Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 24

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 24 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

March 14, Saturday morning

We woke up Saturday morning upside down in our bed, hardly moved from where we’d collapsed the night before, naked; well, I was, Dani still had on the black negligee. I lay, staring at her, marveling at how much I loved this woman, a thought beginning to form in my brain, one I’d never have imagined a few days earlier.

Dani woke up, rolled over on her side, letting out a little giggle at how we’d found ourselves that morning. I think it was the first time we’d slept upside down on our bed. She smiled at me, “Last night, it was ... I don’t know how to say,” she let out another giggle, “guess you liked, huh?”

I felt between her legs, she spread them just a little, the feeling of her smooth pussy lips in my fingers was more than incredible! Dani let out a little moan, “Mmm, that feels so good,” when my fingers spread her lips just a little, feeling the moisture inside.

“You shaved yourself in my dream, but not for me,” I told her

“For Alan Ryder,” she said, not asking, but making a statement.

I pulled my fingers from between her legs, let her smell, them, then against her lips to suck into her mouth, licking them clean, “Uhuh ... and not only in high school ... before we went to Tampa, where he lived ... you have any idea where he really lives?” I wondered.

She shook her head, sucking my two fingers, “No idea, only that that’s where he played, might still live there, wouldn’t surprise me.” Her words were just a little slurred, sucking her juices from my two fingers.

“You know if he cooked? He had restaurants, that was why we went there, to a grand opening.”

She hesitated before answering, “Thinking,” she said, with a smile, “trying to remember ... he brought things to school, I didn’t think about it, guess I assumed his mom probably made them, but maybe it was him,” she answered.

“Ryder’s Bar and Grill, that was the name, I remember, like so much else. Have to look on the internet later, see if there is such a place,” I told her. I was guessing that there was and that it was owned by Alan Ryder.

“What else, you want to tell me the rest of your dream?” Dani asked.

My vague thought from earlier was, even as we spoke, beginning to crystallize in my mind. It scared me, but wanted to think about it more before ... I nodded, “Uhuh, I want to tell you all of it ... but not now ... want to wait a bit. You ready for breakfast yet? I am.”

“Mmm, think I just had my breakfast ... but if you want, you can make me another omelet.”

“How ‘bout a waffle?” I asked her. I do make more than just omelets. Love my cinnamon-pecan waffles, homemade maple syrup.

“Sounds wonderful,” she answered, rolling out of bed. I watched that delectable woman strut to the bathroom, hips swiveling side to side, intentionally trying to drive me wild. Succeeding, too, except my little man was temporarily played out. Those two times last night, God!

I had a hard time thinking about breakfast, anxious to go shopping afterward, the brainstorm I’d had. I was nervous, excited, scared how Dani might react, whether or not I could pull it off or not; whether I actually had the guts to do it!

“You’re coming to Jen’s class with me, aren’t you?” she asked, interrupting my thoughts, oblivious to my evil plan. “I told her about how we’d distracted you last week and how you thought we were competing ... think she might be upping her game a little this week, you know, just her competitive nature, wanting to win. You’d probably not want to miss this week.”

Ahh, my wife knew the way to a man’s heart and how to get what she wants, and it is NOT food!

“Guess I better go then, hate to disappoint your best friend,” I told her, a big grin on my face.

“Pervert!” she slugged my arm.

“What? I’m offended, you and Jenny are the ones who...”

“ ... think the only way to get my sick husband there is to flaunt our womanly charms?”

Ahh, if only she knew ... what happened while I was in that coma, with Jenny!

I gave her a short kiss on the lips, “You’ve convinced me, how good these classes are for my physical well-being, despite your efforts to distract me from my goal of health,” with a little chuckle and a quick exit from the reach of her wicked punch.

“You mind getting the dishes this morning, sweet, I’ve got to pick up a few things before you drag me off to Jenny’s torture chamber.”

Her tongue sticking out at me was my answer. Childish.

I had no clue where to get the things I wanted, hopefully, the mall had something. So that was where I headed. On my way down Columbia Avenue, I saw ‘Castle’ a block ahead, remembering how Dani and I had shopped there. On a whim, I pulled in the parking lot. I’d never been to any ‘adult’ store before, much less this one, and sat in the car a long time after stopping, trying to work up the courage to go inside.

I was disappointed that there was no ‘Rebekka’ in the store, only an older woman, Sally. Well, ‘older’ in this case was about our age, probably late forties, but she was nothing like the Rebekka of my dreams.

I was embarrassed to high heaven going in that store, obviously everyone inside knowing that I was a perverted old man. At least I sure as hell felt that way. I shuddered at what I saw, I’d imagined this store before and dreamed about the inside. Dildos, vibrators, slutty costumes, and ugh – fucking cock cages! I couldn’t imagine how my subconscious mind could have thought one of those disgusting things would be a good idea. It took all my willpower to not shudder in revulsion. People actually wore those things! Hell, I had, even if it was only a dream.

There were a couple things, though, that I wanted. I found them, paid, and got the hell out, shuddering at what I’d done once I was back in the car. I was not taking Dani into that store. NOT EVER!

I couldn’t wait to get out of that parking lot, imagining that every car going past was looking straight into my soul and knowing the worst.

Columbia Center Mall was a much more relaxing place. It was busy, late Saturday morning, but I didn’t feel nasty, dirty, in there. In actuality, there was nothing wrong with ‘Castle’, it was clean, exactly what it advertised, nothing except sex things. It just made me feel ... creepy. I had what I needed, though, if only I had the courage to use them.

Plus, I had to find the rest of it, and that was going to be the hard part, I had no idea where to look, except to wander through the mall hoping there was a store.

I found Victoria’s Secret, it was admittedly kind of fun wandering through it, imagining Dani wearing some of the things I saw. They didn’t have what I was looking for, though, and continued looking, walking down the wide hallway watching the stores on each side. I did find some interesting things in the little kiosks that I bought, hoping Dani would appreciate.

Finally, I came to a store, ‘Classic Curves Boutique’, that looked promising. I went in and began looking. A moment later, a young sales clerk stopped to ask if she could help me find something. She seemed very pleasant with a nice smile and, so help me, I stared at the name tag pinned on her chest (a very nice chest!) – ‘Bekka’!

“Your name,” I stuttered, “Bekka, isn’t that an odd spelling?”

She laughed, glancing at it, “Yeah, think my daddy might have been high that day, everyone else spells Rebecca with ‘C’s, not K’s. I kind of like it, though, it’s unique ... what can I help you find?”

I was fucking shell-shocked. Rebekka in my dream, she looked like this girl! Or, guess I should say, this girl looked like the girl in my dream.

“I ... I’m sorry for staring ... it’s just ... I’ve seen that name before, spelled that way, and it surprised me ... she looked a lot like you, too.”

She grinned, “Really? Where? I’ve never seen it before, that’s kind of cool.”

How the hell do I explain? “It wasn’t around here, I don’t remember where it was, it’s just the name ... reminded me, was a long time ago.” Liar!

I took a deep breath, told her what I was looking for, trying to explain the best I could.

She frowned, “No, we don’t have anything like that, sorry ... but...” she perked up, “we have catalogs we can order from, let’s take a look.”

There was a small office, barely big enough for a desk and chair. She found a folding chair and I sat beside her, smelling her sweet perfume. She opened a drawer and pulled out a small stack of catalogs. We looked through the first and second, lots of things I liked but not what I was looking for. The third seemed to be coming much closer, then when she turned the page, there it was, exactly what I was looking for. My heart rate spiked, and the thought that this might actually happen shot through me like a bolt of lightning.

“That, that’s exactly what I’m looking for,” I told her, hearing the excitement in my voice, pointing, “can you order that? By next Friday?”

“I think so,” she said, writing down all the particulars, then making a phone call, giving the information to the person on the other end. At one point, she looked over at me, a big grin on her face, “Thank you,” she told the person and hung up.

“It’ll be here Wednesday, your wife’s a lucky girl...” she frowned, “I ... assumed it’s your wife ... girlfriend?”

I thought I’d play with her a little, “Girlfriend ... you think she’ll like it?”

She looked down at the picture again, “Oh yeah! I’m jealous, you’ll bring her in?”

I was pumped! I couldn’t fuckin’ believe it. And scared AS SHIT!

“Try,” I told her.

“It’s a special order, you’ll have to pay for it now,” Rebekka – with Ks, told me.

I gave her my credit card, I didn’t give a fuck what the hell it cost. Hell, I’d have mortgaged the house if I had to. Damn near did!

My feet were dancing a different tune on the rest of my little shopping trip. I found a few more little items and headed back to the car, to home, leaving everything safely hidden away in the trunk when I got home. Oh, by the way, I made another stop on the way, at the grocery store, had to buy something to mask the real purpose of this little shopping trip.

Only to discover that Dani wasn’t home when I got there, she left a note that she’d be back later. It gave me a chance to bring in my treasures from the trunk and hide them away, in the bottom of the dresser in one of the guest rooms under some old blue jeans that I don’t wear anymore. Just hadn’t taken the time to take them to the Salvation Army yet.

I took the opportunity, the alone time, to do a little research on my computer, finalizing my plans before Dani got home, and thinking about Rebekka, remembering the Rebekka in my coma, and wondering what might happen if Dani was to meet her sometime. Somehow, I HAD to make that happen.

But not today. Today was for finalizing real plans that I hoped to hell didn’t blow up in my face. I was cautiously optimistic with the reaction I’d gotten from Dani so far from my coma dream. She obviously hadn’t heard all of it (and parts she never would!) But her reaction from what she has heard so far left me thinking that my plan just could work out. I shuddered at the thought that it might!

Dani was home a little over an hour before we had to leave to get to Jenny’s studio. After my little shopping trip, I was looking forward to this, not that the two were interconnected, but just my mood.

A little later we threw our bags in her car and were off. Dani’s car was quite a bit older but she liked it. I was a little apprehensive when we bought the Accord several years ago that she’d want to take it away from me but so far not. Of course, maybe the fact that hers was a ‘92 Mustang LX might have something to do with it. Old maybe, but it’s still a sweet ride. She’d bought it brand new right before we were married and kept it pristine ever since. Hell, she might want to be buried in it.

I felt good about going to Jenny’s class this time, my stamina felt about a hundred percent better than a week before. Oh, what Dani said about her and Jenny didn’t hurt matters, either.

We separated, Dani to the women’s lockers and me to the men’s. I opened my gym bag, took out my exercise clothes, and CRAP! Dani, my adorable wife, had made a minor switch. My nice, comfy, loose exercise clothes were not there. She’d replaced them with tights. No fucking way! I held the pants up, looking at it, black with white stripes down each side of the legs, and so fucking little! No friggin’ way I was wearing that!

I looked back in my bag, there was a note on top of the shirt that had been tucked under the tights. I picked it up, ‘Think us girls deserve a little eye candy, too. I know what you’re thinking. Be a sport, wear it’.

Crap! I felt trapped, between that and my ‘next week’ plans, how do I not? And to top it off, after my little shopping excursion this morning, and the thought of what Jenny and Dani might be wearing, my dick was hard, pressing out against my boxers. I pulled the tights on and they didn’t do a thing to hide my more than obvious erection. Nor did the tight shirt, either. I’d hoped it might be long enough to cover me, but no such luck. I knew damned good and well that Dani had planned this, teasing me ahead of time, knowing it’d give me an erection! The only thing she didn’t know was anything of my upcoming plans. Turnabout was going to be so much fun!

I pulled it on, every bit as tight as I’d imagined, my ‘package’ more than evident. God, this was going to be embarrassing! The matching shirt was every bit as tight. She was paying for this, big time!

I found Dani waiting for me in Jen’s lobby. I stood back, just looking. Her ankle-length tights had been replaced with a pair of tight shorts, very SHORT, tight shorts, doing nothing to diminish the protrusion of my ‘package’.

“Mmm, nice,” Dani said, rubbing her fingers slightly over said package, “might want to save that till we get home, huh?” she said.

I groaned inwardly, thinking ahead. “You too,” I told her, “like it...” rubbing her leg just below her shorts, “that what Jenny’s wearing, too?”

“Have to wait and see, I guess,” Dani answered. I’d guessed that she and Jenny had collaborated on their revised outfits.

I followed her into the dance studio, feeling almost nauseous with fear, shaking at the way I was dressed ... on display for all those women. Except, it was making me even harder, scary as hell, but a little exciting, too. Jenny was already up front, “Glad you could make it again,” she said in that sultry voice.

I stood in what I guessed was now my usual place, second row, two women on my right, five on my left, right behind Dani. Jenny was working on her audio, getting music started, and I was a nervous wreck. It seemed every set of eyes in the room was on me, mostly on my groin area that wasn’t cooperating in the least. I noticed two of the older ladies especially (as in about our age), quite attractive, smiling at me, and when Jenny turned back around, her eyes locked with mine ... a strong sexual undertone, or maybe it was just imagined ... but I didn’t think so.

She had on a pair of short shorts a lot like Dani’s, except with one difference. When she spread her legs and began to stretch once the music began, there was a clear and definite camel toe between her legs. Her top was more like a halter, kind of loose and tied behind her back and another around her neck, no bra this time, nipples poking through.

She hadn’t worn a bra that other night, either. We’d gone out to dinner, the three of us. Richard, Jenny’s husband, couldn’t go, he was attending an emergency caesarian, at least that was the excuse. I still remember what we’d all had for dinner, rib steak, salmon, and Jenny, a salad. These memories ... they weren’t like any dream, it was ... they’d actually happened. After dinner, we went dancing to a place across the river in Pasco. Dani suggested I dance one with Jenny, her perfume, I still remember ... her tongue, tickling my ear, “Dani asked me if I wanted to seduce you,” right before she kissed me.

We made love later that night, Dani watching, discovering how I’d felt watching her with Alan Ryder...

“You going to work out or just gawk?” Dani asked me, interrupting my reverie, letting out a little giggle, too.

“What, you have eyes in the back of your head?” I asked her.

I must have turned red, embarrassed at being caught staring, remembering.

It had NOT relieved the stress between my legs.

It felt sexy and exhilarating, to be honest, besides the nervousness. I had never in my life been so on display as I felt at that moment, and it felt kinda good.

I was wishing that I could see Dani from the same vantage point as I could see Jenny. I hadn’t noticed a camel toe when we were walking but wouldn’t have, anyway, even if it was there. Suddenly, I realized something – I didn’t recall ever hearing that term before my coma, wouldn’t have had a clue what it was, even. That dream, so friggin’ weird!

I had a much better idea what to expect this time and felt much better about being able to follow along half decently, besides my stamina being about triple the week before. I had to sit one time, maybe five minutes, then was back in my spot till the end. Oh, and my dick-stick never did go away, Jenny seemed to be making a point of assuring that. Watching that sexy body, and thinking about that night she’d seduced me in my coma, while watching her eyes on mine kept that fantasy alive and well.

“I think I know who won the distraction contest this afternoon,” Dani said on our way home, a grin on her face. God, I wanted to tell her about that dream, knowing that I never could. “Much as I love her, I know there are just some things I can’t compete with,” she added.

“But sweet, everything that matters, you have more than a guy could ever ask for,” I told her, squeezing her hand, “and for the record ... those tights are awful!”

She laughed, “I was so proud of you, you wore them. Was it really that bad?”

“Well, at first, I almost didn’t do it but remembered how much you love me, sitting with me in the hospital ... and saw your note, decided I could do that much for you ... and I’ll admit, was kind of exciting.”

Another laugh, “I could tell, you didn’t hide it very well ... not at all, matter of fact.”

I rolled my eyes. Women! And then we were home.

After we both showered, Dani, wrapped in a towel, asked me, “You still a little randy? Want to go out for that dinner we missed last night?”

“Love to,” I told her, adding, “and yes!” How could I not be?

Dani sat down at her makeup vanity table and began putting on her makeup. I love watching her and couldn’t help thinking about Winsome Cosmetics, the makeup company Dani had modeled for and contracted to be their spokeswoman. It reminded me all over again about April and Amanda, the movie audition, wondering how I’d ever broach that subject with Dani. Surely, there was no such thing, only a figment of my imagination. Besides, that was weeks ago, even if it had been real, which it wasn’t, it would have been filled already.

About then, Dani turned my way, doing that thing with her lips right after putting on her lipstick, “You like? It’s a new color I found last week, Rose Petal Peach, love it.” My jaw dropped open, and I felt the blood draining from my face. That was the name of the lipstick in my dream!

“Hon, you okay? What was that for? It’s just lipstick.”

I couldn’t even speak for a moment, “I ... it’s nothing, I’ve just heard that name somewhere before and it surprised me, that’s all,” I felt my face returning to normal. “Actually, I love it, looks really good on you, is it Avon?” holding my breath for her to tell me who made it. She’s bought nothing except Avon for years, ever since we were married, I think.

“No, I hadn’t heard of it before, saw it when I was scrolling the TV, one of those shopping channels, don’t remember the name, though,” she answered, “I ordered a set of makeup from them, really like it.”

I was guessing that I knew the name.

“Doesn’t matter,” I told her, “it’s beautiful, I like it ... a lot!”

I dressed, Dani went in our dressing room, came out several minutes later wearing a pair of tan corduroy pants, low on her hips, leather-looking laces up the outside of both legs and the fly, just aching for some industrious husband to pull the bow-tie, matched with a cream-colored blouse, spaghetti straps over her shoulders, a very faint outline of a black bra underneath, and black four-inch heels. Damn, she looked good! It was classy, yet sexy as hell. My dick was brought to attention, immediately.

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