Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 33

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 33 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Tuesday night, March 31, 2020

“I am sooo tired,” Dani said at nearly nine o’clock when she finally skyped me from her laptop. I was on my laptop, had been sitting here waiting for her call. God, she looked good, even though it was only her face I was seeing, “and my butt is so sore!

“Breakfast at six, then I met my horse for the film, she’s a beautiful golden palomino named Honey. She’s almost the exact image of Trigger, Roy Rogers’ horse. We’re already in love, it’s going to be heartbreaking when this is over and I have to leave her, I know.”

A horse, she’s fallen in love with a horse! Not exactly the romance I expected. “I take it you rode today?” I asked her, stating what seemed like the obvious after I spent about three seconds thinking.

“All day, it was after dark when we got home.” She chuckled, “It’s been one day and I’m already calling this home. So, you do anything exciting today?”

“Well, I had the loan meeting with the bank this morning.”

“With Leslie, you mean? How’d that go?”

How’d it go with Leslie? “She ... ummm ... she said the loan looked good, had to be approved by their loan committee, should be by tomorrow closing time,” I told her.

“That’s wonderful ... but not exactly what I meant. How’d it go ... with Leslie?”

“We had lunch, talked a lot ... she gave me her phone number.”

I could see the smile forming on Dani’s face, “So you’re going to call her, ask her out?”

“Maybe ... another lunch ... sometime,” I told her.

“Dinner? Dancing?” she asked.

“Methinks you’re getting a little ahead of yourself. What about you, was Alan there today?”

Her smile widened, “Uhuh,” was all she said.

“Anndddd? Tell me, girl!”

She licked her lips, and got that dreamy look on her pretty face, “I wanted to kiss him ... so many times, rip his clothes off... “ She stood, standing back from her computer so it’d take all of her in, doing a little twirl in that skimpy, sheer black babydoll nightie and sheer panties she was wearing, her boobs and pink nipples showing through the thin material, “Think he’d like this?”

“But I’m not going to kiss him, rip his clothes off ... or let him rip mine off ... not until ... the movie, the love scenes ... make them not only seem real ... but be real.”

I groaned, my dick coming to life in a very ‘big’ way. “Think Leslie’d look good in this?” she asked after she’d climbed on the bed, her knees spread apart, hands running over her breasts, pinching nipples.

She was trying to kill me, had to be!

“Found your present,” she said, “want me to try it out? Want to watch?”

“Uhhh!” Holy shit, my heart pounded in my chest.

“You going to ask her to dinner, hmmm?” she asked, toying with the little panties of that ‘thing’ she was wearing.

My eyes were like ... fixed on what I was seeing, what my Dani was doing. My brain had stopped functioning. It had only been two nights ago that we’d ... you know, with that hoop. It seemed an eternity, already.

Dani looked down at herself, teasing, pushing down on her panties just slightly, then a hand returning to pinch a nipple. She groaned, “Hope you decide pretty soon, I’m soooo horny, and I’d hate to have to turn my computer off first.” She looked into it, reaching for it, began closing the screen...

“Okay, I’ll ask her to dinner, another lunch first,” I agreed, succumbing to my pervert status.

Dani smiled, “And no playing with yourself, either ... nothing until I’m home ... I want...”

“I know what you want.”

“ ... to watch you make love with her, your first time.”

‘Your first time,’ Those words had meaning, she didn’t intend this to be a one-time thing. God, my dick was hard!

She reached over to the nightstand, pulled open the drawer and took out the long, black, thick thing that I’d dubbed ‘Alan’. She lay on her back, knees bent up and spread far apart, rubbing it up and down herself, her other hand over a breast, kneading it. “I don’t think he’d bother taking the panties off, do you?” as she rubbed the head of it up and down over her slit, over the thin lace panties.

“He’s in the other bedroom, probably as tired as me but still wishing he was in here, maybe even as much as I’m wishing the same thing,” she said with a small groan. Her face, it was a study in concentration, I could smell her arousal through the computer, ‘sensory memory’, the experts would likely call it. My cock was like a heavy, steel rod, I daren’t touch!

The black dildo pushed her panties aside, revealing the soft pink of her bare pussy lips, I was wishing someone would zoom the camera on her computer in a little more. Her head was back, her mouth ajar, her hand pushing it in, just an inch ... another inch, groans coming from Dani’s mouth, her other hand inside her babydoll over her tit.

It went in a little deeper, slowly, deeper and deeper inside her, the groans getting much louder.

“You have to stop ... before you come,” I told Dani over the computer speaker, “what’s good for the goose...”

“Ohhh no ... don’t make me... “ she whimpered.

“Yes,” I reiterated, “have to ... before... “ and she plunged ‘him’ into her vagina, her hips bucking up to meet it, trying hard to muffle her moan.

“One more, then ... out,” I told her, hardly able to stop myself from shooting, needing so badly to just wrap my hand around ... the precum lube is there, just ... once ... so briefly!

Dani’s grip on ‘Alan’ was hard, now both hands. She pulled ‘him’ out, almost all the way. As she lay there, panting, the dildo at her entrance, I told her, “He’s bigger, imagine what he’d feel like, maybe sucking your tit while he plunged himself into you ... once more, then hold him inside you until I say. Just ... don’t ... come! NOW!” I yelled into my computer.

And she did, all at once, her legs spread wide, hips up off the mattress, almost a wild-girl look on her face, eyes wide open, unseeing, a silent scream from her lips, “Hold him there, wiggle him around, rub him against your clit, let your cunt know it’s being fucked.

She did as she was told, biting her bottom lip until it was bleeding, face in a tight grimace, “Now, pull him out ... you’re done.”

Again, she did, dropping ‘Alan’ on the floor beside the bed, then curling herself up in a ball, rocking back and forth, groaning.

I’d forgotten to tell Dani about the Alvarez’s, the farm. Our computers were off, Dani still recovering from her little exertion, me from the restraint of touching myself. I envied Dani, she can play and restrain herself, at least to an extent, I can’t. If I’d touched myself even slightly, I’d have exploded. Once it starts to boil up, it’s too late, like trying to stop a broken dam from crumbling.

Wednesday was a much quieter day than Tuesday had been, I cleaned house, wanting to keep it spotless for when Dani finally got to come home. It was just fucking strange not having her there. I wanted in the worst way to call her, just to hear her voice but knew it wasn’t possible, she’d be out riding somewhere on a huge ranch. I seriously doubted they even took cell phones, but she’d be busy in any case. I didn’t want to come across as an insecure husband, even if I was. I knew I’d get a chance to talk to her later in the evening.

It was a little after three that Elle called me, that the loan committee had approved my loan. “Wonderful,” I told her, “I can sign the lease and get my contractor to work, hopefully have the store open within the month, thank you.”

And it was time, my heart pounding, I asked Elle, “Could I take you to lunch tomorrow? I found a place that I hoped you might like, ‘The Rock’. I heard that it’s kind of loud, but they make a wonderful wood-fired pizza,” and I held my breath, waiting for her answer.

It didn’t take long, she’d sounded cheerful when she told me about the loan, but now almost like a schoolgirl, “I’d love to,” she said, “do I need a little extra time over the hour?”

My grin widened, I felt like I’d hit the jackpot, like jumping and clicking my heels all over again, like a school kid whose crush agreed to a date he’d been scared to death to ask. “I don’t know, would be great if you could, though,” I told her.

And at lunch, if all went as well as our last lunch, I was going to ask her to dinner Friday night!

She suggested I come in at 11:45 to sign the final loan papers.

None of which I told Dani that night when she Skyped me, other than the loan’s approval. This time she was wearing flannel pajamas. I didn’t know she’d even taken anything like that. “Forgot to tell you last night, we seemed to have gotten a bit distracted, I met the owners of the farm,” I told her, “You remember anyone by the name of Loretta, a neighbor, woulda been about twenty-five years older than you?” I asked.

She scrunched her face like she does when she’s trying to remember something, “No, should I?”

“She was one of your neighbors, apparently knew your grandparents and mom pretty well, remembered you, said you were ‘a precocious little thing, so pretty’, were her exact words,” then I had a thought, “what about Lori, that name mean anything?”

She perked up, “I do remember a woman named Lori, she was about my mom’s age, nice lady as I recall. You get her last name before her marriage?”

Damn, why hadn’t I thought of that? “No, it never crossed my mind, but Lori was Loretta, her husband called her that, but anyway, she and her husband are the owners of the farm. They’d hoped to someday fix it up, same as what we talked about but couldn’t because of her health problems. They sound like they’re going to be willing to sell it.”

Dani was excited, I could tell, “They said they would?” she asked.

“Not in so many words, but did say they’d get an appraisal,” I tried to remember exactly what they had said, “also, that they’d love to see it lived in again. Mrs. Alvarez, Lori, said she loved that old barn.”

“It has to be the woman I’m remembering, then, I faintly remember her in the barn helping Mom feeding the horses. So, other than that, how was your day?” she asked.

“Other than the loan approval, not much,” I said, I still didn’t want to tell her about my lunch date with Leslie, not yet. “What about you, your butt still sore? Anything with Alan you should be telling me?”

“Yes, and yes,” she said, “we rode all day again, this ranch is just incredible, I love it! If I can’t have this ranch when we’re done here, I’m going to want to take Honey home with me.”

“Okay, so you’re in love with Honey, not exactly the romantic liaison I’d envisioned, but anything else? What about Alan, you gave a pretty definitive yes to him, too, I noticed.”

“Well, after last night, you kind of left me ... hanging, and he mentioned this morning that my room was a bit noisy last night. Talk about embarrassing! But I think I have some competition for his affection, my riding instructor has fallen in love with him, too.”

“What, he’s gay?” A gay riding instructor? I guess there’s no reason why not, it just seems surprising.

Dani laughed, “Well, not exactly, he’s not a he, he’s a she. I’m betting you’ll like ‘him’, too, she’s pretty, nice, too, I like her, names Lee Ann, Le’ah.”

“Your instructor’s a woman? Seems a little surprising.” As soon as I said it, I knew it was stupid, why not?

“Men and women ride a little differently, we each have an instructor, Alan has a man with him, but we’re all together most of the time. I think tomorrow, they’re going to start me on barrels, I told them I’d like to do the barrel racing myself, that I loved it when I was a kid, not that my horse was great, but it was still fun. Today, we spent part of the afternoon working cattle, it’s been so much fun, hard work, too. These guys that do this for a living have earned my respect.”

“Barrel racing? Isn’t that kind of dangerous? And ... why?” I didn’t understand, not at all. I also hadn’t known she’d done it before. It seems there’s a lot about my wife I’ve been learning lately.

“My character was a professional barrel racer when she was younger, there’s a scene of her at a rodeo where she meets her future husband, she was twenty. It’s going to be shot on site at the Calgary Stampede, and they’d like me to do the actual race, said I’d be made up to be twenty again ... Oh, and I found out who our other costar is, you remember watching ‘3:10 to Yuma’?”

“Uhh, yeah,” Don’t tell me, no fucking way!

“Remember the actor I teased you about, told you how hot he was, that he could do me any time?”

It is, it’s fucking...

“Christian Bale,” she said, at the same time her eyes swooning, “he’s going to be my husband, I hope we have a hot love scene, don’t you?”

Alan Ryder, fucking Christian Bale, who the hell else is my wife going to be madly in love with? Most likely naked with? Well, she’s already in love with Honey, too, but she’s a girl, I don’t think that matters so much in the scheme of things, but she’s also a horse, so that kind of negates the significance of a love affair.

My dick was throbbing hard thinking about it, first Dani was going to be the wife and lover of the one celebrity I could think of that she’d actively voiced the desire to ‘do her’. Yeah, I know she was just kidding ... I think. Next, the lover of the retired NFL great who she’d had a crush on since high school ... Damn, double damn!!

We talked about mundane things the next fifteen minutes or so, not that my aching hard-on let up any, until Dani said she was really tired and needed to go to bed. First though, she remembered, “Oh, one more thing ... Julie, my acting coach ... oh, forgot to mention that to you, I have an acting coach. Anyway, when we were talking about the scene at the Calgary Stampede, she suggested you might want to get a ticket for that day. I know I’m going to be scared to death, but it should be a lot of fun, too, it’ll certainly be a new experience, that’s for sure.” Anyway, it’s July 11th, the final day of the rodeo, when the crowd will be the biggest.”

I told her there was no way I’d miss that. Hell, ‘new experience’ didn’t even begin to cover it. If you’da told Dani a month ago she’d be the star in a major movie and barrel racing in the Cargary Stampede, she’da laughed you out of the room.

The thought was quickly going through my head that there were a lot of other people who’d want to be there as well, Jon, Jodi, Tammy, both our sets of parents, and no doubt Richard and Jenny. Probably others as well. The thought of my Dani barrel racing in a real rodeo, especially a big-time rodeo like Calgary, one of the biggest in the world, wow, just fucking WOW!

Dani texted me a selfie, modeling what she said she was wearing Thursday for her encore barrel racing experience. She called the panties ‘boy-shorts’, not that any ‘boy’ I know would wear those silky things, but damn, they looked fuckin’ good on her, though! Same with the matching bra, then another selfie in the tight leather pants and blouse. If not the fastest barrel racer, she’d sure be at the top of the race for the sexiest. Was she feeling the competition from her riding instructor?

Thursday morning, I called Ellen, the store’s realtor, and told her I was ready to sign the lease agreement, agreeing to meet her at two that afternoon, then met Wade, my contractor, at his office, going over the plans he’d had done, and the color scheme his wife had made. The woman was an artist! I made some minor suggestions for changes on the display and counter layouts, and told him to go to work. I knew the painting she’d envisioned was far beyond my abilities, so told him to take care of that as well. Dani would be pleased.

After that, lunch with Elle.

I went into the bank at 11:45 as she’d suggested and waited while she finished with another customer, then when the guy left, sat at her desk. Elle was all business, going over the particulars of the loan, and going over the papers one at a time, both of us signing in all the required boxes. At about ten after twelve, we were done, and Elle said she’d meet me at the car in two minutes. I thought she probably didn’t want to be seen leaving with a customer, maybe some professional thing about lunch with a customer.

As promised, just a few minutes later, Elle came out of the bank and around the corner to my car. This time she was wearing the skirt I’d wished for last time, nothing particularly sexy, just very attractive, tight, to just above her knees. I avoided looking when she scooted into the car. And if you believe that...

Well, at least my head was looking where it should have been, if you weren’t looking at my eyes. They were drawn to the seat beside me like moths to a light, and I was very impressed with the view. I was wishing I’d brought Dani’s Mustang. The Accord just didn’t quite scream sexy like her Mustang.

“Signing the lease this afternoon,” I told her, “my contractor will be going to work right away.” I didn’t want her to think I was a sexist pig who was only interested in her appearance. Even though...

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