Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 22

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 22 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

It was Saturday evening, Dani had arranged a little party for six of us: Jenny and her husband, Richard, Alan, me, and a ‘mystery’ guest, my date for the evening. I could only think of two people it might be, either April who I’d suspected had ridden from Tampa with Alan, or Rebekka, the salesgirl we’d met in Castle, the adult store in Kennewick. Or maybe, the mystery girl from that night with me tied to the chair.

And then it dawned on me, the reason I’d been uneasy about this evening. It would be the first time that Dani’s relationship with Alan would go public. Not ‘public’ public, but you know what I mean; Jenny, Richard, and my mystery date, whoever she might be. I imagined that Dani had already told Jenny about Alan, but hearing and seeing are two completely different things. I fully expected that Dani being Alan’s woman would be on full display tonight.

I hoped so, it was turning me on that Jenny would be watching her best friend with Alan Ryder. Hopefully, Dani ‘with’ him – intimately, the thought growing an erection poking at my pants, making love or fucking. No, tonight was going to be for fucking, hardcore. I don’t know how, but somehow, I knew that tonight was going to be life-changing. Something, I had no idea what, was going to happen before the night was over but something that was going to be momentous!

The doorbell brought me out of my reverie, Jenny and Richard. It took me a few minutes but I eventually realized the dress Jen was wearing was the same dress I’d seen that night last October, Homecoming, the night she’d been crowned princess and Daniella queen, the night that had started all of this, when I’d gone back in time and watched Daniella and Alan.

And then Dani came downstairs ... wearing the dress she’d worn that night, too, the dress Alan Ryder had watched her take off right before she lost her virginity to him, the very same guy who was standing beside me, thirty-one years later.

My mind went back to that night, Dani in that dress, eighteen years old. Her and him, Daniella’s bed. Would that night be reenacted? This time with an audience? Was that my premonition?

As Alan, Richard, and I stood gawking at Jenny and Dani, wearing their sexy, high school homecoming dresses, makeup making the both of them seem so much younger, the spell was broken with Alan exclaiming, “Babygirl!”

Then the doorbell rang, “You better get that,” Daniella told me. Even her voice sounded younger, “that’ll be your date.”

I’d been so curious all week. Now that it was time, whoever she was, standing right outside our door, I couldn’t move. My feet felt nailed to the floor. “You going to get the door?” Dani asked me, sounding more than a little frustrated that I hadn’t even moved. The doorbell rang again, “Answer ... The ... Door...” Dani told me, this time with force in her words.

I’d never felt leaden feet like those were but slowly made my way to the door, gripping the knob. If it’d been April, wouldn’t she have come with Alan? My heart was pounding when I turned the knob and pulled it open.

“Betty?” I gawked, ‘frumpy Betty’! Except this woman wasn’t ‘frumpy’, not in the least. Betty, the woman who does our bookkeeping, who makes sure our store runs smoothly. She comes in every Friday, all day, wears nothing except loose-fitting, shapeless sweatshirts and pants, no makeup – ever.

Except she didn’t look anything like that at all standing on our doorstep, “Betty,” I smiled at her, “come in, wow ... you look...” I couldn’t even think of an appropriate word, “gorgeous!” was the only word that came to mind, and wow, that didn’t even fit. This was NOT the Betty Ford I knew!

It dawned on me, Betty! She was the girl with Dani that night I’d been tied up on the chair, had to have been! How else could she be here tonight? No wonder she’d never spoken that night, I’d have recognized her voice in an instant. Dani sure as hell hadn’t been lying when she told me later that I knew the woman, but I’d have never, ever have suspected Betty.

She stepped in, and I put a hand behind her back, guiding her into our living room, introducing her to our other guests and them to her, my store’s ‘office manager’ I told them. She doesn’t actually have a title but if she had, that’s what it would have been. Betty and her husband had divorced several years earlier, “Nothing acrimonious,” she’d said back then, “we just grew apart.” I’d had no idea about her love life since then.

Dani was smirking, enjoying every second of the shock expressed on my face. ‘Frumpy Betty’ was wearing a long dress, tight, slit about three-quarters up her left leg, light green satin, and why hadn’t I ever noticed her gorgeous green eyes? Maybe because she’d always worn dark-rimmed glasses, and her red hair had always been up in a bun instead of flowing around her shoulders like it was now.

I never knew Betty’s age, it never mattered, she was just good at her job, and very pleasant the days she was in the office. Now, she looked ten years younger, at least. I dunno, maybe mid-thirties?

I couldn’t take my eyes away from Betty, this was a woman who, in the years I’d known her, had NEVER worn anything even hinting at a feminine figure. But wow, this dress demonstrated perfectly what I’d never have imagined was under those sweatshirts and sweatpants.

Someone else in the room seemed entranced by ‘Frumpy Betty’ – Alan. When I introduced them, he took her hand, which I’d never realized was quite so slender, brought it to his lips, and kissed the back, giving her a slight bow, “You’re a beautiful young lady,” he said. I took a quick glance at Dani, maybe a little frown on her face? Touch of jealousy?

“Thank you,” Betty told him, her face turning a shade of blush. She seemed more than a little embarrassed by his attention.

“Guess I’d better get the pizza in the oven,” Jenny announced, moving into the kitchen. Somewhere along the line that I hadn’t noticed, the oven had been preheated. She’d brought along two pizzas, both with her homemade sourdough crust. I’d eaten her pizza before, smothered in good stuff, not exactly the stuff of dieting, but once or twice a year, not so bad on a guy’s handsome physique.

While we waited for the pizza to cook, God, it already smelled good, we sat down in the living room; Dani and Alan on the couch, Betty and I on the loveseat, Jenny in the recliner, and Richard drug in a chair from the kitchen. A moment later, Dani and Alan got up, “I’m fixing some rum drinks, anyone not want one?” Alan asked.

“And I’m bringing brownies,” Dani said.

We all agreed that both sounded good. However, Dani and I were the only ones who understood what the combination of the brownies and rum would do. It was fine with me, but I was waiting for one or the other to mention that they might have some effect on, shall we say, one’s mental outlook ... along with certain portions of the anatomy.

I heard giggling coming from the kitchen, “Later, hands off!” Wonder what that was? I could guess. Then the whirring noise from the mixer, and Dani reappeared carrying a tray of brownies and six small plates, a brownie on each. “I like a little dessert before dinner,” she said, before going on, “just a fair warning, though, these may have a little effect on one’s ... umm, libido,” Dani said as she took a big bite out of a brownie.

Jenny smiled, “Yumm,” took a bite, “might I ask, what’s in it?” she asked. They did have a bit of a ‘different’ taste.

Dani grinned, “What, you don’t trust me?” She went in the kitchen, retrieved an unlabeled pint jar, bringing it into the living room. “This, perfectly safe, you want to take a little home?” I couldn’t help but smile, as if that explained what ‘it’ was. “You ... probably can’t buy it at Walmart,” Dani told her, with a smirk on her face.

“Mmm, see how it goes,” Jenny said.

That was when Alan brought in another tray with six glasses of drinks, they looked like slushies, “Smidgeon of rum, a special coconut rum from Guatemala, coconut water, lots of ice, and a dab of vanilla,” he said.

I tasted mine, his ‘smidgen’ tasted like a pretty damned lot to me. He didn’t mention how it’d multiply the effect of the aphrodisiac in the brownies. But it was good, I liked it, more than any alcoholic drink I’d ever had.

“Wow,” Betty said, “this packs a punch, doesn’t it. Just curious, how much rum do you consider a smidgen?” she asked.

Alan let out a little laugh, holding his fingers vertically about three inches apart, “About this much is all.”

She giggled, looking at her glass, only about five inches high.

Richard’s face twisted in a bit of a grimace, “Good,” was all he said. None of us are high on alcoholic drinks. I laughed at what I’d just thought. Not yet, anyway, bet we’ll be that way before the night’s over.

“Ooh, yummy,” Jenny said, “I like that!” giving Alan Ryder a sexy look up and down, her husband, Richard, looking at her with a ‘look’, somewhere between inquisitiveness and ‘what the hell’. Between Betty and Jenny, Dani may have a bit of competition for her lover’s affections. Might be interesting before the night’s over.

Dani set her nearly eaten brownie on her plate and said, “I don’t intend to wait till after the pizza for a little fun,” moving over and sitting on Alan’s lap, wrapping her hand around his neck and pulling him to her, kissing him, a full-fledged, lover’s kiss. I stared and glanced around the room, the others staring at Dani and Alan.

After maybe a minute of their tongues in each other’s mouths, Dani backed away, saying, “Don’t be bashful, people, join in,” before resuming their lip lock, Alan reaching in-between their chests, squeezing and massaging Dani’s boob.

Jenny and Richard pulled together with another scorching love-fest, and Betty and I looked at each other, her beginning to lean forward. I’d never kissed Betty before, never thought of her as a sexual person, but that was before, this was now. Our lips met, tentatively at first, just closed lips, Betty’s lips soft and pliable, opening slightly, her tongue tickling my lips.

We moved closer together on the loveseat, and Betty’s hand went behind my neck, our mouths opening. When this girl decided to kiss, she could kiss! There was only one way I wanted it to end. Unfortunately, that’s not how it ended, however. The damn buzzer on the stove announced that the pizza was done.

Betty and I pulled apart, more than a little grudgingly, and sat staring into each other’s eyes. Hers were such a beautiful green I had no idea how I’d never noticed before. A lot of things about Betty I had never noticed before.

“Wow,” was all she said, kind of breathlessly. I felt the same way.

“Jenny’s pizza is really good,” I told her. Yeah, I know, lame. What the hell else do you say when you’ve just been kissing a sexy woman for the first time that you’ve known platonically for years?

It was going to be a good night!

Jenny’s pizza is always good, and this wasn’t an exception. That crispy, homemade crust smothered by olive oil, her homemade sauce, cheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, and lots of spices.

As we sat eating, everyone at the table, except Jenny, oohing and aahing about the pizza, I felt a hand on my thigh.

“This is the best I’ve ever had, you want to cook for my restaurant?” Alan asked Jenny as that hand worked higher on my leg, then fingers quietly lowering my zipper, the same fingers that had worked at my office keyboard so many times. Never again would I take those fingers for granted!

“Speaking of restaurants, Alan, why don’t you tell them about yours in Tampa?” Dani suggested, “he’s looking around here to maybe open another, too,” she added.

So, while Alan regaled us with the story of how he opened his first restaurant after retiring from the Buccaneers, Betty’s fingers were spreading the precum leaking from my hard cock. Oh, the girl was good, like she’d done this a thousand times before, tormenting a poor, defenseless guy under the table while acting like nothing whatsoever was going on; that and the fact that the brownies and rum were already doing their magic. Her hand wrapped around me squeezing, pressing down on my groin. I had to close my eyes and take deep breaths, only to imagine how it’d feel later, sliding inside Betty.

Betty was on my left. Unfortunately, when I tried to reciprocate, realized the slit in her dress was on her left – the opposite side from me.

I felt the orgasm start to build. It felt almost like an out-of-body experience, watching myself about to come under the table, trying not to show, and then ... Betty’s hand was above the table, reaching for another slice of pizza, “Cut one in half, please?” she asked no one in particular, leaving me trying not to pant, my dick throbbing in frustration.

When the pizza was gone, we decided to sit at the dining table instead of the living room, it’s a square table, more convenient for two on each side than the coffee table in the living room. We’d made sure to get one with comfortable chairs, too, when we bought it. So, it seemed perfect for the little game that Dani had planned out, whatever it was, she still hadn’t told me, except that it was going to be very ‘adult’.

“Okay, people,” Dani said after we’d cleaned up the kitchen, gotten all the dishes in the dishwasher, and cleaned the crumbs off the table. Oh, by the way, when we sat back down for her game, I made sure to sit on Betty’s left this time, all the guys sat on the girl’s left. Wonder why.

“Here’s what we’re doing,” opening a deck of playing cards and dealing them out, six cards each, “don’t look at your cards, there’s six of us, so I took out the aces, twos, threes, and fours. That leaves fives and bigger in the deck.” She went on spreading out six index cards, numbered five through ten after she finished dealing the deck.

“We’ll take turns turning over one of our cards and then the corresponding index card will tell us what to do,” Dani explained.

“And the jack, queen, king?” Richard asked. I was wondering the same thing, no index card for those.

And that was when I felt Betty’s hand once again on my thigh, like it was sneaking up on my zipper.

“The jack’s a wild card, we can do anything we want with it; if it’s a queen, we turn over one more and whatever it says applies to all the girls, same for the king with the guys.”

While Dani was explaining, Betty’s hand resumed rubbing my swollen shaft. At least this time, I was on the right side to let my hand wander underneath her dress ... which it did...

Alan chuckled, “Babygirl, you tell your husband how you came up with this game?”

Dani blushed, “Alan...!”

He looked around the table, “Guess I’ll take that as a no ... you really need to be more open with your husband, babe. You want to tell them or should I?”

Okay, my interest was piqued, another of Dani’s sordid tales, except this one was being told to her friends, as well.

Dani’s face was a bright red, looking around the table, “Jen, you remember?”

Jenny looked at her friend, then suddenly her face turned white, her expression changing to one of shock, and her hand going to her mouth, “Omigod! I’d forgotten all about it!” So, she was in on this one?

Alan looked at Jenny quizzically, “You were there? One of those sexy babes?” Jenny nodded, her face as white as fresh snow. This was getting more and more interesting. Richard was looking at his wife like he hadn’t a clue what was going on. He no doubt had no idea, he hadn’t been the recipient of Dani and Alan’s stories like I had. Poor Betty looked befuddled as well.

“Graduation night,” Alan began to explain, “eight of us skipped the official party and had our own, four girls, four guys, played a game just like this one ... you were there, Jenny, you want to tell what happened?”

“We ... uhh ... got naked ... lots of messing around...”

“Really, love, how come I never heard any of this?” Richard asked.

“Was so long before us, I hadn’t thought about it for so long ... and nothing happened ... except lots of naked making out,” Jenny told him. Jenny and Richard were both in their late twenties before they got married, so it had been at least ten years before they were together. I thought back, guess it was eight years before they got together.

Alan interrupted, “Not completely true, don’t know about Jenny or the rest, but Dani and I ... after ... and yeah, there was making out ... a LOT of making out ... surprised it didn’t turn into a big orgy.”

Ahh, what I had missed out on in high school. My grad party sure as hell hadn”t been like that!

Jenny looked at her husband, at least a little color coming back to her face, “Was way before us, Rich.”

He was looking back at her, appeared to be softening to the idea, “They suck your tits?” he finally asked.

Now her face was blushing, “Uhuh,” was all she answered.

“Well, now that we have that out of the way,” Dani spoke up after a long hesitation, “should we play this game or not? Don’t know about you all, but I’m horny as hell.” Good for her, I was, too!

“I could use another drink before we start, maybe a brownie, too,” Betty suggested. Good, damned idea, I thought. Dani had set the plate of brownies aside earlier, she retrieved it, and Alan went into the kitchen to make another set of drinks. I didn’t know about anybody else, but I was already feeling the effect. My dick was hard and my emotional state matched it, that little graduation night story, I think had turned us all on, maybe I should say, just added to it.

But that feeling of foreboding, of something imminent growing stronger and stronger, wishing I had some clue ... anything.

“You guys situated now? Ready to start?” Dani asked after she and Alan had sat back down, a new brownie and a drink in front of each of us. We each rolled the die, high person to start. I had a five, Richard and Dani each had a six, so they rolled again. My right hand had found that slit in Betty’s dress and was massaging her inner thigh above her stocking.

“Unh,” Betty grunted, followed by a moan when my fingers worked their way under her panties and pressed inside her. Everyone at the table stopped and looked at her, her mouth open, eyes closed with my fingers retreating and rubbing barely inside of her pussy lips. She was so freakin’ unbelievably hot! Literally, I mean, I could hardly stand myself, wanting to bury myself in that steaming, hot pussy.

Her legs squeezed together, I leaned over, whispering to her, “Take your panties off.”

She let out a little moan, opening her eyes and seeing everyone watching her, “Excuse me a minute,” she said, her cute face a bright red, “I have to use the bathroom.”

I put my hand on her leg, stopping her just as she started getting up, “No, here ... now,” I told her, “then give them to me.”

She sat back down, looking at me with I’m not sure what in her eyes; fear, lust, embarrassment? She hesitated a long moment, then pushed herself up, and I felt her squirming under the table. A moment later her balled up hand rested in mine above the table. All eyes were still on Betty when her hand opened and I felt the little piece of dampness transfer from her hand to mine.

“I guess I start,” I heard Richard say, having rolled a four and Dani a two. I closed my fist around the treasure in my hand, moving it under the table, wanting so badly to peek.

“You know, Jen, before Richard turns over his card, you and I should join Betty, don’t want her to feel too embarrassed by ... you know what.”

And with that, both women slipped their panties off and handed them to their partners, the same as Betty had. Richard’s face was red and his fingers white when Jenny balled hers up into his hand. But unlike both of us, Alan spread open Dani’s for all to see the tiny black thong she’d been wearing and brought it to his nose, “Ahh ... the smell of aroused woman, there’s no perfume that can compare with it,” he said, inhaling deeply, “makes me ... not want to wait,” at the same time reaching his hand under the table, eliciting an audible groan from my wife, leaving no doubt what that hand was doing.

I took that as permission, unballing Betty’s; a skimpy, lacy bikini, not quite a thong but very small and very sexy, closed my eyes, and inhaled the aroma as Alan had done, “Mmm, you’re so right!” My hand, too, went under the table, feeling the heat emanating from between Betty’s legs; pressing fingers into her slit, prompting more groans from her. God, she was damp. And so fucking hot!

“So, we going to play Dani’s game or just fuck?” Jenny asked.

Personally, I was kind of in favor of the latter.

“No, we ARE going to do this!” Dani said, gritting her teeth, “Richard, turn over a card.” We all could tell from the expression on Dani’s face that, if anything, Alan had intensified his assault on her pussy. I didn’t with Betty, just continuing to tease, the same as she was doing with my rock-hard dick.

“I second it ... not that I’m particularly opposed to the other option, either,” Jenny said, “Richard ... a card.”

I could tell how nervous Richard was, his fingers were shaking, besides the look on his face. I suspected he’d never been in a situation like this. He’s a pediatrician. I guess medical school and facing all those new moms and dads with their little baby in his care didn’t exactly prepare you for something like this. I’d have said the same just a few months ago, scared to freakin’ death.

His shaky fingers reached for a card, turning it over, an eight. Dani smirked, she’d know what was on the index card with the big eight on it. Richard looked at her, obviously noticing the smirk, “What?” he asked her.

“I didn’t say anything, go ahead, turn it over,” she told him.

His hand moved to the index card, starting to pick up the corner, peeking under it, “No, just flip it over,” Dani said.

He put it back down, his hand covering it. “Turn. It,” his wife, Jenny, told him. Poor Richard looked like a nervous wreck, might be right at home with a baby’s or child’s life in his hands but this was outside his comfort zone. By the look on his face, a LONG way outside. He reminded me of how I was feeling that first time, after dinner in our hotel room in Tampa, Dani with Alan.

Very suddenly, Richard flipped the card over. ‘Roll the dice, kiss the person.’ Then it went on in smaller print, ‘a real kiss, at least a minute, preferably longer.’

“Okay, it says to roll the dice,” Jenny said. She looked excited, I doubted she’d ever seen her husband kiss another girl, at least not like this, especially judging from Richard’s reaction.

He took a deep breath, rolled the one dice around in his cupped hands, and dropped it on the table, a six. Dani giggled, looking at me. It took me a second to realize why, I was the ‘six’. “No, not gonna happen!” I looked desperately around the table, all three women were giggling, Richard looked just as stricken as I felt. “We gotta have some new rules for this,” I spouted.

“Whatcha think, girls,” Jenny asked, “we let them off the hook?”

Dani, sweet Dani, came to the rescue, “I’m not really into watching guys with guys,” she said, “I vote we modify the rules, no guy-guy.”

Thank God, I thought! Thank you! “So that makes the vote at least four?” looking around the table.

“Nope,” Jenny said, “this is strictly us girls’ vote, Betty?”

Betty giggled, “I think it’d be kind of cute, I vote no.” She got pretty intense stares from all three of us guys.

“Guess it’s up to me, then ... I kind of agree with Betty,” Jenny added, “‘cept we might have some mutinies. Okay, what about the other way, us girls?” she asked.

I spoke up, “We get to vote on that?” I asked, “seems only fair if you’re voting on us guys.”

“Nope,” she answered, “unless you want me to vote no with Betty, gonna be up to we ladies.”

“I’m ... okay with it,” Dani said with a smile on her face. If my dick hadn’t already grown quite stiff, those few words would have done it.

“Betty?” Jenny asked. Betty smiled and got a little bit of blush on her face, nodding. My heart was pounding, anticipating.

“Okay,” Jenny said, “we good, Rich, guess you can roll the dice again.”

I think there were three huge sighs of relief at the table, Richard picked up the dice and rolled it as he had before, this time up came three little dots on it, Jenny, his wife.

“Oh no,” Dani said, “that’s not gonna work, no spouses, either. Rich, roll again ... except this time...” she looked at Betty, “Betty, you’re even, I’m odd, it’s going to be one of us.”

Richard picked up the dice a third time, cupped it in his hands, swirled it around, and dropped it on the table. It rolled around and landed with one little black dot facing up. I glanced up at Dani’s face, the grin spreading across her gorgeous face.

“You sure?” Richard asked my wife.

She was already scooting her chair back, “Oh yeah,” she answered, “been wanting to do this for so long!” She walked over to Richard’s spot at the table, “Scoot your chair back,” she told him, standing alongside.

Once again, I couldn’t take my eyes away as Dani straddled Richard’s lap and sat down, adjusting the slit in her dress as she did so that her bare pussy was pressing against the stretched hard fabric of his slacks. Richard’s the professional in the room and he dresses it. He wasn’t wearing a suit but a very nice pair of slacks and dressy, silk shirt. And now my wife’s naked pussy was rubbing directly against the tent in those slacks, her legs spread far apart.

Dani glanced over at Jenny, I guess for her permission, which she promptly gave with a smile and a nod. Richard sat there, reminding me a little of the tar baby in Song of the South, that kind of ‘what the hell am I doing here’ blank look on his face. That silly line went through my head, ‘Tar baby, he just sot there.’ Yeah, dumb, I know. Richard was no doubt more nervous than any new mom had ever made him. But from the size of the tent Dani’s private part was rubbing against, his body wasn’t nervous, not in the least. It knew exactly what it wanted.

Dani took his cheeks in her hand and whispered, “I’ve been wanting to do this for ages!” just an instant before their lips made contact.

Dani’s lips pressed against Richard’s, he appearing stiff, frozen in place. But Dani wasn’t deterred, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed her body to him, crushing her breasts against Richard’s chest.

It was fascinating to watch, how Richard’s hands slowly went around her waist, his features softening, finally opening his mouth a little to let Dani’s tongue explore, after perhaps a minute – maybe less, maybe more, fully kissing Dani back.

Not only fascinating but so fucking erotic, Dani seducing this man who she’d apparently secretly been harboring a crush for who knows how long, ‘ages’ as she’d put it.

The two of them were fully engaged, mouths open, tongues exploring, hands roaming, one of Richard’s tangled in Dani’s hair. Dani pressing her body, rubbing her naked pussy up and down against his erection. She found his other hand, the one not in her hair, pulling it up to her breast, pressing it against her.

I couldn’t stop myself, so fuckin’ turned on, my fingers pressing inside Betty’s slit. Was this that ‘moment’ that I’d foreseen earlier, something between Richard and Dani?

No, I realized, it was something far more, but what? My body was vibrating with the anticipation, not the least of which was watching Dani with her best friend’s husband – or my fingers inside Betty.

I had no idea how long it might have been when Dani’s lips parted from him and we all heard her, “ ... going to fuck you,” as she pulled away, both Dani and Richard breathless.

“That, boys and girls, is how it’s done,” Dani murmured as she sat back down in her chair.

Alan leaned over, squeezed Dani’s breast, pinching her nipple through her dress much as Richard had, and kissed her, soft and passionately. I remember thinking earlier that it would be thrilling to see Alan and Dani with our friends here. I was right, especially when he pushed a strap down off her breast and leaned down, rolling a nipple between his lips, slowly working it into his mouth, then her whole tit, just briefly. “Like old times, Babygirl.”

Dani’s head was lolling back, mouth open, hands scraping through Alan’s short, curly hair, a moan escaping her mouth before she gripped his hair and pulled him away, “Ohh, feels so good ... but you’re cheating,” she said, “much as I want ... haveta wait until the game says you can do that.”

“Ahh, but babygirl, your titties are so suckable!” He looked over at Richard, “Next time, you gotta...”

Richard’s face was just as red as Dani’s, tugging the strap back over her shoulder, at the same time interrupting Alan, “Your turn, Betty, a card.”

Now, we all had an idea what to expect. I was trying to get that vision out of my head, Alan sucking my wife’s tit in front of her best friends. Damn, if my pants weren’t already so damned tight...

Now it was Betty’s turn, her petite shaking hand inching onto the table, then turning over her card, a seven. She looked around the table, her same hand going to the index card, “I’m almost afraid to see what’s on it.”

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