Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 6

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

“You want to have some fun, babygirl?” he asked me.

I nodded, couldn’t even speak. He had no idea!

“You remember the night you let me tie you to the bed?”

I smiled, how could I not remember the fun we had that night!

“You and your husband ever do anything like that?”

We hadn’t. I’d been almost afraid to suggest it after we married. Now, with how our sex life had expanded so much, I was regretting that I hadn’t. But that’s an issue for another time. Now...

“You used to be kind of kinky, liked doing things, Want to do something like it again?”

I thought, yesterday morning, I’d have said ‘no way’. Now, though. It sounded exciting, I remembered how sexy and exciting those times had been. “Yes,” I told him, giggling, thinking of myself spread-eagled on Alan’s bed, at his mercy.

“Cool, babygirl, we’ll have some fun.”

He took a deep breath, I glanced down at his erection. A smile crossed my face, anticipation of the next little while mounting by the second. My panties were already wet! I watched as Alan got up, went to his dresser and pulled out a black blindfold, “We’ll start with this. You ever been blindfolded?”

I shook my head, “No,” I told him, my horny body already shaking with excitement.

He slipped the elastic behind my head, then lowered the black covering down over my eyes. “See anything?” he asked.

It’s something we never did. I’ve never been in black like I was in. Even eyes closed tight weren’t this black. When we did this before, it wasn’t blindfolded. It felt weird ... but sexy, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to see anything he was doing. “No, it’s completely dark in here,” I couldn’t stop myself from a little giggle. This was going to be fun.

“Good, think you can undress in the dark?”

“Uhuh.” I wished Robert was here. I think he’d enjoy this.

I waited, not knowing what to expect. “I don’t want you distracted. That’s the fun of the blindfold, it heightens your senses, eliminates distractions. Now, you need to undress.”

I started unbuttoning my blouse. I used to love undressing in front of Alan, but that was so long ago, and I’m married now. It’s so different. I’d never been this self-conscious. Because of the new clothes, what was underneath them ... what I knew, and didn’t know what he was going to be doing to me. It was the weirdest, sexiest feeling.

I instinctively looked down at the buttons I was undoing, even though I couldn’t see a thing. I was so turned on, my fingers shaking, slipping the black blouse off my shoulders, off my arms. Revealing my lacy, black bra, sheer that showed my tits through it. I knew Alan were watching me but I couldn’t see him. My libido was on fire.

I reached behind, found the clip on the bra, holding my breath with excitement. I’ve wanted to do this all day. It was even more exciting than I’d imagined. I held the cups in place with my hands, let the straps fall off my shoulders, then looking around in the dark, let them fall away, exposing my breasts and nipples to the cool air and Alan’s vision. And then I felt his damp lips on my nipple, sucking it in his mouth. I groaned, gripping the edge of the bed. The surprise was ... a shock, to say the least. His lips felt so good!

“The rest of it.” He released my nipple, waiting. His tease was driving me crazy all over again.

I stood back up, pushed the zipper down in back of the leather skirt, pushing it down off my hips, letting it fall to the floor. I sensed Alan reaching down, picking it up. All I had on were the shoes and black thong. I knew that he had to be as turned on as I was. I wished my husband was here, too.

The skirt was gone and I stood in nothing except those panties and heels, wanting nothing more than to be naked for Alan. Last night we hadn’t really gotten a chance to enjoy looking at each other’s bodies. I guess I wasn’t going to tonight either, with the blindfold, but I wanted Alan to see my body. I wanted his approval.

It felt like a momentous occasion when I pushed my panties down for him to gaze at my naked body, my bare pussy, still anticipating what he might be planning in just a few minutes. I envisioned myself on his bed, hands and feet tied to the four corners. The bed had looked like it had been made for that purpose.

“You work out, don’t you? You know you’d make a thirty-nine-year-old woman jealous, don’t you?” I felt his hands exploring, running up and down my body, giving me the shivers. The whole day had been leading to this. I wanted this man so bad!

“You probably better use the bathroom, might be a while before you’ll be able to again,” he suggested.

I hadn’t even realized it, but I did have to. He took my hand and led me to the bathroom, then I heard the bathroom door close. “I’ll be right outside to help you back. Don’t take the blindfold off,” he said.

I could have. It would be so easy to take it off. He’d never know. But I didn’t want to cheat, so just sat down, did my job then groped around finding the toilet paper. I held onto the lavatory to find the sink and washed my hands, imagining what it would be like for a blind person to live every moment like this.

When I opened the door, Alan was there, leading me back to the bed. I sat, scooting back, expecting him to have ties, handcuffs, or something to tie me to the corners. Every nerve in my body was alive with the anticipation.

“No, not yet,” he said, helping me back to the edge, “I have something for you first,” lifting my feet up off the floor, slipping something over them. “Stand up, it’ll go on easier.” What? I didn’t know what he was doing. I thought he’d want me naked.

He pulled it up my legs, like a leotard. It felt good; soft, stretchy, tight, working it on my body. It was tight around my tummy, the sides high on my waist, like a high cut monokini, then over my boobs, and directing my arms in the sleeves. “What ... what is this?” I asked him.

He chuckled, “Just something I think you’ll enjoy.”

“Well, you could just tell me, it feels like a leotard, but why?”

Another chuckle, “It sort of is, you’ll see shortly. Bought it over three years ago, never had the heart to use it with another girl, thought I probably never would.”

He knew how to make my knees buckle.

He held it out so I could put my arms in the sleeves. They were weird, more like trying to push my arms through a tight, too-small elastic tube that stretched tight around them, kind of like pantyhose, except so much tighter. And there were no armholes at the end. I tried pushing my arms further, but the sleeves just didn’t end.

He took my arms, crossed them across my tummy, one under my boobs, the other right below, telling me to hold them there. I like to wear leotards when I work out, like the looks I get. But they’re nothing like this. This was the weirdest I’d ever been in. Especially when I felt him pulling a strap around my lower back, pulling at the sleeves, tighter and tighter, trapping my arms against my body around my waist. The tighter he pulled it, the more panicky I started feeling.

I was getting, scared, good thing I trusted him, but what the hell? I tried pulling my arms back out. It was stretchy, letting me move them but just a little and then pulled them right back, like a rubber band. I could move my elbows, but not my hands or lower arms, they were held tight.

I pulled at my arms, struggling. I’ve never felt anything like it. The slight panic from earlier was growing. This was NOT what I had expected! “Alan!” I cried.

“No point in struggling, you won’t be able to get them loose,” which made me struggle all the more, trying to pull my arms out, but like he said, I couldn’t get them loose, not even change their position. The material just stretched then pulled my arms right back.

“This is a bondage straitjacket. It won’t hurt you, but you won’t be able to get out of it until I let you out, which I’m not going to be inclined to do for a while.

“In case you’re wondering, the material is spandex, stretchy, a pretty pink. He pushed slightly, helping to support me sitting back down on the edge of the bed. “And you look fantastic in it, the way it stretches around your tits,” while he traced around the sides halfway almost up to my boobs.

I tried to imagine, to picture myself.

“How does it feel?” he asked.

“Weird, kind of sexy,” I admitted. I liked it, never felt anything like it.

He chuckled, “Sort of helpless?”

“Uhuh, exactly. A lot.”

I felt his fingers on my leg, my inner thigh, “It has one feature I like,” moving his finger a little more toward my center, “It’s crotchless.” My breath caught when I felt his finger rubbing along the inner walls of my pussy.

“I noticed last night that you’d shaved. Was that for me? Or is it normal?”

His finger was pressing inside me, rubbing, up and down. I spread my legs apart wanting it deeper, writhing and groaning. More, more!

But it wasn’t to be, he moved his hand away and put his finger to my lips, letting me lick my juices off them.

“There’s a little more that goes with your outfit.” I felt something under my chin, wrapping around my neck, from my chin and right under my ears, widening, fitting over my collarbone. He pushed my hair aside and said, “It laces in back, it’ll take a few minutes.”

I tried to tip my head forward, making it easier for him, but it wouldn’t, too stiff. It was being held straight up. He’d just started and I already couldn’t move my head.

He patiently laced, pulling each lace snug, then tied it when he was done. It was holding my neck and head perfectly straight, not letting me move side to side, forward, back, turn, anything.

“I thought of you when I bought this, how much you used to love anything leather, never expected to be putting it on you, though. It’s leather, stiff like a board, except lined with soft leather on the inside. Too tight? Anything hurt? I want you to tell me if it’s bothering you.”

I tried to wiggle but nothing. No movement at all. My arms ... and now this. “! ... I ... can’t move. But no, it doesn’t hurt.”

I strained my neck once, several years ago, don’t remember how, it doesn’t matter. The doctor made me wear a neck brace. That brace wasn’t even remotely like this.

Another chuckle, then he gently pushed my body back on the bed, I’d have been staring straight at the ceiling directly above me if it hadn’t been for the blindfold that was still making everything black.

“You still okay, want me to stop?”

Stop? The way my pussy was tingling? “No, I ... like it,” even if it was a weird, scary feeling. Maybe that was a lot of the reason I liked it.

I lay there for just a moment, listening for Alan, trying to figure out what he might be doing next, feeling completely immobilized. After just a moment, he lifted one of my feet, took my shoe off and slipped a fuzzy slipper on it. Then the other.

“You’ll like these slippers, they have some special features,” I wondered what ‘special features’ a slipper could have?

There was a tug on the neck brace and what sounded like a clip or something on one side, then the other.

“Okay, babygirl, time to lift these legs.” He tugged at both my legs, holding them out straight, onto his shoulders. There was a little tug on the back of my feet, and then ... OH MY FUCKIN’ GOD! He was pulling a strap or something. I felt it on both sides of my neck and my feet, pulling my legs straight up.

“ALAN!” I screeched. My legs were trapped, straight up, I couldn’t bend my knees, couldn’t let them back down, except side to side. They would swing out to the side but when they did, it hurt. My hips didn’t move that way and I let out a big ‘Oww’, pushing them back up.

“Better loosen a little,” he said, letting out a little slack so my legs were extending out at a slight angle. “Better?” he asked.

I let them swing side to side. It was fine but so fuckin’ weird!

Then it dawned on me what this position was doing to my pussy. And not a thing I could do about it! I was blindfolded, my arms immobile, my head looking straight to the ceiling and now my legs held out so that no matter how I moved, my pussy was wide open. The only thing I could do was hold my legs together, straight up, but I quickly realized that wasn’t an option, either. If I relaxed them, they just swung to the side.

“How’s that feel?” Alan asked.

“Alan! Let me out of this!” I screeched.

“After all that work? Why would I do that? I like this view.”

He would, the asshole! I pushed my legs back together.

“This view is nice, too!”

I groaned, realizing just how exposed I was and nothing I could do about it.

“You really want out of it?”

“N-no,” I didn’t know what I wanted, except to feel him inside me.

“Which reminds me, there’s one more thing, then we’re all done.”

I felt him climb on the bed, his lips on mine, kissing me, his tongue groping through my lips. God, this felt sexy! I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tried, only to be reminded that they were crossed over my tummy and staying there until he said differently.

I kissed him back wanting more, until he pulled his lips away. I lay there, panting from his kiss and ... fuck! Felt a goddam ball or something in my mouth, then just as quickly a strap around my head.

“Ngh,” was the only thing my stuffed mouth could squeak out. I tried to scream, but no noise would come except a little squeak around the ball that was holding my mouth wide open. The son-of-a-bitch had tricked me with that fuckin’ kiss!

I felt him scooting again, apparently off the bed. “Just to quiet any objections from the peanut gallery,” he laughed. If you relax a little, you’ll find it’s not so bad. It’s soft, you can bite down on it and close your mouth, just won’t be able to talk, it’ll expand right back whenever you open it. There’s a hole in the center, too, so if you need, you can breathe through it.

“Ngh, Ngh!” I tried to screech at him.

I swung my legs apart, there wasn’t anything else I could do. A moment later, I heard him at the bottom of the bed, “I have the phone in my hand now, too good to not get a bit of a video. You might want to show hubby later.”

“She’s going to enjoy this, she just doesn’t realize it yet,” he chuckled. No way I’ll ever show Robert this! At least I could still hear.

Then I felt the fingers ... pushing into me! Oh my fuckin’ god! So deep. He was wiggling them around inside me. I tried to arch my back, get even more, discovering once again that I couldn’t move. The only part of me I could move was my legs swinging to the side

He slid them in and out, wiggling in different directions each time, driving me wild, “Hope yo show him this, he’ll enjoy.”

I tried again to get my arms free, struggling with the stretchy material.

I tried to move my head side to side writhing, held absolutely still. I’d never felt anything so erotic in my life!

That is, until he replaced the fingers with his tongue. I could only lay there, completely immobile while this man, for the first time in thirty-one years ate my pussy. And fuck, he was good at it!

I’d come so many times the night before and it took a little bit for the big one to start to build. I could only inwardly moan as it got closer and closer, his tongue flicking on my clit. My body tensed ... and then ... nothing! NO! I was screaming to myself, letting noises out around the ball in my mouth.

He was just gone. I didn’t know, hoped he was taking his clothes off to fuck me, My body might be immobile, but it was still shaking from the need. He couldn’t take that away. I wanted to scream out, ‘Fuck me, Alan, fuck me!’ but nothing came except another ‘Ngh’.

I waited, my body tense, just waiting for his cock that I knew was coming, any instant. God, I wanted it. It went through my head how deep he was going to be able to penetrate inside me. The longer I lay there, the worse it got, the anticipation. Then I heard a door open and close. What the fuckin’ fuck?

I was on his bed, my needy pussy right at the edge of his bed, legs held out, no noises, no nothing. I didn’t know what he was doing and I heard another door opening and closing, Now? God, I was so ready, never been more ready in my life, unimaginably ready. Never felt anything like this in my life before, even last night was nothing compared to this.

And I finally heard his voice, “I set the phone for the picture between your legs,” then quiet, that interminable quiet!

“I know you’ve told him about us, but I wonder how much?” he said.

“Remember how you enjoyed our drives in the mountains?” he asked.

Uhuh, not something to forget. I felt a finger again, rubbing, I groaned, wanting more.

“We used to enjoy going for drives in the mountains in my truck, rough roads. The rougher the better. Your wife would wear a sexy little skirt, no panties, then when we came to a road we wanted to explore, she’d sit on my lap behind the steering wheel. Naturally, my pants would be down, so tab ‘A’ would fit nicely into slot ‘B’.

“You can imagine the effect when we took off and the truck started bouncing up and down on the bumps. I controlled the gas pedal and my babygirl steered, something like this...” and his fingers started stabbing in and out quickly ... then stopped. Ahhh! I tried to scream, all that came out was a muffled screech.

And I heard the fucking door again!

I pushed my legs together, tried to roll over, and discovered I couldn’t. Fuck! I couldn’t move off my back! I couldn’t hold my legs up forever, they swung apart again.

“NGH, NGH,” I tried screaming again at Alan.

And then Alan was inside me, his big, fat cock! Oh My God. I never felt him, then suddenly had thrust inside me!

All my senses were on fire, nothing had ever felt like that. My body tensed and a scream came out around the ball, “Ngh!”

He pulled out and thrust into me again, so fuckin deep. I’d thought he was deep inside me last night, but nothing like this. I tried to scream again, my body writhing in place, arms pulling at the damned stretch all over again, so god-damned frustrating!

One more thrust and my orgasm was exploding through my body! He pulled out and this was it, the fuckin’ orgasm of a lifetime! Except there was no thrust back into me. I was empty.

I wanted to rip the blindfold off so I could see what the hell he was doing. I pulled at my hands again. That stretch was driving me mad. I could move my arms just enough to let me think maybe ... then be pulled right back into position, crossed over my tummy.

I felt breath on my pussy lips, I tensed, waiting for his tongue again. His breath was there, inches away, blowing hot air on my pussy, my body so tense, waiting, anticipating. His tongue just flicking, barely touching between my puffy lips and another groan escaped me, hoping, if he just touched me with that tongue, I knew my orgasm would explode. Then again, nothing.

And his cock was thrusting inside me. I bit down on the ball, the orgasm wracking through me like a case of dynamite had been set off inside my body. He kept thrusting, pressing inside my writhing body, groaning. The restraints were intensifying my orgasm like I couldn’t believe!

And then Alan started coming inside me, erupting spurt after hot spurt in my vagina, his fingers digging into my hips, his cock making those short, frantic stabs deep inside me.

When he was done and had pulled out, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. It had been the most intense fuck in my forty-nine years!

“Pretty intense, huh, babygirl?”

“Ngh,” God, I wanted this thing out of my mouth! But yes, it had been.

“One more closeup video for hubby, and we’ll be done for now,” he said, “think he’ll want a better closeup of your pussy now, puffy, cum oozing and dripping down your leg, then I’ll clean you up a little bit.” God, this was going to be deleted when I got my phone back!

I waited, letting my legs stay spread apart, not much else I could do. “Your wife just learned how to have a really good time, my friend,” I heard, “her pussy will be back to normal by tomorrow, but it looks well used right now, huh?”

God, the embarrassment!

“Okay, time for a damp rag and a little cleanup on aisle four, what you think?”

I waited, my legs still supported on the straps. It was just a few seconds when I felt a warm rag between my legs. A moment later, I felt his shoulders under my legs again, pushing them up to relieve the pressure on the straps so he could let them loose and let my legs down.

Ahh, what a relief! He let my legs down on the floor and pulled me to a sitting position. I still couldn’t move much, arms still in that spandex, head firmly in place, and the ball gag, still the blindfold. just waiting for him to take it all off.

“I think we’ll leave this on for a little while longer, wish you could see yourself. God, you’re so sexy like that!

“Mjgh, Ngh,” I tried to say that I wanted this gag out of my mouth.

He pulled me to my feet, my legs were unsteady and it took a few steps before I felt comfortable.

He clipped something on the front of the collar that was still holding my head from moving. “I’ve never done this before and don’t particularly like the ‘slave’ idea of it, but with that blindfold, I think a leash is appropriate, don’t you?”

“Ngh, Mfft.”

“By the way, babygirl, I thought we might still have a little more fun tonight. But if you want out of this, tap your foot three times and I’ll take it off. Should have given you something like that on the bed, but I never thought of it. Sorry about that, but I trust you enjoyed yourself.”

I tried to nod but couldn’t move my head.

“How about a little walk? There’s a park down the street a couple blocks from here, it’s pretty popular on these cool nights.”

“Mfft, Ngh,” He’s got to be kidding! Go outside in this? Wearing this?

He laughed, “Babygirl, I think I know what you’re thinking, but I assure you no one can see your pussy as long as you’re just walking. As long as you don’t sit down, cross-legged or something, you’ll be fine.

God, I hadn’t even thought of that!

“Besides, you look so sexy. All that hard work you’ve put in at the gym, don’t you think you’d enjoy showing it off a little?”

I started to stamp my feet, even did once, then realized it might be fun.

“Good, it’s a little cool, but not so much that you’ll need a jacket. Besides, it would be a shame to cover you, the way that’s stretched over your chest. I wish you could see yourself in a mirror. These little nips are so nice and hard,” as he pinched a nipple.

It’s a little hard to explain how exposed and weird I felt when we were outside walking down the sidewalk, the cool air on my pussy, being led like a puppy dog, occasionally feeling a little tug on the collar.

But sexy, too. God, it was turning me on being outside where someone might see.

The wheelchair ramps at intersections were a blessing; stepping up and down, not seeing the step had scared me. A few cars were going past, but I didn’t sense anyone else walking, not that I’d have known as black as my vision was. It was more like I didn’t even have eyes.

After walking across a busy street, lots of cars going past, he finally stopped, “That was Bayshore Boulevard. Smell that? The flowers. Wish you could see this park, the path winds around a little lily pond and they light it just enough at night to show off how pretty it is. It’s why there’s always a lot of people walking it.”

I’d almost gotten used to being outside until he said that. A car passing is one thing, but people walking past is entirely another. All of a sudden I felt so naked and exposed all over again.

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