Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 35

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 35 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday morning, May 2nd, 2020

I felt bad the next morning when I woke up. Dani and I had been away from each other for over a month, and we hadn’t made love after she got home, but it was her fault. Wet as she was (and I know, I’d felt her), she said one more night wasn’t going to kill her.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand, six-forty-five, then rolled over to kiss my bride for the first time in thirty-three mornings.

Except there was no bride in our bed to kiss. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, not even realizing I was still stark-naked, and there was Dani, wearing one of my t-shirts, hair loose down her back, nothing else on that I could see, looking sexy as fuck, cooking sausage and hash browns. She looked up at me, kind of up and down, scanning my nakedness, with a smile on her face, “Good morning, sunshine, nice of you to finally get up.”

I looked at my watch again, it still said six-forty-five, just changed to forty-six, “Uhh, isn’t it still kind of early?”

She laughed, “Not when you’re used to five, even with the hour difference, I feel like I slept in.”

She walked over to me, held out her arms and I stepped right into them, “Welcome home!” I told her, kissing her, “I missed you.” I’d missed those bare tits under my t-shirt, too, pressing against my nakedness. “This what you been wearing every morning?”

She looked down at herself, her breasts bare under the shirt, a skimpy pair of panties on underneath, and nothing else, “Well,” she said, giggling, “not yours but pretty close ... I think Alan approves.”

Oh yeah, I’ll bet he does! “And is this how he greets you in the mornings?” I asked her, pressing her to me, our lips joined, pressing my tongue through hers.

“Mmm ... well, we DID need to practice when the opportunity presented itself ... he usually wore a bit more than you are, though ... you know, to keep his schlong covered,” she said, giggling, after she’d pulled her lips barely away from mine.

“What? Some of those tiny little tights?”

Another giggle, “No, to keep it covered he has to wear something loooonnnnggg,” drawing out that word to make her point. “Maybe in the movie you’ll see what he wears.”

Oh, shit! I was imagining what he might have been wearing. Then I had a thought, swelling my dick even more, “He, uhh, ever bake you anything before your morning ‘practice’?”

“Mmhmm, he’s a really good cook, makes these fantastic ... I’m not even sure what to call them, kinda like cinnamon rolls but different – lots better. They’re soft and gooey, sweet, with just a bit of a twang to them, kind of hard to describe ... I don’t know what’s in them but they make me feel all gooey inside.”

“You mean like ... sexy gooey? Horny gooey? Wet pussy gooey?”

“Mmm, yeah, I guess so, a little ... maybe a lot.”

“And that’s when you ‘practiced’?”

“Uhuh, want me to show you how good we’ve been getting?”

I stood there, mutely, wondering, no fucking way. She closed that inch, her lips soft, blending with mine, one hand behind my neck, the other on my butt, pulling us together, lips opening, and her tongue in my mouth. I kissed her back, she pulled away again, “Hands on my back, under my top,” she said, resuming the kiss. I did as she asked, pushing ‘my’ t-shirt up, my hands underneath it, caressing her back

“Mmm,” she groaned, “yes, like that!” our kiss deepening even further, Dani’s hands pressing her pelvis to mine, going on for what seemed like several minutes until she pulled away, “Not so sure his you-know-what realizes it’s just for practice, though ... it gets so big!” She looked at me, “And that, dear husband, is an on-screen kiss ... think we have a little more perfecting to do before the real thing ... naked ... don’t you?”


She called Jenny after breakfast and retired into her little office, all I heard was lots of giggling. After her forty-minute phone call, she rejoined me in the living room, “Jen’s coming to dinner with us tonight, maybe Richard, he doesn’t think they’re going to have anything come up tonight. He still is on call though, so will have to wait and see.”

“Jenny and Richard? I thought your parents and Jon were coming over tonight?”

“They are, but Jen and Richard, if he can, will be coming over, too. That okay?”

“Sure, wonderful, I always love their company.” Especially, lately, more than okay, I didn’t add. It made me wonder if they might be staying a bit later. Kind of made my heart rate jump a bit with hopeful anticipation. Could this possibly be the night, Dani and Richard ... Jenny and me?

I wondered if the Alvarezes had a sixth sense, knowing the exact day Dani would be home. I got an email from him that the farm will cost us $325,000. Two months ago – no way in hell could we have done that, especially with the expenses from the new store; Now – just have to wait for Dani’s paycheck.

I showed the email to Dani and she was on cloud nine, excited about actually owning her grandparents’ old farm. They’d attached a copy of the appraisal, $325,000. Not a bad investment for them, almost $200,000 profit in thirteen years.

Was Dani serious about her and Alan’s ‘practicing’? That’s going to bug the hell out of me and I know I’ll never get a straight answer I can trust from Dani. Dammit, her ‘demonstration’ kiss this morning did feel different. Arghhh!

We emailed back that we would be arranging financing, distracting me from Dani and Alan’s ‘practice’ and Jenny and Richard coming for dinner. Almost

I took Dani to downtown Pasco to show her the new store. I unlocked the front door and we walked in, everything gleaming, bright, counters all done, shelves stocked, ready for customers. It looked ... beautiful!

Dani stood at the entrance, her head swiveling back and forth, “It looks wonderful, ready to open?”

I nodded, “Would have this weekend, except...”

“It’s huge!” she said.

“Yeah, it’s about double the other one, you like it? I have five people hired, ready to open.”

“Love it, you’ll do so good with this.” She turned and hugged me, “I’m so proud of my husband!”

Can you say ‘beamed’!

It was after three when we got home after stopping at the grocery store for a couple things for dinner. Dani put the veggies in with her roast that she’d started in the slow cooker that morning, got the rolls ready to bake, and we sat in our backyard. It was the first of May, a beautiful springtime day, a wonderful time to be sitting with your beautiful wife, enjoying the balmy weather. That she was finally home after being gone for so long was such a bonus, I just sat and looked at her, imagining how lucky I was to have her.

Jenny popped through the door at quarter till five, she knows she never has to knock, carrying a salad that she put in the refrigerator. “Richard ... ugh! We were sure he was going to be able to come tonight, then the hospital called ... this couple from Seattle ... she’s in labor, going to have her baby anytime, he has to be there. Dammit!”

Jenny hardly ever swears. It was obvious that she was more than a little frustrated. “It always happens!” she complained, “seems like every time we have something planned.”

The last time, that Sunday evening ... yeah, frustrating! I guess that meant the likelihood of a little fun that evening had diminished to somewhere between nil and zero.

“You still up to do a little shopping before dinner?” Dani asked her.

“Yes! Let’s do it,” she answered, “Oh, by the way, welcome home, sis, we missed you,” giving Dani a big hug, then me a smaller hug ... but I got a kiss on the cheek, too. Eat your heart out, Daniella Shore!

“Back in an hour or so, plenty of time for dinner,” Dani told me going out the door, throwing a kiss.

It made me smile at how good of friends those two were, no matter what. My little stint in the hospital (is four months considered a ‘little stint’?) proved that beyond any doubt. As Dani told it, Jenny’s the one who held her together, was always there for her when she needed it. Thinking about it almost makes me cry. Tammy, Jon’s wife, was great, too, except her hours weren’t at all flexible like Jenny’s. All-in-all, Dani had a wonderful support network, Jenny leading the pack.

But anyway, it was just me in the house once again, at least this time only for a little while. I was sick of being alone in this house! Jon and Tammy showed up shortly after Dani and Jenny left. He’d become so indispensable, I wouldn’t have been able to open the second store without him, he’s really taken to the parts store business, I think even more than me.

Jon and I talked about the store while Tammy fussed in the kitchen, setting the table just so, so it’d look especially nice. Jon was excited, too, the store’s ready to go, opening Monday!

Jenny and Dani were back a little after six-thirty, Dani carrying a bag upstairs and coming back empty-handed. I’d seen a sack like that before somewhere, just couldn’t place it. Ah well, not important. “I thought you were getting something for dinner?” I asked Dani.

She looked over at Jenny, “I didn’t say anything about something for dinner, you?” she asked.

Jenny shrugged, shaking her head, “Don’t remember it if I did, don’t think so, though.”

Arghh, women!

Our guests had all arrived, Jon and Tammy, and Dani’s parents, and we had a wonderful dinner. Dani regaled us with stories from Montana: Her horse, Honey – she said she’s absolutely fallen in love with Honey, “Going to be so hard to leave her when the movie’s finished,” she said; the beautiful mountains, the small lake surrounded by tall, green grass on a high meadow, “The elevation of the lake’s over 10,000 feet, chilly when we ride up there early in the morning.”

“I’ve been learning to barrel race, it’s going to be part of the movie, guess you know about the Calgary Stampede, that I’m going to be in it. I’m going to be scared out of my mind!”

“Yeah, we all have tickets,” I told her, “I must have bought a couple of complete rows if they’d all been in one place, too bad they’re so scattered but that’s the best I could do.” Those tickets had cost a not-so-small fortune, too.

Dani’s narrative went on through dinner and after in the living room, everyone peppering her with questions. The one thing she didn’t mention was her ‘practicing’ with her costar. I don’t know if Dani’s parents even know about the love scenes she’s going to be in. It might be a bit of a shock to their system when they see their school-teacher daughter in that movie.

Thinking of Dani’s teaching made me wonder if she’d ever go back to it, if this movie would be a one-time thing or might be the beginning of an acting career. I guess only time will tell.

Jesse and Jake, Dani’s mom and dad, went home a little after ten, followed shortly by Jon and Tammy. We were disappointed that Jodi couldn’t be there, but she’s busy in school at Pullman, about a hundred-fifty miles away. I have a ticket for Calgary for her, though, she’ll be out of college for the summer.

This is the point that my disappointment clicked in, if only Richard was here...

After it was just the three of us, Dani looked over at Jenny, “You ready?” she asked.

Jenny nodded, I asked, “For?”

“You don’t need to know,” Jenny explained. Yeah, that explained a lot.

“Bring a chair, we’re going upstairs,” Dani told me.

She had me set the chair down alongside our bed, then directed me to strip, “And make it good,” Jenny added, “you’re our evening entertainment, we’re thinking of renting you out, making a little side cash, so this is your audition.”

Dani laughed. She LAUGHED! What a way to build a guy’s ego.

Well, I gave the best show I could, swaying my hips, slowly unbuttoning my shirt and sliding it off, licking my lips as I looked first at Dani, then at Jenny. This all felt like a dream but I knew it wasn’t. I slid my slacks down and stood there in nothing but my heavily tented boxers. “I want a hundred bucks a night, minimum,” I said, humping my hips at them for emphasis, sitting so smugly on the bed.

Dani and Jenny looked at each other, “I’m thinking closer to twenty-five,” she said with a giggle, seemed like Dani giggled a lot lately.

“The rest of it, need to check out the goods before we set a firm price,” Jenny said.

I took a deep breath, this was not particularly easy with two fully dressed, gorgeous women, both in pants and silky blouses, nothing particularly sexy, except that most everything is sexy on either one. I had no fuckin’ clue what the end game might be here. There’s always hope but I still didn’t think so, not without Richard. Okay, one more deep breath to steel my nerves, and then I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my shorts and pushed them down, stretching them out in front to get them over my swollen shaft, finally standing stark naked in front of my wife and her best friend.

This was NOT how I’d have anticipated this night going, not under any circumstances.

“Okay, sit,” Dani commanded, “I’d probably raise the price to ... maybe thirty-five dollars, maybe he’ll make another ten-fifteen in tips if there’s enough ladies in the room. What you think, Jen?”

She looked me up and down, with an evil grin on her face, can you say, ‘Cruella De Vil’ as she’s stuffing the last stolen puppy in her bag.

“I think it’s time for what comes next,” she answered. Well, that explained a lot.

Dani retrieved the bag from earlier, the one she’d quickly hidden away upstairs from their shopping trip. My eyes were wide as I watched her pull out two sets of furry handcuffs. Now, I knew where I’d seen a bag like that before, from Castle, the sex store.

She handed one to Jenny and kept the other, “Hands behind your back, Studmuffin,” Dani told me.

Jenny had kneeled in front of me with the other set, she looked up at Dani, “Studmuffin?” she asked with a giggle.

I felt the handcuffs clicking on my wrists behind the chair, the other on my ankles. Then Jenny sat up a little in front of me, looking at my dick, “Dani ... can I?” she asked, licking her lips. Yes, please tell her yes, I thought.

Dani was still behind me on her knees after handcuffing my arms behind me, “Be my guest,” she told Jenny, and my eyes must have rolled back in my head when I felt Jenny’s tongue flicking the tip of my cock. Oh shit!

For what seemed the longest time, there was nothing except her tongue, flicking, wrapping, licking, until finally her lips wrapped around the head and sucked, Jenny looking up at me, “Like that?” she asked, “Richard always does.”

“Uhuh, uhuh,” was all I could get out when her lips descended on me again, just around the head, no more. God, I wanted more!

And then she was done, scooting back and standing up, leaving behind a very engorged, hard dick standing straight up.

I hadn’t been paying attention to what Dani was doing, my mind a little preoccupied with other matters, not until Jenny stood up and I felt my feet and arms being pulled together under the chair. She’d apparently attached a strap between the two sets of handcuffs and was pulling them tightly together. When she finished, I could barely move. It was like in my dream, that time with Dani and Leslie that I hadn’t known was Leslie. Does that even make sense?

Then I watched as Dani sat down at her vanity, “It’s a little hard to wear much makeup when it’s your parents and your son at dinner,” she said as she began applying her makeup. I’ve never understood makeup, why girls think it’s so necessary, but I’m not complaining as it always makes Dani look sexy as hell. And that evening, tied to that chair, naked, watching her with her makeup, not having any idea what was coming next, both Dani and Jenny in the room, was about as big a turn-on as one can imagine. Even without all that, I have always loved watching Dani put on her makeup. Always have and always will be a major turn-on.

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