Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 30

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 30 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday evening, March 28

Dani had dressed for our dinner with Jenny and Richard, wearing her ultra-sexy ‘New Year’s’ outfit; sheer blouse, no bra, ten-inch silky skirt, and red heels. God, the thought of her wearing that with Jenny and Richard in the house raised an instant hard-on.

It was only a few minutes later, time spent drooling, that Jenny opened our front door. She’d long since ceased bothering to knock, knowing that she and Richard were welcome in our house, any time, same as we were in theirs.

Richard’s eyes were instantly on Dani. Not that I could blame him, not in the least. He had never seen my wife dressed like this before. Hell, until I awoke after my accident, I hadn’t, either. She was fucking sexy! And I was dying to know what, if anything, she had on underneath that skirt. If you’d asked me before my accident if Dani would ever dress like this for a dinner with Richard and Jenny, I’d have laughed you out of town. Not a fucking chance in hell!

My thoughts were on Dani, Richard watching her, when Jenny took off her jacket. If I’d thought ‘holy shit’ before, this was quadruple ‘holy shit’! Jenny, sweet, beautiful Jenny, dressed exactly as Dani was; same skirt, except black instead of red, same transparent blouse, same ... nothing on underneath it!

My heart rate instantly doubled, my already hardness must have hardened another point or two on the hardness scale ... and, Richard, from the look on his face, was just as shocked with his wife as I was.

I’ve mentioned before that Jenny is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever known, if not the most beautiful. Dani knows it, too, and between her exercise classes and her professional dancing, her body is nothing short of exquisite, even at forty-nine. It’s just that I’ve never actually seen her body ... quite like this before. Those long legs going on forever. Yeah, she’s worn short skirts and dance costumes many times, just ... nothing even remotely like this. I’ll admit that I’ve used my imagination, trying to picture what was underneath, but one’s imagination can only go so far, it doesn’t do reality the justice it deserves. I’m sure that Richard was thinking the same about Dani, too.

Maybe I’d figured out what Dani had been doing that morning, shopping with Jenny? Even so, why would I have had to be gone for that? Unless I hadn’t even been supposed to know she’d gone out with Jenny. It still didn’t make any sense.

Jenny put her arm over Dani’s shoulders, “Are we going to have dinner ... or are you boys going to just stand there and gawk?”

Richard, quiet, reserved Richard, looked at me, then back at his wife, “I’m okay with gawking,” he said. We all broke into laughter. Hell, I was perfectly okay with it, too. What the hell was going to happen tonight?

But dinner awaited. Dani led the way into the dining room, and Richard put down a pan of what looked like Jenny’s homemade garlic bread wrapped in foil, along with two bottles of red wine, likely expensive. Jenny and Richard are much more attuned to wine than Dani and me.

The dinner, the wine, and the view, not particularly in that order of preference, were fabulous. It was a little hard to keep the staring from being quite so obvious.

Jenny told us about a funny thing that had happened at her exercise class that afternoon. Apparently, one of the women had a ‘wardrobe malfunction’, and a boob accidentally popped out. When Dani pressed her, teasing, Jenny insisted, “No, it wasn’t me, remember Cheryl?” Cheryl was a little older than us, overweight but very energetic and bubbly, VERY big boobs.

“She was mortified, but I told her she was fine and finally got her to laugh about it with the rest of us. Thankfully, probably the only thing saving her was that there weren’t any guys in the class.”

After dinner, Dani got up and brought each of us about a two-inch square of chocolate brownie, and poured another glass of wine. I looked up at her as she handed the brownies out, and received nothing back except a smirk when I mouthed the words, ‘are they?’ Surely, she wouldn’t have ... would she? I’d mentioned Alan’s brownies to her and imagine there are recipes on the internet and as for the ‘good’ ingredient, there are shops everywhere.

Was that what the four hours kicked out of the house had been about?

Before Dani sat back down with her brownie, she gave a copy of her movie contract to Jenny and Richard.

“What’s this?” Jenny asked.

“Just skim it,” Dani told her.

As they both nibbled on their brownies and read, their eyes and expressions showed their reaction, almost the same as our family’s last night, total disbelief.

When Jenny finished ‘skimming’, she looked up at Dani and asked in a most incredulous voice, “Is this real?” Dani and I both burst out laughing, they were the exact words and reactions as the night before.

“What’s so funny?” Jenny asked.

Dani was still giggling, trying to stop, “Tell you later,” she said, “but to answer your question, yes, it’s real. I’m leaving Monday for Montana to learn to ride for the movie. My character’s a retired barrel racer and rancher’s wife, so I have to ride like I’d been horseback all my life.”

We spent the following ten-fifteen minutes of dessert time answering questions. The question of the nudity and love scenes never came up, which kind of surprised me. Much of the conversation was me explaining about the part of my dream meeting April, the makeup girl, Dani’s subsequent impromptu modeling, meeting Amanda, the talent agent and then calling her from Reno, subsequently meeting her for real, all the time trying to be vague about the real details around those events.

By the time we felt we’d answered their questions to at least some satisfaction, I was feeling more than a little amorous. I had been all evening, ever since first seeing what Dani was wearing, compounded by Jenny, but by the end of our question-answer session, it was full blown. Dani’s brownies and wine? Or just the ‘view’ and anticipation, not knowing what Dani and Jenny might have planned next? Whatever, it had hit hard – in more ways than one.

When Dani suggested to Jenny that she wanted to show her something upstairs, and they both left, Richard and I were both disappointed. “You know what they’re doing?” he asked me as we moved into the living room.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Not a clue,” I told him. “She’s been mysterious all day. This morning, for instance, I got kicked out of the house for four hours, no idea why.”

He laughed, “Sounds like a female, speaking of which, my wife left me alone this morning for a couple hours, too, no explanation.”

“Aha! Then that’s what Dani was doing, conspiring, probably when they coordinated their outfits ... speaking of which...” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, that was a bit of a shock, seeing Dani like that, then Jen, I hadn’t seen what she was wearing until then, never seen her in anything like that,” he told me.

“Dani, either, at least not until recently, she’s been pretty ... adventurous since my coma,” I told him.

Okay, I’m going to admit something here. I was curious and tried to inconspicuously glance at Richard’s groin (No, I am NOT gay! Not even remotely). I was just curious whether he had a tent in his pants like I did and yeah, he did.

“It’s nice that we could have dinner and an evening without you getting called away,” I told Richard, “it’s kinda rare.”

He laughed, nodding in agreement, “For once, not on call for the entire weekend. Pretty cool about Dani and that movie,” he said, “must have come as quite a surprise.”

I just nodded, not telling him it hadn’t been a surprise to me at all.

Holy...!! That was when Dani and Jenny made their reappearance back down the stairs. And what a fucking reappearance it was! They’d both changed; Dani into her ivory bikini we’d bought in Tampa, and Jenny into a leopard-print one-piece.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘less is more’? Well, sometimes, the opposite is true, too – more is less. Which was so true with Jenny’s swimsuit. Yeah, it was a one-piece but the way it was so tight around her you-know-what, then high, high, high on her hips with little straps around her waist, and the deep ‘V’ of her cleavage, it was sexy as fucking hell!

Dani’s was sexy, that skimpy top and bottom, embroidered ivory and lace that hugged her curves like they had made it specifically for her, but God, that thing Jenny was wearing!

But the bigger question was, ‘What the fuck! Why the hell swimsuits?’ Not that I was complaining! I’d never imagined, other than in my dream, to ever see Jenny in something like that suit. Hell, Dani, either at least in the company of our friends. But it was still March, not exactly a hot summer night.

I hadn’t noticed the little bag Dani was carrying, not until she dug into it, pulling out two little somethings, handing one to each, Richard and me, “Here, your turn, swimsuits, put them on.”

I looked at what she’d handed me with horror. It was the tiny Speedo swimsuit like she’d made me wear that morning on Alan’s yacht in my dream.

Richard looked at his, too, then at his wife, “You can’t be serious, this?”

As they were stepping outside through our patio door, Dani told us, “Join us when you’re ready,” and closed the door behind her.

Richard and I looked at each other, at those tiny nothings, and burst out laughing. This was fucking ridiculous! And what the hell did she mean, ‘join us’? It was still March, not cold but cool, sixty-eight according to the thermometer. Too damned cool for what they’d been wearing or those ludicrous things they’d given us to put on.

I wasn’t about to change into that thing in front of Richard, “You can use one of the spare bedrooms,” I told him, and we trudged upstairs. I wasn’t too damned crazy about him seeing me in it at all, but it’d be mutual, we’d both be ridiculous, so that helped.

I undressed, down to my birthday suit, and pulled that thing on, not a hell of a lot more than Dani’s bikini bottom, and stretched just as tight, too. I guess to be fair, it was a little more, but still ... I wasn’t even a little thrilled with the idea of anyone seeing me in it, but especially, ESPECIALLY Jenny!

I met Richard out in the hallway, looking every bit as absurd as I did. The bulges from our hard dicks weren’t exactly flattering, either.

“You ready for this?” I asked him when we were downstairs in front of the patio door.

“No,” he answered, rather emphatically. Neither was I.

Downstairs, I opened the patio door, we stepped out and ... what the hell?

“Since when do we have a hot tub on our patio?” I asked Dani, who was immersed in the thing along with Jenny, on opposite sides.

She didn’t even look up, looking like she was enjoying the rapidly bubbling water, “Since about two o’clock,” she said, “almost regretted not telling you to stay away another hour, but they made it in time, barely. Getting the truckful of preheated water in it took a little longer than they’d expected.”

She finally opened her eyes and looked toward us, “Ooh-la-la,” she said, along with a wolf-whistle, “what you think, Jen, should we let those hunks join us?”

Jenny gave another wolf-whistle, kind of degrading, I thought, I felt like a stripper, wearing not a hell of a lot more than a little sack hiding my junk. And in front of Dani’s best friend, too! Naturally, Dani was checking out Richard’s package, like Jenny was checking out mine. I think I’d have felt less naked if I was naked.

Richard and I stepped in the hot, churning water and sat on the seats beside our wives, about four or five feet from the opposite couple. There was room for four more, too. Like Dani, the bottom of Jenny’s suit was under the water, but that top, tight against her breasts ... that deep ‘V’ ... oh my!

And Richard was getting the same view of my lovely bride!

As soon as I settled down beside her, Dani’s hand was feeling between my legs, “Mmm, like it, shoulda gotten you one of those long ago,” she said.

There were benefits! However, I was thankful for the churning water and bubbles hiding what was going on below.

She leaned over and kissed me. Dani’s never been one to show public displays of affection, at least not like that kiss, never before in front of other people. After maybe half a minute of making love with each other’s mouths, Dani backed away, “I want you to tell Jen and Rich about your dreams,” she said, “all the juicy details.”

My mind was in an instant whirl, I hadn’t told anyone about ‘all the juicy details’, not even Dani. All I’d told her so far was little bits and pieces.

“Starting? Where should I start?” I asked her.

“Why don’t you start with that night of your accident,” she said, “then maybe skip around a bit, I want Jen and Rich to have a clear picture of what was going through your mind all that time.” She looked into my eyes, “And nothing’s off-limits,” she added.

I knew exactly what she meant by that, that night with Jenny. But, could I? I cringed at the thought ... and how would Richard feel about it? But damn, the idea was exciting, too ... especially in this hot tub, all of us about ninety-eight percent naked.

I began, no idea where it might go, what might eventually pop out of my mouth, “Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid and real you were confused when you woke up ... usually just when the good stuff’s starting, convinced that it was real, not a dream?” I waited, both Jenny and Richard kind of nodded, mumbling their ‘yeahs’.

“Well, this was that way, except I didn’t wake up, it went on and on, for four months ... longer, really, because in my dream it was April when I finally did wake up. It was the weirdest thing ever, I remember everything, like I would if it had happened just yesterday ... and more real than anything I’d ever dreamed before. I still have a hard time accepting that none of it was real.”

Dani, her hand under the water gently massaging the outside of my swimsuit, added, “Strangest of all is so much of it’s been happening in real life. Like the movie, he knew this talent agent’s name and even her phone number ... and all about this movie that wasn’t out in the public at all ... all the ‘coincidences’, even my new favorite cosmetics, Winsome Naturals, their lipstick, the Rose Petal Peach, it’s who I modeled for in his dream, the lipstick I liked ... and there’s so many more, I could go on and on.”

“Wow,” Richard said, “have you talked to any medical professionals, psychologists about it? They’d be fascinated,” he asked.

I shook my head, “No, don’t intend to, it’s all too personal,” I told him.

“But the studio wants to use it. They think it’d be great publicity for the movie, they’re going to sit down with him for however long it takes to get the whole story,” Dani said.

“Tell them about that night, love, how it all started,” Dani said, getting impatient, pinching my very tender part, a little prodding to get to the good parts, I guess.

I looked at her, “And you’ve already told Jenny ... what, exactly?” I asked her.

“Nothing about your dreams, just a little about ... the now.”

“She told me how you guys’ fucking has gotten so exciting, that it’s because of your dreams ... and yeah, that’s the word she used, too. I wanna know the background, how it all came about,” Jenny reiterated.

Wow, the language she used! I’ve never imagined Jenny using that language. “Okay ... but this is going to be pretty abbreviated. After all, it went on for over four months. You remember that homecoming night, your senior year?” I didn’t wait for an answer, “Well ... and this was before my accident, I’d been trying to get Dani to tell me about her first time and she wouldn’t talk about it. In her yearbook, there’s this picture of a black football player, her escort that night, kissing her on the cheek after she was crowned queen. I guess I assumed...”

I took a breath, “You and Dani,” I said, gesturing at Jenny, “went out to dinner that night. I was hungry so ... and this all happened in my head after my accident, was dreaming then but didn’t know it. I went out for a pizza, except when I left the house everything had changed, back to 1987, everything in town the way it was back then ... the football game was going, homecoming night, I stopped to watch ... and there was Dani in her sexy cheer costume.

“And then it was halftime, the princesses, you, Dani, and another girl...”

“Marci,” Jenny interrupted, “she was so jealous and mad that night!”

“THAT was Marci? Alan Ryder’s girlfriend?” Both Jenny and Dani nodded.

I went on, “I didn’t know who he was then, except he was this good-looking black kid, who I’d been wondering about, escorting the eighteen-year-old Dani. He kissed her, first on the cheek, then when she turned to say something to him, kissed her on the lips ... and I knew ... he was the one.”

“I followed to the dance, it was like I was a ghost, no one could see me, Dani was so sexy in that dress ... which she still has, by the way...”

Dani’s hand had slipped under the Speedo. I couldn’t believe she was doing this in front of our friends. And then I realized both Jenny’s and Richard had a hand under the water, too. I wondered...

My hand went to the inside of Dani’s thigh, God, I was fucking horny!

“After, I followed them to her parents’ house ... and upstairs to Dani’s bedroom. He was ... sucking her tit ... and she was liking it.”

I felt Dani’s hand squeezing me, sliding up and down on my hardness. I moved mine a little closer to between her legs.

“That was when she used his name, the first time I knew who he was, Alan ... I found out later he was the famous football player, Alan Ryder ... I watched them make love that night, three times ... he was big, enormous, and Dani enjoyed it, a lot.”

“Oh my,” Jenny said, “don’t you wish that had been real?” she asked Dani, “I think every girl in school wanted to be in Marci’s shoes. We all knew they were ... more than just dating.”

“Yeah, so Dani’s since told me, how she had a crush on him ... still has, all those years, how she was so jealous of Marci.”

Richard looked at his wife, “What, you had a crush on this guy, too?” he asked her.

She laughed, “Richard, EVERY girl in school had a crush on Alan Ryder, football jock, nice guy, handsome...” She rolled her eyes, ‘who wouldn’t?’ Then she looked back at me, “So, what then?”

“After I told Dani about that night, she teased me about the things they’d done after, like the mattress in his truck...”

I knew by Jenny’s look that I’d just struck a nerve. “The mattress ... you knew about his mattress? I think everyone in school knew about the mattress and Marci, but ... you weren’t there that year. How did you know?”

“I didn’t, not until Dani told me in my dream, but it was with her, not Marci. It’s one of those things that I couldn’t have known but did. We’re still discovering so many things like that.”

Dani reached under the elastic of my Speedo, leaned over, and whispered to me, “You need to take that off,” as she pushed it down.

I looked at her with that ‘are you serious’ look. When she continued pushing it, I told her, “Yours first,” then pulled the strings tying it around her waist. She lifted her butt and let it float away.

“Now you,” she said, pushing mine down. I couldn’t very well say no, not after she’d shed hers. A moment later, mine was also floating. Jenny giggled, watching our two swimsuit bottoms bobbing around the tub. I scooped both up and gave a toss. Thankfully, the bubbles were obscuring the underwater view. Except ... eventually, we’d have to get out and ... what the hell then? Shudda thought about that before tossing them!

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