Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 27

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 27 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday morning, Mach 21

I awoke the next morning, our naked bodies spooned together, Dani snuggled to my back, one arm around me. She hadn’t given any indication that she was awake yet, so I didn’t move, just savored the experience from the night before and the feel of her naked body pressed against mine.

It was still hard for me to believe the night before, no one deserves the pleasures we’d had. There was so much to revel in. I don’t know how long I lay there before squeezing Dani’s hand that had been around my shoulder and snuggled into me. She let out a little, “Mmm,” and I felt her naked tits pressing a little harder into my back.

I assumed I’d inadvertently awakened her, starting to feel her begin to stir, so I rolled over, and just looked into her peaceful face, realizing how lucky I was to have this woman as my life’s partner, my wife. As I watched, her eyes began to flutter open, waking up, “Was last night real?” she asked, the first words of the day.

“Think so,” I told her, “pretty incredible, huh?”

A smile spread across her face, “Mmhmm,” she said, “except I gotta go pee!”

I chuckled, that didn’t take long. “Me too, I didn’t want to wake you, I’ll wait for you.”

She climbed out of bed and scampered into the bathroom. Watching Dani’s naked body this early in the morning was a treat I’ll never take for granted again, like I had the last many, many years, before my accident. I rolled over on my back, my hands behind my head, watching the ceiling, waiting for Dani to finish. When she did, several minutes later, I marveled that this woman was forty-eight years old. If I didn’t know her, I’d have guessed her closer to thirty-eight, and sexy as fuckin’ hell!

I took my turn in the bathroom, washed my hands, and climbed back in bed next to Dani, both of us leaning back against the headboard, a pillow behind our backs, Dani’s naked tits distracting me, “You said you had something to tell me today,” she reminded me.

It took me a minute to remember, “Yeah, April and Amanda,” I started, “Alan’s friend, April, she’s the one who did your eye patches, Alan finally let her take them off so you could see again, then she took you out shopping, I think it was Tuesday, The two of you left, and that afternoon when you got back you had on a new flowery skirt and blouse, and was all excited.”

Dani’s eyes got big, and she jumped out of bed, going to the closet getting out the garment bag she’d brought. She pulled out a short skirt and matching blouse, yellow flowers on a blue background, short ‘almost’ sleeves, kind of flaring out, and the bottom of the blouse flaring like the sleeves, “Anything like this?” she asked, holding them up in front of her, “it’s what I planned to wear today.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes, “Uh, yeah ... that’s them!” I told her, “You ... umm, bring a special bra to wear with it?” I asked, remembering what she’d worn in Tampa.

She blushed, “I was ... uhh ... not planning on wearing one, thought you’d like that,” she said, “did bring pretty, blue panties to wear with it, though.”

She’d been braless that day in Tampa as well, wearing nearly that exact skirt and blouse set.

“Maybe we should get dressed and go find breakfast,” I suggested. “I’m hungry ... last night took lots of energy,” I said, a big smile on my face. “I can finish telling you at breakfast.” I wanted to see Dani in her new clothes ... not that there was anything wrong with seeing her without them ... heh, heh.

Dani showered and came out of the bathroom with one of the hotel’s oversize towels wrapped around her. I wanted to just lay there and watch her, but I needed to shower, too, badly. When we’d finished with our little ‘activities’ last night, I was soaked in sweat, probably still stunk, Dani’d been just too polite to mention it. Of course, she’d been just as sweaty and I hadn’t smelled anything except sex emanating from her, so maybe not. Still had to shower, though.

By the time I’d showered, shaved, and brushed my teeth, Dani was standing, looking into the mirror, her skirt on, at least eight inches above her knees, and was putting the blouse on, letting it slither down over her naked tits. I closed my eyes only briefly and let out a little shiver at how she looked, God! Need I say it? Fucking sexy!

They were in two layers, a thin camisole and slip-type layer covered with the lacy, flowery, ultra-sheer outer layer, none of which made any effort to hide her body’s feminine, braless figure, her tits and nipples shapes showing through in all their sexy glory.

“You look ravishing!” I told her, as I reached around her, cupping the wonderful feel of her breasts in my palms, getting a surprised jump from her, “I thought you were still in the bathroom,” she said, “sneaking up on a poor defenseless girl!”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, but I meant it ... that outfit is ... stunning!” reveling in the feel of her soft tits and hard little nipples. Yeah, heads would turn today, too, for damned sure.

“Mmm, you keep that up much longer and we won’t make breakfast,” she said, watching me knead her tits in the mirror. “Except, I’m hungry, you’re just going to have to wait till after,” she said, reaching up and pulling my reluctant hands away, turning around and giving me a much too brief peck on the lips.

“I’m ready for breakfast, you just going to stand there, naked, gawking?”

Oh, yeah, I was still naked with a very hard dick poking into her. “I’d much rather do this, though,” I told her, running my hands up her legs under her skirt. She slapped them away before I could get nearly where I wanted – finding out what was under that short skirt, “Food,” she said, “I need food.”

Reluctantly, very reluctantly, I dug a pair of socks, undies, shorts, and shirt out of my suitcase and hurriedly put them on. I figured if it’s warm enough for Dani’s skirt, it’s warm enough for my shorts. Besides, I was hoping to come straight back upstairs after breakfast and resume where we’d left off the night before.

“Shall we go, Babygirl, your breakfast awaits,” I told my sweetheart, giving her a small bow.

“We shall, my studmuffin, this should be fun.”

We were both still giggling when we got to the elevator. This was turning into the best trip of our lives.

“Buffet or sit-down breakfast?” I asked as the elevator dropped out from under us. This was a little faster than any elevator we’d been in in the Tri-Cities, like a LOT faster.

She looked at me like she does when she wants me to decide something. “Oh no,” I told her, “this is your decision.”

“Buffet, then,” she said, “I remember how good it was with the kids.”

“Buffet it is,” I agreed. Plus, which I hadn’t mentioned to Dani to influence her decision, our upgraded room came with two complimentary buffet breakfasts. Besides, there’d be more people to admire my sexy bride. I absolutely loved watching the heads turning toward her as she walked past!

We’d filled our plates with sumptuous-looking food and were heading toward a table when I saw a gentleman in a booth sitting by himself. “Hon, see that guy sitting alone at the booth reading the paper, know who he is?”

She looked where I was pointing, “No, no idea, should I?” and then the realization hit her, “it’s ... is it...?”

“Uhuh, it’s Mark from last night, you want to sit with him?”

I saw the blush on her face, “Would he want us to, you think?”

I chuckled, “After last night ... you’re seriously asking that?”

We changed our course to his booth, “Would you mind if we sat with you?” Dani asked him.

He looked up from his paper, a startled look on his face, very quickly changing to a very pleased-looking smile, his eyes clearly feasting on the sight of Dani in that blouse and skirt, roving up and down her body. After all, she was very obviously braless, and her skirt was short, if not as short as the night before. “Please, I’d love it!” he answered, his pleased-sounding voice leaving no doubt.

We sat on the opposite side of his booth, “You’re even more beautiful than last night,” he told Dani (I’m just kind of assuming he was talking to her), “now that I can see you, all of you.”

Dani blushed, “You’re a very handsome man, too,” she answered. “I’m surprised some lucky girl hasn’t swallowed you all up,” her face deepening its blush like maybe she’d just realized what she’d just implied.

Mark didn’t seem to notice Dani’s little inadvertent faux pas, “Like I said, since my Jan died, I haven’t been interested in a woman ... until now,” he added, “and she’s already taken, just my luck.” He said it with a smile, staring straight at Dani.

God, I was wishing I’d waited that extra fifteen minutes last night! Or maybe it was a damned good thing I hadn’t.

“How was the poker last night?” I asked him, changing the subject.

He laughed, “I’m not much of a player, it’s just for fun, so it’s the low stakes table for me, only lost a couple-hundred dollars ... and how was the rest of your evening if I might ask?”

“I ... we ... uhh...”

“We had a wonderful rest of our evening... “ Dani said, finishing my stuttering, “went for a walk down the street, a little gambling ... shopping,” looking at me with a smile on her face,” maybe we should have invited you along,”

He chuckled, “Don’t think I’d have wanted to impose, I’m sure a little privacy was in order.”

“Maybe we should check that store out again, what you think, Babygirl, invite Mark along?”

Dani seemed to be showing blush quite frequently. Mark’s eyes darted back and forth between us, like he was trying to ascertain what had inspired her red face.

Speaking of Dani’s red face, I’d have loved to tell him about our short fuck against the door after we’d left him, him as the unknowing subject of our VERY exciting role-playing. I was sure there would have been bloodshed if I had, mine.

I did want to explain to Mark about last night, though, my rudely cutting in on his dance with Dani, “I ... need to explain something,” I began, “Last night ... Dani and I ... when I cut in on your dance...” I wasn’t sure how to do this, “Maybe I better start in the beginning ... I had an accident last October, fell and hit my head, didn’t wake up until last month...”

“The doctors weren’t sure if he’d ever wake up, it was pretty bad,” Dani went on, “or how he might be like if he did...” I held her hand, feeling her go tense as she said it. I couldn’t imagine what she must have been through those months, probably never would.

Mark’s thoughts were coming across loud and clear in his expression, ‘and this has something to do with dancing?’

“But I did wake up and was fine, much to everyone’s amazement ... except that while I was in the coma, I had these dreams that have turned out to be ... not sure exactly how to say this ... but very prescient, I seem to ... have seen things that I couldn’t have known, even many that hadn’t even happened yet. Like on a flight home ... after dreaming of a rather ‘interesting’ trip, Dani and I visiting one of her high school friends, a man sitting beside Dani on the plane, he looked to be in his mid-fifties, very nice looking, distinguished guy ... a lot like you, actually. He and Dani flirted quite heavily and we learned a lot about him...” I took a deep breath, “His wife had passed away three years earlier from breast cancer...”

I had Mark’s full attention, he’d set down his fork and was watching me intently, “Her name was Jan, very beautiful, he told us.”


“No, let me finish ... he showed us a picture of her...”

He got out his billfold, looking through it, “A picture?” I asked him. He nodded, and I suggested, “Let me tell you about the picture he showed us first, “It was an older picture, she looked to be probably in her late thirties or thereabouts, very pretty ... she was a redhead, just to her shoulders, green eyes...”

Mark finished taking the picture from his billfold, looked at it a moment, then showed us, “How,” he asked, “did you know?” I’d just described Mark’s wife’s picture.

“His name was Marcus ... he was a financial advisor from Seattle,” I added, “sixty-four years old, hadn’t been interested in any woman since ... until he met Dani ... as she was in him.”

Mark simply stared at me, wide-eyed, “When I saw you with Dani last night, your hands on her bare skin, I knew then ... you were Marcus ... It was why I freaked out, had to get her away from you ... not that you were doing anything wrong, it was me, just me.”

He was quiet, simply staring, finally saying, “I’m sixty-three, Jan I were married...”

“Thirty-nine years,” I interrupted.

“That’s ... that’s...”

“Unbelievable?” I finished his thought, “I can’t explain it, any of it, we’re realizing one thing after another, Dani hadn’t known anything about Marcus yet, I hadn’t told her, until last night ... after.” which reminds me, another thing I haven’t told her...”

“After?” he asked, “did you and Marcus interact after the flight?”

I shook my head, “No, we had a layover in Salt Lake, had a snack together in the airport, which is where he showed us his picture of Jan, but our seats weren’t close from there to Seattle, we never hooked up again ... but Dani had just signed a big modeling contract, a lot of money, so I’m sure we would have ... he was a financial guy ... like you. Besides,” I went on, “Dani liked him, so did I, too, but I think for different reasons, so I’m sure we would have. And he’d given us his business card.”

“And then last night, I saw Dani with ... him ... and you were wearing the same cologne, too, his cologne.”

Dani and Mark were both silent, I guess no idea how to respond. Hell, I didn’t either. Finally, Mark spoke, “Yet, here you are, having breakfast with me this morning.”

I smiled, “You know things always look more logical in the light of day ... and with what Dani was wearing last night...”

His eyes glanced over toward, Dani, scanning her once again, “As opposed to this morning?”

My eyes sort of followed his, making note of Dani’s very revealing blouse. Last night, he very openly ogled my wife, not that I could blame him, he knew she couldn’t see him. This morning, he was trying to be a bit more discrete, not succeeding too well. Dani didn’t seem to mind, though, I thought she was rather enjoying it.

“Yeah, but it’s morning, my head’s on a little straighter than last night.” And to be honest with myself, after all that happened last night, I realized that I’d sort of enjoy it if ... perhaps, things were to go just a bit further?

Dani blushed all over again, which seemed to be a common occurrence. Most likely, Mark’s eyes constantly glancing toward her braless breasts had something to do with it

Dani interrupted my thoughts, “What about a modeling contract? What was that?”

“It’s what I started to tell you this morning.” I began again, telling Dani about April taking her to the studio, setting her up to do an ad for Winsome Cosmetics after asking the planned model not to show up and their reaction to it, how they’d all been blown away by her performance.

“Winsome Cosmetics?” Dani asked. It was the name of the company that she had just begun using their makeup.

I nodded, “Then they called and asked you back to do another shoot,” I went on, “and it was even better. Remember what I mentioned about your lipstick, ‘Rose Petal Peach’? That day in the studio, you raved about it, you loved it so much.”

This time it was Dani’s turn to be shocked, sitting there in awe, but I wasn’t finished, “They wanted you to be their spokeswoman, the face of Winsome Cosmetics. April suggested you contact a talent agent ... Amanda Browning. She negotiated a six-figure contract for a few weekends’ modeling work ... and she had a movie she wanted you to audition for. It’s what I’ve been wanting to tell you but have been afraid to. I remember Amanda Browning’s cell number, you, the real Daniella Foster, need to call that number.”

“Call a number you remember from a dream? Sorry, hon, but that doesn’t make much sense. and even if there was an Amanda, tell her what?” she asked, “I’ve never acted, don’t know anything about acting, even if such a movie existed, they’d be looking for an actress, not a teacher.”

“Judging from what your husband has told us,” Mark spoke up, “something is going on here, I admit it’s strange, but how could he have known about me and Jan? I think if he has a phone number, you should call it, see what happens, what is there to lose? if you’re interested in acting, that is. Worst case, you can just hang up – wrong number.’

Dani was watching him speak, then she turned to me, “You know what this alleged movie is about? Besides, it’s been over a month since you’ve woken up, they’d already have found someone.”

“I don’t know, all I do know is that they wanted someone new, same for the leading man. And the movie ... I never heard many details, except a woman’s husband is killed in an accident, she eventually falls in love ... it’s all Amanda told you ... except that she said you were perfect for the part.”

Mark got out his cell phone, “What’s the number?” he asked.

I told him, 813-248 ... and he began pressing the numbers into his phone, “Mark!” Dani said, “no ... I ... can’t!”

He finished with the number and hit the ‘call’ button, then the speaker button, sliding the phone across the table in front of Dani, “If it’s her, you’ll know ... talk to her.”

It started to ring, Dani complaining again, “I can’t!” she said.

A woman’s voice answered, “Hello,” she said.

Dani’s face had turned white, “I ... hello ... is this ... Amanda Browning?” she asked.

“Yes, this is she, who is this?” she asked.

We all three glanced back and forth, unbelieving. Even I was shocked that this number I’d wondered about for so long was actually to a real person, much less the person I’d said. That I even knew her name was so fucking implausible!

Dani began stammering, “This ... this is Daniella Shore ... and this is too incredible to even comprehend ... please don’t hang up ... but my husband ... he was in a coma and woke up knowing your name and phone number.” Dani was rambling, talking so fast, “He said there was a movie ... you’re looking for someone ... for a movie, an actress?”

There was silence, I was sure Amanda had clicked her phone off, racking it up as a crank call. Finally, she spoke, “Your husband, you say, he was in a coma?”

“Yes, for four months.” Her voice now sounded scared to death.

“And he knew my name and phone number? How?”

“We don’t know how ... he just ... did, same as so many things, we don’t understand.”

“There is a movie, the casting director is looking for the female lead, she’s already found her male lead, did your husband tell you anything about the movie?”

“A little, he said it’s about a woman whose husband is killed, then eventually falls in love again.”

Another long silence, “You said he woke up from this coma, when?” she asked.

“February nineteenth, I’ll never forget that day,” she said.

“That’s roughly what this movie is,” she said, “it’s going to be a major motion picture, but they didn’t even think about casting until the first of March, nobody knew until then. So, how could he have?”

Dani looked at me again, “I don’t know!” She was almost crying, “We just don’t understand ... he just ... knows things ... things that hadn’t even happened yet.”

“Have you ever acted before?” she asked.

Dani hesitated, was Amanda actually thinking about this? “No ... yes, she corrected herself, a play in high school ... but it was just a small part,” she said.

“And how old are you?” Amanda asked.


Another long silence, “And you want to audition?”

Dani looked at me, at Mark, back to me, “I ... I didn’t even know any of this until a few minutes ago. He ... just now told me.”

“Well, you called, so I’d assume you probably do. Do you have a picture you can send me?

“Umm, I think so ... Hon, can you look and see if you can find one?”

I knew exactly the picture I wanted, it was one I took of Dani last Sunday night when she wasn’t paying attention, wearing that sheer blouse and mini skirt. She still didn’t even know I’d taken it. It wasn’t hard to find, one of the last I’d taken, and texted it to Amanda Browning.

There was a long pause, then Amanda came back on, “Can you be here in Tampa, Monday morning?” she asked. She must have liked what she saw.

Again, Dani looked toward me, I nodded to her, this was unfuckingbelievable! “Yes ... my husband says we can,” she said.

“May I ask where you’re located?” Amanda asked.

“Washington State, Eastern Washington.”

“Okay ... but before you come that far, you need to know something that might change your mind, it does with a lot of actresses, especially new actresses ... it’s a love story, there will be nudity ... frontal nudity, intimate love scenes, it’s one of the reasons they’re having trouble finding their female lead. I would have someone there with you, though, to watch out for your interests, make sure they follow the rules, although I know this director and I’m not worried about that.”

Dani looked at me again, her mouth agape, “Can I ... call you back? I need to talk to my husband.”

“I understand ... but don’t wait too long, they’re looking at a woman another agency sent over, just not sure.”

“I’ll call you back,” Dani responded before pressing ‘end’ on Mark’s phone.

“I can’t,” Dani started to tell me, “you heard her, there’s nudity, love scenes, I’m a teacher for God’s sake, not a porn star!”

I held her hand, tried to steady her shaking. “Babe, it’s not a porn movie, you heard her, you’ll have someone there to make sure the rules are followed.”

“Rules? What rules?”

“I don’t know, just ... rules. All I know is that they have strict rules on nudity and love scenes.”

“You want me to do this, don’t you?”

“I want you to do what YOU want to do, just know that I’ll support you, no matter what,” I tried to reassure her.

“Our lives could change, you know that, don’t you?”

I smiled, “I think our lives have already changed quite a bit ... for the better,” I told her.

“But ... my teaching, and nudity ... would they...?” And she looked at me, “Could you? Can I?”

“They fire you? I don’t have any idea, guess you’d just have to talk to the superintendent if they offered you the part. As for you and me, guess it’d be a guy’s dream come true, to watch his wife, and it’s just pretending, not like ... you know ... And you’d have to decide for yourself if you could do it or not.”

“Can I say something here,” Mark said, “if you were offered a leading role in a major movie, which is what this sounds like it is, you’d undoubtedly make enough to financially never have to teach again.”

“We’d have to fly home today,” Dani said, “our flight isn’t until tomorrow.”

She was thinking about doing it! “We either change the tickets or buy new ones, it’s not a big deal,” I told her.

“I ... think I’d like to do it,” she finally said.

Mark took out his phone again and hit the redial, again setting it on the table by Dani. A moment later, we heard Amanda’s voice again. “I want to do it,” Dani told her.

“Wonderful,” Amanda said, “I’ll let Carla know she’s got another audition Monday. I have a good feeling about this,” she said, “they’ve already chosen the male lead, you might have heard of him, Alan Ryder, he’s pretty famous here in Tampa.”

If Dani and I hadn’t been sitting...! Dani just sat, staring at the phone like it had turned into some kind of venomous monster. “Daniella? You there?” Amanda’s voice said.

Dani’s voice was shaking, her face had gone completely white, “I ... yes...” was all she could say.

“I’ll pick you up at the Meridian Hotel, eight o’clock, Monday, okay?”

“Yes,” Dani managed to get out.

“I’ll have your room reserved, you won’t need to worry about that, just give them your name. It’ll be paid for ... oh, I’ll have someone meet you at the airport, just let me know your flight.”

I realized ... that was the hotel Dani and I stayed in the time in my dream that we went to Alan Ryder’s restaurant opening.

“Amanda ... this is Dani’s husband, she’s been calling you from a friend’s phone, let me give you her number, 509 783..., She’ll be there, eight, Monday.”

After Mark pocketed his phone, Dani looked at me, “Hon, you heard what she said ... love scenes ... nudity ... with Alan Ryder! I can’t ... can I?”

Mark was looking inquisitive, he had no idea what Dani was talking about, why that name, Alan Ryder, had affected her like it had. I tried to explain, “I told you we were on our way home from visiting one of Dani’s high school friends in my dream ... well, it was more than that, a lot more. The friend’s name was Alan Ryder ... and it was a very, guess you could say ... intimate visit ... for a week ... in my dream, he and Dani had been high school lovers ... just reunited ... with pretty, umm ... explosive results.” I went on, “Last night ... we were recreating her first night in Tampa ... a night with Alan Ryder, not me, including the after-dinner activities.” I was trying to avoid coming right out and saying that Dani had fucked Alan Ryder, but from his expression, Mark had gotten the point.

“And it was only the first night of an entire week,” I added. Dani’s white face had been replaced with red. “They weren’t lovers, though, not for real, only in the dream world my unconscious mind created, but Dani told me since then that she had a major crush on him in school, he’d even been her escort when she was named homecoming queen and her crush has never gone away, she still fantasizes...” I couldn’t believe that I was telling all this to a perfect stranger, except it seemed like we’d been forever friends.

“I remember him, wide receiver, Tampa Bay Bucs, I watch football, too. So, now ... I see the dilemma,” Mark started.

“I just don’t know if I can, I’m scared,” Dani said, looking at me, a look of near panic on her face, “it’d be with Alan Ryder for God’s sake!”

“Hon, this all hit you too fast this morning, you can call her back and cancel if you want, but I think we should plan to change our flight to today, you sleep on it until tomorrow and if you’re sure, you can call her back to cancel. But you said a minute ago you want to do this, I think it being with him could be fun for you. We can fly down and if nothing else, get a little vacation out of it.”

She looked across the table at Mark, “I’m sorry Mark, we haven’t been very good tablemates this morning, this is so scary.”

“Nonsense, I’ve enjoyed this little drama immensely, and I know I don’t know you well, but I do think you should do this, how many have an opportunity like this? And from what I’ve understood about your husband’s dreams, it seems very likely that this part will be yours for the asking.”

“Exactly, thank you for putting it into words,” I told him, “Hon, you can do this, don’t let an over thirty-year-old thing stop you from taking an opportunity like this.”

Dani smiled, looking more at ease already, “Guess we better call the airline about those tickets, huh,” she said.

“Which airline is it?” Mark asked. I told him it was Delta and he found the number on his phone, giving it to me.

I called and they were very helpful, changing to the only available flight back to Pasco, through Portland, leaving at two-fifteen that afternoon, only a few hours away.

“Guess we better get packed and checked out of our room so we don’t have to pay for another night,” I suggested, “what are we going to do with our things, though?” I wondered, “we don’t even have a car.”

“You’d be welcome to bring everything to my room, if you’d like,” Mark said, “and I have a rental car, be happy to take you to the airport later.”

Dani smiled at him, “Thank you, Mark, but you don’t have to go to that trouble, you barely know us.”

“Like I said last night, it’d be my pleasure ... helping a beautiful damsel in distress is one of my favorite pastimes – not that I’ve been able to do it much, lately,” he said with a smile.

We finally managed to eat our breakfast, getting some hot food after ours had gotten cold, thank you to the buffet. It was unbelievable how our future may have changed in the course of a single breakfast. Afterward, the three of us returned to our room, Dani and I packed our things, and we followed Mark to his room, me pushing the cart carrying our luggage.

“What are your plans until your flight?” he asked, “you are still in Little Sin City for another few hours, you know.”

I shrugged, my weekend plans had pretty much concentrated on the night before, not beyond. “I know what I’d like to do today ... if I can get my husband out of his comfort zone,” Dani said.

That statement had me instantly nervous, “What?” I asked her, very apprehensively.

“Remember the Ultimate Rush, the swing?” she asked, “where we took the kids, and you wouldn’t go on it with me?”

My face must have turned white, hell yeah, I remembered that monstrosity! A pair of 200-foot towers, one with a giant swing attached, the other to pull the victims 180 feet in the air and drop them. “No!” I told her, “I can’t do that!” Hell, I’d have rather she said she wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed with Mark, which gave me a thought, “Maybe Mark would go on it with you.”

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