Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 38

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 38 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Thursday, May 28

Normally, when I have to get up at three in the morning, it’s a bit of a drag getting out of a bed (another understatement!). This time, though, the anticipation of a weekend with Elle in beautiful Tampa, Florida, had me wide awake in seconds when the alarm went off. Other than in my coma-dream, I’d only been there the one time, with Dani when she auditioned for the movie, and this time I was looking forward to it again - for more than one reason.

When Elle opened her door at three-fifty-six, the kiss she gave me was most assuredly not an old-married-couple kiss. If we hadn’t been on a time schedule, there would have been a major delay in getting away from her house. The skirt and blouse she was wearing weren’t particularly sexy, but the vision I had of taking them off her that night most definitely was.

I loaded her suitcase and small bag in my Accord (no way was I going to leave Dani’s Mustang in a parking garage over a weekend) and we were on our way toward Seattle, nearly a four-hour trip. It wasn’t long before Elle was fast asleep. Yes, the thought of the mile-high club was assuredly flitting through my mind, watching her.

We arrived at Seattle International Airport right on schedule, seven-thirty-three. I guess we were actually three minutes late, I’d planned for seven-thirty. We checked our luggage, found a donut shop for a nice, healthy breakfast, and were on our plane when it left at nine-forty-five.

We were barely in the air when I thought again of the ‘Mile High Club’. We were in first class, someplace I’d never expected to be, ever; Thank you, Janet! The bathroom was big enough, much more so than the other bathroom Dani and I had used on that other flight to Tampa. And yet ... I hadn’t had sex since last Saturday night with Jenny, oral, and Elle hadn’t since a week before that.

I thought about tonight, the anticipation of what I had planned. I knew how keyed up I was and knew Elle was too, from the way she’d kissed me, how her skirt had slid up and she didn’t fix it, her hand not so discretely on my leg, working its way higher, bit by bit...

The Mile High Club could wait for our membership, the trip home...

There was a brief stop-over in Salt Lake City, picking up a few more passengers, but first class still wasn’t nearly full, only a couple dozen out of what looked like room for fifty or so. Once back to thirty-thousand feet, it was hard not dragging Elle back to that bathroom, letting every passenger know exactly what we were going to do. I closed my eyes and smiled, daydreaming about later, that night, my hand on the soft skin of Elle’s bare thigh.

We arrived at Tampa International at six-fifty-eight. Janet had made my hotel reservation in the Meridian, the same hotel as we’d stayed in that very first time in my dream, then again when Dani auditioned for the movie. She’d also arranged a rental car for us. “You want to go out for dinner or eat in the hotel?” I asked Elle after we’d checked into our room.

We weren’t planning on meeting Janet until nine-thirty the next morning. I presumed that she’d reveal the purpose of the trip then. I still had no idea.

“It’d be a shame to sit here when we’re in such a beautiful place like this,” she answered. Besides, we’d both gotten quite a bit of sleep on the flight.

I knew exactly where I wanted to take her, the Ulele, on the Tampa River Walk. We changed from our traveling clothes, Elle putting on a sexy, summery dress, me a pair of shorts and a light-weight shirt. My dick was already hard, seeing Elle in that short dress (eighty-seven degrees in Tampa vs fifty-two when we left Kennewick), wondering what she had on underneath, wanting to skip dinner and go straight to dessert, helping that dress hit the floor. I didn’t think Elle would’ve minded so much, either.

We didn’t though, my willpower was at least a little better than that. It was funny how I knew the way, I’d been there a grand total of one time, not counting my dream. On the drive, I told Elle of Princess Ulele, the waterfront, the Pirate Water Taxi, and the Riverwalk, the same as I had Dani, explaining to her that I knew of it all from my dream.

We arrived at the parking lot, boarded the water taxi, and when everything was exactly as I’d described to her from my dream, Elle was astonished all over again how I could have known.

“It’s a mystery that will never be solved,” I told her, “there’s so much more that I’ve never told you, and it’s all still so fresh in my mind.” Hell, the fact that Elle was here with me was a direct consequence of one of my dreams, that night with the ‘mystery girl’, who Dani and I had finally deduced was Leslie, our banker, Elle.

I showed her the Princess Ulele statue, and we sat outside at the edge of the Hillsborough River adjacent to the Ulele, eating a wonderful dinner. I’d ordered the Gouda Grouper, and Elle the Mahi Mahi, both some type of weird fish. Normally, I’d have ordered a rib steak, but hey, when in Rome...

We shared our meals, eating off each other’s plates, and then had the two scoops each of Gustavo’s Ice Cream, me the Vairhona Chocolate, and Elle, Ugandan Vanilla (whatever happened to ‘chocolate, strawberry, vanilla’?) As good as the dessert was, it wasn’t in the same league as the ‘dessert’ I was anticipating back in our hotel room.

Before my coma, I’d always been what I would consider a ‘shy nerd’ when it came to sex. Talking to a woman about sex was about as far down on the list as one can get and still be on the paper, maybe not even on the paper. Even talking to Dani about it was nerve-wracking and took a lot of ‘building-up’ to it. It’s a lot of the reason why I was so reluctant to tell her about my dreams, afraid what she’d think. Those conversations, when they did come out, had been a gradual process, one revelation at a time.

But with Elle, afraid as I’d been to talk to her in the beginning, God, had that only been a couple months ago? Now, I could talk to her, ask her, hell, before my coma I wouldn’t have even been able to ask my wife! “What about fantasies, I’m curious, you’ve had fantasies, we all have. Tell me something you’ve fantasized about.”

She looked at me, cocked her head a little, “I don’t know if I can,” she said, “what about you, you tell me first, your fantasy.”

She’d turned it on me, my fantasy ... I thought for a minute, wondering about being honest. “Dani, I guess,” thinking about that night in my dream ... this very restaurant, the reason I liked it so much, “it was in my dream,” I told her. I’d told Elle about the dreams, more in general terms, but this was specific ... and I was going to tell her, “Here ... we’d come to visit Alan Ryder, hadn’t had sex for a while, just because ... we knew what this visit was all about ... and Dani wanted to be horny, to want...”

“It was our first night here, Dani’d been so turned on thinking about it, all week. By that night, she was just ... over the top. He’d blindfolded her, some weird thing he’d done, had eyes painted, then the makeup artist glued them to Dani’s eyelids so she couldn’t see a thing, but it looked so real, like her eyes were wide open. He had this dress, almost nothing. She couldn’t see it, but after she’d put it on, she could feel it, knew how close to nothing it was, not like anything she’d worn before, no panties, either.”

“He brought us here, one of these outside tables, kept teasing her about how sexy she looked, about all the people that were looking at her. By the time we’d finished dinner, just about to have dessert, Dani was crawling the wall horny. He took her inside, to the women’s room ... and fucked her ... just enough to wind her up, to leave her quivering and moaning on the floor.”

“I guess that’s my fantasy, to see Dani like that with another man ... except it’s my fear, too, I don’t know how I’d react. Just the thought of it scares me so bad, makes me almost insane with jealousy...”

“It’s a big reason why this movie’s so exciting ... and scary. She’s there, with him, the guy from the dream. Doing love scenes with him. How’s that for a freakin’ unbelievable coincidence?” I asked rhetorically. “Almost like it was predestined,” I added, just then realizing it.

I sat there a moment afterward, Elle quiet, too. I’d never told that to anyone before, had even glossed over it those couple days I’d spent with Janet, telling her of my dreams.

“Okay, I bared my soul, now it’s your turn,” I told Elle, “what’s your deepest, darkest secret fantasy?”

Elle blushed, looking around us, I guess to see if anyone else was within hearing distance. They were, I’m sure, a couple at an adjacent table had heard every word I’d said, especially the way the girl was blushing.

“I ... I’ve never told anyone ... being tied down...” She was in full blush mode, now, “My husband’s kissing me ... naked ... another man’s there, too, someone I can’t see his face. I’m helpless, embarrassed because this guy’s seeing me like that ... but so turned on ... and he fucks me, not saying a word. I never find out, just wonder who?”

Elle’s fingers are fidgeting, her nipples stiffening under her dress, turned on by what she’d just told me, just like I was. I almost felt like taking her to that women’s room and finishing what Alan Ryder had started with my wife in my dream.

By the time we finished our dessert, I was literally shaking, with my libido in triple-quadruple-overdrive, Elle, too, from her reaction.

I smiled at her, “Should we go shopping?” I asked.

Elle rolled her eyes, not exactly what she was planning I didn’t think. It was just that ... Alan had taken Dani shopping that night, so...

There’s a women’s clothing store not far from the Ulele, a couple of blocks is all. Dani and I went there in my dream, where I’d bought the dress she’d worn that night at Alan’s restaurant grand opening, the night he’d fucked her the first time. Then again, in real life, the one time we actually were in Tampa. The name of it is Angelina’s Boutique, but it’s more like a Victoria’s Secret, or maybe Fredericks of Hollywood.

Anyway, that’s where I took Elle that night, not to buy anything, more to add a little more mystique to our libido before ‘the big night’. At least I told myself that we weren’t buying anything, but when I saw the dress, the one so like Dani had worn that night I’d just told Elle about at the Ulele, there was no way in hell I wasn’t going to buy it for her. I had no idea when or even ‘if’ she’d ever wear it, but that was beside the point.

I remembered Dani in that dress so vividly; two tiny gold chains hooked to a gold collar, down to the peak of the super-thin material of the ‘cups’, which were nothing more than thin strips plunging to her navel, no back, the hemline barely covering her. The whole thing, minus the gold chains and collar, couldn’t have weighed more than half an ounce.

This dress didn’t have the slits up the sides like Dani’s, but other than that, it was an exact replication of what she’d worn that night.

I picked it up off the rack and held it in front of Elle, “You have to have this!” I told her.

Her face turned red with blush as she took it, holding it. She wanted it, wanted to wear it, I was absolutely certain. She just didn’t want anyone to know. After that black dress she’d worn with me two weeks earlier, this seemed almost ... tame. Well, maybe not, but still...

“Oh, that dress would be so sexy on you,” the pretty sales girl told her. “I have one like it and my boyfriend just loves it.”

I looked at the girl; young, early-twenties, blonde hair, gorgeous face, nice figure. I would imagine that he would. Any guy would. But on Elle, a mature woman, oh my! Just oh my!

“I wouldn’t ever wear it,” Elle said, “I just couldn’t.”

“No matter,” I told her, “try it on, we’re buying it if it fits. You can model it in our hotel room, it’ll be worth it just for that.”

It would be the first time I’d spent nearly three-hundred dollars for a one-time modeling session, but I wasn’t lying, it would be worth it.

She finally relented, took the dress in the dressing room, and closed the curtain behind her. “You’re not getting a peek,” she told me through the curtain.

I was grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole time Elle was in the dressing room, imagining her in that dress, seeing Dani in it as well from that other night. Not that I wasn’t also envisioning that sales girl, Nance, her nametag said. God, I love that store!

Before we left, we had a pair of matching gold heels, a flesh-colored thong, a matching set of necklace, earrings, and bracelet, and perfume. It was the same perfume that I’d bought Dani that night we met Alan Ryder the first time, the one the sales girl told us it would ‘drive men wild’ with lust. She hadn’t been lying, either, more aphrodisiac than perfume, it even drove Dani wild when she wore it. It had all together cost a small fortune, but hell, with what our stores alone were making...

To say that I was looking forward to Elle wearing all of this would be the understatement of the eons. I was just afraid that she never would, except inside our hotel room, but even that...!

It was nearly ten-thirty by the time we were back to the Meridian. Elle stowed away her purchases in the closet, and we were in each other’s arms, lips locked together. My dick was so friggin’ hard; the feel of her body, her soft lips, the titillation from the evening, the anticipation from the day ... all week, actually.

I had an inspiration, maybe it was close to eleven, but we were in Florida, not Washington, only nine in Montana, close to the time that Dani and I often Skyped. “Would you mind,” I asked Elle, “if I set up my computer to Skype Dani so she can watch ... whatever?”

Elle smiled, “I think that’d be kind of fun, don’t you?”

I nodded, “I do, and I’m sure she’d like it, too.” So, I got my laptop out of its case and set it up on the little desk that all hotel rooms seem to have, pulled the desk closer to the bed, plugged the laptop in, and adjusted the picture so that it was covering the bed just the way I wanted, then pressed the ‘call’ button, and waited.

It took several minutes, but Dani finally answered, “Hi,” I told her, “we made it, we’re in Tampa, the Meridian.”

“Hi Dani,” Elle said from her place sitting on the bed.

“We were just about to ... you know what,” I told Dani, “thought you might want to watch?”

“I think I’d like to, yeah,” she looked down at herself, “I’m dirty, we were herding cattle today, can you wait for me to shower, five minutes ... promise.” I hadn’t even noticed what Dani had been wearing, it looked like a dirty men’s shirt, long-sleeved, and an equally old and dirty pair of blue jeans, pretty typical ranch-wear I’d guess. Not everything worn on a ranch is going to be sexy.

“We’ll wait,” I told Dani, “mostly ... hurry, we’ve had a rather ... libido-enhancing afternoon.”

Dani laughed, then got up and out of the view of her laptop.

I sat down beside Elle, we leaned together and kissed, hard. Elle pulled away and whispered, “I hope she hurries, I can’t... “ and she kissed me again, her hands wandering...

‘Oh, Elle, if only you knew,’ I thought. Elle’s dress buttoned in the back, but it was short enough I could reach in the bottom and up, pinching her nipple over her bra, only causing her tongue to probe more into my mouth, her lips harder against mine. My fingers snuck under her bra, finding bare nipple, squeezing, rolling it. Elle let out a loud moan into my mouth, her body already shaking. This was going to be so much fun!

I pulled my mouth away, “I need to ask, are you okay if we ... if you ... kind of lose control? Maybe just a little like you told me -earlier?”

“Mmhmm, I’ve never ... but it sounds like fun,” she answered. Good! I’d been just a bit worried.

“You might want to use the bathroom while we’re waiting, you might be a little ‘preoccupied’ later.” I suggested to her.

When she returned from the bathroom, she sat on my lap on the end of the bed, wrapped her arms around my neck, smiled, said, “This is going to be so much fun,” and kissed me.

She had no idea how prescient those words would prove to be!

“You cheated, you didn’t wait,” Dani’s voice said from my laptop. She’d relocated to the center of her bed, sitting cross-legged, Indian style, wearing nothing except ... well, nothing would be the only accurate description, stark-naked, her laptop right in front of her, a very nice view. “I brought a friend, too, just in case,” showing us her big, black dildo. It was ten-inches long, ‘ten-point-two’, she’d told me, to be exact, not counting the three-inch hand-hold, the head curving up just right, girth one-point-seven inches diameter.

“That’s her ‘Alan’,” I told Elle.’

She giggled, “You mean...?”

“Uhuh,” Dani answered her, “looks just like the real thing,” a little laugh, “least how I’ve imagined it ... maybe not quite as thick, though ... been using him for practice,” Dani said, sliding the curved head in and out of her mouth. “But he also feels pretty nice here, too,” spreading her knees apart and pressing it barely inside, between her pussy lips, “it’s where I think he’s probably going to be spending most of this evening,” pressing it just a little deeper... “Oh my,” she let out a little groan, her breath deepening.

“Or maybe here ... you think the real Alan might like this...” she asked, pressing her breasts together, running the dildo up and down the cleavage between them, “squirting his cum all over me. I’ve never done it but it sounds sooo ... naughty, doncha think?”

I think she was determined to make Elle and me come without touching each other! Damned near succeeded with me, too.

I hit the mute button on the laptop.

“We can’t hear you anymore,” I told her, “still see, but no sound.” She was NOT going to torment us! “She still hears us, though,” I told Elle.

Dani pouted, sliding ‘Alan’ up her cleavage, the head right to her open lips.

Before the night was over, I was pretty damned sure we’ll have had the last laugh. But for now, though, Dani—1, Robert & Elle—0.

Elle and I then turned our attention to each other, another long, drawn-out kiss, tongues down each other’s throats; Robert & Elle -1 (a very nice ‘1’). While we were kissing, I reached behind her and undid the two buttons at the top of her dress that would release it. She shimmied it down, then stood, letting it fall to the floor, standing before me (and Dani) in nothing except her lacy, lavender bra and panty set and shoes. “It’s been about twelve days too long,” she said. It had been exactly twelve days ago when she’d spent that night with me.

I was only too happy, reaching behind and unclasping her bra, letting it fall away from her nearly perfect tits, at least as perfect as a forty-nine-year-old woman’s can be.

“You want to try on your new dress, show it to Dani?” I asked her, hopefully. Too bad she hadn’t brought the black dress, the one she wore two weeks ago, Dani hadn’t seen that, either.

“No, not now, I want you inside me!” she answered.

I chuckled, hoping she wouldn’t mind the slight delay I had planned. In truth, I was every bit as anxious as her, except ... I had plans. I glanced at my laptop, Dani was lazily sucking on Alan, sliding ‘him’ in and out of her mouth. God, she looked sexy!

“Sit on the edge of the bed, close your eyes,” She did as I asked, and I unfastened her shoes, slipping them off, leaving her with nothing except the panties. but when I opened my suitcase and began rummaging through it, I saw her peeking, cracking her eyelids. I stopped, closed the suitcase, and told her to roll over, which she did. “Knees up under you, eyes closed!” I told her, much more sternly.

I looked, checking. This time, her eyes were closed tight. I rubbed my hand over those silky panties, feeling how soft they were, then raised my hand and SWAT, not overly hard, just enough to get a surprised yelp from her. “Next time I tell you something, you have to do it, no cheating,” I told her, giving her another swat, slightly harder, kind of testing the boundaries. This was something I’d never done before and I didn’t want to hurt her, just let her know to follow the rules. I’d read that some women thought a little spanking was sexy, hoping Elle would be one of them. This wasn’t something I’d anticipated.

Seemed fun, though.

I glanced at Dani, her eyes wide.

I gave Elle one more swat, then, because her moans hadn’t seemed like pain, nearly as much as sexual, I pulled her panties down, baring her cheeks for one last swat, the hardest of all, on her bare skin. That one brought a loud, “Oww,” from her, but still no screams that I was hurting her.

“Are you ready to be a good girl now?” I asked her, pulling her panties back into place.

She mumbled an “Uhuh,” her eyes tightly squeezed together. I wasn’t certain what that little spanking had done for her, but it had sure as hell ramped up my libido, not that it had needed any ramping.

Something to remember.

“Okay, here,” I patted the edge of the bed, “sit here, it’ll just be a couple minutes, eyes ... closed. No cheating this time!”

She scooted over to the where I’d patted, draping her legs over, eyes tight together. “Perfect, right there,” I told her, “be right back.” I wondered if Dani had any idea what was coming. From the smile on her face, rubbing ‘Alan’ just inside her pussy lips, I suspected so. She’d been the ‘victim’ before.

I went to my suitcase again, keeping an eye on Elle, making sure she didn’t peek again. It seemed obvious she wasn’t going to, as tightly as her eyes were clamped shut, almost in a grimace. I retrieved the blindfold and put it over her eyes, the elastic behind her head. “I’ve learned that being blindfolded heightens all your other senses, especially the sexual ones,” I told her. “No more spanking, I guess, which I think you kind of enjoyed, didn’t you?”

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