Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 34

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 34 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Friday evening, April 3, 2020

I took a deep breath, trying but not succeeding in making the lump in my throat go away before knocking on the door of the address Elle had given me. I’d read somewhere, long ago, probably some novel, that a knock on the door is more personal than ringing the doorbell, probably not in any etiquette manual since I’ve never opened an etiquette manual. For whatever reason, it stuck in my head, probably because it sounded so dumb.

Anyway, I knocked, didn’t ring. Then waited, my heart pounding, thinking this was insane, even being there, at another woman’s door. What the hell kind of a married man does that? I had just about talked myself into turning and running for all I was worth when I heard the lock click, and the door opened, the smile on the other side of the door to die for.

And my breath caught in my throat, any thoughts in total disarray, staring like the idiot I’m sure I looked like. I had never seen a banker look quite like that. She wasn’t dressed slutty or anything like that, but damn! Her skirt was a wrap-around, about three-quarters to her knees, satiny blouse, heels, stockings, lipstick, makeup, absolutely gorgeous ... and sexy as fuck!

“You look ... wow, just wow,” I finally managed to stammer.

I’d been madly lusting after this woman once, for my entire senior year and long after, and it had all come rushing back, engulfing me in the intensity.

She smiled, kissing me on the cheek, “Thank you,” she said. God, her perfume! The shock from that innocent little kiss reverberated through my body, I’d say like an electric shock, but that’s such a cliché. Still, it was like an electric shock surging through my body, cliché or not. I tried to picture in my brain what a real kiss from her would be like. No way, my brain just shorted itself out trying to go there.

Dinner was, shall I say, fabulous, especially the company. We went to Stockman’s Steakhouse, purported to serve the best rib steak in Eastern Washington, and I believed it after the first bite. Succulent, tender, juicy, tasty, exactly what I’d imagined actually kissing Elle might be like, minus the mad rush of emotions.

Oh God, I wanted to touch, all through dinner, it was just aching through me, the temptation nearly driving me insane. I was a gentleman, though, only touching where appropriate, at least where I thought was appropriate, and Elle never seemed to mind. Our booth was very private, too, conducive to talking ... and touching in not-so-appropriate places if I’d had the courage.

I was curious, “Where did your nickname, Elle, come from?”

She laughed, “My grandpa, he always nicknamed people, the only thing he could think of for me was the first letter of my name, so I became ‘Elle’. It’s stuck ever since.”

She asked me a little more about my dream during my coma.

I wanted to tell her everything, except I didn’t think we had a whole week that night, and that’d be just getting started. Instead, “Let me tell you about the night I tried to recreate one of my dreams.” I told her about buying the gold lame dress that Dani wore in the dream; about Rebekka with the double Ks instead of Cs, in my dream, then again in real life; taking Dani to Reno, and then that night.

“I blindfolded her before she even saw the dress, she had no idea just how sexy it was,” I told her, then about meeting Mark, how she danced with him, and I couldn’t take it, watching them. My narrative went on for a good solid half-hour before I finished, explaining how in our room that night I’d teased and tricked Dani into thinking her old high school crush was the one fucking her.

“And she thought it was...?”

I laughed, “I think at the beginning she thought so but as it went on, she figured it out, just didn’t know how I’d done it, but the thought of it got her juices flowing ... especially after the night she’d already had.”

“And we had a really good night the rest of the night,” I told Elle.

“Next day we accidentally met Mark again at breakfast, that was when the conversation came around to the movie from my dream and the talent agent. I don’t think Dani would have let me but with Mark’s coaxing, we actually called the number I somehow knew, and it was for real; the agent, the movie, everything, just like I’d dreamt it. Long story short, we flew to Tampa the following Monday, she auditioned, and now she’s in Montana going to be an actress.”

“Funny thing was, her crush I tricked her with that night ... guess who’s going to be her costar in this movie? Same guy ... who she’d already told me she has the major hots for, going to be doing nude love scenes with him.”

We finished dinner, and I asked Elle if she’d like to go dancing. “Love to,” she said, “I love to dance.”

Fifteen minutes later ... oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that I’d borrowed Dani’s ‘92 Mustang, thought Elle would enjoy the ride, didn’t think Dani would mind me trying to impress my date with her cool, sexy car.

Anyway, fifteen minutes after leaving Stockman’s, we were at Mario’s Dance Club. It’s a nightclub with an emphasis on live music and dancing. That night was ‘Tammy Wynette night’, a pretty blonde woman named Tonya was singing old Tammy Wynette songs, pretty damned well, too.

Holding Elle in my arms, hers around my neck, was an experience I’ll not soon forget; that soft, thin satin blouse hardly concealing anything, breasts pressed tight against my chest, that perfume ... oh the temptation of that short skirt! As the night went on and we had a few drinks, our bodies became tighter together, cheeks together, and during the song, ‘Almost Persuaded’, Elle nibbled on my ear and whispered, “Want to hear a secret?”

“Love secrets,” I whispered back.

Her tongue tickled my ear for a moment, then, “I like sex ... a lot,”

Huh? Did I hear what I just heard? My dick sure thought so, as it was suddenly ... and in that instant, Elle had turned her head just a little and we were kissing. A real kiss this time, not that of the peck on the cheek kind. My previous supposition that Elle would be a great kisser was entirely wrong, totally off base. She wasn’t a great kisser at all, she was a GREAT kisser! All of those things I’d imagined earlier were times ten.

I was still in shock, trying to absorb the emotions rushing through me when her lips backed off just a little, “Another secret ... I’m not wearing any panties.”

Ohhh! The puddle I became nearly collapsed on the floor. Well, one part of me hadn’t puddled, it was where every drop of blood in my body had pooled, filling it, stretching it. Her lips caught me again, her tongue probing mine. It was like that time with Jenny in my dream, except this time there was no Dani watching to make me nervous. We were alone, just the two of us. Well, along with another hundred or so strangers, but they’d completely disappeared from my mind.

I don’t even remember how it happened, my mind had become a haze, but some period of time later we were sitting back at our table. She was explaining, three years since her divorce, a VERY long drought for her. It took my mind more than a few minutes to become oriented to our surroundings again, to register what Elle was saying, “ ... we’d always had great sex, at least I thought so. We experimented with different positions, different rooms, sometimes even a lunchtime quickie. Then ... nothing. I wondered about all his evening and nighttime trips to the grocery store, a dozen eggs, loaf of bread, milk ... seemed like every night it was one thing or another that we needed, and then when he’d get home ... nothing, even when I dressed up for him.

“I hadn’t even thought about the neighbor three houses down and across the street. She liked to be outside in her bikini but I hadn’t ever thought too much of it, I kind of liked to show off a bit, too, once in a while. Apparently, Derrick paid a little more attention than I did.

“Like I said the other day, if he’d come to me first, I’d probably have gone along with it.” She chuckled, “I’d probably have become the ‘swingenest swinger he’s ever had’, to paraphrase the song we heard a little while ago. Maybe, even a threesome with the neighbor, who knows ... but he blew it with the sneaking.

“I remember how Derrick used to tell me how beautiful I was,” a tear slipping down her cheek, “it seems like an eternity ago. No one has told me that for over three years.”

“Elle, you’re stunning so...”

“No, let me finish,” but at least I’d gotten a smile from her, “you make me feel young again, pretty...” She hesitated, smiled that smile I remembered being so in love with back in the day, “I know what I want,” and leaned over to kiss me once again.

This time, my hand strayed, first to her knee. God, her lips were soft and cuddly, then her tongue...

Elle’s legs spread apart just a little, a hint. We were sitting at a table along the wall, facing the dance floor. If anyone had been looking, which I had no frickin’ clue, they’d have a clear view where my hand was migrating. Elle didn’t seem particularly concerned either, her thoughts perhaps otherwise occupied, as were mine,

Speaking of said hand, the feel of the skin of her inner thigh above her stockings was heaven itself, seemed to be a little dampish, from what I could only imagine.

As my hand strayed, Elle’s kiss only intensified. I remembered imagining what a kiss from this girl might be like when I was a kid back in high school. Now, I was finding out what I’d missed so long ago, her hand firmly clamped around my neck.

Back then, I’d most likely have drooled all over her. Now, at least, my drool was ‘mature’ drool.

My fingers were maybe an inch from their goal when I felt her legs clamp tight over them, and Elle’s lips left mine, “Think we’d better get out of here ... now,” her lips said.

Temporary sanity had resumed its rightful place in my head, “Elle, I...” I started to say, but she was already up, picking up her little clutch purse.

In Dani’s Mustang, before I even started the engine, at least a tiny degree of reason running through me, I told Elle, “You know I can’t ... not until Dani’s home, here ... she wants to be there ... watch...”

Elle smiled, I was afraid of some other reaction, not even sure what, “She somewhat of a voyeur? Wants to watch her husband fuck another woman?”

I nodded, dumbly, not sure what else to do. “And you know when she’s coming home?”

I shook my head, “Not sure, they hadn’t told her last we talked. I know they’re starting shooting the first of May, I’m hoping she’ll at least get a weekend before then, maybe more. We’d talked about me going there, but I don’t see that happening with trying to open the new store.”

Timing can really suck sometimes!

She leaned over the little center console of the car and kissed my cheek, “Then I guess we’ll just have to wait until ... whenever,” her hand straying to my crotch, squeezing the substantial pole that had developed there. I let out a very audible groan. It had already been a long time. The next weeks were going to be long and excruciating!

Starting with leaving Elle at her door. We kissed one final time, she opened the door, stepped inside, gave me a little wave, blew me a kiss and the word ‘later’, and her door closed. I knew damned good and well that if she’d invited me inside, I wouldn’t have been able to refuse. We’d have spent the night in pure bliss in her bed.

And in the morning, I’d have felt like a pure shithead for ‘cheating’ on Dani.

Oh, the dreams I had that night, Elle, Dani, even Jenny. I’ve had my share of morning wood, but that Saturday morning was fucking ridiculous! No way in hell I was going to survive until Dani came home, probably in weeks. I could see this becoming exponentially worse every day that went by. Dani wanted to watch our first time, Elle and me being mad with desire for each other. Well, it certainly appeared she was going to get her wish! I was already there and then some.

That morning, I thought about Dani and how badly I needed to talk to her, but no doubt, they’d be having breakfast. Alan Ryder was no doubt chowing down on his breakfast, and Dani’d be ... breakfast.

I thought I’d be okay with it and had even told Dani that. But now that I was pretty sure it was actually happening, I was like ... I can’t deal with this! The new store be damned, I was going to Montana!

Except I didn’t, after I got out of bed, cooked myself a potato patty, bacon, and a couple eggs, I got on the internet to buy a round trip ticket and calmed down. My dick didn’t go to sleep, but it dozed a bit, letting me think rationally. I’d talk to Dani tonight, then buy the fucking ticket.

That day I spent on my computer, ordering for the new store, setting the delivery dates for about three weeks. I could change that if it looked like Wade wasn’t going to have the store ready. By the end of the day, I’d pretty much finished stocking the store and was sitting at the computer waiting for Dani’s Skype. Somehow, it seemed especially important to talk to her.

It was nearly eight my time when I heard the little ping that told me Dani was online, nine in Montana. “Hi,” she said, a very tired look on her face.

“Hi,” I responded, nothing like an intellectual conversation. I think we were both just a little uneasy. Our last little visit was embedded in my mind, Dani dressed for her ‘date’ with Alan Ryder; the long, sexy nightgown. This time she was wearing one I hadn’t seen before, a new one, short, silky-looking. “Another date with your boyfriend?” I asked her. I remembered how I’d felt this morning, that I couldn’t take this, Dani sleeping with Alan Ryder. That feeling was back in an instant, my heart pounding, jealousy surging through me, another vow to go to Montana.

She smiled, “Uhuh, wanna watch this time?”

My heart must have come to a sudden, screeching halt, watch? My wife with Alan Ryder? No way in fuckin’ hell! “Yeah,” I told her. So how come my dick was suddenly ramrod straight and hard? This was actually happening and she was ... what, going to take her computer with her, keep me online? I’ve seen her and him before but those were just dreams, this was real. I wouldn’t be able to step in and stop it either. Maybe I could yell really loud over the computer, but I doubt either would hear, nothing I could do but just sit and watch.

Dani leaned over, opened her nightstand drawer and took out ... the black dildo I’d bought in Reno I’d dubbed ‘Alan’. She looked in the camera on her computer, licked the head, her tongue wrapping around it seductively, and said, “Mmm, my little buddy, he’s been keeping me company nights.”

THIS was her ‘date’ Thursday night? Like she had done, what, Tuesday night, an eternity ago, my wife spread her legs apart and rubbed it over herself, letting it push her panties slightly into her slit. My dick was about to burst in the seams.

I couldn’t have taken my eyes away if a gang of burglars had broken into the house with guns a-blazin’. Dani set ‘him’ down a moment, slipped her thumbs under the elastic of her panties, and slid them down her legs. She picked him back up and rubbed herself up and down a few times, letting out those pleasant little ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’, then began pushing him inside herself, lifting her hips off the bed, her face a study in grim determination, “Oh God, this feels so good,” working it around, hips humping.

“Want to see what I’ve been practicing?” she asked me in-between moans, pressing all ten inches of ‘Alan’ in and out of her engorged pussy.

Practicing? What? My mind wasn’t registering anything so well, watching my wife pleasuring herself in that sexy little gown. “Uh, yeah,” I managed to blurt out, no idea what she was talking about, not really caring, just wanting to watch ... whatever.

“Ohh, my, this feels so good! Give me a couple more minutes, then I’ll be ready,” she said, pushing ‘him’ inside herself all the way, and like the other night, with Alan deep inside her, twisting and turning, slowly working it in and out just a tiny bit, eyes closed, that ‘look’ on her face, then with a moan, slowly pulling him out.

“Can’t do that long without making myself come,” she said. But instead of setting it down and opening her eyes, rejoining the real world, Dani pressed the wet tip to her mouth, her tongue and then her lips wrapping around it. “Just love the taste, don’t you? Reminds me of Jenny, mmm, by the way have you and her...?”

Dani’s eyes were still closed, but I shook my head anyway, then heard myself say, “No, but...”

“Good, I want to be there, and hopefully, Leslie ... want you to be so horny!” and then she began pushing ‘Alan’ inside her mouth ... deeper and deeper, sucking, her cheeks hollowed out. She gagged a little bit, pulling him back out, “Now, what I’ve been practicing,” taking a couple deep breaths and pressing it back down. She pressed it into her mouth several inches, gagged again like she was at the back of her throat, pulled him out slightly, tipped her head back, and pushed again, breathing hard through her nose. This time, there was no gag, I could tell she was swallowing and suddenly, she began pushing it deeper.

My eyes were burning a hole through my screen, Dani’s neck beginning to show a creeping bulge as inch after inch of ‘Alan’ disappeared into her mouth! I have no friggin’ clue how long it took, could have been seconds, could have been minutes, but that entire ten-inches disappeared into Dani’s mouth! She sat there a moment, legs spread apart, her pussy soaking wet, the dildo down her throat, and began to pull it out, then back in, fucking her mouth and throat with ‘him’.

God help me, I couldn’t take it, my dick spasming jet after jet of cum. I reached down, gripping myself, jerking frantically, first over my shorts, then reaching inside where it was wet and gooey, sliding my hand up and down the slickness, trying hard to muffle my groans. I don’t think Dani even realized what she’d done to me, her eyes were still closed, looking up toward the ceiling so that ten-inch, lifelike shaft could fill her, literally all the way through her neck.

After I haven’t a clue how long, she began pulling it out, set it down on her nightstand and picked up a glass of ice water that I hadn’t noticed before, taking a long drink. After setting the water back down, she looked back into her screen, a smile on her face, and asked, “Think he’ll like that? Wonder what it’ll be like with his cum shooting down my throat.”

Oh God, if I hadn’t already come...!

“Tell me about the rest of your week, you had a date with Leslie?” She hadn’t even realized what she’d done to me, her little exhibition making me come.

I nodded, I hadn’t intended to tell Dani anything about it, even that I’d gone out with her. Of course, that was partly because I’d thought she’d already done the deed with Alan Ryder. Now, it hardly seemed fair to not tell her ... well, maybe not EVERYTHING.

“I did, we went out last night, to Stockman’s, then Mario’s, where Jenny had seduced me in my dream. The singer was doing Tammy Wynette songs.”

“Ooh, I love Tammy, always have, was the singer good?”

Umm, most of the night, I hadn’t even noticed, “Yeah, not like the real thing, but she was pretty good.”

“So, what did you do, you kiss her?”

“No, she was on the stage, I didn’t she’d appreciate it if I stormed the stage and gave her a big kiss.”

Dani rolled her eyes, “Elle, you idiot, you kiss Elle?”

I nodded, chuckling, proud of myself for my little stab at humor. “We enjoyed ourselves. She, uhh ... whispered in my ear that she liked sex ... a lot. I told her we couldn’t until you were home.”

She giggled, “Bet that made you hard, didn’t it? Going to make it a little hard to wait, huh?”

“Uhh, yeah!” I told her, “and to answer your question, Elle kisses very well.”

Dani told me about her days, how tired she was every night, but also how much she was enjoying it, the riding especially... “If you discount how hot my pussy is for Alan Ryder, almost every minute we’re together, which is almost always.”

She went on, “Tomorrow’s going to be a day off, going to be busy, we’re all taking a long ride up the mountain, but no barrels, and no working the cows, just a fun ride.”

“What do you do in the evenings? Is it just you and Alan in the house or are others staying there, too?” I held my breath, waiting for her to answer. It’s what I’d been agonizing about, her leisure time, alone with Alan Ryder.

She smiled, “Mmm, those have been the most fun times. We sit and talk, he’s told me so much of his football career, did you know he was married for a while? Several years, in fact, but he said she couldn’t tolerate his football coming first. And then, after he retired, he just hasn’t found anyone.

“That’s it, you talked?”

“Well, we’ve watched an occasional movie but getting up at five every morning kinda necessitates going to bed early.” She let out a giggle, “We watched Basic Instinct together one night, that was fun. Sharon Stone is soooo sexy!” Her eyes kind of drifted off into space for a moment, “I got a little hint how big he is when he’s aroused, and you’re right ... that dildo doesn’t do him justice.

“We talked about our own love scenes. He thought maybe we should practice.”


“Remember that audition kiss? We worked on that, purely work, you understand. After a little bit, we decided we had it down pat. Practiced a little more, anyway. You know, just in case ... and we are beginners at this, pretty inexperienced ... but he has a really nice tongue. I’ve tried to picture what it’s going to be like doing this naked, just can’t quite wrap my head around it.”

We talked another half-hour, then Dani said she was getting up at six, laughing about it, “They call that sleeping in ... I guess since it’s Sunday and going to be a fun day, just riding, instead of working.”

I got her to show me what she was going to be wearing, one of the pairs of leather pants and western blouse we’d bought in Pendleton, and then the underwear she’d planned, another sheer, lacy set. I was already hard again, picturing it, picturing Dani getting on and off her horse in that outfit.

“Oh, one more thing, they’ve given us a schedule, we’re not going to have any time off except Sundays, until the end of the month, then shooting’s starting on the 4th of May. We’ll have a long weekend right before that so I’ll be able to come home for a couple days. The director’s hoping that the shoot in Calgary will be the last, but they can’t be sure of that.” She laughed, “I just realized, they must have planned it that way, in case I get killed at the rodeo, they can still finish the movie.”

I clicked on my computer’s calendar, that left four long weeks until Dani could come home! I made a mental note that the new store would NOT be opening that week.

I’d love to be able to say the next four weeks went by in the blink of an eye. Except that you’d know damned well that there wouldn’t have been a stitch of truth in it. It was the longest, most miserable four weeks of my life! Thank God for the distraction of the new store.

There were perks, the daily (most days) Skyping with Dani, I had frequent lunch dates with Elle, and Friday nights were our real date nights. I’m not going to get into all the details, but suffice it to say that what Dani said about hoping I’d be horny is sure as hell going to be on the money!

Elle and I were, how do I say it, out of our minds with wanting each other! Every Friday night date was leaving us panting for more. Everything we did was outside our clothes, I hadn’t even felt a naked boob. But, oh did we grind, dancing and in the car afterward. That last Friday before Dani was going to be home, we went to Columbia Park along the river and made out like a couple of ultra-horny teenagers. Keeping our vow of ‘over the clothes’ was turning into next to impossible.

Since picking Elle up on our first date that Friday night, I had never been in Elle’s house. I think we both knew that if I ever crossed her threshold, we’d be lost and end up in her bed, naked. Dani knew we’d been dating while she was gone, but I always made it a point to skip the details, even though she asked often.

I had a distinct feeling that Dani wasn’t telling me everything, either in our Skype calls, just how close and comfortable with each other she and Alan Ryder were becoming ... with their ‘practicing’. As far as her riding, she’d told me more than once how comfortable she’d become, even the barrel racing for that scene in Calgary. She’d graduated to a true, championship barrel racing horse that they’d brought in for her, and her times were actually becoming more and more competitive with the professionals. She said she wouldn’t actually ‘win’ in Calgary, but her coach said she could likely be in the top ten at least. Of course, she wasn’t going to actually compete, but she’d look every bit as good as the others.

Alan, too, she said, had adapted to his role as the ranch foreman. She said they still didn’t know any of the details about their love scenes, except the rumors that they were hot, but was excited about performing with Christian Bale. Like I said, she’s had the hots for him so has been nervous about any love scenes they might have, too, even performing with someone like him,. “The whole thing just still seems so dreamlike,” she’s said so many times.

It was a Friday morning that I got a phone call from Janet, last name unknown, the studio’s publicist. She wanted to meet with me the earliest I could to talk about the dreams that had started this whole business. I suggested Monday morning and gave her my address. She said she’d be here, eight a.m.

That afternoon I met with Jon, and together we put together a ‘help wanted’ ad for the paper and the auto parts trade newsletter.

Then I debated how much I was going to tell Janet, which all my careful deliberations went out the window when I met her Monday morning. There’s a reason she’s a publicity director. if there’s an easier woman to talk to, I sure as hell hadn’t met her. She’s probably somewhere around her thirties, attractive but not in the Dani category.

“First, I want to tell you about how Dani sat at my bedside for four months...” I told her, going on to explain what I’d told Elle a couple weeks earlier, how much that meant to me. As far as the accident and dreams, I started by telling her about my inquisitiveness of Dani’s first time, how she’d lost her virginity, the fact that she wouldn’t tell me anything; then the night of my accident that I didn’t even know was an accident.

Janet was more than a little surprised when I told her the name of Dani’s homecoming date that night in my dream, Alan Ryder, the very same Alan Ryder who she was going to be ‘making love’ with in this movie.

“I know Daniella said they knew each other in school, but she hadn’t said anything about him being a lover,” Janet said.

“They weren’t, only in my dreams ... and in Dani’s fantasies back then.”

“So, she must have known him pretty well, had a crush on him?”

I laughed, “As she told me about it later, EVERY girl in school had a crush on Alan Ryder.”

She smiled, “That’s what we’re planning on, that every woman who sees this movie will fall for him ... same as the guys with Lynette ... that’s Daniella’s name in the movie ... so be ready for it,” she said. “I’ve been eager to see the love scenes between these two, now I’m even more anxious.”

I’m not sure how my face looked, but I know how it felt, “Scenes ... as in plural, more than one?”

She chuckled, “I’ve seen the script, there’s definitely more than one ... and they’re going to be hot and steamy...” she went on, “and I know this director, it’ll be sexy as fuck but nothing even remotely vulgar.”

Hot! Steamy! What the hell else would I have expected? It took me several minutes to catch my breath ... and to let my dick deflate a bit. It’s pretty much what Dani had told me the rumors were that they’d heard.

We spent three days hashing every aspect and every detail of my dreams. Janet stopped me, asking questions whenever she felt like I was leaving out some detail, mostly when I was, in fact, leaving out details that I hadn’t thought she’d need, like how Alan Ryder had pushed the horny, blindfolded Dani up against a bathroom wall and driven his cock inside her ... just a taste, enough to leave her quivering on the floor, begging for more. I wasn’t sure why she needed details like that but she’d insisted on ‘everything’. Not that I wasn’t enjoying telling this attractive, young woman these kinds of little niceties.

I told her all about Tevin, the first time when they were teenagers and Alan had ‘loaned’ her to his shy cousin, then that night after we bought the truck in our hotel room.

“Hmm,” she started, “what town was that?” she asked.

“Tallahassee,” I told her, “he was the sales manager, sold us an F150.”

She looked thoughtful, a smile showing on her face, “You know anything about Alan’s family?” she asked.

I shook my head, “No ... why... “ and then it hit me, “he has a cousin, Tevin, doesn’t he?”

“No, not that I know, we didn’t dig quite that far distant in his relations, but he does have a brother, Kevin ... he’s the sales manager of a Chrysler dealership ... in Tallahassee, Florida.”

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