Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 48

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 48 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday morning, Nov 27, 2020

“You mind if I make us an omelet for breakfast?” Alan asked, “I make a mean omelet. And I brought along a special ingredient ... if you know what I mean,” he said, smiling at me.

My stomach did a little flip-flop, thinking I suspected that I knew what he meant. “You mean like the ingredient in the brownies?” I asked him.

He chuckled, “Better,” was all he answered.

“Make away,” I told him, “sounds good.”

“Oh, it is ... most definitely is.” He let out a little chuckle, adding, “Probably not something I’d serve in one of my restaurants, though.”

We went in the kitchen and I got out a pan, eggs, cheese, bacon, tomatoes, and several other ingredients he asked for. We didn’t have any green peppers, he said he could do without. I showed him where the spices were, and he got out several. I wondered what he was adding that was going to make them even better than the brownies. I presumed that I knew what ‘better’ meant ... and was looking forward to it.

Just as Alan said he had everything he needed, we heard the girls on the stairs. We went back in the living room, and oh my! April was coming down first, holding Dani’s hand behind her, just like they had the night before. At least Dani looked like herself, not a twenty-year-old, but she was wearing the wedding night, transparent babydoll she’d worn to bed, nothing else, totally naked underneath. I’d thought maybe, this morning... ‘normalcy’. At least a little bit, anyway. Maybe, she wasn’t quite ready for normal ... me either, I deduced at that moment.

Her eyes, natural as they looked, were still April’s eye patches.

April, on the other hand, had actually dressed, wearing just about the shortest skirt I’d ever seen, more like Dani’s cheerleader skirt or a sexy tennis outfit. Her top was a matching, very low-cut ‘V’ tank top, very thin and clearly nothing underneath. The skirt – what was under?

Alan greeted my wife, “Babygirl ... you know what you do to me?”

And now ... she was his ‘Babygirl’, just like in my dreams.

“I’m thirsty, can I get a drink of water, please?” Dani asked, awakening me from my ruminations. At least her voice sounded like my Daniella.

Alan led her into the kitchen and picked her up, setting her on the counter next to the sink. My heart thudded, knowing what was coming, from another dream, another time.

April stepped over to me, and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. “You look beautiful,” I told her, “love your outfit.”

She backed away and did a little pirouette, “Hoped you would,” she said. God, she was gorgeous when she tried. Even when she didn’t.

Alan found the drinking glasses, filling one with cold water, bringing it to Dani’s red, polished lips, the same lips that had ... the night before, a vision that will never leave my mind. As she was drinking, he lowered one of the straps of her little gown, and sucked a nipple in his mouth.

I couldn’t help it, I looked down ... fuck, I’d have thought maybe under those loose pants it wouldn’t show quite so obviously. I was wrong, just as big as I remembered from last night.

“Ooh, ooh,” Dani moaned, her tit firmly entrenched in Alan’s mouth.

I knew what was going to happen, I’d seen it in a dream, that first morning in Tampa. But still, this was real, not a dream, and that was my wife sitting on that counter. My heart was pounding, anticipating.

Dani was writhing, thrusting her tits out, her hands digging in Alan’s scalp. Yeah, I’d say it was pretty clear – my Daniella hadn’t had her fill of caviar, not yet.

Caviar – April’s correlation of what sex is like with Alan.

He dropped her other strap and switched to her other tit, Dani moaned anew.

She hadn’t known about this part of my dream, no one had. I hadn’t mentioned that morning to anyone.

I squeezed April’s nipple as I whispered in her ear, “He’s going to fuck her but not let her come. I saw it all in one of my dreams.”

“Just watch,” I added. God, how much of this was I going to be able to take?

He kissed my wife, hard and Dani kissed him back just as hard. At the same time, he was pushing her legs apart. My heart was pounding, my hand squeezing April’s tit.

We moved inside the kitchen where we could see better.

Alan pushed his pants down, his dick popping out, a solid shaft, every bit as big as last night. He held it to her, the head touching her bare pussy lips ... and pushed ... pressing himself inside her.

I’d seen Alan fucking Dani last night, but that was in the dark of the night, all the excitement from the evening. This seemed totally different, and I was mesmerized, couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe.

“Nngghhh,” Dani moaned as he began to impale her. She threw her head back, her mouth in an ‘O’.

He kept pushing, steadily pressing inside my wife, Dani’s arms wrapped around him, her hands not knowing what to do with themselves. Fuck!!

Last night it had seemed to take forever. Not this morning, it seemed only seconds and that dick was fully impaled inside my wife, his balls pressing against her pussy lips. I wondered, how many times had they done this during the night?

Dani was panting, groaning.

“Oh, Babygirl, this is gonna be hard, but...” and he slowly slid out of her, pulling his pants up. “We gonna do this different today.”

“Nooo, fuck meee!” Dani squealed.

He helped Dani down off the countertop. I don’t think I could have, my heart beating too fucking hard and my legs too rubbery. April was helping me to stand. It was my dream all over again,

Alan looked at me and April, “You ever have that feeling during the day, so fuckin’ horny that all you want to do is fuck? And can’t? Well, that’s gonna be me and your wife today, we not gonna come til tonight, no matter what, either of us.” He looked back and forth at April and me, “You in?” he asked, “come tonight, you’ll be glad you did, promise... ‘sides, be fun today too.”

Fuck! I was already almost past the point. April looked at me, a smile on her face, “We can do it,” she said, “be fun.”

Normally, one day wouldn’t seem that much. Hell, Dani and I do it all the time. But today wasn’t going to be any ‘normal’ day.

April, the minx, in her micro-skirt and braless top, Daniella in that fuckin’ sexy thing she was wearing with her ‘caviar’ lover, no telling what they were going to be doing today, and I knew the hot tub was going to be on the menu later. Speaking of ‘menu’, whatever Alan was going to be putting in that omelet, too, ‘better’ than the brownies he’d said. And God, those brownies!

Fuck, it was going to be a long day!

April looked out the window at the snow, “Beautiful,” she said, “sometimes, I wish we’d get snow, I love the stuff.”

Dani was still blinded with the fake eyes April had brought from Tampa, so April helped her back to the dining table and got her a cup of coffee, directing her hand to show her where it was on the table.

I was helping Alan with the omelet, fetching pans, turners, and whatever he asked for, feeling kind of like an assisting nurse in surgery might feel, watching a professional at work, and handing him his instruments. When nearly done, he pulled a little flask from his pocket and sprinkled quite a lot of a powder over the omelet, most assuredly not salt or pepper.

I didn’t know what it was, but knew for damned sure what it was going to do – make today much more ‘interesting’.

He asked me to set the table, then brought the omelet pan to the table, set it on a hot pad I’d put in the middle, and we all sat. Alan did a little ‘adjusting’ of himself, then asked Dani to sit on his lap so he could help her eat.

He scooted back, Dani stood and straddled him, facing the table, and began to slide down on him, whimpering, “Ooh, ooh!” as her body slowly descended, obviously swallowing his dick inside her. She paused, her mouth gaped open, and let another loud moan, “Oh fuck, how much more?”

“Just a little, Babygirl, almost there,” Alan told her, a satisfied grin on his face.

Dani groaned, gritted her teeth, and pressed herself down those last inches until she was sitting on him, fully impaled, panting like her life depended on those breaths. “Oh fuck!” she moaned, doing some final squirming.

“Oh, that’s nice, Babygirl, very nice,” Alan said, in what must have been a monumental understatement.

My wife’s body was shaking, sweat on her forehead, her body rocking back and forth, rubbing her babydoll-clad body back against him. I wished I could see her eyes.

I tried to imagine again what it must feel like to Dani, having that thing inside her, stretching her. The jealousy overwhelmed me, threatening to call off everything, overwhelming the excitement. I nearly screamed. But still ... I couldn’t look away, couldn’t say what I knew needed to be said. My wife was sitting on this dude’s lap, skewered by his cock ... and I was powerless to ... fuck, I was fucking loving it!

“This is going to be so tempting all day, to just give in to it and fuck this nymph, make her come all over my dick ... let myself go inside her,” Alan said, looking straight at me. “You and April should try this, it feels sooo good, what a way to have breakfast!”

“What you think, Babygirl, should your husband let April sit on his dick for breakfast? Think they’d enjoy it?”

Dani was gripping the edge of the table, grinding herself down on Alan “I think ... only if she was blindfolded, not fair, otherwise,” she said, in between her moans of pleasure.

“My nightstand, there’s a blindfold,” Dani told me.

I hurried upstairs, our bedroom smelled with the strong scent of sex and Dani’s perfume, making me wonder again, how many times had they fucked during the night?

There were two blindfolds, the red silk cloth I’d put on Dani in Reno, and a regular black one with elastic that I’d bought in Castle for a little playing in our bedroom. I picked the red silk one, then hurriedly changed my clothes to a pair of lounging pants and top, skipping the underwear, then back downstairs looking forward to this!

I tied the blindfold around April’s head, covering her eyes, and asked if she could see anything. “Nada, nothing,” she answered.

So I sat back down in my chair across from Alan and Dani, ‘adjusted’ myself a bit as Alan had, pushed my lounge pants down, scooted my chair back, and told April I was ready. She stood, stepped one leg over straddling my waist, and sat down. I discovered very quickly what she had on under her skirt - nothing at all.

I was friggin’ hard, having watched her in the shower that morning, watching Alan with Dani on the counter, and now, knowing that Dani was sitting across the table with Alan’s cock firmly embedded inside her. And if a guy needed any more enticement, having April sliding down my dick was all the stimulant I needed.

I held myself in position, finding April’s ‘hot spot’ as she sat, then couldn’t help but groan as she lowered herself down, down, down. Oh crap, she felt good, especially when she began to work herself around, finding that perfect position before she pressed herself down on my legs, and finally was still, my cock buried inside her. It was a friggin’ good think I’d come numerous times the night before, no way would I have been able to sit there, my hard dick inside this girl without exploding.

“Time to eat,” I suggested, needing to have something to take my mind away from the girl firmly impaled on my cock.

Thankfully, Alan had cooked the omelet in our good cast iron frying pan that stays hot, especially with the lid that was on it. He took the lid off and split it into four portions, scooping one on each of our plates. I was almost afraid to eat it, knowing what it was going to do to my libido, that was already being sorely tested.

“Dani had a suggestion while you were gone, why don’t you tell your husband, Babygirl,” Alan told her.

She squirmed a little, and let out a couple ‘Oohs’ before speaking, “I suggested that if we’re going to be doing things like this, there should be a prize or something for the couple that lasts the longest without either one coming. Would need to be something that would be a real inducement. You know, a penalty or prize that really means something.”

“You mean other than just the orgasm that’s going to come, that’s gonna be a pretty big prize in itself,” I said.

“Yeah, there is that, but something else, something that would be even bigger.”

“Well ... I had one idea while we were waiting,” Alan said, “this would be kind of ‘big’, I guess you could say. What about ... if Robert or Dani comes first, Dani goes home with me and April for a week. If April or I do, I go home alone, and my future bride stays here a week.” Then, while my mind was reeling, he added, “No, bad idea, the girls would cheat, they’re the prize, shouldn’t be part of the bet. Let’s amend that to just Robert and me, whichever comes first his girl stays with the other for a week.”

Uhh...! Fuck!

Dani looked shocked at his suggestion, Apri was ... what, smirking? “I think it’s a great idea,” she said with a chuckle, “either way, I’d get to play with Dani, something I’ve wanted to do since I met her.”

I about choked. The thought of Dani ... Fuck, just fuck! No fucking way! A week? Fuck, I remembered that week in my dream, the torture. Do something like that for real? With me not there? Fuck, fuck, fuck!

And, shit, my dick was already almost ready to explode inside April, just the thought of it.

And the realization hit me, the thought of Dani and Alan ... a week ... alone ... to do ... whatever ... and my dick was ready to explode?

“No, no fucking way, too much! Dani?”

She sat there, quiet, not saying a word, and I realized she was working her body around on Alan’s lap, working him deeper inside her. Fuck, the idea was turning her on! “It would ... be an incentive,” was all she said.

I remembered in my dream, the excitement, the overpowering fear that night, the night of Alan’s grand opening, when I’d invited Alan up to our hotel room, how he’d undressed and fucked her that night, the first time in thirty-plus years. It wasn’t real, none of it was real, but in my dream it had been. Then, the next morning, I’d suggested she stay the rest of the weekend with him while I flew home. It had been the hardest thing I’d done in my life, and I remembered it like it had happened yesterday.

Why’d I do it? I needed to prove something to Dani ... and to myself. I loved her, she loved me, and I wanted her to know how much I trusted her, enough to bet my life on it. My question now, did I trust her that much in real life? Now, when it truly could cost me everything? I’d thought it was real in my dream, but it wasn’t. Now is real.

And I did trust her. No. Matter. What!

How many fuckin’ times do I have to say it, after those months at my bedside Dani doesn’t have to prove anything to me! Or is that just something I was just trying to convince myself of?

The sexual tension in the room had ratcheted about a hundred-fold.

“I think ... from the feel of Robert’s twitching and how he’s growing inside me, that he’s pretty turned on by the idea,” April said, adding with a giggle, “it’s quite an effective truth detector, isn’t it?”

“Uhh...” my intelligence and wit clearly on display.

And then ... something Alan said a couple minutes ago... “Your ‘what’ will stay here a week?”

He chuckled, April blushed, “I believe I said something to the effect, ‘my future bride’.”

“We’re going to be married! It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you the last couple days, I always got interrupted,” April gushed, with pride and happiness in her voice.

“Annddd, Dani, I’ve been aching to ask you, would you be one of my bridesmaids? May, my middle sister is going to be my maid-of-honor, she’s three years younger.”

April – May, “You have another sister, I suppose ... June?” I asked.

April giggled, “She’s another year-and-a-half younger, going to be another bridesmaid.”

Dani sat there, her mouth gaping. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was ... if ‘thinking’ is something you actually do when you’re told the girl whose pussy is impaled with your dick is about to marry the guy whose dick is inside your wife, how fucking surreal is that?

Speaking of which, my dick was throbbing, begging for some release. This concept of being inside April, her just sitting still on me was torture. Pretty sweet torture but torture, nonetheless.

The other thing, April’s twenty-nine, Alan twenty years older. I guess when you’re Alan fucking Ryder, age isn’t so important. Especially, when you’re ‘caviar’ in bed. I also realized that there’s the same age difference between April and me, another year, actually. Of course, she wasn’t planning a permanent relationship with me, big difference. Not that I was jealous or anything ... at least not about that.

“April, I’m ... I’m thrilled for you! Of course, I’d be honored to be a bridesmaid. And when?”

“January second, June and May are planning a bachelorette party on New Year’s Eve, and we’ll have a rehearsal New Year’s evening. We don’t want to wait any longer than we have to. We’ve been planning it for a couple months. I’ve been so anxious to tell you.”

So this was why April was so sure that Alan wasn’t out to take my wife.

But, still ... could I, a fucking week? Literally, a ‘fucking’ week!

Rationally, it was idiotic, rationally, it was a crappy bad idea. ‘Bad’ didn’t even begin to cover it, even ‘crappy bad’. So, why the fuck was the idea such a friggin’ turn-on?

“Okay ... but under the circumstances ... is ... this really appropriate?” Dani asked, squirming on Alan’s lap, letting out a little moan in the process.

April smiled at her, doing her own little squirm, pressing herself down, “I think it’s fair to say that we’re going to have a fairly open marriage, at least where our good friends are concerned, one couple in particular.” Fuck, I didn’t know how much of this I was going to be able to take – and then I remembered the little ‘bet’. Double FUCK!

Even if I hadn’t actually agree signed onto it.

“Omelet’s getting cold,” Alan said, “not polite to let a chef’s food get cold.” The omelet had been nearly forgotten.

“I might have to kill him if he ever involves anyone else, though,” April added.

Alan laughed at that, “No worry, love, I think you’ll keep me busy.”

Well, except for when we’re eating breakfast with my wife’s pussy firmly impaled on his dick. Not that I could complain much with the situation on this side of the table. Speaking of which, eating with April’s pussy very firmly encasing my dick? Not exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever encountered.

I sliced off a small bite of April’s omelet, picked it up, and gently fed it to her, then took a bite myself. Fuck, this was freakin’ good! “What’d you do with this? It’s the best omelet I’ve ever tasted,” I asked Alan.

“Chef’s secret,” he said, “can’t give away my secrets, would put me out of business.”

We finished the omelet, me alternating bites with April, Alan doing the same with Dani. Even before that little announcement, this arrangement had seemed weird. Now, though, it was just totally unreal!

April pushing herself up and off me was another torture in itself. There were moans coming from both sides of the table as the girls extricated themselves.

I’d completely forgotten that little ‘special’ ingredient that Alan put in the omelet until Alan and I were working on the dishes. We’d helped our girls to the couch in the living room, and they were sitting there quietly talking, probably wedding stuff. My dick reminded me, painfully hard, the ‘wanting’ just as strong.

“What’d you put in that omelet, anyway?”

All he did was chuckle, “Working is it?”

Fucking yeah, it was.

It was hard not peeking every chance I got, Dani still wearing her next-to-nothing, and knowing that April was bare under that skirt and blouse. Just April standing up off me was hard after my dick being in such a warm place for so long.

“Can I take off the blindfold for a little bit? We don’t get to see snow that often, would love to watch it,” April asked, so I took the blindfold off her, and she went to the back patio door to watch. It had probably snowed another inch or two in just the little while since we’d gotten up. It was starting to let up, though, the snow coming down much lighter.

I checked the forecast, it was supposed to quit completely by the afternoon, an accumulation of eight to twelve inches, then get cold during the night, six degrees. I’d never seen a Thanksgiving weekend that cold or snowy.

My Accord was buried under the snow. Thankfully, Dani’s ‘92 Mustang that she’s so proud of was safely tucked away in the garage. I guess, under the circumstances that kinda seems like a weird thing to be worried about.

After letting April gaze out at the snow for several minutes, I wrapped the silk back around her head, tying it behind. Alan and I led our respective girls to the living room and we sat, Dani and Alan on the couch snuggled together, and April and me on the loveseat.

I knew at least part of the reason it was happening, the omelet, whatever Alan had added, but fuck, I was feeling horny! April’s tank top had three buttons between her breasts. They weren’t hiding a lot, but ... now they were undone. And fuck, she smelled good!

We kissed. I don’t even know who started it, doesn’t matter. All I knew was that this girl’s lips were on fire, same as mine. It was a matter of seconds before we were groping, nothing ‘gentle’ about it, my hands all over her, mauling her tits with one, between her legs with the other, hers reaching down my pants.

Realization suddenly hit me, the bet. I pulled away, panting hard, my heart pounding, “April, I ... oh fuck!” I groaned, barely able to stave off the imminent. I didn’t know, was the bet even real? I’d never actually ‘agreed’ to it, had I? But Dani ... it sure seemed that she had, all she’d said was that it’d be an incentive. Yeah, it sure as hell was that!

And, fuck, I was feeling horny!

My dick was hard, my heart was pounding, every sense seemed alive with wanting. If this feeling was going to last all day, I was in deep, deep shit.

But one thing Alan said earlier was true, I liked the feeling.

“Anyone want to try the hot tub?” I heard Dani ask through my haze.

“I think it sounds like fun,” April answered.

“Umm, you do know it’s...” I got up and looked at the thermometer, “twenty-one degrees out.”

“So, the water’s hot, you said a while ago,” Alan reminded me.

“You guys bring swimsuits?” I asked

“No, do we need one?” April wondered.

I chuckled, “Not on my account,” I assured her.

“Sweetheart, can April take these eye patches off me, please? I want to be able to see when we go outside.”

I hesitated before answering, already knowing what my answer was going to be, “Okay with me, long as Alan’s good with it. After all, he is your date this weekend. April, you too, you’ll have to take yours off to get Dani’s patches off.”

I’d left the decision in Alan Ryder’s playing field. That seemed appropriate as he was the original instigator of the eye patches, even if he hadn’t known it.

“Yeah, take them off,” he said, “I do kinda want you to watch April fucking your husband so that you can come back to Tampa with me.”

It was almost fifteen minutes later when Dani and April came back downstairs, this time the eyes real. The first thing she said, looking outside was, “Wow, the snow is real, so much.”

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