Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 47

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 47 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday, early morning, Nov 27, 2020

It was three-forty in the morning, but I wasn’t even remotely tired. I sat in the front seat of the Uber, my eyes closed, reliving the last couple hours of Jenny’s party. Dani and Alan had done it, the big ‘it’. And HOW they’d done it! It’d taken nine months since I’d awakened from my coma.

Just like you can’t unring a bell, I’ll never unhear Dani’s screams those last minutes of Alan fucking her. Twenty-nine years of marriage and never once had she screamed like that with me. This night was going to live in infamy, at least in my mind, and I suspected in seven others too.

I’ll never unsee Dani’s lips wrapped around the head of Alan’s cock, the vision of him sliding down her throat ... God, I couldn’t believe what we’d done! What about our marriage? Could she...? Would she...?

That first time, Dani complaining that he was too big, that she couldn’t. And then ... Shit, my mind couldn’t take it ... too much!

What the fuck now? What I’d said, ‘His until the eye patches come off.’ Could I really follow through with that? Could Dani? Would she?

And then the Uber was pulling into our driveway. Absolutely, positively nothing had been resolved in my mind. Yeah, I knew Dani loved me, after those months in the hospital, she didn’t have to prove that, not ever. She’d paid her dues a thousand times over. A hundred-twenty-five days and nights she’d sat by my bedside ... not knowing. But ... but ... Fuck!

I handed our driver, an older lady – maybe sixties, ‘Marian’, she’d said, three twenty-dollar bills as a tip, thanking her profusely for the ride in the middle of the night.

“Thank you,” she said, “if you ever need another ride, ask for me.”

Yeah, I would ... if ever. Didn’t exactly see this as a regular occurrence.

I walked to the other side of the car, helping April out like the gentleman I was. Somehow, I didn’t feel much like a ‘gentleman’, after what we’d just done less than an hour earlier.

We went inside, retrieving Alan’s and April’s bags that he’d put in the trunk, Alan leading my wife. That felt so weird, Dani not able to see and being helped by someone else ... her lover.

I carried April’s bags, a small suitcase, her purse, and her makeup kit.

I didn’t know what to do, so led our little group upstairs to our bedroom. It was on the tip of my tongue to call the whole thing off, ‘just kidding’ about what I’d said earlier, I’d say, let Alan and April have the spare room, separate rooms if they wanted.

“You two can have our bedroom, April and I’ll take the spare room,” I said, instead. I didn’t want to call it off. I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but I trusted Dani, even with the doubts floating around through my head, and ... I wanted this for her, God help me!

“April, check the third drawer down, you can find something we can sleep in in there,” Dani told her, pointing in the general direction of her dresser vs mine. “If you want something to sleep in, that is,” she added.

I guess the alternative would be both Dani and April sleeping naked, as if there was going to be any ‘sleeping’ involved.

April got up and opened the drawer Dani had told her, giving a very distinctive, “Ooh,” at what she found. I knew what was in that drawer, Dani’s ‘sexies’, as she referred to her nighties.

“Boys, I think you should wait downstairs while Dani and I decide what we’re wearing tonight,” then added, “Robert, would you put my bags in our room, please.”

‘Our’ room, she’d called it. I’d be lying through my teeth if I even hinted that I wasn’t looking forward to snuggling up with this girl, maybe ... something else, too. Earlier had felt a lot like unfinished business.

I’d already reconciled the fact that Dani and Alan were sleeping together. I was NOT going to weasel out and call off the deal.

Alan and I trudged back downstairs to the kitchen. “Anything to drink?” I asked Alan, not that we had a lot. Then I remembered our bottle of ‘Pendleton Whiskey’ I’d bought long ago, no recollection of what the circumstance was ... oh yeah, that night when Jenny and Richard were ‘sleeping over’ when Richard was called away to an emergency at the hospital, Jenny and I ... never mind. It had been the only time we’d gone all the way. I’d sort of been hoping ... tonight ... But it’d worked out fine, better than fine, much better.

There’d be other times for Jenny and me, Richard and Dani ... I was sure.

Yeah, I was a little jealous of Jason. Weird, huh?

Anyway, the whiskey, “I don’t have much to mix it with, Diet Pepsi okay?” I asked Alan. I wasn’t so sure what to say or how to interact with the guy who’d just fucked my wife and was going to do it again in a matter of minutes.

“Sounds fine, a little ice too?” he asked, also sounding a little unsure how to act.

I fixed a couple glasses, going a little heavier on the whiskey than Jenny had with the tequila. After all, the night was about over, it shouldn’t hurt. I was thankful for Jenny’s foresight, though, to not flood our bodies with tequila earlier. Pretty sure we’d all have been wasted by now if she hadn’t.

I handed one of the glasses to Alan, remembering something that he’d started to say earlier, “You started to say something this evening, about you and April?” I asked him.

He took a drink, smiled, “This is good, what kind is it?” he asked.

I showed him the bottle, “I think it’s kind of a collaboration between the Pendleton Round-Up and some distillery, not sure where, maybe in Canada,” I told him.

“I’ll order some, I’m always on the lookout for something new in my bar,” he said, “and me and April...”

That was when our attention was drawn to the stairs, April holding Dani’s hand, helping her down.

And my breath was taken away! Those were new, both of them.

April was wearing a dark red, but oh-so-shear, satin and lace babydoll, split up the middle, a bow on the front of the little panties, all of it looking like something a bride might wear for her new husband on Valentine’s Day. She looked ... oh my!

Dani’s, on the other hand, was white, not so much ‘sheer’, more like transparent, even the thong panties, hiding exactly nothing ... her breasts, nipples, pussy lips, all there, to see and enjoy. Again, something a new bride would wear on her wedding night. God!

April, in her model’s strut, walked over to me and asked, “You ready to take me to bed, Stud?”

My heart was pounding when she extended her hand ... God, she smelled good ... and pulled me to my feet, entwining her arms around my neck, and pressing herself against me. “Think you’d better lose some of those clothes, don’t you?” she said.


I know we’d just been naked together practically minutes before, but this ... in my house ... wearing ... that! And that perfume!

Dani was already leading Alan up the stairs, that sheer nightie, the strap of her thong showing right through it, everything else, too.

I’d thought I was ‘done’ for the night. How fucking wrong!

I picked up April, surprised at how light she was, her arms around me, lips on mine like Dani’s had been with Alan in that final scene of their movie. God, she felt good, smelled good, like ... hell, I didn’t know, just that it was sexy as fuck!

Dani left her bedroom door open. I know it was on purpose as we always close the door when we go to bed, a safety thing in case of a fire. Dani’s always been obsessed with it, ingrained over twenty-nine years, before that too.

This time, the door was open, Dani already on the bed on her hands and knees, her knees spread wide, waiting. Alan? Apparently, in the bathroom.

The spare room April and I were using was right across the hall, doors practically in line with each other. I left that door open as well.

As soon as we were in our room, I let April down. She wrapped her arms around me, pushed me up against the wall, and plunged her tongue into my mouth, her fingers clawing through my hair.

God, the feel of her, that soft, little gown, and the vision of Dani across the hall, on the bed, ready, waiting.

I decided right then and there that I wanted the recipe for those brownies!

That ride home had rejuvenated me, I felt out of my mind, my libido so fuckin’ sky high. I was kissing April back just as hard as she was kissing me, both of us frantic. My shirt was on the floor, and April undoing my pants and pushing them down. I hadn’t even bothered with the underwear at Jenny’s. Once I was naked, I turned us around, then lifted April. She wrapped her legs around me and fuckkkk ... Sometimes, foreplay is overrated. I was inside her, her thong pushed aside, and pounding her against the wall.

Her pussy was sizzling hot, and I don’t mean just ‘sexy’ hot, I mean just plain H O T, hot, like she had a fever all concentrated in her pussy, radiating heat into my cock.

I didn’t know how her butt must have been feeling being repeatedly pounded against the wall, it wasn’t high on my list of worries at the moment. Come to think of it, there wasn’t much of anything on that list. Well, there was one thing – I couldn’t reach her tits with my mouth.

I felt the orgasm start to build, exquisitely slowly, after so many times at Jenny’s.

And then ... April’s body changed; she stiffened, began shuddering, and her pussy clamped tight. Her moans changed to a wail, and it was the end for me. Well, the beginning of the end. ‘It’ hit ... suddenly, hard, if anything even harder than before. I pressed inside her, mashing her up against the wall, oblivious to anything except the spasms pulsing through me, April’s pussy, hot and squeezing, flooding her with the cum that wasn’t there less than an hour earlier.

When it was over, somehow, we hadn’t collapsed on the floor, both of us using the wall as a buttress to stay vertical, April’s legs still wrapped around me, and my softening cock still inside her.

“You want to go next door and see what they’re doing?” April asked me.

“Yeah, good idea,” I answered, starting to let her down.

“No, hold me, just like this, I like it. Is there a chair?”

“Uhuh,” I told her, “Dani’s makeup vanity.” My heart started fluttering again, thinking about sitting down in there with April ... like this, and Daniella doing what she’s doing.

I gripped April around her back, holding her tight to me and took a tentative step, a little (lot) shakier than before.

We managed it, though, made it to the door into the master bedroom. Dani and Alan were there, on the bed, looking like they were resting, gently rocking back and forth, Dani on her spread-apart knees, with her little nightgown bunched around her head, and her panties gone. Alan was right behind her, hunched over her with his hands around her, caressing her tits. His big dick was nowhere to be seen, apparently tucked into a nice, soft, warm place.

Alan, I had no idea if he’d seen us come in. Dani, on the other hand, no fucking way, even aside from the fact that she couldn’t ‘see’. Alan’s hands were all over her; on her tits, her waist, her thighs, her butt ... the two of them rocking back and forth, Alan’s cock deep in her pussy, and Dani cooing with pleasure.

I sat in Dani’s chair, April on my lap with my half-deflated cock still inside her, feeling weird about it. I’d enjoyed watching Dani on this chair at her vanity putting on makeup who knows how many times over twenty-nine years. I can’t even begin to say how surreal it was, sitting in her chair, April’s arms around me, her tits pressed tight to my chest, watching Dani on our bed.

I whispered in April’s ear, I didn’t want Dani to hear, to know we were here, “You fucked him, in Montana, didn’t you? Dani heard, she told me.”

“Yessss, we were loud, Alan wanted her to hear us ... so did I. I knew how much she was getting off from listening, she enjoyed it.”

“They’d do those love scenes and Alan would be sooo turned on. Dani, too. They weren’t always ‘acting’, you know, so frustrated those nights after. I could only imagine how Dani was feeling after, her being celibate and all that whole time. Especially, as badly as I knew she wanted him.”

We watched Dani and Alan, still rocking, April having to crane her neck a little to see. I pushed April’s gown off her shoulder and kissed one of her nipples, rolling it between my lips the way Dani loves ... and I love doing to her. April seemed appreciative, too, thrusting her chest out, little grunts and moans.

“You’ve had him, what was it like? For her, right now?” I went back to sucking her tit, one eye on my wife. This was fun, maybe ‘fun’ isn’t the right word, doesn’t seem to convey the enormity of the situation, all the emotions that were swirling.

April whispered in my ear, “That full feeling, it’s hard to describe, so ... delicious. No one’s been able to give me that feeling before Alan. And how he rubs against my clit. It ... it drives me insane. Her too, I can tell.”

We watched a moment longer, “You should know, Alan and I...”

And that was when he slowly pulled his wet, slippery-looking cock out of her, oh so slowly, all ten-inches at least. So. Friggin’. Fat!

And pushed it back inside her just as slowly, Dani letting out a loud moan, rocking herself backward, but Alan rocking back with her, keeping it from her, maintaining that slow pace “He’s done that to me,” April whispered, “you can’t even begin to imagine what it does to a girl.”

He slid every inch inside my wife, pressing himself against her. “Ohhh, fuck! Do it again!” Dani was begging.

“He’s pressing against her cervix, not many men can do that, and it feels sooo ... fuckin’ ... good! There must be a trillion nerve endings, every one of them stimulated with the most exquisite feelings,” April whispered in my ear, “and it’s hardly ever touched.”

He repeated, oh-so-slowly all the way out, then just as slowly back into her, “And the way that’s rubbing across her clit, I can imagine it’s maybe like a man feels when a woman sucks the head of his dick, tonguing it, teasing it.

Dani was acting nearly frantic, her body squirming, pushing back against him.

But he just kept up what he was doing, slowly pressing inside my wife, letting it rest there, then repeating, Dani becoming more and more frantic.

I felt my cock growing inside April, fucking unbelievable! She began squirming on my lap, “Mmm, that’s feeling so gooood,” she cooed in my ear.

“But back to Dani,” she started again, “every time he does that to her, it’s more intense. Pretty soon, she’ll be screaming like I was, begging him to just fuck her.”

And the blood continued to flow to my cock. Between the visual of Dani being slowly fucked like that, April’s ongoing play-by-play ... and her pussy around my dick...

Dani ... I can’t even begin to describe anymore, she was screaming out of her mind, breathing so frickin’ hard, and occasionally Alan would just stop until she calmed down.

“He doesn’t want to let her come,” April explained, “he’ll let her come down, then next time build her up a little higher.”

And he pulled out of her again, and I’d swear his dick was expanding, sweat appearing on his brow. When he pushed again, Dani’s head was flopping around, “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, you bastard!” she screamed.

“She thinks she’s about at her limit,” April chuckled, “but she has no idea...” She’d had spoken a little louder that time. “I think about now, we could set off the smoke detectors and yell, ‘Dani’, and she’d have no idea. Her only sensation is that cock sliding in and out of her.”

Then she added, “I know, I’ve been there. Those trillion nerve endings have expanded about ten times over.”

He pressed back inside her, Dani clawing at the bed, whimpering, crying.

“About now, she can’t speak at all, just make noises,” April told me.

I sucked her whole tit in my mouth, April starting to bounce on my cock. I didn’t think ... fuck!!

And Alan Ryder kept it up, that steady in and out, occasionally stopping completely. His dick had to be at least eleven inches, Dani’s screeches getting louder and louder, all the bed-covers clawed out from under her.

I couldn’t take it any longer, I began fucking April, humping up, her humping down. I pushed her little gown up and off, sucking in a tit, biting down on her nipple, and April screamed, from pain or pleasure I was oblivious. And the orgasm rocked my world, feeling like my entire insides were shooting through my dick inside her.

When it was over, my body was soaked in sweat, April’s too. She kissed me, hard. I kissed her back, just as hard, our arms wrapped around each other.

And April was right, when April and I pulled apart, it seemed that Dani hadn’t even noticed, still clawing at the bed, wailing like she’d been for I don’t know how long. Alan was looking at us, however, that grin on his face.

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