Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 40

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 40 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Friday evening, May 29, 2020

Elle and I, after we’d fucked on the side of Janet’s car outside the strip club, collapsed on the asphalt, both our bodies drenched in sweat. After what seemed an exorbitantly long recovery time, finally able to speak again, I looked up at Janet, “You better take us back to our room.

And then I realized, we’d just done exactly, EXACTLY what Alan Ryder had done to Dani that night in my dream.

That ride to our hotel was interminable. My libido hadn’t been squelched even the tiniest bit by that little interlude in the parking lot. If anything, just the opposite, remembering my dream ... Dani and Alan Ryder, imagining watching him and her do what we’d just done, watching Dani on that stage for real. Hell, watching Elle had been so fucking hot!

I knew that, even though she was busy with another customer, the older lady at the check-in counter knew exactly what we were about to do when we walked through the lobby. She glanced up, watching us for several seconds, a smile on her face. Hell yeah, she knew! And Elle wasn’t even trying to hide anything; her walk, that skimpy gold dress, the look of lust on her face. She was walking sex.

We had maybe thirty seconds of alone time in the elevator on the way to the eighteenth floor. Elle took good advantage of that half-minute. God, if ever I’d wanted a slower elevator, that was it ... sort of. Elle’s lips were on mine, tongue invading my mouth, her legs wrapped around my body in a scorching few seconds, a pretty damned good precursor of what was to come.

“You know how many men from that club would give either one of their nuts to be me right now?” I asked Elle as I watched that dress slide off her body to the floor of our room, leaving her totally naked except for those fucking sexy heels. “And that guy you were watching, I know what ‘Onna’ told you, you don’t think he wouldn’t love you doing what you were thinking?”

“Speaking of which...” I backed Elle up to the bed, letting her fall back on it, and made short order of attacking her pussy with my mouth. Her moans and her bucking hips assured me I was doing something right.

I looked up at her, “How did you feel, being naked in front of all those people, Anna doing this to you...?” as I sucked her clit between my lips.

“Ohh ... God!” she moaned, her body shaking, telling me more about how she’d felt than any words could have.

I suddenly remembered a short conversation from that morning. “I think a little wine might be nice,” I told Elle, already regretting what I was about to do but looking forward to it even more.

I backed away from Elle, picked up her dress and handed it to her, “Here, you’ll need this,” I told her, helping her to sit up, and slipping it back over her head.

“What...?” She had a very confused look on her face.

I smiled at her, a little chuckle, then made a phone call, “Hi, can we get a couple bottles of wine delivered to our room, please? Oh, by the way, is Miguel working tonight?” I listened as she confirmed that he was. “Cool, could he bring up the wine ... and maybe spend a few minutes helping us out with a little plumbing problem?”

I couldn’t have made the smile any wider when she said that he could help as long as needed. She KNEW, no doubt. Could this night get any better? No friggin’ way!

Elle had left her panties on that stage. Maybe they’d given them to the guy she’d been fantasizing about on stage the same as Dani had done in my dream. But in any case, she didn’t have them now, and I wanted her to. “You have another pair of sexy panties that would go with that dress?” I asked her.

She still looked quizzical as to why I wanted them, but she dug a pair out of her suitcase. Very nice, I thought, the girl came prepared.

Elle slipped the fresh panties up her legs, giving me a brief peek at her hairless pussy. Yeah, I (and a couple hundred others) had more than a ‘brief’ peek just a short while ago, several, in fact. Somehow, though, those peeks never get old and stale.

“I thought,” I started to tell her, hesitating just a moment, admiring the view, “that you might want to give our wine-bringer a little show, maybe a personal striptease since you’ve suddenly become so good at it ... or maybe let him do the honors ... unless you want me to just send him on his way or cancel the wine altogether.

Which wouldn’t be a bad thing at all, at least for me, anyway.

She didn’t say anything, just went to the lavatory nook and began refreshing her makeup and lipstick. I guess option three was off the table, I’d just have to wait and see if it’s going to be number one or two. Neither of those were particularly bad for me, either, but very, very good for mister wine-bringer.

While I was waiting, I had another thought. I had my doubts that Dani would still be awake but got my laptop and pinged her just in case, then sat and watched, just hoping, maybe...

And no response. She was apparently asleep, just as I’d expected. Well, at least she’d see in the morning that I’d tried.

There was a gentle knock on the door. My heart was pounding as I got up to open it, and there stood the guy from the night before, name tag saying ‘Miguel’, with a big smile on his face. I wondered if the lady I’d talked to had said anything to him about our ‘plumbing’ problem.

He pushed his little cart with two bottles of wine and two long-stemmed glasses into our room, and as I was handing him a twenty-dollar bill for a tip, Elle made her appearance, slinking into the room like a model on a runway, except with a very alluring smile, wearing the very sexy gold dress. For a brief moment, I saw Dani in that dress greeting our ‘friend’.

God, she smelled nice, too, what a fuckin’ understatement that is! The ‘fuck me’ perfume from my dream that we’d found and bought last night was doing its job very commendably.

“You were here last night?” Elle asked, licking her freshly painted lips. God, my heart about dropped to the floor, seeing the way Elle was looking at this young guy, early twenties, I’d guess.

She stopped right in front of him, his mouth agape and staring, “You like my dress?” she asked him in an obviously forced sexy voice, running her hands up and down over it. “I love it, so soft, so ... thin...” biting her lip

Fuck yeah! It was like a second skin. There was a reason ‘Onna’ had liked it so much.

His eyes traveled up and down Elle’s body, not saying a word. He didn’t need to.

Maybe she was twenty years older, but he sure as hell didn’t seem to mind. And me? Hell, my dick was a stone pillar.

“Want to feel?” she asked, taking his hands and placing one on each side of her waist. “Hope you can spare me a few minutes,” she told him, licking her red lips.

He let out a soft groan, running his hands up her body to the underside of her boobs. “No need to stop there,” she whispered, “don’t be shy.”

God, who was this woman! This night sure as hell was having its effect on her.

She leaned forward, whispering in his ear so that I couldn’t hear. Whatever she’d said, his hands cupped both her tits, pinching her nipples. Elle let out a groan, kissing him, her tongue in his mouth.

Elle’s hands went to his slacks, pushing his zipper down, then undoing the button, never taking her mouth from his, his hands still mauling her nearly naked tits. Once his pants and shorts were on the floor, his dick obscenely pointing out, Elle dropped to her knees ... What the fuck!

What the fuck, right! Elle’s mouth was wrapped around the head of this guy’s cock, sucking him in. “Oh shit!” Miguel moaned, gripping the back of Elle’s head, gritting his lips.

Elle gagged, pulling off him, “A little out of practice,” she muttered, sliding her lips back around him, apparently not quite able to get all of him inside her mouth, a couple inches short. The guy’s dick wasn’t any longer than mine, albeit a couple sizes fatter, enough to strain her lips.

Elle’s head bobbed, his hips were thrusting, his dick wet with her saliva. I was freakin’ out of my mind! The guy, one look at his face and you knew he was suffering. Any man alive would love to be ‘suffering’ his fate.

She pulled her lips off his cock, looked up at him, and asked, “You want to peel a tomato or watch? Promise, I’ll make it worthwhile.”

‘Peel a tomato’? I’d heard that phrase before, a really long time ago ... and it didn’t have a damned thing to do with ‘tomatoes’. But now remembering the circumstances then and the circumstance now was such a friggin’ turn-on!

“Ohhhh!” he groaned, thrusting his engorged dick back against Elle’s lips. Naturally, she opened her mouth and let him slide back inside. I had no idea what Elle’s tongue was doing, but I could see her lips working, sucking, sliding back and forth, not quite able to get those inches in her mouth. The guy’s breathing changed, his eyes rolling back in his head, gripping the back of Elle’s head. When he’d apparently come to his limit, he let out a loud groan, both hands in her scalp, and rammed himself the rest of the way, holding her head, lips tight to his balls.

There was no doubt that he was unleashing spurt after spurt down Elle’s throat, her eyes watering, and that expression...!

Damn, I wanted to be him!

He finally released her, Elle red-faced, coughing and sputtering, thick, slimy cum everywhere; in her coughs, dribbling down her lips, repeated swallows.

“Get naked, bitch, I want to fuck!”

Guess that answered the ‘peel a tomato’ question. Perhaps, just perhaps, we’d overestimated his proclivity to finesse.

The wine sat on the little tray, untouched, like the prop it was, nothing more than a ploy to get this guy into our room.

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