Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 46

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 46 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Friday evening, Nov 27, 2020

“I have the makings for tequila moonrise,” Jenny said, a sexy grin on her face, batting her sexy eyelashes. “The tequila moonrise okay with everyone?” she asked.

“Sounds great to me,” Alan said, leering directly at my wife.

Everyone else nodded, along with their grunts of approval.

“Okay, in full disclosure, I bought a little game for tonight. It’s kind of ... sexual ... yes, I know we’re a bit old for silly games,” then looked at Janet and April, “well, except for some of us. But, anyway, if anyone doesn’t want to play, I haven’t even opened it yet so I could take it back,” looking around the group.

“We, uhh, haven’t ever...” Jason, Janet’s husband started to say before his wife cut him off.

“I think it might be kind of fun, you want to at least try it, hon?” Janet asked her husband.

“Well, if it’s any consolation, the four of us never have, either,” Jenny said, “I just asked for something that might be a little fun and sexy for eight of us,” she added.

“Guess I’m game if you are,” Jason said. Janet nodded.

“Great, I’ll mix the drinks,” Jenny said, “girls, you wanna help?” and the four of them trudged off into the kitchen. Watching the four of them ... this was going to be an awesome night!

“I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I brought a little something ... for a mood enhancer,” Alan said, smiling, “it’s out in the car, be right back.”

I stood there, thinking that I shouldn’t be surprised, remembering Alan’s brownies in my dreams. I tried to think back, whether I’d ever mentioned them to Dani. I remembered, yeah, I had, March, the night in Reno when I’d accidentally blurted out about my dream about that night with Jenny.

Richard and Jason were sitting on the couch, chatting, and our ladies were still in the kitchen giggling about something and grinding ice in the blender when Alan was back with a plastic container, one of those that seals airtight. He took it in the kitchen and opened it, releasing the delicious, chocolaty aroma. As good as dinner had been, those brownies looked and smelled out of this world. Besides, it had been hours since dinner, time for a little dessert.

“Are those...”

“Enhanced a bit?” he asked.

“Uhh, yeah, that.”

He smiled, whispered, “Guess you’ll have to try one ... or two and find out,” he said.

“Maybe I should ask something else, are they legal?” I asked him

He chuckled at that, “Dunno,” he admitted, “some states yes, some states no, don’t know about Washington. I do know they won’t hurt anybody, quite the contrary.”

I smiled at him, whispering, “And in Montana?”

He chuckled, “Oh, I wanted to.”

He handed the container to Dani, “Babygirl, would you mind putting some of these on a plate, please.”

There was that name again, ‘Babygirl’, the one he’d called Dani in my dreams. Sometime, I’ll have to tell him about ‘Babygirl’ in my dreams and how he came to call her that. Maybe he’ll tell us how it actually came to him.

Jenny announced that the bowl of drinks was done and put eight glasses on a tray.

She called Richard and Jason into the dining room from the living room, and Richard retrieved two folding chairs. We sat, Dani was to my right, then Alan, April, Richard, Jenny, Jason, and Janet to my left.

I tasted the drink; sweet and cold, a pretty blueish color, about half finely crushed ice, just a slight taste of alcohol.

“You put any of that tequila in that?” Richard asked his wife, after taking a sip.

Jenny laughed, “What, you wanna get drunk, pass out so we have to carry you to bed?” and she wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering something in his ear, flicking it lightly with her tongue. Richard’s face turned a shade of red, and yeah, I noticed a little flicker ‘down below’, Jenny giggling.

God, I wished I knew what she’d just told him.

“For the record, yes, I put some in, just not much,” she announced to the rest of us, releasing her husband.

“Not to change the subject,” Jenny said, unwrapping a box with pictures of two young, sexy couples barely dressed. “but I bought this game at Castle. I don’t know anything about it except that the girl there said it’d be perfect for three or four couples.”

“Well, the pictures look like fun,” April said.

Yeah, they did. If the game matched the pictures...

“Excuse me just a minute,” Alan said, getting up and bringing the plate of brownies, “a little sweet treat before we start,” he said, handing the plate to Dani. She took one and handed it to me, and on around the table.

I hoped they’d be as good as in my dream.

When it got to Richard, I thought I’d better mention, just because he was a doctor and I wouldn’t want him in trouble, “Ahh, Richard, just a warning, those might have some ingredients that...”

He laughed, taking one, “Well, thanks for the warning, it’ll be fine. I’m completely in the clear this weekend.”

Everyone else seemed totally cool with Alan’s ‘enhanced’ brownies as well.

They tasted good, I’ll certainly give them that; gooey, a little frosting on top, pecans, and a certain extra something that I sure wouldn’t have been able to place if I hadn’t known what it was. I also remembered that his brownies in conjunction with a little alcohol were especially effective. I was looking forward to a fun game. Maybe, Dani and Alan...?

There was a deck of cards, two fairly big stacks of other cards, one labeled ‘A’ and the other ‘B’ on the cards’ backs, a timer, and dice. Jenny had bought the game so she read through the instructions.

“Okay, first shuffle the decks,” she said, so April, Janet, and Jason picked up a deck each, tore off their cellophane, and shuffled several times, setting them back down on the table.

“We draw from the playing cards,” she said, “there are two each of the two through nine and four of the ten through king and aces. We take turns drawing from those, and if it’s a two through nine, we draw a card from the ‘A’ stack and have to do whatever the card says. If it’s a ten, we pick another person and that person draws from the ‘B’ stack. If a jack, the person whose turn it was draws a card from the ‘B’ stack, and everyone of the same sex has to follow the instructions. If it’s a queen, we draw a ‘B’ card and only the girls do it. A king and the guys follow it. If it’s an ace, the person who draws the card has complete discretion to make up a task or question, and it can be for either one person, the girls, guys, or everyone.

“There can be alternate rules but they need to be voted on, majority wins.

“Okay,” Richard said, “I guess the key is going to be what’s on those ‘A’ and ‘B’ cards.”

“Mmm, these are good,” Jason said, after finishing off a brownie, “mind if I have another?”

“Take a drink of your moonrise, I think the brownie will be especially good after,” I suggested.

So he did, followed by a nod and, “Yeah, you’re right, is good, you guys should try it.”

We all dutifully took a sip, some of us a much bigger sip, then a bite of our brownie. It probably was a good thing that they’d gone pretty light on the tequila. At least the four of us weren’t used to alcohol.

“Before we start this, there’s something you all need to know. The day I woke up in the hospital, a group of us were playing a game in our house. Turns out, it was close to this game, almost identical. It was like one of those dreams where you just get to the good stuff ... and then wake up. That’s exactly how it happened with me. Except, in my case, the waking up was much better, a little scary until I started to understand what was happening, but once I did understand...” Dani squeezed my hand, a smile on her face, and a tear in her eye. Yeah, much, much better.

“Okay,” Janet said, “I’ll bite, who was in your little group and what was the ‘good stuff’ when you woke up? You left out those little details when you were telling me everything.”

I laughed, “Janet, there was so much I left out, no one knows all of it, I’d have to write a book, and I’m sure there’d still be details left out.”

“Maybe we’ll get it out of you tonight, then.”

I shrugged, not all of it, they wouldn’t. “I will tell you who was there, though, just six; Dani, me, Richard and Jenny, Alan – Dani was his partner, and Betty, my store’s bookkeeper, was mine.

I’d told Dani about Betty but not Janet.

I let out a little laugh, “Was a surprise to me, Apparently, she’d had a crush on me and told Dani about it. So, she thought it’d be fun to have her there. Betty was dressed a little different than her normal granny clothes, more like a sexy vixen.”

It was Dani’s turn to laugh. “You have to know Betty. She’s a librarian type. Pretty, but you have no idea of her shape, she always wears the most godawful things.”

“The day I woke up in the hospital, I’d been at that party in my dream. I’d been blindfolded and when I took it off expecting some ... fun, I was in the hospital, no idea what had happened, where I was.”

“Happiest five minutes of my life!” Dani said.

“Yeah, me too,” Jenny added.

We spent the next several minutes talking about that day, what it had been like when I woke up.

“Okay, shall we start?” Jenny said, apparently thinking we’d had enough of that. I agreed. “Dani, since tonight was kind of your night, I think you should go first,” she suggested.

She looked around the table, took a long drink of her ... whatever Jenny had called it, and picked up a card. “A two,” she said.

“Gotta lay it down so we can all see,” Jenny told her.

Dani laid down her two, then drew from the ‘A’ stack and read it aloud, ‘Describe your worst sexual experience,’ it said.

“Ugh! If there’s anything I don’t want to do it’s relive that!” she frowned, screwing her face up. “But, I suppose ... Jen and I had gone to a New Year’s Eve party our senior year. One of the basketball players that I’d kind of had a crush on, his name was Vince...”

“I remember Vince,” Alan said, “basketball, all-conference, best player on the team ... what, six-six or something like that. Anyway, “go ahead, sorry I interrupted.”

“Okay, if I have to. Yeah, Vince was the star on the team. He was at the party, flirting with me all night. I already had this big crush on him and he was sooo good-looking. We were dancing and I was already so turned on with his arms around me when he kissed me, hard. I remember thinking that I’d gone to heaven the way he kissed.” She took a couple deep breaths, “We ... uhh ... he took me in one of the bedrooms...” Her face was turning so red! “I took my panties off, he was so thoughtful getting a towel because I’d already told him I was a virgin ... and we had sex together.” She took more breaths, “It hurt a little but then was really good so maybe it didn’t exactly qualify as a bad experience, at least not then.”

“It was after, I was thinking that we’d be boyfriend-girlfriend after that, but then he started bragging how he’d banged the cheerleader at the party. I was the only cheerleader there and people knew it. He made what I’d thought was a wonderful experience into something ... so gross!”

“And then I still had to be cheerleader at his games. That was so humiliating. So ... all in all, it was a pretty crummy experience.”

After my come, Dani told me about that. She hadn’t gone into quite as much detail, but it sure explained why, when I kept asking about her first tiem, she hadn’t wanted to talk about it. It hadn’t been quite like that homecoming night with Alan Ryder in my dream.

“She got even with him, though, when she let it be known to the girls what a crappy lay he was,” Jenny added, laughing. “Besides the bragging, the guy couldn’t get a date after that.”

There was a lot of chuckling at that.

“Guess it’s my turn, then,” Alan said. He drew a king, “Ready, boys, this’ll be all of us.” The king’s a ‘B’ stack card, so he drew one and read it after a little groan. ‘Remove two pieces of clothing’ and laid it down.

So, just like that, we’d taken off our shoes, two pieces each.

“Pairs count as one,” April piped up.

“Okay, vote,” Jenny announced, “I vote what April said, a pair of shoes is one, a pair of socks is another.”

“Yeah, that makes sense,” both Janet and Dani agreed.

It was up to us guys, who would be on the short stick of the vote. On the other hand, if it’d get the girls naked quicker... “I’m going to go along with the girls on that one,” I announced, basically ending the vote because mine was the fifth vote, a majority.

Anything to get us closer to the main goal, naked girls.

So, we guys were minus both shoes and socks.

April drew her card, a queen.

Us guys chuckled, it was their turn this time.

The queen was a ‘B’ stack card, so she picked one up, ‘Remove one piece of clothing’

Not friggin’ fair! Better than nothing, I guessed. The girls each took off their shoes, not much excitement there.

Other than the fact that I was already starting to feel the effects of Alan’s brownie and whatever tequila Jenny had put in that drink. The thought of seeing female skin (i.e. tits and pussy) later on had me horny as fuck.

It was Richard’s turn, he drew a card, a jack. “I don’t remember, what’s the rule for a jack?” he asked his wife.

She looked at the rules again, “Draw a card from the ‘B’ stack and everyone of the same sex follows the instructions.”

Richard drew the ‘B’ card from the top of the pile, looked at it and groaned. “Guys, you’re going to kill me,” he said, laying the card down on the table, ‘Do a seductive dance, Take off two pieces of clothing.’

I looked at that card, hoping that I’d seen wrong, closed my eyes, shook my head, and looked again. Crap, double crap! It still said the same fuckin’ thing.

“Okay, guys, we got this,” Richard said, getting up, “come on,” tugging on us, one at a time. Richard started, putting one hand on my shoulder, his other on Jason’s. Alan stood beside me, each of us with a hand on the other’s shoulder, and proceeded to give the most obnoxious, clumsy rendition of the Rockettes that has likely ever been seen.

The girls were laughing hysterically, especially when Richard began undoing his shirt, the girls yelling, “Take it off, take it off.”

The rest of us took the cue and began undoing our shirts as well, intermittently doing our little dance. Besides that, the alcohol was taking an effect. Neither Richard nor I drank hardly at all, so what little alcohol we’d already had was making its impact known. Thank God that none of the girls thought to get out their phones and video us making complete idiots of ourselves, all shirtless. “One more piece,” one of them yelled.

Well, you can bet I wasn’t taking my pants off yet. Neither were the other guys. Maybe it didn’t exactly follow the rules but we sat back down and offed our ... oh shit, socks were already gone!

My darling wife began the chants, “Pants, pants...”

How the hell come all four of us guys were down to our underwear and girls only their shoes off?

I needed another glass of that ‘stuff’ Jenny had made. Another brownie, too. My dick was trying to poke out the slit in my shorts.

We took a break, the girls took our glasses and were back in a moment, glasses filled once again with the blue concoction, and passed around Alan’s brownies.

The girls were still giggling at our sexy dance when Jenny reached for her card, a huge smile crossing her face. “Oh girls, we gonna have so much fun. This is exactly what I was hoping for,” dropping her ace on the table. “I get to pick who and what, sooo...” She stood up, hurrying into her bedroom, back a moment later, dropping four little boxes on the table. “These little gems are bullets, I assume you know where they go and what they do ... not that I’ve ever used one before.”

Dani’s eyes got wide with the realization of what Jenny was saying, April’s and Janet’s as well. “Plus, they’re remote control, I bought four of them, just hoping I’d get a chance for us to use them.” She handed one to each of the ladies and took hers out of the box, putting a battery in it, and another battery in the little remote. Dani, Janet, and April all followed suit, looking a whole lot more apprehensive than Jenny’s eagerness.

“The boys didn’t win the right to watch us, so we can do this under the table,” reaching both her hands under and ... A second later, her hands were back, going to her mouth to be licked off.

I maybe mentioned a moment ago that my little man was trying to poke through the slit ... well, it was all the damn way poked through by then, feeling hard as a piece of cement reinforcing steel.

Dani, naturally, poked her damp fingers in my mouth to lick her pussy juices off. Damn!

“Now, the remotes,” Jenny said, taking the four, mixing them up, and handing one to each of us guys. “You guys won’t know which one of us you’re exciting, but I’m guessing you’ll be using them quite liberally.”

I took mine, switched the ‘on’ button, and pushed the little lever about halfway up, watching to see which girl reacted. All four did. I pushed the lever up, down, up, down, up, and left it there. This was gonna be freakin’ fun!

Jenny’s fingers were shaking when she drew another card, a four, apparently forgetting that she’d just had her turn, but we guys sure weren’t going to complain. Her eyes started rolling back in her head, so she took a big drink, then a bite of brownie.

She picked up her card from the ‘A’ stack and dropped it on the table, ‘Name something your parents would be shocked to know about you’.

I was fiddling with my little remote under the table.

“Oh shit,” April was saying, reaching under the table and pressing her legs together. Was she the one? Of course, she wasn’t the only girl reacting rather strangely.

“Something ... I think ... they would have been shocked if they’d known I fucked Richard on our first date, in the back of his car ... and he wasn’t my first,” she said.

Richard looked at her, his eyes wide, “And ... who was?” he asked.

“Oh shit, I didn’t mean to say that! Was before I even knew you existed,” she reiterated. “Can’t tell you who ... wasn’t part of the question,” she answered.

“Come on, I want to know,” he insisted.

“Jason, you’re up,” Jenny said, obviously trying to get the subject changed.

“Nope, not until you tell,” Richard reiterated.

Jenny rolled her eyes, “You remember Larry, my study partner?”

Richard screwed up his face, thinking, “Yeah, the nerd?” he asked, “seriously?”

“Yeah, the nerd, well, it wasn’t him ... Jason, your turn,” she chuckled.

Richard rolled his eyes, exasperated with his wife.

Jason drew a ten, and looked confused. Jenny went back to the rule book, ‘pick another person, and that person draws a card from the ‘B’ pile’.

He looked around the table, “Alan,” he said.

Alan flipped his ‘B’ card face up on the table. ‘Throw the timer dice, set the timer, and kiss your left hand lady’.

Okay, his left hand lady was ... Dani!

Jenny got the timer dice out of the box, it was a big, six-sided dice, from thirty seconds to three minutes, handing it to Dani. She cupped it in her hand, closed her eyes, bounced it around, and dropped it on the table, two-minutes.

I grabbed the timer, “I’ll start it,” I said.

Dani looked scared to death. She’d kissed this guy on screen, millions had seen those kisses by now, but this was so freakin’ different, I could tell from her expression.

“Come here, Babygirl, we gonna enjoy this ... this one’s for real,” he said.

Dani turned toward him, looking around the table, and leaned into him, their lips touching. “Timer doesn’t start until it’s a real kiss,” I announced.

Her hand went behind his head, her tight lips loosened, opening. It was probably a minute into it when I was satisfied they were both kissing in earnest before I started the timer.

Another thirty seconds and their lips were grinding together, whose tongue in whose mouth, I didn’t know, lots of groaning; another minute and Alan’s hand was on Dani’s tit, squeezing and pinching; seconds later she was groping his groin; and by the time I’d stopped resetting the timer, Dani’s blouse was about half undone, her hand inside his pants, and both should have passed out from lack of oxygen. It’d been maybe four-five minutes, no one really knew or cared when the loud dinger finally went off.

It didn’t have even the tiniest effect on the couple in the midst of groping each other until April announced in a loud voice, ‘Time’ and tapped Alan on the shoulder, quite hard.

If I’d thought my dick was hard before!

Dani and Alan were both trying to catch their breath. Alan’s dick was poking out and God ... the rumor was so frickin’ true, at least in his case. Nine inches, maybe ten? And so fucking fat! It reminded me of ... Alan, Dani’s black dildo ... except fatter.

It was Janet’s turn, she drew a six, an ‘A’ card. She put her hand on the stack, slowly pulling off the top card, peeking at it. She laid it face down in front of her, her face taking on a definite blush.

“Okay, girl, what is it? Dani asked.

Janet closed her eyes and turned the card over, ‘How often do you masturbate?’

She covered her face, “I can’t,” she squeaked through her hands.

Jason put his hand around her shoulder, “Sure you can, we all do, I’m sure. I know you do sometimes in the shower, I’ve seen you, it’s okay.”

She cracked her fingers over her eyes apart, looking at him, “You’ve watched me?”

“Sometimes you leave the bathroom door open, it’s okay, it turns me on,” he told her.

“All you have to do is tell us how often,” Jenny explained to her.

She took a deep breath, “Three, four times a week,” she finally admitted.

“Wow, girl, your husband needs to step up his game ... Jason, you need to be fucking this girl,” April told him.

“Can you do it now?” Jenny asked her

Janet’s eyes darted around, “Now? ... No!”

“Why not, it’ll be under the table, no one will see. Are you horny?” Jenny asked again. She looked around the room, “Come on people, close your eyes, give the girl some privacy.”

God help me, I did, close my eyes, tight, no idea if anyone else did. A moment later, I heard a little squeak. Janet was directly on my left, and I’d swear she was doing it.

“That’s it, girl, make yourself come,” Jenny told her. Was she watching?

I held my eyes tight, clamped shut, but twisted my head Janet’s direction. “Ooh, ooh,” she groaned, sounding like she was trying to be quiet, not quite succeeding. I couldn’t take it, let my eyes flutter open for just an instant, saw the look of concentration on Janet’s face, her hand under the table, doing ... what?

A minute or so later, Janet’s soft moans were getting louder. I peeked again, God I wished I could see under the table, but she was biting her bottom lip, her pretty face in a grimace. A moment later she started panting, and my dick was freakin’ hard! I wanted to ... but I was afraid if I even touched myself, I’d explode.

Janet’s groans grew and this time I gave up on being discrete about looking. Her head was back, eyes closed tight, her mouth in an ‘O’, and suddenly Jenny announced, “Time.”

Janet let out a loud groan, “Whoever has that girl’s vibrator, turn it on,” Dani said. I was pretty sure I had April’s but turned it up about halfway, anyway. Apparently, the other three guys had the same idea, all four girls jumped, moaning, especially Janet.

“I think,” Jenny announced, between her breaths, “time to move on. Robert ... your turn.”

This was freakin’ fun! I started to pick up a card but then put it back. “Fuck this,” I said, “I’m going off script here, any objections?” I turned the vibrator down to low. April let out a sigh of relief. I was even more sure I had hers.

Janet was still panting from her little bit of fun.

“Vote for letting Robert go off script?” Jenny asked. There weren’t any objections, so Jenny announced, “Abstained, go ahead.”

What the hell has she been watching on TV, ‘The Good Wife’?

“Okay, this one’s going to be in several parts. Dani has to take her top and bra off, throw the dice to see how long Alans’ going to suck her tits. Then she’s going to suck his dick, every inch of it. I know she can do that cuz I’ve seen her with her black dildo, she named it appropriately enough, ‘Alan’.”

“Ready, set...”

Jenny interrupted, “I think it’s time, people, we all get naked. We’re going to pair up, girl’s choice, except not your spouse, and you undress each other, one couple at a time. We’re going to do it like this: Dani and Alan have practice, so they’re going to start ... oh by the way, how many times did you two have to do that scene ... or should I say get to do it?”

Dani and Alan glanced at each other, Dani smiling that demure little smile she has, “Three,” she said, “and every time was making me hornier, but pretty sure the first time was the most natural, though. It was like ... like we were doing it in real life, finally acting on our desires.”

“And how’d it feel, letting him strip you, knowing it was being recorded?” Jenny asked. Yeah, I’ve been curious about that, too.

Dani rolled her eyes, “Take just about the sexiest thing that’s ever happened to you and multiply it by ten ... and then we had to do the naked scenes. The cameras? You always hear that in movie love scenes there’s cameras and people everywhere, making it anything but ... They used drones, not even noticeable. We were all alone out there, just the two of us.”

“And James Brolin, that bedroom and naked shower scene, how was that?” Janet asked her. “I’ve always been in love with him.”

Dani rolled her eyes, “James Brolin was ... I don’t even know how to say it, everything about him is just...” It’s not often that I’ve seen Dani drool but she was then. “He was so nice,” rolling her eyes, “and so sexy! Of course, by then I’d been abstaining for two months, nothing except my trusty not-so-little friend. I guess you can probably guess my state of mind.”

Janet chuckled, “So if one of those questions had been what celebrity do you want to fuck...?”

“Wellll ... if it had ... aside from present company...” looking at the guy beside her, “and if you’d asked me when we were shooting that scene, especially in that shower...”

“Ooh, sounds sexy,” Jenny said, “woo woo, and now I wanna see some live action, and make it good!”

“Yeah, naked skin, let’s see those tits, lots of groping,” April added, doing a sexy little dance, “don’t hold nothin’ back. Make that husband soooo jealous!”

Oh God, my dick was hard. Friends like her...!

Dani was ... if I said blushing, you’d get a tiny bit of the picture, about as red-faced as a white girl’s gonna get. Me – hell, my heart was pounding a hole in my chest, anticipating. This was going to be totally different than anything I’d seen before – ever. And then what? Seeing Dani with Alan Ryder’s big dick down her throat ... and more?

We all retired to the living room, Alan and I taking the love seat, Richard and Jason, the couch. Then it was the four girls’ decision who they were pairing with.

Not much doubt whose lap Dani sat on.

April came over to the loveseat where I was sitting, sat down beside me, “We’re next, big boy, I can hardly wait.”

Wait – what? I thought ... hell, I didn’t even know what I thought, my brain was such a jumble, ever since I’d made my little ‘suggestion’.

She scooted over onto my lap, leaning back, pressing herself against me, and took my hand, pushing it between the buttons of her blouse, right over ... oh God!

“You’re going to fuck me before the night’s over,” she’d leaned back and whispered in my ear.

April ... the sweet April that I’d thought had never even noticed me, that I’d given up on ever making that part of my dream actually happen ... pressing my hand into her nearly naked tit!

While Dani was ... her and Alan had moved to the center of the living room, ‘center stage’, Dani facing the room, Alan behind, hands on her hips, swaying together, pulling her into his groin. They swayed, his hand went under her hemline, up her leg...

“Yess, slip that finger in there...” Jenny was yelling. “Somebody find that girl’s remote, get that thing vibrating!”

The remotes were still on the dining table, and no one was moving to get them. Finally, Jenny made a mad dash and returned, remotes in hand. She turned one up, April flinched, her body stiffening, “Ohhh” she shrieked. Jenny tossed me that one, I set it down beside us, April squirming on my lap.

“Want me to turn it down?” I asked her.

Her head lolled back, “No” she answered, “feels so good.”

Jenny turned another one up and let out a little shriek herself, “Not that one,” she said, turning it back down.

“Either Dani or Janet,” she noted, turning another up. That time it was clearly Dani, her hand going instinctively between her legs, and the look of shock on her face.

“GET THOSE CLOTHES OFF HER!” God, I couldn’t believe that was my voice.

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