Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 39

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 39 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Friday morning, May 29, 2020

I awoke the next morning, Elle still sleeping. I’d removed her leather collar after ‘Miguel’ left the room but left the leotard and blindfold on her. God, I was in the mood to fuck Elle again, my morning wood making itself well known.

I had no idea what the day was going to bring, still no idea what Janet had brought us here for, but was already anticipating the evening and night ahead. I looked at Elle, looking sexy as hell in that leotard and blindfold.

The thought went through my mind, strongly, in fact, that I should wake her up with my dick inside her. Then, before that thought came to fruition, another popped into my head. Maybe I didn’t know about the day, but I sure as hell knew what to anticipate come bedtime.

With that in mind, being hot and tingly through the day seemed like a pretty damned good idea. So, I decided that laying some kindling for the fire I wanted, letting it simmer all day just ready to explode into a roaring blaze when the time was right.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Elle might enjoy a bit of ... I scooted under the blankets, Elle breathing like she was still asleep, gently pushed her legs apart, and she let out a little groan, spreading her own knees a bit more. Then, when I was sure she hadn’t awakened, I scooted down, nuzzling her slit just a little.

“Mmm,” I heard, but it sounded more like a person in a very pleasant dream world than awake.

Elle’s legs moved apart and I took advantage, inhaling the scent of her, noting the dried cum on the inside of her thighs, running my lips over it, sucking, doing my best to entice her dreamworld, lips slowly moving back toward hers, finally reaching their prize, Elle’s moans becoming much more conscious.

My tongue pushed as deep inside her damp slit as it would go, working up and down, Elle obviously awakening, her hips bucking, “Oh, God, don’t stop!” she mumbled, sounding half awake.

I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked for the briefest moment before pulling away, repositioning myself so that I could pull the front of her leotard down just a little and suck a nipple into my mouth, then looked up at her, now wide awake, “Time to get up, we have to meet Janet in just a little while,” I told her.

Elle let her head drop back down to her pillow, letting out a load moan, “Just another five minutes ... please!”

Talk about willpower! I climbed off the bed, my dick hard like stone, “No, we’re late, supposed to meet her downstairs in half an hour, she said it was important.” She hadn’t exactly said that but close enough ... and it was forty-five minutes, but who’s counting?

I helped Elle out of the leotard, with her scowling the whole time, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Plead the fifth, but we do have to meet Janet shortly,” sliding it that last little bit off her legs, Elle flexing her arms that had been trapped since last night.

“You shower first, I’ll follow,” I suggested. I knew she’d take much longer after her shower than I would.

While Elle was in the shower, I resisted the temptation to watch, because I knew what it’d lead to. Instead, I opened my suitcase and pulled out a few items, laying them out on the bed, then brushed my teeth and shaved. Thankfully, the shower was in a separate room from the lavatory.

I thought the shower would never stop, finishing all my pre-shower stuff before she finally turned it off. A few moments later, she came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself. I’ve watched Dani doing the same thing probably thousands of times, but I’ll never get over watching a pretty woman just out of the shower, especially one, i.e., Elle, that I’d never watched before. It took me back to high school, a horny kid drooling over a very sexy Leslie Simonton. What I would have given then to see her with nothing but a towel wrapped around herself, body and hair wet from a fresh shower!

She was looking in the mirror drying her hair with the hotel’s dryer, “I hope you don’t mind but I bought some things I thought you might like to wear today, they’re on the bed if you want,” I told her.

She glanced at me in the mirror, a smile on her face, “Men!” she muttered to herself.

‘Yeah, horny, perverted man, that’s me,’ I thought, as I picked up some clothes for myself and went into the bathroom for my shower.

It had been an evening shopping trip, along with a video call with Dani. “Get her something nice, I’ll help.” She’d suggested the Classic Curves Boutique, the same store where I’d bought the gold dress. ‘We’ went that evening, Dani laying on her bed in Montana, wearing a pair of silk pajamas, her computer in front of her, watching as I went from rack to rack. She picked out the blouse, skirt, shoes, and bra/panty set. Ain’t technology wonderful!

Elle looked sexy as hell; the silky black skirt a few inches above her knees, almost sheer red blouse and bra, and shiny red shoes, about two-inch heels. Dani said they’d be a good compromise between comfy to wear all day and sexy. I wondered, hoped, if she was wearing the black thong, my dick already hard looking forward to that night when I’d be taking them off her.

Minutes later, we were ready to go down for breakfast, meet Janet, and hopefully find out what this trip was all about.

I noticed Elle glancing all around as we got off the elevator; looking, wondering about who the guy had been last night? For the record, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen that morning, probably just works nights. I was curious how he’d react if he saw her.

As she’d promised, Janet was downstairs in the lobby waiting. To say that she was surprised to see Elle with me would be one of the biggest understatements I’d ever made. I introduced Elle and Janet to each other, telling Elle that Janet is the studio’s publicist, then attempted to explain her to Janet, “Her real name’s Leslie, she’s our personal banker. We’ve both known her since high school, she was my high school crush ... she just didn’t know it.” Elle’s face was bright with blush.

“So, the two of you ... here ... how...?” Janet was still pretty confused.

“After I awoke from the coma, when I got the courage to tell Dani about the dreams, she and I were trying to dissect them. We realized that Elle had been the star in one, although I didn’t know it had been her at the time. We hadn’t even realized that ‘Elle’ at the bank was the Leslie we’d known back in high school, it had been so long, until Dani did a little research.”

“Actually, just saying that I ‘knew’ Leslie back in high school isn’t exactly all that story. She was the one that I’d had a major crush on, but I was just too bashful to even talk to her. Kind of like Dani telling me about her crush on Alan way back then.”

Elle smiled, “Guess we were both pretty bashful back in high school.”

“Dani had blindfolded me and invited someone over, and all she’d tell me later is that it was someone we both knew. I didn’t know her name so I made one up, Leslie. When Dani and I talked about it later, everything fit, it was Leslie from the bank, now going by Elle. I told Dani about my crush on her back in high school, and so many of the dreams had started coming true, so she talked me into asking her out to lunch, then on a real date ... and here we are.” I leaned over and gave Elle a short but scorching hot kiss, just to leave no doubt. Besides, kissing her like that in public was hot as hell.

Elle was watching me as I told Janet this, her face in surprise. “I didn’t know any of that,” she said, “you hadn’t told me that happened. So, what did we do in your dream?”

I rolled my eyes, realizing that I’d opened a can of worms I hadn’t intended. “We, uhh, it was mostly you and Dani. She had tied me in a chair and blindfolded me before you got there, then you and Dani ... you know, every guy’s wet dream ... and there I was, blindfold, couldn’t see a damn thing, just listen, driving me out of my mind. And then ... you sat on my lap and fucked me, not saying a word the whole time so I wouldn’t know.

She chuckled, “Guess we had a pretty good time, hunh,” she said.

“Yeah, especially, you and Dani, hot as hell!”

“So, I guess the two of you now ... Dani knows?” Janet asked.

I took Elle’s hand, kissing the back of it, then held on, caressing it with my thumb, “Dani’s the one who suggested I ask Elle to come on this trip, she didn’t want me to be lonely,” I told her. “Besides,” I added, “we’ve developed quite an affinity for each other.”

“And in answer to the question you’re dying to ask but afraid to,” Elle spoke up, “Robert told me how much he and Dani are in love on that first lunch. I know he’ll never leave her and wouldn’t ask him to. She and I have become good friends through wonderful technology,” holding up her phone for Janet. “I was lonely after my divorce and now I’m having a really good time. So, until a better offer comes along...” Then she glanced around and whispered to Janet, just loud enough to hear, “And he’s a really good fuck!” a broad smile on her face.

That time it was Janet’s turn to blush. I think I felt a bit of it too, not exactly something I’d have expected from Elle.

I thought it was time to change the subject. Besides, I’d been dying to know, “So, we are here because...?”

She looked at me, a smile on her face, “You’ll see,” was all she’d say. I wanted to scream! “Want breakfast?” she asked, ignoring my consternation completely, “the Meridian serves a mean breakfast.”

So, we followed Janet to the restaurant/lounge. She was right, they did serve good breakfasts. We had omelets, mine piled high with cheese, bacon, sausage, green chilis and who the hell knows what else, and a big pile of hash browns on the side. I managed about half of it but it was so good, mmm! The ladies were a bit more, shall I say, ‘conservative’ in their omelet choices.

I still had no fuckin’ idea what the hell we were here for!

But it was fun sitting next to Elle, one hand on her thigh under her skirt, across from Janet. The more I was around Janet, the more I liked her. Cute, too, that pixie-nose I hadn’t noticed before. If I’d been venturing a guess, I’d guess her in her early-fifties, a few years older than us. A very nice fifties, though.

After breakfast (she had it put on the studio’s tab), Elle and I followed her out to her car, a nearly new-looking Toyota Sienna minivan, “Comes in handy with four grandkids,” she explained.

This lady a grandmother? It didn’t compute, she sure as hell didn’t look ‘grandmotherly’. Getting older kinds of skews your concept of ‘old’. I guess even Dani and I were old enough to be grandparents, if only our son and daughter would cooperate. At least Jon’s married, still waiting on Jodi. She’s only twenty-one, I guess still ‘having fun’, not that having a spouse/full time bed-partner isn’t fun. But you know what I mean.

I digress, sorry about that. About twenty minutes later, we parked in the lot of a county courthouse. What the hell? A couple more minutes and we were sitting in a courtroom, some kind of trial already underway. I said it before, I’ll say it again, what the hell?

Some attorney was questioning a man, it sounded like some kind of domestic thing, maybe a divorce hearing. This guy the husband, was accusing his wife of all sorts of heinous things, including lovers.

They made their point, the wife was obviously a bitch with a capital ‘B’. Why the hell were we here for this? Was this what we flew three-thousand miles to see? Then the wife’s attorney stood up, approaching the witness stand.

My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. This attorney was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I’d seen in my life, heart-stoppingly beautiful! Long, blonde hair, face to match, a dark blue leather skirt just above her knees and a light blue, silky blouse with floral designs, neither particularly sexy but very, very feminine. Oh yeah, they were tight enough to show that she most assuredly had a figure under them, probably in her thirties, and I could go on forever. Then she spoke, just about the sexiest Swedish accent I’ve ever heard. It took her less than ten minutes to demolish every word the guy had uttered about his wife. When she dismissed him, there was absolutely zero doubt how this trial would turn out. I’d sat there mesmerized; by her looks, her sexy accent, and her intelligence, her everything! Damn, if I’m ever in legal trouble, I knew who I want on my side!

We were there less than a half-hour when Janet got up to leave, Elle and I following. “What the hell was that all about?” I asked Janet after we were back in her minivan, “who the heck was that?”

She chuckled, “All in good time, you’ll see.” Damned woman wouldn’t answer anything!

We spent the rest of the day being toured around Tampa, not a word said about the courthouse. A little after five she dropped us off back at the hotel. “I’ll pick you up at eight for dinner, wear something nice, it’ll be adults only.”

“I take it you still don’t know what that was about?” Elle asked as soon as we were in our room.

I rolled my eyes, “Obviously, some significance, but I sure don’t know what,” I told her. I checked my watch, “We have almost three hours, you want to go for a swim? There’s a great pool.”

“You’ve been here before?” she asked.

“Yeah, once ... sort of twice,” I told her, “we stayed here when Dani auditioned for the movie, another time in my dream when we came to Alan’s new restaurant’s grand opening.” I chuckled, remembering the swimsuit trick I’d played on Dani, “Dani hadn’t brought a swimsuit, so I borrowed one from the front desk, the tiniest bikini they had, and convinced Dani it was the only one her size.”

Elle chuckled, “Kind of mean, even for a dream, she wore it?”

“Uhuh, and it got the desired results too, we were both so horny by the time we were back in our room.”

“You can show me later,” she said, expanding my dick from a size four to an eight.

“Sorry, but I did think to bring one,” Elle told me, pulling a one-piece out of her suitcase. Dammit, I should have bought one on that shopping trip. Not that the one Elle had was exactly conservative, it was very high cut and had little holes down the front that I was sure were going to bare a lot of sexy cleavage.

She reached behind her to unbutton her blouse, “Wait, let me, I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”

She dropped her arms, grinning, “Hoped you would, too,” she said.

“Me and about thirty other guys during the day,” I said, stepping up to her front and reaching around, “Janet, too, the way she was looking at you much of the day,” I added.

I undid the button at the top of her blouse behind her neck and reached down, lowering the skirt’s zipper at the same time. My hands went to her waist beginning to push her blouse up, and our lips met at the same time. We stood a moment, my hands under her blouse, her tongue in my mouth when she pushed away, holding her arms up. Pushing a woman’s blouse up off her is one of the joys of life that can never get old. Unhooking her bra is right up there as well.

“Ahh, your tit is so suckable!” I told Elle. No, my lips couldn’t resist wrapping around a nipple, sucking it in. I could have resisted if it hadn’t been for my recalcitrant lips. But they got a very nice moan from Elle. While my lips were sucking, I pushed her skirt down, letting it fall on the floor, nothing but a tiny, string thong on underneath, the one Dani had suggested Elle would like. Actually, if I remember the discussion, it was more along the line that I’d like it on her.

I switched to her other tit, letting two fingers work their way underneath the tiny triangle of black satin covering her pussy. Elle was squirming, thrusting her hips onto my fingers, her moans continuous when I realized that I’d better do one of two things; call a halt or get out of my clothes. I desperately wanted to do the second but was still hoping for even more later that night. “Swimming, we’re going swimming,” I told her, pulling my fingers out of her pussy.

“No, I don’t wanna go swimming anymore,” she said, “I want...”

“We’re going swimming, might not get another chance, the pool closes at ten, we won’t get another chance.” I had no idea if it did but at least it was an excuse. Besides, I liked teasing Elle.

“You want me to go see if the front desk has one to borrow?” I asked her as she was putting on her one-piece, teasing about the tiny bikini I’d gotten for Dani in my dream.

“Not unless they have a speedo for you,” she answered.

Not gonna wear any damned speedo!

In all honesty, once Elle put on her suit, she didn’t need the bikini anyway. As high cut as it was and the holes down her cleavage did the job just wonderfully fine. She looked spectacular and I told her so, especially with her protruding nipples from our little ‘play’ a moment ago.

It was my turn. I started to unbutton my shirt, and Elle spoke up, “Oh no, I’m doing that,” she said, stepping in front of me, unbuttoning it, pushing it open, and descending on my chest with her lips. She looked up at me with a grin on her face that I knew could mean only one thing, ‘payback time’. She sucked a nipple in her mouth, tonguing the tip, switched to the other, and I felt like I was in heaven.

My hands went around her head, feeling her soft hair while she unbuttoned my slacks and pushed them and my boxers down my legs. Her lips began to descend, kissing their way down, and she looked up at me, “You do NOT let yourself come,” she told me.

I gritted my teeth, squeezed my eyes closed, and let out a groan as I felt her lips on the tip of my cock. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure yet, have I?”

I groaned, Elle on her knees in front of me, her hand around my cock rubbing up and down, and her lips engulfing the head. I think every drop of blood in my body had gathered in that one place.

Do not come, do not come! I thought of other things; naturally, the first thought in my head was Dani last night with her ‘Alan’, seeing her with her mouth completely closed, ‘him’ all the way down her throat, my imagination running wild ... the real Alan Ryder in its place.

Oh shit, Elle’s mouth ... sliding down my hard shaft! Her hands around my butt, pulling me into her. She gagged, sliding back out, sucking hard all the way. I wondered about that lawyer, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen as beautiful a woman before, wondering what she’d be like naked. I bet ... I bet ... Oh God, Elle swallowed and I slid in further...

“Elle, Elle, I can’t...”

Her mouth quickly slid off and she pinched hard. It hurt. At least the feeling of imminent explosion left me, and she began again ... sucking ... sliding down ... swallowing ... My heart was pounding, sweat pouring from my pores, the ‘feeling’ beginning again.

Elle simply pulled her mouth off me, looked up, smiling, and said, “Better get your swimsuit on.”

Oh shit! My entire body was shaking, my dick so fucking hard! How long had the whole thing taken, one minute ... ten minutes? I had no friggin’ clue. I stumbled over to my suitcase, found the swimsuit I’d packed, and pulled it up, trying to stuff my hard dick inside it. Hell, I’d forgotten, I still had on my shirt. Elle had unbuttoned it, but that was all. I shucked it off, then turned to look at Elle. She’d put on a coverup but damn, it didn’t ‘cover’ anything. Sheer and it only made her look sexier.

We went downstairs, through the lobby, and outside to the pool. Yep, ‘Miguel’, the guy who’d banged Elle the night before was just getting on the elevator at the lobby as we were getting off. He greeted us with a smile and a leering look, most likely not at me. This time I noticed his name tag, ‘Enrique’.

As soon as the elevator door closed and he was gone, Elle looked at me, “He was the guy, wasn’t he?”

I’m sure the shocked expression on my face gave it away in an instant. “Mmm, hot,” was all she said.

Then, later, as we were floating on our backs in the cool water, she asked me, “Think he’d want to bring us another bottle of wine later?”

I rolled over and dunked her. Damn right, I was going to call for another bottle ... after!

We swam, played, floated, even made out a little. Not much, as there were kids in the pool. At seven sharp, we climbed out, dried off, and headed back to our room to get ready for dinner with Janet. What I was looking forward to ... really, really looking forward to, was ‘after’ dinner. It had been a damned long day of teasing, watching Elle in that outfit flirting with me, even a few other guys. Then that half blow job and I was still on edge from that.

Elle showered and there was no way I could get in with her without my cock finding that nice warm, cuddly spot inside her, so I just waited and suffered. Well, I didn’t exactly ‘wait’, there were teeth to brush, a face to shave, and so on, but it was frustrating, nonetheless.

My heart was going pitter-patter in the shower when it was my turn, my hard dick just aching to be stroked, thinking of Elle just in the other room, putting on her makeup, maybe naked (a guy can hope), which prompted me to hurry a little faster than otherwise.

A man’s brain can only think so many things at once. In my case, pretty much all of them involved a naked Elle in various positions, my dick inside her in all of them.

Alas, when I’d gotten out of the shower, dried off, and opened the door, her back was to me, and the hem of her dress just falling down her legs. I guess the consolation was that it was the dress we’d bought the evening before. The gold dress, so like the one Dani had worn that night in Reno; backless, down to where it’d barely be hiding the thong strap ... if Elle was wearing the thong. I’d missed knowing by maybe half a second.

She turned, saw me staring, and smiled, “How’s it look?”

How’s it look! Is she kidding?

She stepped over to the dresser mirror, “Think I could wear this to the bank?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Think the bank would have a run on loan applications,” I told her.

There was a thin gold chain around her neck holding it up and a single, thin golden threaded strap tied around her back, the gold lame material barely covering her breasts, not hiding their shape in the least. The uneven hemline was barely below her panty line on one hip, nearly halfway to her knee on the other, barely enough to hide her private parts ... if she was careful.

“She said we were going to an adult place, so I thought...”

“Well, you thought perfectly,” I told her, “you’re beautiful!”

She smiled at the compliment, “Still have my makeup to do, though.”

I hadn’t even noticed. God, I was looking forward to ‘later’!

Elle finished off her outfit with very light makeup, the lipstick Dani had fallen in love with and was suggesting to her friends, Rose Petal Peach, the matching dangling gold earrings, necklace, and bracelet, gold heels, and the perfume we’d bought along with the dress. That perfume alone is just ... holy shit sexy! Another one of those ‘dream’ things come true, along with the lipstick. The sales girl in my dream had recommended it, telling us that neither men nor women could resist it. Well, as far as men were concerned, she was sure as hell right, and when she’d put it on, Elle commented that it was making her horny too, not that that took much for either of us.

Before we left, I told Elle that I needed to at least text Dani. But first, I stood her next to the door, set up my phone pointing at her, set the photo timer, then joined her, pulling her to me with a deep, lingering kiss, much longer than was necessary for the picture. After we reluctantly broke apart, I checked the picture, perfect. I added a short message, ‘Enjoying our weekend so far, leaving for dinner with Janet.’ Then signed it, ‘your loving husband,’ and hit send.

We were in the lobby at eight, Janet already there waiting, wearing a low-cut summery dress; moderately sexy, but nothing like Elle’s. She watched us approach with a broad smile, “I see you took my suggestion seriously,” she said, “I love it, very nice.”

Elle did a little curtsy then a quick pirouette, showing off the whole dress to Janet. Once again, I let her ride in front with Janet, it just seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do. “Where we going for dinner?” I asked Janet.

She looked in her mirror, seeing me in the second-row seat, “How much do you know about Alan Ryder?” she asked me.

I laughed, “Not a lot, NFL star receiver, helped Tampa win a Super Bowl, made a lot of money, retired several years ago, now, apparently an actor.”

“Didn’t you tell me the first time you met him in your dream, you were going to his restaurant’s grand opening?”

“Uhh, yeah, are you telling me that was real? He does have a restaurant?”

“Two, the second opened last February, I guess he’s quite a chef.”

I sat there slack-jawed. February 15th, I’ll never forget that date, his grand opening in my dream, the night he fucked Dani, and she spent the rest of the weekend with him. “You, uhh, remember the date of that grand opening?” I asked her

“No, but seems like it was around the middle of the month. My husband and I ate at his first one quite often, and we were excited when he opened a second.”

“The fifteenth,” I thought to myself, looking out the window

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” she said. I hadn’t realized I’d even said it out loud.

“That was the date ... in my dream, the night he’d invited us to his grand opening ... the night ... the weekend he and Dani...”

Janet swerved, another car nearly hitting us, barely staying in her lane before she caught herself, “ ... reignited their love affair,” finishing my sentence.

I watched Janet’s face in the mirror, realizing for the first time, “You were there that night, I remember. You and a guy, guess your husband; big guy, blue shirt; you had on a pink dress. I remember because you were kissing when we walked in. You were sitting by the window, first table on the right from the entrance.

Janet’s face took on an ‘in awe’ look, almost white, “How ... do you know that? We were ... it’s what we were wearing, where we were sitting, Jason leaned over and kissed me, just to tell me he loved me, then it turned into a ‘wanna make love’ kiss.

I laughed, I’d heard that question so many times over the last few months, “I don’t know, no idea, I just ... know ... so many things.” Then thought to ask, “Did you? When you got home?”

She chuckled, “Oh yeah, it was nice too ... better than nice.”

I smiled, thinking about Janet with her husband.

“Well, that’s where we’re going for dinner, you probably already know the menu then?” she said.

“Salmon, grilled salmon is his specialty, fried ice cream for dessert, his own recipe,” Those were the only two things I knew from the menu, we hadn’t even looked.

Janet continued to stare through the mirror, finally averting her eyes when she took the Amherst Street exit off the freeway.

I pictured it in my mind, “Second stop light, turn left, it’s right on the corner, Ryder’s Bar and Grill,” I told Janet.

Two stop lights, about six blocks, there it was on the corner of Amherst and 119th, Ryder’s Bar and Grill.

I don’t know what would have been crazier; if that night last October, going back to 1987 had been real instead of a coma-induced dream, or the fact that I knew so much of which I should know nothing.

Janet parked, we got out and went inside. I pointed out to Janet the table where she and her husband had been sitting that night, and she nodded. I guess I had truly made a believer out of her that I ‘knew things’.

There were no booths, only very well decorated tables; white tablecloths, floral arrangements on each one, silverware and folded, cloth napkins. We were escorted to one overlooking the bay, and very shortly, a smiling waitress introduced herself as Sophia and asked what we’d like to drink. Janet suggested the gin and strawberry lemonade, so that’s what both Elle and I ordered.

She brought our drinks and it took a tiny sip to know that it was primarily gin with a little strawberry lemonade for flavoring. That was okay, I needed it. I knew what I was going to do, tell Elle and Janet what had happened that night. I’d told Janet in general terms, but not in detail, Elle not at all, not about that night.

Sophia came back and took our orders, pointing out their special, charcoal grilled salmon with some kind of special sauce. We all three ordered it. Perhaps, this time I’d actually taste it. That night, it could have been the best salmon ever or shoe leather, I didn’t know, my mind was so preoccupied.

“That other time with Dani, his grand opening, we sat right over ... there,” I told them, pointing to the table, probably the one with the best outdoor view. “He had dinner with us, the first time Dani had seen him in thirty-two years. I learned so much more of their brief, high school affair that night, how Dani had lied to her parents when they spent the nights together, she told me how he’d fucked her on the kitchen counter one morning the first time he called her Babygirl.

“And none of this actually happened? Janet asked.

“No, I’d graduated the year before so didn’t know him ... or her either, for that matter, but after I woke from the coma and was telling Dani some of my dreams, she said that he had a pretty blonde girlfriend named Marci... “ I gazed off out the window toward the bay. It wasn’t dark yet so there weren’t the pretty lights like that other night. “And how jealous she was of him, about the mattress in the back of his truck, and how badly she’d wanted it to be her with him, instead of Marci.”

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