Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 8

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

“You asked me last night how much of what I said was real?” she asked me.

“Uhuh, was just curious how much you’d made up.”

“And what do you think I might have made up?”

The night before, she’d told me some pretty outrageous things; wearing that ‘thing’ out in public to a store, making up another couple, fucking the other guy, and so on. Those things just don’t happen to forty-nine-year-old, conservative high school teachers. Of course, most married high school teachers don’t have ex-NFL boyfriends, either.

We were in the bedroom, getting ready for bed. I was sitting on the bed in my red boxers, Dani had put on a nighttime outfit, one of my favorites, that she’d bought a couple weeks earlier, a pajama set; pink lace and very, very sheer, all intricate, flowery patterns throughout; the top – spaghetti straps over her shoulders, a deep ‘V’ and elastic under her boobs emphasizing her ‘assets’. The bottom was cut low on her hips with a tie around her waist; loose and flowing legs with slits nearly to her thigh, all concealing exactly nothing, only pretending to try, which made the whole thing sexy as hell.

Not even considering the makeup and perfume she’d put on that we’d gotten that night in Tampa, if she was trying to seduce me, she was doing a damned good job.

“Jerry and Jamie for one, going shopping for another,” I told her, looking back and forth between her nipples poking through and an almost naked, shaved pussy that I still wasn’t used to – not at all.

She laughed, “Seems I have a credibility problem, then, don’t I? Alan didn’t believe what I told him about that night last October, either. Which do you think is more likely to not have happened, that night or Jerry?”

Not giving me a chance to answer, she went to my closet, rummaging through it. “I don’t see your old jacket from that night, you do something with it?”

“No, I hung it in the closet, haven’t touched it since. But you’re changing the subject, tell me.”

She turned toward me, walking back to the bed and sat down beside me, “I asked you ... which do you think is more likely to be real, that night, fucking Jerry, or the shopping trip?”

“Well, I know what happened that night, so that’s got to be the top of the list, and I have to seriously doubt that either Jerry or going shopping wearing that thing happened.”

She started giggling, “Guess it’s a matter of knowledge, isn’t it? Alan knows what happened Sunday night, doesn’t think that night in October was possible, so he’d tend to put those things in the opposite order.”

I looked at my wife, finally saying, “You’re telling me...”

“That what I told you about Sunday was real?” She turned more serious, “Meeting Jerry and Jaime in the park, they came back to the house and we fucked. Twice.

I closed my eyes, leaned back on my hands, and pictured in my mind what Dani was telling me. I opened them when I felt Dani get up off the bed. She went out in the hall, then back a moment later with a kitchen chair.

“I want to show you exactly what Jerry and I did while Alan and Jaime were occupied on the bed,” she said, rummaging through a drawer after setting the chair down. She pulled out the blindfold and a pair of handcuffs, then pushed her pajama top and bottom off, making herself gloriously naked. Staring at her like this, imagining just two nights ago, brought me a whole new appreciation for my wife’s body.

She put the blindfold on herself, then told me, “You need to get naked, too,” and sat down in the chair she’d brought in.

She waited a few moments while I slipped my clothes off. My cock was rock hard, imagining myself as Jerry, looking at this beautiful, naked woman for the first time then she held out the handcuffs to me, “Put this on me,” holding her arms together behind the chair.

I did as she asked, locking her arms together in the cuffs, clicking them tight on her wrists, then stood, admiring my handiwork, my gorgeous wife blindfolded and handcuffed, her legs spread apart on the chair showing her puffy, damp, shaved pussy.

“Now,” she said, “suck my tits ... be Jerry.” If we hadn’t had the sex just the night before, I would probably have come right then, visualizing this guy that Dani didn’t even know what he looked like, sucking her naked tits in his mouth. Fifteen minutes earlier, I was certain he was just ‘a story’. No more!

I knelt in front of my wife, sucking one of her nipples in my mouth, then her entire tit, imagining how Jerry must have enjoyed doing what I was.

Dani moaned, “Oh yes, feels so good!”

I mimicked what I thought he would have been doing, switching to her other tit, my hands all over her, her nipples hard and pointed, eliciting more moans. “I had the gag in my mouth,” she whimpered in-between moans.

Okay, I knew where she’d put it, the same drawer as the blindfold and handcuffs. I got up to get it and she stood up at the same time. “Make this even more realistic,” I said as I forced the ball in Dani’s mouth, then strapping it tight around her head. I know she said she didn’t like it, but too bad. It’s how she said she was that night. And fuck, it was hot, my smart, sexy wife so helpless with a complete stranger.

She sputtered, trying to make sounds, her mouth opening and closing but nothing more than grunts coming out. Her hands motioned, pointing to me, then the chair, along with the ‘ahh, ahh’ sounds she was making. I presumed she was trying to tell me to sit.

My heart was pounding in my chest when I felt Dani’s body sliding down mine. We’d made love, had sex, thousands of times in the last twenty-eight years, but this was so different. Only two nights earlier, her naked body had been sliding down onto a stranger’s cock. When I began to feel her pussy slowly wrapping around me, I was that stranger, feeling her for the first time.

She ground her pussy down on me, eliciting moans around her gag, pressing her naked tits against my chest and almost frantically rubbing her lips and the gag against my lips, almost like she was trying to tell me...

I pulled the gag from her mouth and within a millisecond, her lips were on mine, her tongue exploring my mouth, grinding her pussy on my pelvis, my cock buried deep inside her.

She pulled her lips away for a moment, saying, in her fevered voice, “Suck my tits.”

That’s a phrase I would never have expected to hear from my wife a few weeks ago, especially being said to anyone other than me. But who the hell was I to deny the lady’s request? Her nipple was hard and distended when I sucked it into my mouth. Dani had thrust her chest out and her head was thrown back, eliciting moans from her mouth, “Ahh, so good!”

My excitement level was at least a fifteen on a scale of one to ten. This concept of ‘being’ this other man who had done this very thing to my wife only two nights earlier was blowing my mind.

Our bodies were in unison, Dani pumping up and down, my thrusts into her with every one of her down motions, and my lips moving from one tit to the other.

I felt it before her scream, her pussy tightening, clamping around my cock, “Yes, yes, yesss!” she screamed as her body quivered and shook from her orgasm, setting off my ejaculations inside her, spurt after spurt, the intensity almost agonizing. The thought briefly went through my mind wondering if this other guy’s orgasm was as forceful as my own, which only made me come harder. Who’d have ever thought?

We were both damp with sweat, breathing hard when it was finally over. God, it had been hot! When Dani was able, she climbed up off me and turned, “Will you take these off me, indicating the handcuffs on her wrists.

I climbed up off the chair, went to the drawer where she was apparently keeping her ‘toys’, and rummaged through it. “Where’s the key?” I asked her, not finding it among her other things.

Her face almost instantly turned white, “I ... I ... don’t remember seeing it,” then almost as quickly, recovering and breaking out in giggles. “We have no key!”

I looked at my wife, standing naked, still blindfolded, hands behind her back and began to laugh along with her. “What the...” hardly able to stifle the giggles at the mess we’d gotten ourselves into. Or should I say, gotten Dani into?

I took her blindfold off, then examined the handcuffs. They were metal, looking all the world like police handcuffs, certainly not ‘toy’ cuffs. There was no emergency release like I’d have expected on cuffs intended for sex play. They needed a key, plain and simple, which we apparently didn’t have.

She sat on the bed while I looked on the internet for how to remove handcuffs. Bolt cutters. Unfortunately, our house was just a little short on bolt cutters laying around.

“The store,” I finally blurted out, “we have bolt cutters, even one to loan,” I told Dani.

I began to get dressed. The store’s about a twenty-minute drive, so I told Dani I’d be back in about forty-five minutes or so. “I want to go with you,” she said, “I don’t want to be here alone like this.”

I guess it would be kind of a helpless feeling. I finished dressing, then started to look for some easy-to-put-on clothes for Dani. She couldn’t put anything on top very easily because of her arms behind her back. “Just get my pajama bottoms and blue coat,” she told me.

The coat made sense, it fits her nice and loose so she could just drape it over her shoulders and button in front, but the pajama bottoms? “You sure?” I asked her, “it’s chilly outside.” It was still mid-February. Not cold, but we weren’t in Tampa. Last time I looked, it was forty-eight.

“We won’t be outside long ... and I still feel kind of naughty,” she told me with a sexy grin. “Besides, there won’t be anyone else there this late.”

A few minutes later I was unlocking the back door to our parts store, and Dani followed me in. I found the bolt cutter and took her coat off. I had to stop and take a breath. Dani, nothing on top, wearing those sexy jammie bottoms in my store, filled my head with images: Tyler, the new kid we hired a couple months ago, walking in on us; customers in the store...

I had to quit thinking about that and tend to the task at hand, getting those handcuffs off my wife. Unfortunately, I’d put them on tight. “Don’t move,” I told her, carefully putting the tip of the cutter over it, so hopefully, it wouldn’t pinch her skin, then squeezed the handles together – hard.

It finally snapped, and one side popped open, Dani letting out a little squeal. She rubbed her wrist and we looked at it, a small scratch where the bolt cutter had pinched her. A moment later, her other wrist was free as well. That one was a little easier since she could help now, pushing her skin away.

“Well, that was fun,” Dani said, as I was starting the car, “not quite like going shopping in that sex store, but still...”

I looked over at her, my mind going in places I knew it shouldn’t and my cock starting to grow again, “You know ... Castle? I bet they’re open.”

“I ... I’m not ... No...” she stuttered, her face turning a bright red.

I turned right from the parking lot, instead of left toward home. She looked at me, “Hon, you’re not...”

It was all I could do to resist chuckling. This was going to be fun.


I couldn’t believe my husband was doing this. I doubted there was anything I could say that would dissuade him. Well, probably, but truth was, I was excited. Besides, we did need to replace the broken handcuffs.

The fact that I was dressed, uhh – mostly undressed, the way I was, was turning me on. I couldn’t believe the change in myself over just the last few days. Only a week ago, I wouldn’t have even imagined myself going to a sex store, much less wearing nothing except a pair of sexy pajama bottoms and coat. Now, I can’t even describe how turned on I was ... and freakin’ scared out of my mind! I didn’t even have a blindfold to hide behind. It was worse even than being naked would have been.

I knew where it was, and the closer we got, the wetter my pussy was getting. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” I told my husband.

He turned toward me, glancing down at my pajama bottoms. They had a single purpose, to turn on my man, and the two times I’d worn them had served their purpose very well. Now, to wear them into an actual store! In our empty parts store had been bad enough. How many people are there in a sex store late on a Tuesday night? Hopefully, only a clerk. I didn’t have any idea how many were in the store in Tampa or how anyone dressed.

When Robert stopped in the parking lot, I was shaking, scared out of my wits, “Don’t think if I can do this,” I told him, “almost wish for that blindfold.”

“Want me to go buy one first?” he asked, trying to be helpful.

I hesitated, hadn’t thought of that. It would make this a lot easier. But, did I want ‘easier’? I looked down at myself, those sheer, lacy bottoms. They didn’t hide ANYTHING! Neither was the coat long enough. At least the coat had a couple buttons done up.

“No ... I want to do this,” surprising myself. Even with Alan, I think I’d have said no to doing it if he’d given me the chance, which he wouldn’t have. Like I said, at least then I had been blindfolded.

My heart was pounding when Robert opened my door and took my hand, helping me out of the car. I concentrated on just breathing. ‘I can do it, I can do it,’ I kept telling myself. I was actually going to go in that store in nothing except transparent bottoms and a coat.

And then, as I stood, getting enough strength in my legs to move them, Robert unbuttoned the coat, letting it drape open several inches, “There, lots better,” he said.

He’d just raised the stakes exponentially. It barely was covering my nipples, leaving my chest and stomach completely naked. “Really?” I asked him. He was enjoying this wayyy too much,

He didn’t answer, just took my hand and we began walking toward the entrance. I had to use my other hand to hold it together at least a little while we walked. I knew I looked good for a forty-nine-year-old woman; probably even for thirty-nine. A lot of hard work.

There was a sign on the front door, ‘Minimum age eighteen. ID will be required for all appearing to be less than thirty.’

I would have happily died when we went through the door and there were customers everywhere, couples and singles, probably twenty or more people; short skirts, pants, even one young girl in a negligee. That helped, I didn’t feel quite so out of place.

We began wandering around, nearly every person we passed turned their head for a peek at the new woman, barely dressed.

“What are we looking for in here?” Robert whispered in my ear.

I looked at him, “You suggested it, thought you knew – handcuffs, maybe?”

Okay, that seemed to give us a goal, at least. I’d never been to a place like this. Well, not true, exactly, but it was the first time I could see anything. Robert stopped to look at a shelf of dildos and picked up a big glass one, “Think you’d enjoy this?” he asked me with a smirk on his face, holding what looked to be at least nine inches long, curved, deep spiral ribs the full length, then a handle on the end.

“Can I help you find anything?” a pretty, curvy mid-twenties girl asked. She was wearing a tight blouse, buttons straining to keep it closed, and a micro-skirt maybe six-inches long. “You’d love that, I can tell you it feels incredible,” she told me, looking me up and down. “Love your outfit, too,” she said.

Her name tag said ‘Rebekka’ on it, with ‘k’. “Pretty name,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she said, “most people call me Bekka – with a ‘K’,” with a little laugh, “it was my dad. Mom said she wasn’t happy when she found out. They’d agreed on the name but never talked about the spelling. She thought it’d be normal, with ‘C’s.”

She must have noticed the embarrassed look on my face, “First time here?” she asked, “haven’t seen you before.”

All I could do was shake my head. Robert looked like he was enjoying himself immensely. “You do know you don’t need the coat in here, it’s plenty warm,” she said.

I felt my face flush all over again, then my husband behind me tugging at my coat. I couldn’t. Not that. I took hold of it and held, “No, I told him ... can’t.”

“Too bad,” she said, her eyes sparkling, “we do have a little nudity in here once in a while, always nice.”

“Is it even legal?” I asked her, even worrying about myself. These bottoms weren’t hiding anything.

“No, but we’re careful about underage. The police don’t bother us.”

“You sure, hon?” Robert asked me, still standing behind me with his hands on my coat.

I was tempted. “I ... just can’t,” I told him. Maybe another time I’d be braver. Maybe if there weren’t quite so many people.

Robert had the box with the dildo, and Rebekka led us to the aisle with all sorts of handcuffs. She picked up a pair, furry, “These are the most popular, they feel really good,” clipping them around my wrists, showing me that they wouldn’t slip off.

“You know you can use them on your husband, too,” she said. “Lots of husbands like it.” Robert’s face had turned red, shaking his head no. I liked the thought.

“You should try bed restraints, too,” she pointed out, opening a box with four wide leather cuff-like devices, each with an attached light rope with a mechanism that pulled tight and locked. I picked up one and clipped it around Robert’s wrist, squeezing it down tight.

“Fits perfect,” I told him before he had a chance to object. “We’ll take it,” I told Rebekka.

Just before we left, a hundred-some dollars poorer, along with some lube for the dildo, she’d told us that it ‘would enhance the feeling inside me’, I noticed her slipping my husband a note. I wondered...

On our way out, about ten feet before the door, I shrugged my shoulders, did a little pushing, and let my coat fall off, baring myself for those last few feet. When we got to the car, I couldn’t stop giggling, “I can’t believe I did that ... so fuckin’ excited!”

Then I remembered the note. “What’s with the note?” I asked Robert.

“Dunno,” he told me, showing it to me, ‘come back in, need to ask you something.’

“Guess I better check it out ... be right back,” he said, disappearing back inside.

A moment later, he was back, getting in the car with a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat. “Well?” I asked him.

He gave a little laugh, “She wanted to know if you’re into girls? Think she fell in love.”

I stared, my mouth dropping open, “She ... what?”

He repeated, “I think she wants to fuck you,” handing me her business card with a personal cell number written on it.

I couldn’t stop myself from starting giggling again, “I’ve ... never ... What did you tell her?”

He took the card back from me, looked at it, then handed it back, “That you’d call her, of course.”

“You ... What? You’re not serious?” I was incredulous, surely, he was joking.

All he did was smile at me, “Don’t be rude, call her, she said she’s off at ten every night, off Sunday and Monday. I told her you’d probably call her tomorrow.”

He started the car and headed home. I didn’t know what to think, I’ve never been with a girl. I used to be curious what it might be like, but haven’t even thought about it for years, probably decades. And now? With everything else, I wondered ... She was pretty.

I bundled the coat around me and rushed inside when we got home. Robert was right behind me, carrying our bag of goodies. I was so horny and knew he would be, too, after that little expedition.

“I think we better get some sleep,” he said, putting our bag of goodies on the kitchen table. The bulge in his pants was saying something completely different, though.

He undressed and climbed into bed.


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