Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 21

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 21 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

I woke up the next morning feeling randy, a lot randy, actually, wanting my wife. She was still dead to the world but sometime during the night we’d spooned together. God, she felt good in my arms after the last week, nearly two weeks since we’d made love together. My fingers just seemed to gravitate all on their own to tweak a bare nipple, mine again, I thought.

Dani squirmed with a little moan, either waking up or having a nice dream, so I pinched her nipple a little harder between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it just slightly, like she’s always liked, at the same time kissing and tickling her neck with my tongue, getting more and more turned on. She snuggled back against me and her hand covered mine over her tit, pressing slightly, letting me know she liked what I was doing.

I liked it, too – a lot, the way she was snuggling back to me, her hand over mine, the feel of her tit in my hand, just ... everything. My dick was plainly liking it, too, pressing against her bare backside.

Dani rolled over, obviously awake, and kissed me, her tongue exploring my mouth. Did I mention how good it felt to have my arms around my wife in our bed? I don’t think it’d ever felt that good, not even when we first married, just to feel the love emanating from her pores. “Not now,” she said, tickling my lips with her tongue, “tonight ... want our first time to be perfect.”

Unfortunately, after we were up, later in the morning, Dani’s parents invited us for dinner that night. Before her mom’s phone call, we’d talked about where we might go that would be fun, where we could unload some of the stress of the last week; you know, a little not-so-innocent foreplay before that ‘perfect’ big event.

“Mom, Robert, and I were planning on going out, can we do it another night?” Dani asked her mother.

“Honey, I’m sorry, I’ve already talked to Robert’s parents, and Jody and Jon, they’re all coming over, we missed you last week ... I ... guess I could call them back...” The pleading in her voice came through, loud and clear.

Dani let out a little groan, she’d had the phone’s speaker on and I heard all. I rolled my eyes at her and nodded, mouthing the word ‘okay’, even though every pore in my body was saying otherwise. She smiled appreciatively, “Okay, Mom, what time? We’ll be there.”

“Seven, seven-thirty?” she said.

When Dani clicked her phone off, she looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes that told me everything I needed to know. “It’s fine,” I told her, grinning at her, “we’ll still have later.” Inwardly, I was growling, why couldn’t her mom have asked us first? Ah well, so be it. We’d probably have done the same thing if it had been one of our kids.

We got there shortly after seven, the kids were already there, not that they were ‘kids’ anymore, Jodi was twenty-one, and Jon twenty-six. Jodi’s had off and on boyfriends, none now, and Jon’s wife of two years, Tammy, a pretty, petite, redhead. Jon had done well, marrying her.

We hadn’t told either about the truck and boat yet, all they knew was that we’d been visiting one of Mom’s high school friends, the famous football player, and we knew Jon would be anxious to hear everything about him. Obviously, we weren’t going to tell them about ‘that’, but Alan had autographed a football and some other things that he’ll be more than a little excited about. Jon was still a kid at heart

As for me, the thing I was looking forward to was after this dinner, bedtime. I’m sure you can’t figure out why. It’d been a loooonnnngg time!

Dani’s parents were Jessica and Jake. Now you know why both our kids’ names were Js. Not sure exactly what happened with Dani, why she wasn’t a J as well. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, I love the name Daniella, love her nickname, too.

My mom and dad arrived a few minutes after us.

Jake had grilled a prime rib on his pellet grill, Jessica made a potato salad, and Dani made her cake specialty – butter pecan. The ‘kids’ each brought snacks, Tammy had made ice cream. Think that wouldn’t be good with the butter pecan cake? My mom and dad brought several bottles of wine, which they loved. I’m not sure what happened, but the wine-lover genes had skipped me. I thought the stuff was nothing but spoiled grapes, but as usual, would drink a little just to be polite.

“So, tell us about your trip, what did you do there for a week?” My mom, Sarah, asked. Dani and I looked at each other with a secret smile on our faces. I didn’t think we were going to indulge in every little detail.

“Went to see the ballpark where Alan played,” Dani told her.

“That’s all? For a week? Don’t think it’s quite that big. Must have done more than that,” Dad asked, with a perplexed look on his face.

Dani and I both chuckled. We could tell them sooo much! Some things were better left unsaid and unknown, though, much better. I think they might have misinterpreted the chuckle, “We ran into Alan’s cousin, Tevin ... had quite a fun evening with him,” Dani said. I nearly spit out the drink I’d just taken, out through my nose, thinking about that evening. She looked around the table with a grin on her face, “We ... uhh ... bought a little something from him ... he’s a sales manager at a Ford dealership, sort of bought a new truck from him...”

Jodi looked at her mom wide-eyed, “You bought a WHAT?”

Jon’s reaction was a bit different, a big smile on his face, “Cool, Mom! A big one?”

I was at least thankful that no one seemed to pick up on the ‘fun evening’. Would hate to have to explain that away.

Dani went on, explaining, “It’s an F150,” looking at Jon, “big enough to pull the boat we bought, I’m pretty sure.”

Now everyone at the table except Dani and me were in shock, a huge surprised look on their faces, “A what?” Dani’s dad asked.

“We bought a boat, eighteen-foot ski boat, always wanted to learn to waterski,” I explained, “Alan’s going to be driving them up from Florida this week.”

Jon shook his head like he was trying to clear out the shock from his brain, “Dad ... why would you do that all the way there? Why not here?”

“Cuz, son, we couldn’t have gotten the kind of bargain here. Alan Ryder has a lot of pull there, bought the truck from his cousin and the boat at the same time he bought a big one, so got a hell of a deal on both.

Dani’s mom was watching Dani, “Alan Ryder ... wasn’t he the boy you were so in love with your senior year?”

Dani’s face turned a bright, cherry-red. Her dad looked toward me, “Is there...?”

“Mom, Dad, that was a long time ago, he’s an old high school boyfriend ... he’s a friend, nothing more.”

“Daniellllla,” her mom started, dragging her name out, “your dad and I weren’t naïve back then, we knew what was going on between you two ... at least part of it, we were teenagers once too, you know.”

Both Jodi and Jon were looking around like ‘what the hell – something you never told us?’

Dani’s face had regained her normal color, she looked more exasperated, “Mom, I’m a big girl now, an adult ... almost fifty for God’s sake! He’s just a friend, okay?”

“Pass the potatoes, please?” her dad asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

“I want to know about this boat?” Jodi asked. ‘Thank you!’ I thought to myself. I was more than eager for the topic of conversation to be elsewhere. Dani’s parents knew! An innocent person does not react the way Dani just had.

“Eighteen feet, three-hundred horse Yamaha engine, it’s a beauty,” I explained, “made for skiing.”

“And ALAN RYDER is bringing it?” Jon asked, excitedly. He was Jon’s hero back when he was playing and Dani was following him so closely. “And you dated him, Mom, back in high school? You never mentioned that before.”

Dani let out a little groan, “Yes, honey, I dated him, and yes, he’s bringing it, planning to be here Friday.”

“Your mother was devastated when he decided to go to college back east instead of Washington or Washington State,” her dad said, “both made an offer, Oregon, too.”

“He did it for his career, Dad, because of Georgia’s quarterback, it worked out for him, too.”

“I lost a lot of respect for him, though, when he just abandoned my little girl,” he said.

Dani took my hand and squeezed, “It worked out, though, I couldn’t have had a better life with the man I love,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. After the last week, she sure as hell knew how to stroke a guy’s ego!

“I’m ready to sample Dani’s cake and Tammy’s ice cream,” Jessica said. The two women got up and brought the cake and ice cream. The ice cream turned out to be the big hit of the evening. We all pretty much agreed that Jon’s marriage to this girl was the smartest thing he’d ever done. How pretty and nice she was was just a bonus. That ice cream sealed the deal as far as Dani and I were concerned, and we were ready for grandkids. I looked at Dani, trying to imagine that gorgeous woman as a grandmother. It just didn’t compute.

“Oh yeah, there’s one other little thing we did ... or I guess, that Dani did ... Hon, why don’t you tell them about Amanda,” I told Dani.

The entire table of people looked at Dani expectantly, a wondering expression on their faces. “I had a rather exciting experience...” and proceeded to tell about the unexpected session with April that morning, filling in for the missing model, then Wednesday in the studio, and about the contract she signed, that the agent thinks she already has a part for her in an upcoming movie. “You’re looking at the face for ‘Winsome Naturals Cosmetics’,” Dani said.

The kids and our parents all just sat, a little awestruck, I think. Finally, Jodi broke the ice, “Wow, Mom, are you serious? You have your own cosmetics company? And you’re going to be in a movie?”

“Well, the company isn’t mine, I’m just going to be the spokeswoman for it, it’s a major company but the cosmetics line is new. As far as the movie, we don’t know yet, I’ll have to audition for it, but that agent sure seems to think I have a pretty good chance. And I know the cosmetics company wants all the exposure I can get.”

“And they’re paying you a hundred-fifty-thousand dollars for six months? Just weekends?” her dad asked.

“And after that, my agent will demand a lot more if it goes as well as everyone thinks it will,” Dani added.

We spent the next fifteen minutes talking about Dani’s upcoming new part-time career. We hadn’t been to the bank yet with her twenty-five-thousand-dollar check, so she got it out of her purse and showed it, that made the whole unbelievable thing seem so real.

Later in the evening, before we all left, Dani asked, “Jon, would you mind helping your dad get my old trunk down from the attic and put in the van? There’s some old things I want out of it.”

So, Dani, Jon, and I trudged upstairs to get the trunk from the attic. The pull-down ladder is in Dani’s old bedroom, and I couldn’t help but remember what I’d seen in that same room that night last October when I stepped back into 1987. The bed had been changed since then, but still, the room brought that memory flooding back, the night Dani lost her virginity. That incredible, unbelievable night that couldn’t possibly have happened, but did.

We retrieved the trunk and carried it downstairs and out to the van. It wasn’t overly heavy, so Dani and I would be able to get it into our house. I was more than anxious to see what was inside ... and then what comes after! It had been two weeks, well – within a day or two, since, you know what. And after that last week ... I wanted my wife!

“That was a little embarrassing,” Dani said, looking at me during the ten-minute drive home, “Mom and Dad knew?”

I chuckled, “Sounds like they knew a lot more than you suspected, maybe you didn’t fool them quite as much as you thought.” I found it incredibly amusing that, now, thirty years later, she’s finally discovering that her parents weren’t quite as naïve as she’d thought.

She laid her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes, “And now Jon and Jodi ... and of course, Tammy, know too. What are we going to do when he’s here? I don’t want them to think...”

“Hon, they already do...”

“Oh God!” her face was red all over again.

“Maybe ... we should ask him to stay in a hotel when he’s here,” Dani suggested.

“That’d be a little awkward, don’t you think, when we have a perfectly good, empty guest room?”

“Yeah, dumb idea. Maybe ... we just let them think whatever ... they’ll never know for sure.”

I nodded, “We can’t ask him to stay in a hotel.” God, I hadn’t thought a lot about it before, but the idea of Alan Ryder sleeping with my wife in our house was a major turn-on.

We set the trunk in our bedroom, and I sat on the bed while Dani opened it.

“Oh wow, my old cheer costume,” holding it up in front of her and looking down at it, so tiny!

“Try it on,” I asked her, anxious to see what she’d look like in it, sexy as hell, I was guessing.

She giggled, “I don’t know, I have boobs now, you know.” Yeah, I had noticed that, especially over the last week. She took it into our bathroom ... and a few minutes later reappeared. My breath caught, remembering what Dani had looked like with that same cheer outfit on that night in 1987 that I’d seen last October. This version was so much prettier.

She did a little twirl, “A little tight but I can get into it.” Tight, indeed! Dani’s boobs looked like they were smushed, trying to squirt out the top.

“What’s that?” I asked, pushing the little short skirt aside, just a little bit of color showing at the edge of her cheerleader tights. I pushed her tights aside, right at the edge of her pussy slit, a tattoo, maybe three inches tall ― a very small naked girl on a stripper pole!

Dani’s face turned red, “I ... forgot to mention that ... Alan ... Friday night ... took me to this place ... I picked it out, a reminder.” She was looking at me with fear on her face, “You ... hate it...”

I wasn’t sure what to think, my Dani, a tattoo! Stripper, no less! God, that night! I couldn’t take my eyes away. “No, I ... like it.” The pole in my pants was mute evidence. I knew I shouldn’t, it being instigated by another guy and all, her lover. But I’d sure as hell be thinking of her on that stage every time she got naked.

She knelt in front of me, smiling, “You already know how horny I was that night, guess I was up for about anything if it involved my pussy,” unzipping my pants.

I watched her, wishing Dani’s costume wasn’t quite so tight around her bosom. “You fuck the guy? Tattoo guy, I mean?”

She ignored my question, obviously reading my mind instead of listening to my words, “It didn’t use to be this tight. We always used to wear a bra with it ... except when I was with Alan ... I didn’t.” She had my cock out, standing up proudly, poking a nice hole in the air, wrapping her fingers around it, spreading out the spit she’d put on her fingers. “He liked to look down my top when I did this,” leaning over and curling her tongue around the head, “and we did it a lot.”

I groaned, thinking of teenaged Daniella wearing this same costume, sucking that big, black dick, remembering last Wednesday morning on the boat, then the question she hadn’t answered, “Did you ... fuck the guy?”

Her lips wrapped around me, and I closed my eyes, breathing deep, enjoying the sensation, feeling her lips sliding off, I was rock-hard. “No ... but Alan and I didn’t make it back to his truck after, either.”

“Think we should see what else is in the trunk, okay?”

No! I wanted her to finish what she’d just started. She stood, going back to the trunk, rummaging through it, “Several are here, which do you want me to try next?”

“Is the New Year’s Eve one there? You said it might be.”

She rummaged a bit more, then with her hands still deep in the trunk, looked up at me with a smile on her face, “Found them, need to close your eyes, want to surprise you with this one.”

A few minutes later, Dani called from the bathroom, telling me to close my eyes again. I did so and heard Dani re-enter the bedroom, “Okay, open,” she said.

There stood Dani in what had to be the nothingest blouse I’d ever seen, no more than a wisp of totally transparent, purplish, flowery material, like looking through a purple, wintry fog. And she’d said that her bra was almost as see-through. She wasn’t exaggerating, her pink, dimpled areola with the pointed nubbins in the center came through almost like she was naked. “You ... wore that in high school?” I asked her, incredulous.

“Like I told you, he told me we weren’t going out, it was just for Alan to see ... and he’d seen me naked so many times by then.

I reached up, cupping her breasts with my hands, the delicate material of her blouse only adding to her sexiness. I tried to imagine Dani as eighteen years old, wearing this same blouse and bra. And like she’d said, the skirt was much more opaque but short, so damned short. From the time I’d met Dani through twenty-eight years of marriage to this last week, I’d never seen her in anything even remotely like what she was wearing now. And she’d worn this at a party, with Alan’s football player jocks ... the only girl.

She sat on my lap, kissing me, lots of tongue, hands behind my head, “Undo my bra,” she said. Gladly, I thought, reaching up underneath her blouse, then watched as Dani performed her magic trick of slipping it off without removing the blouse. How she does that...?

“Think I forgot to mention, one of the guys undid it while I was kissing another guy,” she said, “then their hands and mouths were everywhere.”

God, she was as good as naked on top with that sheer blouse on. I lifted the front of it and sucked a nipple in my mouth, “Uhuh, there, too,” as she pulled my head in tighter, moaning.

I tried to envision Dani, my future wife playing spin the bottle, kissing, practically topless, guy’s mouths all over her, sucking her tit, a bunch of horny football jocks. I started to ask her, “You...”

“Was so fuckin’ horny, yes ... like I am now, just remembering. You want to know what we did later ... when we were alone?”

I could imagine, but... “Yes,” I told her, hardly able to stand it. My dick was standing tall and proud, pointing to the sky. Dani got back down on her knees in front of me, tugging my pants and shorts down. “They wanted to fuck me, I wanted ... but Alan wouldn’t let them.”

She didn’t finish that statement, didn’t have to, pretty obvious. Once she had my pants down around my ankles, she stood and straddled my waist, lowering herself, holding my shaft at her slit, then continuing to lower herself.

“Ohh shit!” I moaned, feeling my wife’s pussy wrapping itself around me, impaling herself for the first time in what had seemed a lifetime, two weeks ... two fucking long weeks!

She was so slippery, so hot, feeling like a first time, it had been so long! Dani moaned along with me.

Then it dawned on me, “No panties?”

“Never said I wore panties that night, just the skirt and top.”

Oh God, that New Year’s just got exponentially hotter!’

“We sat just like this,” Dani kissing me, her tongue down my throat, our pelvises pressed tight together, Dani’s hips rocking, grinding. I don’t know what had happened in the last week, but I sure as hell didn’t remember her pussy squeezing and pulsing like it was now. God!

“I... “ trying to tell her I couldn’t stop what was happening to my body. She knew, sure she could feel it coming, the way her body responded. We thrust together, my climax building, my dick expanding even more, until it exploded inside her, Dani letting out a scream to match my groans. My wife was home, we were together again!

We made love twice more that night, once with Dani climbing on top like she had with Alan that night I slept with them, what – just three nights ago. The other early in the morning, missionary style with lots of kissing and nipple nibbling

Maybe the night hadn’t gone exactly to the plan, but it had been pretty damned perfect!

The next morning, Dani dressed for school – and for teasing Tom, her teacher friend. “Have to be a little more careful, though,” she said, “don’t want him to see my tattoo ... might give him the wrong idea.”

No, I thought, it’d give him exactly the RIGHT idea.

But she wore a bit more demure panties, maybe she needs to work back up (or down) to the thong again.

It felt weird being back at the store like things were normal once again, when things were anything but normal. And that lack of normalcy was brought home very clearly that evening when Dani told me, “Amanda called, said she has an audition for me next week for a movie. They wanted it this week but she told them I wouldn’t be available till next, doing it Saturday.”

It was happening, already. “She say anything about the movie?” I asked her.

“A little, it’s a love story. The woman’s, my part, husband is killed, then she falls in love with her therapist after not being able to cope with his death.”

“Sounds pretty emotional, think you could handle that?” I asked her.

She thought for a minute, “Don’t know ... it’s a movie, not real, how do actresses and actors deal with something like that?”

I had no idea, never been in that kind of situation. I’ve always wondered how they deal with the sex, which reminded me, “Is there...?”

She read my mind, “Nudity? Sex? A little, she said, not too explicit.”

I tried to wrap my head around that. Even that strip club was one thing, but nudity for all the world to see ... and maybe with a guy, was something else entirely.

“She said that can be negotiated a lot of the time, though, have to see, I guess,”

“Make sure they know you’re a teacher, not sure how the school district would feel about something like that.”

She nodded, “It’s not like I have the part yet, you know, it’s just an audition.”

Don’t ask me how I knew, but I knew – yeah, she had the part. Her agent wouldn’t be asking her to fly back to Tampa for a part she wasn’t going to get.

“Oh, one more thing, Alan’s on his way. He said he left this morning, should be here Friday sometime.”

“I was thinking, maybe having dinner with the kids and our parents Friday night?” She went on, “Then, maybe a more ‘adult’ dinner Saturday with Jenny and Richard ... and maybe an extra girl ... just to keep it even?”

I liked it. I knew that the kids, especially Jon were aching to meet his childhood hero. Extra girl? “And who might you be thinking of for Saturday?” I asked her, “I assume you have someone specific in mind.”

She nodded, a smile on her face, “I do. Not mentioning any names, though, would be a fun surprise for someone,” she said.

One name rose to the top of that list in my mind, Rebekka, from Castle, the adult store where we’d bought those toys. Was that nearly two months ago? Hard to believe! Just the thought of the possibility of Rebekka coming to Dani’s ‘adult’ party sent the blood flowing to my dick. Or ... April? Could she be coming along with Alan? Thinking about just three nights ago, with April! Dani’s mystery woman, that night she’d tied me, blindfolded, to the chair? No, I dismissed her, she didn’t want to be known.

“Want to see what else is in the trunk?” Dani asked.

Yeah! I thought. “Yeah, I’d like that,” trying to hide some of the glee in my voice.

Dani giggled, “Thought you might, me too.” So, we trudged to our bedroom, Dani’s trunk still sitting on the floor at the foot of our bed, looking just as innocent as it had when Dani and I put it there last night. She directed me to sit on the bed again, and she opened it. I hadn’t even thought about it last night, but tonight realized how unfair it was. From where I was sitting, I couldn’t see inside it and wanted to.

“Ooh, my prom dress.” She looked up at me, “I ever tell you about prom night?”

I shook my head, “No,” I told her, “I’m all ears.”

She closed the lid again, “Wait ... I think the pictures...” She went in our closet, “Hon, would you come, take down this album for me, please?”

I retrieved the album from the top shelf, one I’ve seen up there a few hundred times but don’t remember it ever being down before. We sat together on the edge of the bed, and she opened the album. It was pictures of Dani’s family from many years ago, long before we were married, when she was still in school, a very innocent-looking, pretty young girl, and parents that were probably ten years younger than we are now. Her mom was a beautiful lady back then, no mystery where Dani got her looks from. She still is attractive for a woman in her seventies, a preview of Dani in a few years, not even a little unpleasant Dani pointed out various things in the pictures, giggling at some of the silly clothes she wore.

And then she turned the page and they were there, the pictures she said she hoped she still had, high-school age Dani dressed up in a beautiful, blue dress, hair done up, standing next to a very nice-looking, young black guy, Alan Ryder, him in a suit, his arm possessively around the waist of ‘his’ girl, my wife to be three years later. Daniella looked radiantly happy. There were several different poses, then more at a different house, Alan’s, I presumed.

Alan had already developed those broad shoulders and slim waist. That ‘other’ part of him, too, I presumed, although it wasn’t in the pictures. Guess I didn’t have to presume, I’d seen him for myself that night. It was no wonder that a teenaged girl would fall for the kid ... or the adult, thirty-one years later.

“Both our parents wanted pictures, so he picked me up, Dad took pictures, then we went back to his house. We were such a sweet couple,” she giggled, “if only they’d known...”

“Seems maybe they did, at least yours,” I suggested.

She frowned, “Uhuh, guess so,” she said.

“You want to see the dress?” she asked me, changing the topic from what her parents knew, “it’s in the trunk.”

She didn’t wait for an answer, got up, opened the trunk again, and took out what looked like a very carefully folded and wrapped dress, taking it into our bathroom.

It was probably twenty-thirty minutes later when she reappeared, her hair done up like in the pictures, fresh makeup and lipstick; one of her old favorites, not the new one she’s modeling for. And wearing the dress, beautiful! It looked like silk, long with a slit up one side to her thigh, spaghetti straps over her bare shoulders, light blue. “Beautiful, the pictures don’t do it justice,” I told her.

“Thank you, Alan liked it, too.” She sat down on the bed and kissed me, pushing us both back on the bed, the slit up the side opening and exposing one stocking-covered leg completely.

“We went to Columbia Park before the dance, kissed and made out ... Alan’s hands everywhere.”

I was leaning over her, kissing her chest above the top of her dress, a hand went down between her legs, panties already soaked, “There?” I asked.

“Uhuh,” she answered. I pressed fingers underneath her panties, rubbing her slit. She moaned, “There, too,” I pressed two fingers inside her. She was wet, they slipped right in so easily. My mouth worked its way down her chest, pushing the top of her dress and bra down, sucking in a nipple, “Yessss,” she moaned.

“You were a naughty girl, weren’t you?” I mumbled out, in-between moving from one nipple to the other.

“Ohh, you have no idea!” sitting up and kneeling in front of me, “take my bra off,” she asked while she was undoing my pants zipper. I reached behind, unsnapping the latch just as I felt her lips wrapping around my engorged cock.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, feeling my wife’s exquisite lips and tongue. The bra had no shoulder straps so I just tugged it off, then laid back and enjoyed, my cock totally hard.

She didn’t let me come, pulling her mouth away just before, then crawled up on the bed, straddling me, and lowered her wet, panty-clad pussy to my mouth. I pushed it aside and tasted her goodies, my tongue groping inside her, looking for her clit. She let out a loud moan when I found it, her body tensing, legs squeezing my face.

Then suddenly... “Think we better go to the dance, don’t you?” pulling off of me, standing and sliding her panties down her legs, then straightening the straps of the dress over her now braless tits, handing me her panties.

I stood, struggling to tuck myself back in and zip back up, looking at my wife, now pantiless and braless, her engorged nipples very evident under her dress. She found a music channel on the satellite and we danced; at least held each other tight, her arms around my neck, mine around her waist, cheeks tight together, moving around the room.

“This how you went to your prom?” I whispered in her ear, visualizing Dani, no bra or panties, that dress, slit nearly to her waist, in a room full of high school kids.

“Uhuh, was so horny.” We danced a short while, then Dani pulled away and took my hand, tugging me out of the bedroom into our living room, lights still on, over to the window overlooking the street. She leaned against it, facing outside, “Fuck me, Robert, now!”

I looked out, street lights were on, our light was on, there was no one ... but could be, most likely would be, “The neighbors, someone ... will see,”

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