retired from dancing but runs her own dance and fitness studio, and her sexy, glamorous body shows it.

I was home in plenty of time to get ready. Dani was at her makeup table making herself beautiful for the evening, wearing nothing except a sheer, black lace thong and matching bra. Just seeing her like that putting on her lipstick sent the blood to my nether region, thickening my manhood.

I could have watched forever but had to get myself ready, too. I smiled, thinking of last night, the anticipation from Dani’s ‘surprise’. There would be no surprise tonight, just a very nice dinner with friends and hopefully some very enjoyable after-dinner curricular activities with my wife. I was kind of getting in the habit of nighttime activities, something that until recently, we hadn’t done with this regularity or variety for a couple decades, if ever.

It was hard to believe how I’d come to take Dani for granted over the years. If there was one thing her renewed relationship with Alan had done, it was to wake me up to how sexy she really is.

My cock had been fully cooperative, too, becoming accustomed to rising to the occasion every night at least once, sometimes twice. Who knew that almost fifty could be so much fun! Watching Dani, he was already making himself quite obvious.

I went through the same routine as the night before; shower, shave, brush teeth, find clothes. I have a satiny, lavender shirt that I hadn’t worn in eons, but Dani used to love. I have no idea why I quit wearing it, but low-and-behold, it still fit, along with a pair of black slacks and my only pair of black dress shoes. Okay, I’ll admit it – I was kind of hoping Jenny might like it too.

Then when Dani stepped out of the bedroom a few minutes behind me, I let out a gasp. She was wearing the outfit she’d sent me the picture of from Tampa the previous Sunday; a black, sheer blouse showing off the black bra underneath it, and the short burgundy, leather skirt with laces up one side showing off her creamy thigh. God! It will be a struggle to keep my hands off her, and if Richard didn’t have Jenny, probably him, too. She looked AMAZING!

No, last night was amazing, tonight was ... more like ... WOW! Leather skirt to her mid-thigh, that two-inch wide gap all the way up her thigh, and the strap of that thong was so thin it looked like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. It wasn’t lost on me either, that this was the outfit she’d bought and worn with Alan in Tampa. I mentioned before that my dong was being cooperative and at the moment, it was VERY cooperative – hard like a steel rod. Even Richard, with his beautiful Jenny, was in for a treat.

“You ready? Jen and Rich will be waiting,” my Goddess said. God, my eyes were glued to her.

They live eight blocks from us. “I’ll go in,” Dani said, as we pulled into their driveway.

You have to admit, my eagerness to see what Jenny was wearing was a pretty normal ‘guy’ thing, after Dani’s sexy outfit. I sat in the car, my eyes riveted to the front door, for at least five minutes before they came out. Surprisingly, it was only Dani and Jenny, no Richard. And my blood pressure spiked considerably when I saw her. She was wearing the classic LBD, little black dress. And ‘little’ is the operative word here. Jenny’s relatively tall, just two inches under six-feet, so a ‘short’ dress on her leaves about a mile of heavenly leg exposed, especially with those heels she was wearing.

I know I’m not supposed to get turned on by my wife’s best friend, especially as turned on as I already was. The closer she got to the car ... and then turned to check the mail in the mailbox – damn! It had no back. Nothing, except a couple spaghetti straps over her shoulders, then bare down below the small of her back. My heart rate must have doubled in those few seconds.

My mind was racing, but I had to think, down boy, this is your wife’s best friend – off limits! It didn’t cooperate, didn’t go down.

“Rich had an emergency, he’s not going to be able to make it, hope you don’t mind it’ll just be me,” she said as she slid into the back seat. “We talked about canceling, but he insisted we go ahead.”

Richard is a pediatrician at Kennewick General, on-call more often than not it seems. But me mind? Going to dinner with these two beautiful women? Oh, how I wanted to be sitting in the back seat when Jenny slid in, see that dress before she repositioned herself, and pulled it back down. It looked like silk, so thin on her, and no way was she wearing a bra. And those sheer, black stockings!

“Eyes on the road,” Dani admonished me when she noticed their gaze into the mirror a whole lot more than necessary. Jenny let out a little giggle in the back seat. She knew I couldn’t keep my eyes off her and acted like she was enjoying being a distraction. I knew from experience that she’d be flirting outrageously, too. And Dani won’t be in the least jealous, they’ve been good friends for so long that nothing either does is outside the limits.

Dinner was at the Black Angus, an upscale, reservation-only steakhouse in Richland. Jenny explained to the host that her husband had an emergency so there would only be three instead of four. He escorted us to our booth, and Dani slid in first, around the corner, not bothering to pull her skirt back down when it slid up over her thighs. My eyes were riveted.

I waited for Jenny, assuming she was going to sit next to Dani, but she motioned for me to go ahead and sit next to my wife, then she slid in behind me. And that perfume; lilac, feminine, so fuckin’ sexy.

Jenny explained her husband’s emergency, a caesarian with twins, there would be two pediatricians there, one for each baby. Jenny and Richard had never had babies, I never knew if it was because of Jenny’s dance career or some other cause, but her body showed it; relatively small breasts, but perfectly proportioned to her slimness. And I could see her nipples poking through ... God, get your mind out of the gutter, Robert!

However, I don’t think she minded me looking. She never did pull her dress back down over her stocking tops, and when Dani started telling her about having to cut the handcuffs off her wrists, she rubbed her shoulder against mine and said, “Mmm, sounds like fun!” It was embarrassing how my cock, already hard, was responding to every little nuance from these women, but who could blame it?

“Afterward, we went to Castle, the sex store, needed new handcuffs,” and Dani couldn’t stop her giggling. “Met the prettiest sales girl.”

These were nearly fifty-year-old women, giggling about a sex store. “Find anything except handcuffs?” Jenny asked, directing her question to me.

“Uhh,” my reasoned, well thought out answer, “Uhuh.”

“My husband bought me the biggest, sexiest dildo he could find.” Damned good thing I wasn’t taking a drink right that instant, I’d have spewed it all across the table. At least she wasn’t mentioning the fact that she was almost naked the whole time, at least not yet.

That was when the waiter stopped at our booth and asked if we were ready to order. None of us had even looked at the menu, but I knew what I wanted, and apparently, so did the ladies. Of course, I couldn’t have exactly what I wanted, but a nice, juicy, medium-rare rib steak would have to do. Dani ordered a shrimp salad (she loves shrimp, but in a steakhouse?) Jenny asked for the same thing.

As soon as he left with our orders, Dani told me, “Why don’t you tell her what else you bought.”

“Wait, I want to know about this dildo, first. I’ve always been curious.”

Dani grinned, “It’s glass, about...”

“Glass? Won’t it break?”

This conversation was making me more than a little uncomfortable, especially when I felt a hand on my leg, and it wasn’t Dani’s.

“No, and when he starts twisting it with those ribs ... oh my!

“Mmm, maybe I should borrow it sometime ... the twister, too?” and Jenny started giggling, her hand working its way a little higher on my leg.

“I think I need to go to use the bathroom,” I said. My face had to be turning bright red, the way I was feeling.

Jenny scooted out for me, and as I scooted past her, whispered to me, “Don’t do anything serious, your wife’s going to want that later.” Why the hell did Richard have to have that emergency come up?

You know how hard it is to pee when your weewee is all swollen up? Especially, when you don’t really have to go pee. I just wanted the damned swelling to go down, but those last comments from Jenny! I know she was kidding, but still ... That image was in my head ... and with that dress she was wearing.

The few drops I managed to get out helped, especially the short break. When I got back to the booth, Jenny had scooted over next to Dani, and our dinner had been served.

“Better?” Jenny asked as I sat down next to her. I was, until that perfume hit me, and the sight of her in that dress.

“Much,” I told her, “it hit kind of suddenly.” Only partly true, that hard-on had been since I saw Dani’s outfit.

I love a good steak, and that one was perfection; tender, juicy, spiced just right. The Black Angus has a reputation, and I could see why. It almost distracted me – almost.

“You were going to tell me about that vibrator,” Jenny reminded me, almost making me choke.

“I ... umm...” her hand was on my leg again. “That morning, Friday ... just yesterday...” It seemed so much longer ago. “Rebekka ... from the store,” remembering that Jenny had no idea who Rebekka was. Jenny and Dani both were listening intently.

“She told me that Dani wouldn’t know it was there, in case I wanted to surprise her.”

She looked over at Dani, who answered her questioning look with, “Didn’t.”

I went on, “Before she woke up, I ... sort of ... slipped it inside her.”

Dani tried to describe what it had been like, a little scary at first, since she didn’t know what was happening, but then good, really good, rolling her eyes as she told Jenny.

And yes, she offered to let Jenny and Richard use it, the dildo, too. She didn’t mention the things she’d brought back from Tampa.

We all declined dessert, and Jenny suggested a really good place for dancing in Pasco. Pasco’s across the river (Columbia) and for whatever reason, Dani and I hardly ever go there. There’s nothing there that’s not available closer, except the airport, and maybe this dance place Jenny wanted to go to.

The music was blaring, loud and fast, but it was a live group, which gave it a little extra flair. The three of us sat, and after just a few moments, I began to actually enjoy the music. There were probably a dozen or more couples on the dance floor doing all sorts of elaborate dance moves.

Shortly after, a guy appeared, asking us what we’d like to drink. Jenny ordered a Manhattan, whatever that is, and Dani, not knowing her drinks any better than I do, asked for the same thing. I said I’d pass with just an ice tea since I knew who was driving home. “No, don’t be a spoilsport, silly,” Jenny told me, “we can order an Uber, pick the car up tomorrow.”

So I ordered a Singapore Sling, the only thing I know what is, not that I know much of what’s in it, except lots of alcohol. And it tastes good, the few I’ve had.

While we were waiting for him to bring our drinks, Jenny drug Dani out on the dance floor. It didn’t take much ‘dragging’, as Dani loves to dance, too, and she knows her husband’s lack of dancing skills.

Watching Jenny and Dani dance, especially Jenny, is a treat, even aside from the fact that she’s so damned sexy and gorgeous. She dances on a different level than virtually anyone else, even with high heels on. Dani’s a good dancer too, and the two of them together ... just wow. And SOOO fuckin’ sexy!

The waiter brought our drinks and I sipped mine while I watched, my cock aching from being so restricted. I’d tell you that I was looking forward to ‘later’, but pretty sure you’ve already figured that out. In the meantime, though, I could sure enjoy the eye candy of the present, and the anticipation of later.

They danced probably five minutes, at one time Dani backing tight into Jenny and Jenny’s hands wandering her body, both looking straight at me while they writhed together. God, did I say something about my erection subsiding? Well, it had unsubsided.

“That was fun,” Dani said after they’d sat down, then to me, “you should try it.”

Not that kind of dancing, no way. I’d cream the front of my slacks. “I’ll wait,” I told her.

It was too loud for conversation, almost without yelling, so we sat and watched, drinking our drinks. There was another couple who were good, that I glanced at occasionally, averting my eyes from the two women I was with. You know, just to make it look like I wasn’t staring, getting myself worked up.

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