Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 2

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

My mouth was dry, my heart racing, I got up to get a glass of ice water from the refrigerator to share with Dani. I walked down the hall, around the corner to the living room ... and there ... hanging on the coat rack by the front door ... was a red plaid wool jacket ... with a little ‘bullet hole’ in the chest.

The ‘bullet hole’ was from battery acid, in the jacket my brother had given me in high school. I’d somehow gotten the acid on it, then inadvertently shrunk it, washing in hot water, then over thirty years ago, had donated it to the Salvation Army. Now, after the weirdest night in my life, that I’d thought was nothing but an elaborate dream, the jacket was hanging on the coat rack, just inside our front door, physical proof that my ‘dream’ had, in fact, been reality.

I stood, shellshocked, staring, unable to move. It was real, hanging in my house, our house. I stepped toward it, then was almost afraid to touch it. No, not ‘almost’. I did, though. An uncontrolled hand reached out, almost hoping that it would just disappear, that if it did, I could just go back to bed, kiss my wife and our day would go on.

But it didn’t disappear. It was real, felt like fairly coarse wool, exactly how I remembered it. A few seconds later, I was walking back into our bedroom carrying the jacket with me. I don’t even remember taking it down. One second, I was feeling the rough texture, the next carrying it into our bedroom.

Dani saw my stricken face, no doubt completely white, “Hon ... you okay? What is it?” I don’t know if I’d ever heard her sound so worried in my life.

“I ... the dream ... it ... it wasn’t ... a dream.” I held out the jacket to her, like it was a sacrificial offering.

She looked at me with a confused look on her face, like I was talking gibberish. Maybe I was. I wasn’t sure what I was saying.

“What’s that?” she asked, pointing toward the thing in my hand. I looked down at it again, wishing that it would be gone, that it would just disappear.

“Jacket, my jacket ... long time ago, before we married.” This didn’t make any sense, but I told her about the jacket, that my brother, Tom, had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday. I told her about the battery acid ‘bullet hole’, how it had shrunk and I’d given it to the Salvation Army, hoping that some kid could get some use from it.

She was silent, sitting up in bed against the headboard, while I was telling her, waiting for me to finish. When I did, then stood silently for a moment, still holding the thing draped across my arm, her first question, “Then how...?”

I looked at the jacket again, it was real. This wasn’t a dream, there never had been a dream. “I don’t know...” I hesitated, how the hell do I tell her? How the hell had this happened? It was like ‘The Twilight Zone’, except that was television. They can do anything on television. This was real life. These things don’t happen in real life.

“Last night ... you were gone, I went out to get a pizza ... then everything changed.” I tried to remember, “I’d been looking at the picture of you and Alan, the one of him kissing your cheek...”

Dani interrupted, “I still don’t understand, how do you know his name? I’ve never said it.”

“I’ll get to that.” And I proceeded to tell her everything, starting at seeing the old Ford on the street instead of the Honda, the jacket that I was still carrying in the back seat; how everything in town was ‘1987’, going to the football game ... As I talked, Dani’s eyes got wider and wider, unbelieving. Hell, I didn’t believe it myself, how the hell would she?

When I finished, with walking back in our house to find her in bed waiting for me, she said, “You know none of that happened, don’t you?”

I knew that none of it COULD have happened, but did it? “But,” I started, “you ... and Alan? Did that happen?” I looked down at what I was carrying, “And the jacket...”

I started again, describing what I’d seen in detail to her; her dress pulled down and Alan sucking her tit, switching from one to the other, the moaning noises she was making, how her fingers were shaking when she undid the zipper on her dress and pushed it down.

I told her how big her eyes were when she saw how big he was, how she’d asked him to fuck her, wanting him to be her first; “You spread your legs apart, held his cock in your hand, right at your pussy and asked him to go slow, since it was your first time.” I went on telling her how her breathing had changed when his cock disappeared inside her; her scream when he broke her hymen; that he’d waited inside her until she started moving underneath him. It was all so fresh in my mind, like I was watching it all over again.

How her hips thrust up, and she told him, “Now, Alan, make love to me.” I told her that was when I knew his name.

Dani’s eyes were big, her breathing deep. Was she remembering it, too, just the way I was describing it to her?

I went on, “You scratched his back, when he was thrusting in and out of you. Screamed when you both came.” Dani’s expression had changed. Her eyes were closed. Her right hand had moved to her left breast, underneath her nightgown, pinching her nipple.

When I described the last I’d watched, her legs up over Alan’s shoulders, him pounding inside her, the real-life present Dani moaned.

After I stopped, I sat down on the bed beside Dani and rubbed my hand up her leg. The jacket in my other hand was nearly forgotten. Telling her what I’d seen had made me horny as hell. And Dani, too, obviously.

“That’s how it happened, wasn’t it?” I whispered.

“It ... it did ... that’s how I remember it ... so long ago...” so softly from her mouth.

My hand went underneath the covers, up the inside of Dani’s thigh, to the pubic hair between her legs. She rolled over on her side toward me, lips finding mine. “He kissed you that night ... made you moan.”

I felt her tongue pressing between my lips, the vibrations of her moan. Her memories of that night brought back powerful emotions. Dani changed, the normal, quietly loving woman I’d been married to for twenty-eight years had become a woman possessed.

We’d fucked the night before, after I got home, harder than we ever had before, like the last time I watched Dani and Alan, her legs up over my shoulders. This time ... Dani was on fire. My cock was hard. She was on her hands and knees, me behind her, listening to her cries, feeling her slamming her body back into me with every thrust, pressing my cock deep inside her.

Afterward, we lay in bed, sated from our lovemaking, I was fifty. It was the first time in years, maybe a decade or more, that we’d had sex twice in a single night. And never like this. “Was it the only time?” I asked Dani.

She hesitated, like she was unsure how to answer me, “No,” she finally said, “it was all that school year ... and the following summer. Until we both went to college ... in separate parts of the country.”

I knew that Dani had gone to Columbia Basin Community College, then Washington State to get her teacher’s degree. That was where we met. I barely remembered her from high school, just as a cheerleader and the star player on the girls’ basketball team. Our enrollment was over fifteen-hundred; I had no idea she was at Wazzu until a single’s dance. She came over to talk to me, realizing we’d gone to the same high school and we hit it off almost instantly and have been together since.

I thought about Dani and Alan, how long they’d been together and even that first time, she’d told him, ‘I love you.’ After almost a year, how emotionally involved must she have been? No wonder she’d never wanted to talk about him.

“Parents know?” I asked her.

“They knew we were dating, liked him. He was a nice guy,” she told me.

“Not about the...?

She looked at me like maybe I was from Mars. “Sex?” she laughed, “hardly. Not exactly something I’d announce to my parents.”

In the discoveries of the morning, what had started it all, my incredible evening, was almost completely forgotten. With no explanation, Dani picked up her phone, did some scrolling, and a moment later, “Oh my god!” her face turning white.

She handed her phone to me, there was a video of me ... leaving her parents’ house, wearing the plaid, wool jacket, getting into the Honda, and driving away. I looked at the time stamp on the video, 12:47 am October 26, 2019. The same time as I’d left their house.

My face must have turned just as white as Dani’s. There was proof, her parent’s security camera – it had actually happened, just like I’d ‘dreamed’ it.

“There was nothing before that ... or after,” she said. There wouldn’t have been. What happened before that had happened thirty-two years earlier. We’d all gone into the house in 1987 and I’d come out in 2019. Dani and Alan wouldn’t have been in the house by the time I’d come out, either, so there’d be no video of them leaving.

The question was how? It simply wasn’t possible. Except, it had. There was proof. That ... and the jacket.

She looked at me with a stricken look on her face, “There’s something ... I didn’t tell you, didn’t even think about...” she started, “last night ... I ... I was out with Jen, we were having dinner at The River House ... then ... I don’t remember...” Her friend, Jenny, since forever, grade school, I think, Maid of Honor at our wedding. I thought back to last night ... Jenny was at that homecoming dance. As a matter of fact, she was one of the homecoming princesses.

Okay, this was weird. “You don’t remember? What?”

“We were having dinner, then I was here, in bed ... like time in-between was just ... gone, nothing.”

She sat quietly for a minute, then got her phone and called Jenny. I heard her end of the conversation, asking her about last night, “Yeah, me too,” I heard Dani say.

When she clicked off the phone, her hands were shaking and she looked up at me, “Jen – same thing. She doesn’t remember ... almost like we were both drugged. She was home when she became aware.”

Holy ... crap! They were ... in 1987! I wondered if everyone – at the game, at the dance, had the same blank in time. I thought back to who was there. The only name that came to mind that I was sure about was Oliver Newson, ‘Ollie’ as he was affectionately known. He owned the old service station that was torn down for the new convenience store. I remembered him because he was the announcer at the football game. It was something he did for all the high school sports, for decades it seemed. He’d be probably eighty-something now and lives in a retirement home last I heard. I wondered how I could think of a way to ask him about last night, if he lost a few hours, too.

Except I didn’t even know where he was. His wife had died several years ago and all I knew was that he moved into a retirement home. Something to think about, though.

Dani and I looked all over the internet to see if there was any real record of anything like it happening, other than sci-fi. We never found a thing. Not surprising, if it had, who would admit it? They’d be institutionalized. Dani erased the video from her parents’ security cam, too, after she copied the file to her tablet.

We never mentioned it to anyone else, I could just see that conversation, ‘Oh, by the way, I stepped out of the house in 2019 and it was 1987 by the time I got to the car, the old Ford. Oh, yeah, I watched my wife fuck her boyfriend that night in high school, too.’ Yep, that would be a good conversation starter.

Other than that, we let the strange happenings slip away from our everyday consciousness. It had happened, there was no explanation, and there wasn’t a damn thing we could do to change either fact.

The lingering after-effect was our lovemaking. Night-time activities took on a whole new dimension. I think Dani’s reminder of her first love kicked something over in her psyche. Me too, I had no idea something like that could be so long-lasting erotic.

And it was, erotic as hell thinking about Dani and her boyfriend. That vision was never far from my mind and every time, my cock responded. And the little she told me about her boyfriend had only whetted my appetite.

The following Friday, exactly a week after ‘the event’, we went to bed, both of us horny and made love. No, that’s not exactly accurate – we fucked, Dani on her hands and knees, me behind, driving her head into the mattress with each thrust.

Afterward, when we could talk again, I was determined to find out more. “How long had you and Alan been dating before that night?” I asked her.

She let out a little sigh, looked at me, and asked, “You sure you want to go there?”

“Just curious,” I told her, “I know it was a long time ago, but I’ve been wondering about it.”

She sat up, leaning against the headboard, her bare boobs enticing me. I sat up beside her and rolled a nipple between my fingers, just waiting.

“Mmm, that feels good, I like it,” right before she craned her head sideways and gave me a short kiss on the lips. “You know how much I love you, right?”

“Love you too, babe, more than I could ever imagine loving someone when I was a kid.”

“So, to answer your question ... that was our first date. That kiss we have the picture of – it was our first.” She must have recognized the shock on my face. I’d assumed they’d been dating for some time before then and that night was kind of the result of, I don’t know, a long buildup, sort of like it had been when Dani and I were dating a long time before our first time.

She smiled at me, “Hope that doesn’t spoil your opinion of your wife,” then she went on, “we were in several classes together, sat together study hall, last period. We talked a lot and I got to liking him. He was new in school and I guess a lot of the kids were kind of apprehensive about the ‘black kid’, so he didn’t have many friends, even if he was really good playing football.” She paused a bit to take a breath, then continued, “I didn’t have a boyfriend when I was picked for the homecoming court, so asked Alan if he’d escort me. Guess you know the rest.”

I nodded, one thing I hadn’t mentioned to her about last week, “I was at the dance, too, until you left.” By then I was just gently massaging her breast, squeezing her nipple between a couple fingers. She likes that, always has.

“Afterward?” I asked her, “you said you were with him the rest of the year?”

“Uhuh, we pretty much spent weekends together, went to dinner or a movie, dances whenever there was one ... and fucked every chance we got.” She hesitated with a little giggle, “We learned together. You know how with you and me, it got better and better ... as we got to know each other? Well, it was the same with me and Alan ... and then that first time he spanked me...”

Whoa, what? Spanked! Dani recognized the shock on my face, “I don’t remember what excuse he used, I remember saying that I’d done something bad and deserved a spanking. I was scared but kinda turned on by it, too, even before he started. It hurt but just seemed so sexy. I almost came ... and then when he drove his cock in me...”

Damn! I couldn’t even think when the last time I’d been this hard right after making love with Dani, especially, the kind of sex we’d just had. “We’ve never, you’ve never...”

“I know. That’s just not the relationship you and I have. And no, I don’t miss that, I love how you and I make love, sometimes hard ... like a little while ago. But you’re not the kind of guy to spank a girl and I love you for who you are.”

She seemed sincere. And we did have a darn good sex life, even after twenty-eight years. Maybe not like way back when, but still...

And how that idea turned me on! I just didn’t think I could, though.

But Dani wasn’t finished. “He wanted to put a mattress in the back of his pickup but it was too cold ... that didn’t come until the following summer.” She got a big grin on her face, “And oh, how we did enjoy that mattress!”

“Really, hon? I think someone likes hearing about all this, doesn’t he?” as her hand wrapped around my engorged cock. “I think we can find a use for this, don’t you?”

She sat up, turned around, straddled my waist, and slid her hot, juicy-wet pussy down over my stick. “Ohh, I was needing this,” she moaned. I let out a groan right along with her. She’d made me so freakin’ horny!

“Now, where were we?” as she ground herself down on my pelvis. Oh, God! I couldn’t believe we were doing this within minutes of that orgasm. But, shit, she felt so good! I put my hands on her hips and pulled her down a little tighter. Her tits just happened to be right in front of my face, too, not to be ignored. She gave me another moan when I took her nipple in my mouth.

I thought about Alan sucking her tit when they were in high school, wondered aloud, “Anyone else?” as we ground our pelvises together and I sucked her breast in my mouth.

“Ohh, that feels so good! No, not until you...” she hesitated, “except ... spring vacation. I went to the coast with Mom and Dad, was so horny away from Alan all week.” God, my cock was getting bigger inside her. We tried to stay like that but it was getting harder. “Got home Saturday, I called him and we made plans for a movie, but his cousin, same age as us, was visiting so he asked if it’d be okay if he went with us.”

She hesitated, seemingly in thought, her eyes closed, pumped her body up and down a couple times on my cock eliciting a groan from both of us, then, “His name was Tevin, turned out to be a nice kid.” She hesitated, a smile on her face, “Nice looking, too. After the movie, we went back to his house. I don’t know where Alan’s parents were, he never said.” Another long pause, grinding her body down on me, “Alan and I were on the couch kissing, Tevin on the love seat ... watching. Alan whispered in my ear, ‘Tev’s never been with a girl.’ I knew what he meant, what he wanted. And I was horny, I wanted it too.”

I groaned, couldn’t take it any longer, pushed Dani up, needing to finish what we were doing. She admonished me, “No, not until I’ve told you ... all of it.”

Another groan, a frustrated one, and instead of my hands on her hips, I wrapped them around her body, pulling her tit into my mouth a little harder.

I heard a whimper, then, “I went in the bedroom ... had makeup there, was shaking so bad could hardly put on my lipstick, perfume ... and took my bra off.” Another moan when I switched to her other nipple. She rocked back and forth a little, and continued, “I sat down next to Tevin ... put my hand on his cheek and pulled his face toward me. He looked down, saw I’d taken my bra off. I still remember the look on his face right before I kissed him.”

I closed my eyes, picturing my wife in my mind, hearing her voice, almost hypnotically, “That’s it, close your eyes, picture me prying his lips open with my tongue, feeling his tongue with mine.” She pulled my mouth up to hers and kissed me, her soft lips parting, her tongue in my mouth, flicking up and down, her pelvis rocking back and forth on me. Then, pulling away maybe an inch, “I’d forgotten about that night, but I remember it all now, how soft his lips were, so eager.

“I put his hand on a button of my blouse, felt how his fingers were shaking when he unbuttoned it ... then his hands on my tits...”

Oh God, I grimaced, feeling the cum rising in my cock, no, no, no! I didn’t want to come yet, but no way was it going to be stopped. Too late! I grabbed Dani’s hips and thrust up. I was already inside her, but ... God! I heard the loud groan coming from my mouth as I erupted inside her, felt the walls of her vagina tightening, squeezing the cum from me. And then Dani was every much a participant as me, up and down, slamming our pelvises together. She let out a loud moan, spasming around my cock, draining the cum from me.

“Wow, that hasn’t happened for a while – twice within ... what, twenty minutes or so. Guess you must be enjoying my little story?”

We’d collapsed beside each other. Or, maybe it’d be more accurate to say that Dani collapsed. I was already prone, but it took a few minutes before I could even think again. Holy shit, that had hit suddenly and powerfully!

I glanced over at her, “That what this is, just a story?” Whatever, it sure as hell had had the desired effect. So, how much was nothing but fiction, I wondered. Made up, to wind my clock. If it was, it sure as hell had worked.

She giggled, “Oh no, it’s all real ... guess I was just worried that you’d be upset if you knew what kind of girl I was,” turning toward me, “that I am NOT anymore,” she added.

“So there really was a kid named Tevin?”

She grinned, nodding, “And he was Alan’s cousin; tall, probably six-four or so, thin ... and black, lots darker-skinned than Alan ... sooo good looking! And sexy ... his hands were all over my naked tits. And yes, I was fuckin’ horny that night ... and do you want to hear the rest of the story?”

I nodded. Hell yes, I wanted the rest of the story.

“Good, because I want to relive it. It’s all coming back like it was yesterday.” I watched her; she closed her eyes and it was almost like she was in a trance, one hand between her legs, rubbing herself.

“I found out that night that Alan wasn’t the jealous type, or at least he didn’t show it. Tevin and I, sat on the couch kissing, his hands all over me. Somehow, my blouse came the rest of the way off and so did his shirt. He was smaller than Alan, kinda skinny ... but he could kiss. I told him he could suck my breasts ... and oh god, it felt so good when he did.

“When it came to the point that I couldn’t take any more, I led him into our bedroom.” She hesitated a little bit, eyes still closed, smile on her face, two fingers buried in her pussy, “By then I thought of it as ‘our’ bedroom, not just Alan’s ... at least when his parents weren’t there.

“I pushed my skirt off and lay down on the bed. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that I took my panties off when I took my bra off. I was hoping he’d discover it on the couch. Guess he didn’t realize what he could have been doing with his hands. He was pretty nervous”

I was having a hard time realizing this was still my wife talking – especially with what she was doing with her fingers. I simply had had no idea!

“I spread my legs apart so he’d see what he was about to get.” She paused her story, plunging her fingers in and out, bucking her hips, and moaning. She added a third finger all the way to her knuckle. I was picturing her in my mind, this pretty eighteen-year-old cheerleader, my future wife, naked and knees spread for this kid who’d never seen a naked girl before. Dani and I had just made love twice and I was hard all over again!

“I was bare. Alan liked me smooth. I told Tevin I wanted him inside me ... watched him take his pants off. Alan was there, too, watching. Then...” Her fingers pressed inside her and she moaned, bucking her hips, “He wasn’t thick, like Alan, but longer... “ Another long hesitation while her fingers slipped in and out and she moaned.

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