Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 37

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 37 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Sunday evening, May 17th, 2020

I’d spent a very slow day at our store awaiting evening when I could talk to Dani about my night with Elle. It was also the day she, Alan, and a couple others had gone for a horseback ride on ‘Dani’s ranch’, as I’d come to call it. It fascinated me that she’d become such a horsewoman for this movie. Perhaps, I thought, we’d get a horse or two on the farm we were intending to buy. At least two, I wouldn’t want it to get lonesome.

But that was the future, this was now. And I was nervous as hell about what Dani thought about what she’d seen with Elle and me. I hoped to hell that she hadn’t changed her mind after watching us.

I had my computer open, keeping one eye on it along with my movie, a Hallmark Aurora Teagarden Mystery (mostly because Dani loves them - makes me feel closer to her). Her picture finally popped up, sitting cross-legged on her bed wearing a pair of tight leather jeans and a western blouse, both that we’d bought at Hamley’s in Pendleton just because Dani thought they looked sexy. She was damned right, too! She looked fabulous, her long, black hair brushed out, fresh lipstick, looking radiant like she was ready to go out on the town, not what I’d have expected after a day riding.

“You look good,” I told her. A fuckin’ understatement, if ever there was one.

“Thank you, I wanted you to see what I wore on our ride today. I think Alan approved.” She stood, reconfiguring her laptop so it’d get the picture of her doing her pirouette. Damn, those leather pants fit her body like she’d been poured into them. She reminded me of Mel McDaniel’s song, ‘Baby’s Got Her Blue Jeans On,’ except that Dani knew exactly how good she looked.

“And how was your ride?” I asked her, figuring I’d let her bring up last night.

“Great ... would’ve been better if it had been just the two of us.” She smiled, hugging her body, making sure I knew exactly what she meant, “But, wow, what beautiful views, I’d love to show you sometime. I did get some pictures, though, I’ll email to you, but they’re not going to show what it was really like. Maybe the movie will have a scene from that trail, so pretty.”

We both sat, I guess waiting for the other to bring up last night. Finally, Dani asked me, “What time did Elle leave this morning?”

I smiled, remembering our shower that morning. “I was a little late opening the store, about ten minutes. She left right before. I trust you saw last night? Thank you for that. Oh, by the way, that security company did a bang-up job keeping those cameras hidden.”

Dani smiled, that million-dollar smile I’ve always loved, then a giggle, “That’s because ... there, uh ... were no cameras. I sorta made that up.”

My eyes went wide, my jaw must have dropped open, “But you said...”

“I know. I didn’t think you’d take her home unless I told you there were cameras.” Another smile, “Guess it worked, huh ... So how was it, you have a good night?”

I couldn’t help chuckling, “Pretty ordinary, I’d guess. We fucked in the hot tub, I convinced Elle she needs to wear her black babydoll in a wet t-shirt contest, we fucked in our bed ... actually, ‘made love’ would be a more accurate description, Elle on top, then we fucked in the shower again this morning, Other than that, was a pretty boring, routine night ... well, except for the sleeping all tangled up with my naked, sexy high school crush, that was quite enjoyable. Oh, and I let her drive your Mustang home this morning. I think she’d have felt funny driving her car last night in nothing except that little babydoll nightie, so she rode with me.”

She rocked back and forth with her arms wrapped around herself. “So ... tell me about your love scene with Alan?” I asked her.

Dani rolled her eyes and let out a little sigh, “God, that man is...” she hesitated a moment, “I told you last night, I want you to see it. Just ... prepare yourself. That’s all I’m going to say.”

We talked another half hour, Dani trying to get more details of my night with Elle, and I tried to get details about her love scene. Neither of us were successful. Then we reverted to that old faithful, the weather. She told me that it’s been unseasonably warm in Montana, the same as here.

A few minutes after we’d clicked off, an email from Dani popped up, the pictures she’d promised. There were eleven, and she hadn’t exaggerated, they were positively stunning!

My dreams that night consisted of some variation of Dani with Alan Ryder, me with another night with Elle, and even Jenny made her appearance, inviting me over to watch that video with them, the one she’d made on her cell phone ... with the expected results. That was one I hoped would eventually come true when I woke up the next morning. Somehow though, my nighttime dreams hadn’t been coming true like so many of my coma dreams had.

The store picked back up during the week. Sundays have always been a little slow, we were open mostly as a convenience to those weekend mechanics that needed something last minute more so than just a profit. Besides, I didn’t want those people to think they could get their parts at a different store.

The rest of the week more than made up for it. I couldn’t have been happier with the turnout at the new store, which seemed to be maintained after our opening.

Wednesday, I called and talked to Dave Alvarez, asking him if I could get a key to the farmhouse for my contractor to get a head start designing the renovations. He said he’d be happy to send one. I called Wade, my contractor for the stores, and he suggested it’d be better if I had an architect look at it with me, giving me a name he recommended strongly, Ashley Robertson, that he’d worked with often (yes, his architect was a woman). I called her, explaining who I was, what I needed, and she said she’d be happy to meet me next week. I told her I’d call as soon as I got a key to the house.

Dani and I talked every night. She was just ecstatic about the movie; the story, the shoots, everything. She said that everyone on the set was certain they were going to have a hit on their hands.

Then, Thursday afternoon, I received a surprise call from Janet, the movie’s publicist, the woman I’d spent several days with, telling her everything about my coma dreams. She wanted me to come to Tampa the following week, almost demanded it, and said the studio would pay for everything. She wanted me to fly down Thursday, meet with her Friday, then I could do whatever I wanted Saturday, either there or come home. The thing she wouldn’t say was why, what was so important.

I told Dani about it that night, asking her if she had any idea what it was about. She didn’t, they hadn’t said anything to her about it. “Are you going?” she asked me.

“She sounded like it was important, so yeah, I’ll go. It’s a week from today so it’ll give me time to make arrangements at the store.”

“Alone?” she asked.

I nodded, we were skyping after all, so she was watching me. “Not sure who I’d take, the kids are both busy. Besides, another airline ticket and hotel room would be kinda expensive.”

“Welllll...” she said coyly, “you could ask Elle. I’ll bet she’d enjoy the trip. You wouldn’t need another room.”

I stared at Dani, “You do realize what you’re suggesting, don’t you?”

She laughed—LAUGHED! “What, you think I’m naïve? I know exactly what I’m suggesting ... and I’d expect you both to enjoy it, too.”

It was after ten when we got off our computers. I wanted to call Elle right then but thought better of it. It’d wait one day. No way in hell was I going to turn down Dani’s offer.

The next day, when I knew Elle’d be at lunch, I had a friggin’ customer, one that had a long list of things her husband needed for his F150’s brake job and tune-up. Jeremy and Sam were both with customers, so I couldn’t pawn her off on them, and by the time I’d gathered everything and finished the sale, Elle’s lunchtime was over, DAMMIT! The only consolation was that she was a damned good-looking woman and in my current state of mind...

I called that evening as soon as I knew she’d be off work. Yes, she wanted to go! She said she’d put in for those days off first thing Monday morning, but it wouldn’t be a problem as she’d built up a lot of vacation time and her manager had been bugging her about using it. I was on freakin’ cloud nine! I still had no clue what the trip was about, but at that point, it didn’t matter.

I’d gotten the information on the airline ticket and hotel earlier that day, so called Alaska Airlines, and purchased another first-class round-trip ticket ($683 plus $37 for the bag I knew Elle’d need). I had to switch my seat for us to sit together, but they took care of that. There wasn’t a connecting flight from Pasco, so we’d need to drive to Seattle early Thursday morning.

Saturday morning, another surprise—just like in my dream the other night, Jenny called and said they’d intended on watching her video (the one of her and me) the weekend before, but again, Richard had an emergency come up. “You want to come to dinner tonight at about seven?”

Life was freakin’ good!

I got ready that evening, not knowing what to expect. I know what I hoped, though! I wore a pair of blue slacks and a tan button-up shirt, nothing too dressy, just a little nicer than I’d normally have worn to a dinner at their house. Richard and Jenny are both wine drinkers, so I stopped at Safeway and bought two bottles of the most expensive wine they had. With what little knowledge I had about wine (none), that was the only way I had any idea of what might be good. Besides, the bottle looked fancy.

When I arrived, Jenny met me at the door with a hug and not-too-short kiss on my lips. Obviously, our relationship had changed. Before, she’d always met us with just a brief hug. I handed Richard the wine, he looked at one of the labels with a smile on his face, “Good choice,” he said, not seeming overly concerned about that greeting.

I hadn’t even thought about it before that minute, it was the first I’d seen Richard since that night. The vision that went through my mind that moment was of him sucking Dani’s naked tit, the jealousy shooting through me like a lightning bolt.

Kind of an irrational thought, since we were just about to watch a video of me fucking his wife.

“You okay?” Jenny asked, looking concerned.

I took a deep breath and the vision was gone, “Yeah, I’m fine, just dizzy for a few seconds, not sure what happened.” Liar! I knew exactly. What the hell was it going to do to me when I saw Dani and Alan Ryder on screen?

Speaking of Jenny, God, she looked good. She wasn’t wearing anything particularly sexy, a short, button-up-the-front denim dress looking for all the world like a long-tail men’s shirt. The thing is that Jenny is an exceptionally attractive woman. Pretty much anything she wears is sexy, that dress being no exception.

It was still hard for me to believe what had happened that night, the video I was there to watch with them. Just the thought of it was hardening my dick as we stood there.

“Dinner’s almost done, want anything to drink?” Jenny asked in that seductive voice.

“Maybe just a glass of wine,” I suggested. Where the hell had that come from? I don’t even like wine. Usually, it’s just iced tea. Maybe my subconscious was telling me that a glass of wine might settle my nerves.

Richard popped open one of the bottles I’d brought and dug out a couple long-stemmed wine glasses. They’re a little more equipped for ‘formal’ than Dani and I are.

He and I sat in the living room with our glasses of wine while Jenny finished getting dinner out of the oven. It smelled delicious, pork roast. I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, I was there to watch a video of me fucking his wife with them. And maybe ... I didn’t know when Jenny had set up her phone that night, was it before or after she and Dani had done their thing with me blindfolded?

“Dinner’s on the table, boys,” Jenny announced.

Richard set beside Jenny, across the table from me. I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it, don’t think so, but Jenny’s a really wonderful cook, besides her other talents. She’d made dinner rolls, the pork roast, baked potatoes, and some sauteed veggies. It was all so good, it almost made me forget what was coming. Nah, not that good!

I told them what Dani had said, how happy Dani’s director was with the movie so far, and that he was predicting it would be a huge hit. “She said they’ve done some of the love scenes, guess she’s been pretty turned on by them.”

“I can imagine,” Jenny said, “it’s been three weeks since she left, a long time to go without, spending so much time with that hunk of a guy ... I remember him in high school, all the girls had a crush, then doing those kinds of scenes with him! She tell you anything about them?”

“No, just ‘to be prepared’ when I watch them.”

“Mmm, sounds ominous, doesn’t it? I’m anxious to see it. Does she have any idea when that might be?” Jenny asked.

“She said that they’re planning a private showing for the cast, crew, and spouses the weekend before Thanksgiving, then the public opening Thanksgiving Day,” I answered, “I can’t wait.”

“Neither can we,” Richard said, “that’ll make an interesting holiday weekend.”

“Yeah, will. I bet she’ll be a little nervous, probably more than a little, about our kids and parents seeing it.”

“Maybe like I am about Richard seeing this recording for the first time,” Jenny added.

I looked back and forth between Jenny and Richard, “You’ve told him about it though, I presume, what’s on it?”

Jenny smiled, “Not. A. Word. I guess I’m a lot like Dani, I want him to see what happened, rather than I tell it.” She took Richard’s hand and squeezed it, “What he does know is that he’s the one I love and always will.”

“Is Dani going back to teaching? Will she want to?” Richard asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered, “we’ve talked about it, she’s said that she’ll need to talk to the superintendent, probably after she gets home after the movie’s done, explain everything to him, and see what he says. I’m guessing those love scenes might be a problem. I’m pretty sure she wants to, though.”

Dinner was finished, so we all got up and cleaned off the table, loaded the dishwasher, refilled our wine glasses from the 2nd bottle of the night, and retired to the living room. I was nervous as hell, realizing that Richard didn’t know I’d fucked his wife that night. I’d assumed that she’d told him that much, at least. Now, I was about three-quarters scared. Thank God for the wine or I might’a been out the door.

Speaking of wine, which, I think is a terrible waste of good grapes, that first bottle had already disappeared, and we’d already opened the second. It didn’t seem quite so bad as most I’ve drunk. I’m not used to alcohol, even the relatively small amount in wine. I’m not sure if it was the wine or just the present company, most likely a combination of both, but I was horny as hell, albeit a bit light-headed. Maybe, too, the anticipation of that video we were about to watch ... and what I had no idea of, the ‘after’. Hell, I think any normal human would be horny.

We all three sat on the couch, Jenny in the middle between Richard and me. Her phone was connected to the TV by a long cord, Richard turned it on, set it on the right HDMI input, and Jenny hit the ‘play’ arrow on her phone. We were doing this!

It was playing right there on their big TV. Jenny had been right in front of her phone, sitting on Dani’s nightstand, then stepped away from it. I hadn’t even noticed a phone recording that night. They’d made me strip, said they were going to rent me out. Crap! Double crap! I’d forgotten about that little humiliation. I guess it was just good-natured kidding, nothing to be humiliated about, but still...

I groaned, scooting down on the couch, trying to make myself disappear, watching myself stripping, Dani and Jenny’s faces trying not to break out laughing, discussing my ‘worth’. I was not enjoying Richard watching my humiliation, either. The only compensation for watching this was that I’d finally get to ‘see’ Dani and Jenny together.

I was being handcuffed ... and then ... Jenny’s lips on my cock. It was making me hard all over again, very hard. I glanced over at Richard, his face was grim, squeezing Jenny’s hand, almost looking like he was trying to hurt her, watching her sucking another guy’s dick. But he had a pretty good tent in his slacks, too, so he couldn’t have been too unhappy. Jenny pulled her hand away and pushed it under his pants. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as her hand, hidden inside his slacks, wrapped around his you-know-what.

Watching Jenny’s lips on my cock, I hadn’t even noticed what Dani was doing at the time, tying my hands and feet together. After that, Dani and Jenny were both out of the picture, putting on their makeup, and talking about lipstick, Dani’s Rose Petal Peach, the lipstick she’d modeled in my dream that had been the original impetus for this whole real-life movie thing.

A moment later, Jenny, on screen, stripping. Fuck, the girl was good! You’d have thought she’d done it before, many times. Hmm, I wonder...?

It seemed that Richard thought so, too. When Jenny had sat on the couch, her dress rode up on her thighs, and his hand crept up underneath it, returning her favor. He’d apparently gotten over his initial shock of watching his wife giving her best friend’s husband a VERY nice blowjob.

She hadn’t let me come, though. I sure as hell remembered that.

The time had finally come, I’d been blindfolded that night and hadn’t been able to see, just hear. Richard and I were finally going to get to watch our wives ... FUCK! Dani had moved a picture frame in front of the fucking phone!

We had a fantastic view of the back of what I knew was a portrait of our family that Dani had on her nightstand; Dani, me, Jon, his wife, Tammy, and Jodi, not that it fucking mattered! Jenny snickered when she realized what had happened, “I didn’t even know she’d done that,” she said. It was damned well blocking the view I’d been anticipating all this time, Dani and Jenny giving each other what was still sounding like a hell of an orgasm.

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