Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 36

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 36 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Readers, I can only hope that I NEVER take six months for another chapter again!

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

Dani left earlier in the day for Montana, to begin filming her movie. I knew that I wouldn’t see her again until the Calgary Stampede, July 11th, over two months away. This, I hadn’t foreseen in my coma dream world.

That evening and night were the loneliest I think I’ve ever experienced. I guess I could have called Elle, Jenny, or even Jon, just to have someone to talk to, but I kind of wanted to wallow in my misery alone. I’d already talked to Dani earlier, she’d arrived safe and sound in Montana and was likely back in the arms of her costar. More practicing?

Things were a little better Monday morning, I had things to do, it was store opening day. I was at the store by seven-thirty, making sure that everything was ready to unlock the doors and light the ‘OPEN’ sign at eight. Jon was already there, and his five employees, two new and three from the other store, arrived, one by one, not long behind me.

At eight, sharp, Jon took a picture of me out front, a key in the lock, the ‘OPEN’ sign in the background, unlocking the door. Our second store was now a reality! We’d been advertising our opening the last week and had a steady stream of customers, lots of congratulations on the new store. It was a wonderful day, all seven of us busy from eight o’clock until closing at six.

If this kept up, I figured we’d be in the seven-figure club in a matter of months, not that it would. Wishes!

At the end of the day I was exhausted, it’d been the first day I’d worked the full day since my recovery. Even though it’d been fun, the other type of exhaustion was a hell of a lot more fun.

I called Elle that evening, again told her how much I’d enjoyed our Friday night, and asked her if she’d like another date.

“I’d love it,” she said, “and I enjoyed Friday, too ... a lot. Hoping we’ll get a repeat before too long.”

“Umm...” I wasn’t too sure how to broach the subject of Dani’s one rule, ‘pants on, zipped up’. God, just the thought of what she’d said, what she wanted me to do with Elle ... even what she said we couldn’t do, was making me hard. “Dani said she still wanted to watch again the next time, too ... and that won’t be for a while,” I told her.

“Oookay,” she answered, “I admit I liked her watching her husband fucking me in front of her, but that’s going to be a while, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I doubt we’ll see each other until the movie’s finished filming, probably July 11th in Calgary.”

“Calgary? What...?”

I hadn’t told her about it, “Dani’s learning to be a barrel racer, that’s how she meets her husband in the movie, she’s going to be made up to look like a twenty-year-old and do a real barrel race in the Calgary Stampede.”

A long silence ensued, before, “Calgary Stampede ... wow! Now that’s gotta be exciting for her!”

“Yeah, she said she’s scared to death of it ... and so looking forward to it.” I chuckled, “She said it’s going to be the last scene filmed ... so they can get a stand-in if she gets killed. I think she was kidding about the getting killed part ... but it is dangerous and she’s been learning on a real barrel horse.”

“But ... we were talking about us, you and me. Dani’s made it crystal clear that we can do other things, just not... ‘it’. So, maybe ... could I take you out a week from Saturday? I’d love sooner, but the new store...” One tiny, little white lie wouldn’t hurt too much, I didn’t think. Besides, I did want to take her out sooner, like maybe tomorrow. I think Dani’s calling should have been psychology, she knows that long before a week from Saturday I’ll be crawling the walls. That night’s going to be sweet torture, I know.

“Hmm, let me check my calendar and get back to you ... Yep, okay, that night’s free, no hot date, I’ll be looking forward to it. Oh, and by the way ... what kind of ‘other things’?”

I chuckled, remembering Elle’s naked body, the images of what I’d love to do to her filling my mind, “Oh, I don’t know, just have to wait and see how it goes,” I told her, remembering what Dani had told me she wanted me to do to Elle.

“Week from Saturday, pick you up at seven?” So, Elle and I had a date.

I never got far from my computer after that, waiting for Dani’s evening Skype call. It was after nine my time when I heard the little ding-ding on my laptop.

“Hi Babe,” Dani started. She was sitting Indian fashion on her bed, just a very thin nightshirt, nipples poking through. Somehow, it seemed more erotic than naked would have been. “I’m exhausted, I never imagined pretending to be someone else and trying to act natural could be so hard.”

I chuckled, “Tough work, huh, how’s it going? You keeping them happy?”

“Oh yeah,” she answered, “Tony’s a gem, so nice. He’s the film’s director if you don’t remember. He’s a perfectionist but seems happy with me so far. I just hope I can keep him that way.”

“I have no doubt, love, and by the way, the store opening was fantastic, we were busy with customers from the minute I unlocked the door until well past closing.”

“I had no doubt. Soooo, what about ... you know...?”

Dani’s smile was so fucking infectious, even tired as she said she was, “We, umm, have a date set up for week from Saturday,” I told her, “just like you suggested.”

“And you’re taking her to The River’s Edge?”

“Uhuh, you suggested it, sounds good to me, unless something better pops up ‘tween now’n then. So, how’d your first day of acting with Alan go? You get to use any of your practiced skills yet?”

“Not yet, not sure when we might get to that point. But even so, he has my panties so wet! That man is just ... he just oozes sexy.”

“No more practicing tonight?”

She frowned, “No, with the filming, the house has turned into a movie set, equipment, and people everywhere. I can’t believe how much equipment they’ve moved in, between the house and outside, there’s truckloads of stuff.”

We talked another half-hour before Dani said she had to go to bed, her days were starting early. We told each other how much we missed and loved each other, and closed the program. I took a deep breath, wondering how I was going to manage the next two-plus months without her. That first little stint had been a month and seemed forever. Now, it was going to double that, mid-July before we were together again, me wondering the whole time about Dani’s already wet panties ... and what she might do about it.

I had to admit, though, that the only one to ‘do anything’ was me; Jenny ... Elle...

The next days at the store were hectic, keeping my mind occupied. Dani and I talked every evening, she seemed to be becoming much more at ease with being Lynn Matteson, retired barrel racer and rancher’s wife. She still hadn’t met her ‘husband’, Christian Bale, though. She said he probably wouldn’t be on the set until their last few weeks filming in Montana, right before Calgary.

Wednesday morning, I got another email from the Alvarezes regarding the farm. I didn’t get a chance to open it until that evening, a ‘Letter of Intent’ form. I forwarded it to Dani, and when we were on Skype later, she suggested that I put no later than September 1st as the actual date of the sale, “Amanda told me that our 750 thousand will be in our bank on the last day of the shoot, presumably July 11th, so we should be able to write a check for it.” I figured the extra month was ‘just in case’, but it still gave us the option of closing earlier.

I contemplated what Dani had just said, write a check ... for three hundred twenty-five thousand freaking dollars! We’ve never seen that much money in one place in our lives. And to just nonchalantly write a check?

Then she went on to tell me that she’s really starting to get into her part in the movie, having fun being someone else, even though it’s still hard work. “We’ve finished several scenes, Tony’s happy with my work so far, guess he still thinks I was the right choice for the part.”

“Nice to hear that,” I told her, “you still practicing for the barrel racing?”

“Little bit every day, not like that first month, though,” she answered, “I can’t believe how fast my barrel horse is.”

“A little more than Honey?” I asked her.

She laughed, “Just a little, but it’s still Honey that I’ve fallen in love with.”

We talked another fifteen-twenty minutes until Dani said she had to get up early and needed to get to bed, nothing about Alan was said in the whole conversation. After we disconnected, I wondered about that, was she purposely avoiding the subject?

The next few days were uneventful as far as our love lives went. The new store stayed busy as hell, which left me tired in the evenings, and Dani was tired as well on our Skype calls. She was loving the business of acting, although still no love scenes, nothing sexy at all the way she described it. Plus, there were film crews in the house nearly all the time, preventing her and Alan from any ‘practicing’.

“Tomorrow’s going to be a short day,” Dani told me Saturday evening, “Tony just has one scene he wants to shoot, and he said we could do whatever the rest of the day. Think Alan and I might go for a ride. There’s a trail they’ve told us about that sounds beautiful.”

“What, just you and Alan?” I asked her.

She laughed, “Well, that was kind of the point, but I think Le’ah’s going to come along. Remember her? She’s my riding instructor, she’s going home Monday and wanted one more ride. A little hard to tell her no after all she’s done. Besides, one of the ranch hands is going with us, too, our guide. Think they’re worried we might get lost ... Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, I talked to Jen last night, too. She and Rich are finally getting a night at home tonight, and they’re going to watch the video from last week. At least she hopes so if there’s no emergency but he’s not on call.”

“Ooh, I’d love to be a mouse hiding in the corner for that,” I told her. “You a little disappointed your ride won’t be private?”

She hesitated before answering, “Yeah ... a little. We wouldn’t have done anything anyway, though. My promise to you is still just as firm, speaking of which ... your date with Elle ... you looking forward to that I hope?”

“Ahh, hadn’t even thought about it,” I lied. Of course, Dani knew I was lying, which meant it wasn’t a lie. That make sense?

“Well, I want you to start thinking about it ... thinking about what you’re going to do to her.” There was a long pause, my mind was going there, imagining, my cock getting very, very hard. “Think I might send her a text, make sure she knows it’s all okay with me, except that one thing ... which you’re going to have to tell her ... and no making yourself come between now and then, either. Oh, too, if you get bored thinking about Elle, use your imagination, I’m sure you can picture what I’d love to be doing with Alan tomorrow.”

I didn’t know what to say. That image of Dani and Alan Ryder ‘practicing’ some love scene off in the secluded Montana woods was almost too much.

We disconnected after our goodbyes and love yous, and sure enough, right after, I got a text from Dani. Well, actually, it wasn’t to me, it was to Elle, just copied to me. ‘Hi, understand you have a date with my husband next week.’

I watched my phone the next several minutes, anticipating another text from Dani, something following it up. After ten-fifteen minutes, I gave up and set the phone down, letting my mind wander to Elle and Dani. Dani’s perverse mind game was certainly being effective, my mind alternating between doing ‘whatever’ with Elle and visualizing what Dani wanted to do with Alan Ryder.

‘Hope that’s ok?’ I didn’t expect that. Apparently, Dani’s text was such that I was copied on Elle’s responses, too.

‘Oh yeah, I suggested it. Think he’s taking you somewhere very romantic. Hope you have something very provocative to tempt him with. Pretty sure he’s going to be very randy.’ Yeah, there wasn’t much doubt about that, I thought. Already, and it was another week.

‘Have this dress I bought after my divorce, wanted Derrick to see it, remind him what he’d lost. Never had the courage to wear it, though.’

‘Sounds perfect. Wear it?’

My dick was already hard from this conversation. After what Elle had worn ‘that night’, I couldn’t even imagine ... never had the courage...?

There was a little more back and forth but my head (both of them, actually) was fixated on imagining a dress that Elle had never worn because she didn’t have the courage.

Dani’s perverse, long-distance mind game was certainly doing its job, my mind alternating between doing ... whatever with Elle and remembering how Alan Ryder had taken Dani in my dreams, wondering if it would ever happen for real ... and what it would be like if it did!

There wasn’t a hell of a lot of sleep that night.

Sunday evening, Dani enjoyed telling me about the beautiful views on their ride, the pristine and cold mountain lake, and their race through the meadow (Alan won). She didn’t mention any kind of liaison, but given the fact that her riding instructor and a guide were along for the ride, I doubted anything would happen anyway.

Thank God for the store. It kept me busy and tired during the following week. I managed to sleep with only a few dreams waking me.

I worked until noon, Saturday, then went clothes shopping like Dani had suggested. It was our Skype call Wednesday night, “Find a pullover shirt that laces at the top instead of buttons. I think it’s sexy, betting that Elle will, too.”

I didn’t quite understand, we’ve been married almost thirty years and she’s just now mentioning it? But what the hell, it’s what I went shopping for that Saturday afternoon. Found one, too, an off-white suede with leather lacing down about ten inches. Heck, I even thought it was kind of sexy. When I tried it on, I thought it would have looked a lot better on Dani, Jenny, or Elle, though – those laces left nice and loose. I already had a pair of brown, casual slacks that I thought would look good with it. Shopping that afternoon went a long way toward keeping my nerves at bay, from thinking about this mystery dress that Elle had mentioned to Dani, and what awaited that evening.

Knowing what would and ‘wouldn’t’ happen after dinner had my nerves back on edge on the drive to Elle’s. I’d slathered on the after-shave Dani had bought me some time ago, after I nicked my face with a razor. Last time I nicked my face, hell, I couldn’t even remember, just a little reminder of how friggin’ nervous I was. Damned cologne stung on that little nick, too. I dressed and sent Dani a selfie right before I left.

‘Lookin good, we’re in the middle of a scene, can’t talk. Have lots of fun, do me proud,’ she answered back.

Okay, I’d hoped that a conversation with her might have helped settle my nerves but no such luck. Of course, in retrospect, I realized she’d most likely have twisted the knife, instead.

Of course, this wasn’t our first date, but I took a deep breath before knocking on Elle’s door. It took a moment, hearing shuffling inside, then the knob turning, and the door opening. My heart was pounding a hole in my chest.

There, just inside, was a Goddess! I was speechless, my eyes traveling up and down. She’d worn the dress that she had told Dani she’d been afraid to wear. It was silky black, a deep ‘V’ between her breasts to just below her cleavage, then large cutouts of mesh starting under her right breast diagonally across her tight, creamy tummy to her left hip where the dress parted, leaving her left leg and hip fully open.

It was beautiful, sexy, whatever other adjectives I can’t even think of, easy to see why she’d been hesitant to wear it, though. Her most private ‘lady part’ was barely hidden, one of those cutouts making the fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear quite obvious. It had been two weeks since ... well, you know. I was fucking turned on just on the drive over here. And then ... this! I had no damned idea how I was going to get through this evening!

I will never again look at bankers in the same light!

Elle stood there under my gaze, not sure how long but I finally remembered I had a voice, “You’re ... oh my God, Elle, ravishing ... stunning ... I can’t even put it in words!” And Dani had told me I had to keep my dick in check all night. Fuckkkk!

And then Elle turned, the whole thing held together by very strategically placed strings laced across her back. If not for the strings, she’d look completely topless from behind.

“I was feeling a little naughty the night I bought this,” she explained.

A ‘little’ naughty? Gawd!

“It was right after my divorce. I wanted Derrick to see what he’d lost. He never did ... you’re the first.”

“Wow,” was all I could think to say, “I’m blown away ... thank you!”

Her makeup, her perfume, red lipstick, gloriously manicured and painted fingers and toenails, just holy shit hot! Every fucking thing about her.

I escorted her out to my car ... well, Dani’s Mustang to be more precise. My Accord’s nice, but it sure as hell doesn’t have the ‘aura’ of her Mustang. Besides, the Mustang’s clean. Show me a guy’s clean car...

“Love your shirt,” Elle told me, “looks like something some hunky movie star might wear.”

“Kinda tame in comparison to...” I started to say.

She interrupted me with her laugh, “Guess so,” she agreed, “you want me to change?”

“Umm, not on your life, I love what you’re wearing,” I told her. I just couldn’t wait to get it off her, I thought to myself.

Or at least thought it had only been a silent thought, until I felt Elle’s hand squeezing my upper thigh and her quiet follow-up, “Me, either.”

Just the drive to The River’s Edge was hard. It had been two weeks since Dani left for filming the movie, and I was already horny as fuck. I couldn’t keep my eyes on the road away from Elle for hardly over a few seconds at a time, and my dick was betraying me big time, trying to poke a hole in my new slacks. Of course, Elle’s hand on my groin wasn’t helping an awful lot, either. I wasn’t sure if that might have been cheating a bit on Dani’s rule, but at least it was over my slacks, not under them.

Just as I knew they would, all eyes were on Elle when we walked into the club. It was a little cool, mid-May in eastern Washington is not exactly a tropical paradise. I was glad I’d stipulated a river-view window table. The balcony would have been nice but with what Elle was wearing, it would have been uncomfortably cool.

It was a mostly clear evening with just a few scattered clouds, beautiful weather for a beautiful sunset. Methinks I did good with our reservation. We’d be sitting next to the big window overlooking the Columbia River right at sunset.

The place was exactly like the pictures Dani showed me on their webpage. Even though it was still light outside, the windows were translucent, letting the soft lighting from the table candles and dimmed overheads be dominant but still enough light for that sunset later. Most of the customers were either couples or foursomes, the ladies all dressed attractively to sexy. At a first glance, none quite like Elle, though. Pretty sure that’d be a safe statement no matter how many glances.

An attractive young hostess in a River’s Edge blouse and short skirt escorted us to our table. I followed along, watching Elle’s back and rear end in that dress, my hard cock pointing along the way. In any other circumstance, the young hostess girl leading Elle was an attention magnet herself, but my attention was focused on my evening’s date, thinking of little else except that dress falling off of her.

Jamie, the hostess, showed us to our table looking out over the river, Elle and I sitting on opposite sides, then asked what we’d like to drink. Elle and I both looked at their drink menu, and she asked me to choose. I scanned the menu and there it was, once again, the drink I’d never heard of until my dream, the first night of our week in Tampa with Alan Ryder, then again in Reno with Dani in real life, a Passion Fruit Colada. I ordered two.

After Jamie left, Elle told me, “This is beautiful, I had no idea...”

“You’re beautiful,” I couldn’t stop myself from saying, and she was; her makeup looked like it had been done by an artist, that gorgeous hair, and I guessed she’d probably visited a nail salon with her meticulously manicured nails and pedicured toes. And that dress! I ached to run my fingers inside it. Why in hell couldn’t we have been in a booth, sitting beside each other!

“What I really am is ... soooo turned on,” she told me, smiling and licking her lips like a ... oh damn! “My pussy is drenched. I’m just hoping I don’t have anything running down my legs before the night’s over.” She let out a little giggle, “No panties to catch it.”

And I hoped to hell I didn’t leave a sticky mess in these new slacks before the night was over! And the way I was feeling right then...

That dinner was one of the longest ever. My mind was in the gutter the whole time, watching the beautiful, sexy as fuck banker lady across the table from me, listening to the music from below wafting up through the floor, beckoning, calling me to wrap my arms around this girl, pull her to me, kiss her.

Minutes later, we were downstairs looking for a table. The place was full, the dance floor crowded, the music loud, a small band playing on the stage. “The deck,” I suggested. There were tables set up on the outdoor deck overlooking the river. I took Elle’s hand and led her outside to a bench. It was perfect; the gorgeous, bright sunset, the beautiful woman, and the ‘permission’ from my wife.

For the first time that night, my hand snaked under that sexy dress. There was no one in front of us, but I don’t think it would have mattered. Elle’s legs opened, and I felt the baby-smooth skin of her pussy lips, the wetness just inside. Elle squeezed her legs together, trapping my hand, along with a long, drawn-out, “Ohhhh,” escaping her lips.

“Want to dance?” I whispered in her ear, tickling her lobe with my tongue. Dani has always found that erogenous zone to be so sexy, so erotic, and I hoped Elle would, too. Oh, the joys of learning about each other. I anticipated learning much more before the night was over.

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