Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 19

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

“Alan ... I can’t wear this!” Dani, sounding almost frantic. I looked, saw why. It looked like a knitted dress, all different hues of red, well above her knees, but, and it’s a big ‘but’. My mom knitted an afghan, fine until you stretch it just a little, then the knitting pulls apart, leaving gaping holes. That’s what this was, at least two sizes too small, not hiding a damned thing.

She had on a red thong, you could see it clearly, her dress tight between her legs, and virtually nothing covering her tits, nipples poking through the holes in the knitting. She’s worn some pretty, umm, revealing clothes on this trip, but at least SOMETHING was covering her boobs, even if it had been transparent. And of course, with those, she’d had those painted-on eyes, blinded so she couldn’t see just how revealing. But this was just plain showing bare skin, naked nipples. And she could see just how damned exposed she was.

“Babygirl, you look exactly like I pictured you in that dress, I had it made especially for you ... you look ... incredible!”

Dani looked down at herself, looking like she was nearly ready to cry, “But, Alan, I’m nearly naked under it, isn’t there at least a bra to go with it?” If I wasn’t mistaken, she was actually considering wearing it out? At home, she wouldn’t have even worn that in the house ― with the drapes closed, just the two of us. I glanced at April, she looked incredulous.

“A bra? No, there wasn’t one matching that shade. Besides, that would ruin it.” Dani was whimpering, I think surrendering to her fate. I liked it! No damn wonder Alan was insistent on us coming back. Now, the million-dollar question ― where were we going?

She was wearing red heels, probably four inches, they made her bare legs look incredible. Dani’s blush was a deep red stepping outside that night, almost matching the shade of her rose petal peach lipstick. She had her arms crossed over her chest, trying to cover up at least a little. But, that thong and her butt, you could see the thin strap, the red triangle between her legs and everything else ... just, oh my!

Dani climbed in the front passenger seat beside Alan. April and I slid in the back, her in the center. I’d left our truck at Alan’s restaurant because of having a couple drinks earlier. I couldn’t believe this was happening, Dani going out in a dress that ... hell, a couple months ago, she wouldn’t have been caught dead in it outside the house. It just screamed sex! Me, with this hot, sex-siren beside me ... fully planning to take her to bed very shortly ... and more, thinking about what I’d bought earlier.

April nibbled on my neck and ear, occasionally letting me feel that tongue tickling me, especially the tender part of my ear, that I’d never realized was such an erogenous zone. Of course, in my present state, pretty much everything was an erogenous zone, especially with April’s mouth on it. God, I wanted to let my fingers crawl up her leg. It was a conundrum that the two things I wanted worst; to let my fingers crawl up to April’s panties, and that button holding her dress together seemed to be her only ‘NO’.

I wasn’t paying any attention to our surroundings, being somewhat occupied with much more interesting things (use your imagination), until Alan’s truck pulled into a parking lot of what seemed for all the world like a big industrial building. What the hell?

“We’re there, Babygirl, you ready?”

My question was where the hell was ‘there’? Dani was in her seat, arms again crossed over her nearly naked breasts. “What ... what is this?” Dani managed to stammer out.

“It’s a club I’ve been to a few times. Only way to get in is to be a member or the guest of a member, I joined a month ago, hoping to get a chance to bring you.”

I looked around, it seemed to be in an industrial area, but despite appearances, it seemed pretty obvious that this was not an industrial building. At least, not anymore. Question was, what was it? There was no sign, nothing to indicate that it was anything but industrial.

After considerably more coaxing from Alan, Dani finally got out of the truck. April and I followed along behind, walking into the building. Watching Dani in that ‘dress’ was an experience in itself. I wondered if she had any clue what it looked like from behind.

Inside, Alan showed an attendant what I presumed was his membership card and gave him a credit card. All of us, Alan included, had to sign a register. It made me wonder because on the back wall were big signs stating, ‘NO VIDEO’, ‘NO PHOTOS’, ‘NO RECORDING’. On the bottom of each was smaller print stating that violators would be removed, permanently banned and devices forfeited. When it was my turn to sign, I saw that at the top of the register were the same stipulations. Seemed like they were serious about it.

Another couple was in front of us. I noticed that when they opened the door, it was a double-door arrangement so that the first door closed before the second opened. There was no indication of what was inside before that second door opened, quite the security arrangement. I was still wondering what the hell it was. You couldn’t even hear anything.

Before that first door opened, Dani tried one more time, “Alan ... please...,” still trying in vain to cover herself.

“Babe, you’re going to love it, we’ll get you a drink, it’ll help you relax,” he told her, giving her a squeeze, then taking her hand. The thought went through my mind that Tom, her co-worker at school, the one she’s been flirting with in the teacher’s lounge so much, would love to see her like this.

We waited, the attendant pushed a button and the first door opened; we all went through, the door closed, and the second door opened.

The atmosphere changed a thousand percent, all of a sudden, music booming, what seemed like hundreds of people sitting at tables in a huge, open room, an upper-level mezzanine, a long ornate wooden bar ― and a large stage with stripper poles on each side, each with a girl gyrating, another in the center, all in different stages of semi-nakedness. The place was a freakin’ strip club! I felt like an idiot for not figuring that out long before. What else could it have been?

Neither Dani nor I had ever been inside one, at least I assumed Dani hadn’t. But with what I’d learned over the last months about the teenage Dani ... maybe? It wasn’t anything like I’d have imagined. I would have pictured some kind of sleazy joint smelling like smoke, probably pot, too, drunks falling or screaming at the girls, and this wasn’t that at all.

But it was FULL of people; as we looked around, young, old, men, women, what seemed like hundreds. There were what I presumed were waitresses dressed a lot like I’d seen pictures of Playboy’s skimpy bunny costumes. But everything was orderly, if not loud. There were pool tables, foosball, and other game tables set around in several locations, even a good-sized dance area where people were dancing, some of the women topless! No wonder Alan was convinced that Dani in her dress would fit right in.

One of the bunny girls led us to an empty table, I was surprised there even was one, right in front of the center of the stage. Then I realized, this was Alan Ryder, Tampa Bay football hero. The ‘reserved’ sign on the table was a slight hint, too.

Dani was getting nearly as many, maybe even more, stares than the girls dancing, from men and women. I couldn’t blame them. For one thing, she was with Alan Ryder, for another she was gorgeous, another, she was sexy as fuck, still trying to cover her nearly naked tits, not even trying to cover her midsection! Speaking of fuck, that’s exactly what those guys and girls wanted to do to her. Not that April was any slouch, either, not by any means, but she wasn’t dressed like Dani was. She was just ... gorgeous!

Dani and Alan sat on one side, April and me on the other. I was mesmerized by the place, obviously, Dani and April were as well, although maybe not as much as a guy would be, this guy, anyway. The girl in the center of the stage seemed special in comparison to the other two, she was more than beautiful, gyrating like she was flirting, looking out into the audience, seeming to enjoy what she was doing. The other girls, I don’t know, seemed almost bored.

The bunny who’d led us to our table asked what we’d like to drink. Dani asked for a Manhattan, reminding me of that night with Jenny, it’s what Dani had ordered that night, one of those little details embedded in my brain ... along with what Jenny had done that night. April ordered another strawberry daiquiri. me a Singapore Sling, the one thing I had some idea what it was. I figured, just one, I didn’t want to be drunk, spoil the ‘after’, which I was still damned well looking forward to with April. But just one would jumpstart the effects of Alan’s brownies, not that I needed it. This place, in itself, was a pretty damned effective aphrodisiac. I have no clue what Alan ordered, something I’d never heard of before. He was apparently a little more fluent in alcoholic drinks than I was.

Just moments later, our bunny brought our drinks, and Alan inserted his card in her little electronic device.

April scooted her chair a little closer and squeezed my hand; God, her perfume! “She’s pretty, isn’t she?” April asked, motioning to the girl on the stage right in front of us, “you want to fuck her, don’t you?”

She’d just taken off her bra, was squeezing her breasts together, tweaking her nipples, only feet from us, I was watching intently, then looked over at April, “I want to fuck you,” I told her, “so bad!” To be honest, looking at Dani across the table, she’d finally uncrossed her arms from in front of her, nearly driving me insane with lust. And April was the recipient, not the girl on the stage. Then I remembered what Alan had mentioned the first time April was up with Dani, ‘she’s bi.’ “But you want to fuck her, don’t you?”

She was watching the girl slowly pushing her panties down, her last piece of clothing. She was a blonde, big tits, sexy as fuck! “Yes,” April finally admitted, “I do ... but I want you inside me worse ... want to know what’s inside that box.”

She made me squirm on my seat. The ‘center stage’ girl left and another took her place, this time a pretty redhead, ‘girl-next-door’ type, the look of a girl you’d never expect to be a stripper. “You want to dance?” I asked April. I couldn’t sit there any longer, had to get up and move. Between Dani, what April had just said, and now the pretty redhead, I was beyond my endurance.

Of course, it hadn’t helped that Alan had his arm around Dani, squeezing her close, and was rolling her nipple in his finger ... and she was reacting with little moans!

April and I got up to walk over to the dance floor. We took each other in our arms, squeezed tightly together, her hands around my neck, cheek pressed against mine, and shuffled around the floor. “You know,” I started to tell her, “if you let me undo that button, you’d fit right in.” Her dress would fall to the floor.

She kissed me, then pulled her lips a millimeter or so away and answered, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Mmhmm,” I responded.

She turned, facing away, and backed up tight against my raging hardon, grinding against me. I cupped her breasts over her silk dress, squeezing her nipples. Her body was pressed back tight against mine, head in the crook of my neck, cooing from my nipple play, oblivious to the people around us. God, I wanted to reach down, pull her hem up, up, up, cup her mound with a hand. That abnormal hardness from earlier had returned with a vengeance. I don’t think I could even blame it on Alan’s brownies.

“I want to fuck you, April!” I whispered in her ear.

“Mmm,” she cooed, “I want you to. I want to feel you come inside me ... what’s in the box, Robert?”

I started to blurt it out but caught myself, “You’ll like it,” I told her. I was past using the word ‘hope’ you’ll like it. I knew she would.

She pulled away, took my hand and we returned to our seats in front of the stage. Another girl was on. We sat and watched her undressing herself, one of the other girls in what I’d consider a librarian costume was gyrating on a pole, holding herself upside down so that her skirt would fall the opposite direction exposing her bikini panties. She was good, very good. I had no idea how she did what she was doing, climbing up the pole upside down

I slowly drank my drink, April was getting a little more forward all the time, her hand over my hard dick. Dani had turned her chair sideways so she could see the stage better, and my side view of her was, I can’t even say. God, my wife was so sexy!

Another woman came on center stage. This was a woman, not a girl, older, she was good; posing, seducing, teasing. Hell, she was seducing the entire room, her eyes scanning, going from face to face ... until they seemed to settle on Dani, right in front of her. She was a Mercedes in a room full of Hondas.

God, I’m guessing she had a hard dick on every man in that building, probably many wet panties, too. It’s hard to explain why, she just had ‘it’, everything. Beautiful face, beautiful body, sensuous, her clothes gradually, very slowly came off. I was mesmerized. And her entire focus seemed to be on my wife.

If there was a single, perfect body on earth, it was hers. How the hell else do I say it? I could hardly breathe, watching her. April, Dani, and Alan were all just as intently watching as I was, no doubt feeling much the same thing, shivers running through my body.

When her five or ten minutes of ecstasy were over, she stood directly in front of Dani, smiling at her, then picked up her clothes, walking ― no, gliding to the back room off the stage. I couldn’t believe that we’d seen what we’d just seen. How could any woman be that fuckin’ perfect?

April broke the spell that we all seemed to be in. I hadn’t been the only one. “Don’t think there’s any point in staying any longer, is there?”

No, as far as I was concerned, I wanted to get April home to her apartment, there was no point in waiting any longer. We agreed that as soon as our drinks were finished, it was time to go.

Another girl came on stage, but after the last woman, she hardly held any of our interest. And then I saw her, the mystery ‘perfect’ woman, walking around just below the front of the stage in our direction. She was wearing a very short leather skirt and a perfectly sheer blouse, nothing under it. She may as well have been naked from the waist up. Of course, she had been only a few minutes earlier, just not only ‘from the waist up.

She walked straight to our table, “Hi, my name is Anna,” except she pronounced it ‘Onna’ in the sexiest accent I think I’ve ever heard, “may I sit down?”

I think the four of us, in unison, all told her, ‘please do.’ Perhaps, it wasn’t time to leave just yet.

“You’re very beautiful,” she told my wife, “love your dress, wherever did you get it?” That accent! Her voice matched the sexiness of her body. She reached out, “May I?” she asked, her fingers just on the verge of touching Dani.

“Yes, of course,” Dani said, “and my boyfriend had it made, especially for me,” Dani’s voice was like silk, why had I never noticed that before this moment?

Anna’s fingers barely touched Dani’s breast, I couldn’t have torn my eyes away if the roof had fallen in. “You were very afraid to wear it tonight, were you not? I can tell.”

Dani hesitated to answer, “I nearly died when I put it on,” she said.

“You are a brave woman, most would not have,” her fingers squeezing Dani’s nipple, a moan escaping Dani’s mouth.

“Would you like some privacy? We have back rooms,” Anna ‘Onna’ asked. Dani’s body was shaking, her excitement oozing from every pore.

She took Dani’s hand and tugged slightly. Dani stood, ready to follow, I think to the end of the earth if necessary. “You will join us?” Anna asked the rest of us.

She led the way, leading Dani by the hand. Alan followed, then April and me, my hands on April’s waist. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

A moment later she led us through a door into a dimly lit room, flickering lights like candlelight, except there were no candles. There were several padded chairs, they looked expensive and were formed for comfort. Anna directed Dani to sit in one and the rest of us found another, April on my lap, her arm around my neck. She felt sooo good!

“Did you enjoy my little show earlier?” Anna asked Dani. Before she could answer, Anna began to seductively move, to caress her breasts, pull her nipples, standing directly in front of Dani, looking straight into Dani’s face with an expression of pure lust.

I couldn’t resist ... and this time, April didn’t stop me. My hand found its way under her dress to her breast, massaging it. I felt her body shudder and heard her moan. Her breast underneath her soft, ‘barely there’ bra felt so unbelievably good. To say that I wanted April’s dress off would be the most obviously inane statement in history.

Anna began to unbutton her blouse, then stopped, “Would you like to?” she asked Dani.

Dani’s hands reached out, her fingers shaking, God, this woman was beautiful. ‘Onna’ looked down as Dani’s tentative fingers began to unbutton her blouse, “You may touch them if you’d like,” she told Dani, “I’d like you to.” That accent!

I didn’t know whether to watch Dani’s fingers or her face, that expression of lust. Dani’s shaking fingertips touched a breast through Anna’s thin blouse, then the other, too, squeezing her nipples, “Mmm, they like that,” Anna said, her nipples lengthening in front of our eyes. After a moment, Anna reminded her, “The buttons.”

Dani was breathing hard, the lust showing on her face, one hand returned to the immediate task at hand, removing Anna’s blouse, the other caressing one of those perfect breasts. Why was this woman not a supermodel? The name Brooklyn Decker came to my mind, remembering Sports Illustrated, over-the-top erotic.

Dani looked mesmerized as Anna’s blouse spread open, her fingers returning to Anna’s breasts, this time naked skin, “Have you ever sucked a woman’s breasts before?” she asked Dani as she shrugged her blouse off her shoulders.

Dani looked numb with her lust, nodding that she had. That night, with me, tied and blindfolded! Were there others? “Would you like?” Anna asked in that so incredibly sexy voice, brushing a nipple against Dani’s mouth.

Dani’s mouth opened, and Anna’s nipple and much of her breast disappeared inside it. April’s body ground down against me, and my fingers found their way underneath her bra, eliciting more moans.

“Ohh, it is forbidden...” Ahh, the way she said ‘forbidden’, stretching it out, with that accent, “but no one is watching...”

“Ahh, your mouth feels so good, like you’re enjoying this nearly as much as I,” Anna’s voice said, Dani’s sucking noises clearly audible.

The two of them continued, Anna’s hands on Dani’s face tugging her lips tighter onto her, her head back, eyes closed. Alan was going to be in for a treat later, there was no doubt. And I wasn’t going to be there to see it, devouring my own treat.

Anna pulled back her tit from Dani’s mouth, her nipple red and distended, both her hands going to Dani’s breasts. “I think...” Anna began, “any woman who wears such a dress must be dying to take it off...”

Dani looked around, there was a small stage, just a platform. “There? No, I ... I just couldn’t,”

“No...” she motioned toward the other room, “there, the center stage...”

Dani’s face turned white, her body began to shiver.

“I was frightened my first time, too,” she said, “now ... my husband, he is out there, somewhere. We are both attorneys, come here once every month ... He fucks me so hard after ... and I cannot get enough. I think ... know you would love it, too.”

Attorney? That body, that voice ... what the hell would she be like in a courtroom?

Dani was stammering, “What if ... I’m a teacher, could be fired, if someone...”

“Takes your picture? Sees you and complains? I have never seen you here before, where are you from?”

“Washington State, eastern side,” she whispered, barely audible.

Anna smiled, “Then no one you know will be here, will they?”

“But ... the internet ... it could...”

“You saw the signs, they take it very seriously, there will be no video or photos,” Anna explained to her. She got a smile on her beautiful face, began to put her blouse back on, “the girls here, we are not strippers, Maddie ― she is a grocery store clerk; Amber, the redhead before me ― she is a travel agent; I am a defense attorney. We do this because it excites us. You will come out with me, you will undress me, I will undress you ... only when you are ready.”

My wife was trembling, her eyes on mine, I was virtually in shock. Fuck, Dani was going to do this. Strip ... in front of all those people! I shrugged my shoulders, I’m not the boss of her. Besides, here, she’s Alan Ryder’s woman, not mine.

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