Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 18

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 18 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Sleeping with my wife, her naked, turned out to be excruciating. She alternated between snuggling her naked body against me and fucking Alan, once during the night and again in the morning, and that was after she’d fucked Tevin, then immediately after, Alan. Four times she’d fucked that night, none of them with her husband.

She didn’t have to be carried out, though, like Tevin had suggested, walked perfectly fine. I think her pussy was becoming quite accustomed to repeated fucks. I know for damned sure that after our first night alone, I’m not going to be able to maintain the pace that she’d become used to.

We had breakfast in the Marriott’s dining room, no quick continental breakfast there. Dani looked fabulous, like she always did, wearing the same skirt and blouse as the day before, except she had on the bra, mentioning she was worried about her tits succumbing to gravity if she went without too often but put her panties in a laundry bag from the hotel. Just knowing she was au-naturel under that short skirt in the morning was enough to be a turn-on. Of course, having watched last night without any subsequent relief didn’t hurt that situation, either.

Then that long drive back to Tampa. Dani rode with me in the new truck (Alan could call his a pickup – ours was a TRUCK!). But wow, it sure didn’t drive or ride like one, more like I’d imagine a Cadillac or Lincoln Continental.

Once we were out of the heavy traffic, I asked her if she’d do it again with Tevin if she had the chance. I know, pretty dumb question, right? She looked over at me with that smile on her face, which pretty much answered the question without having to say a word. “He’s ... different,” was all she said.

“By different, you mean the bald head?” I asked.

She let out a little chuckle, rubbing her tummy, what, about a foot or so above her pussy, several inches above her belly button. “No, not exactly what I meant,” she said. Coincidence where she was rubbing her tummy just after I’d asked her about Tevin? I think not.

Some dickhead in a little sports car cut right in front of us from an on-ramp damn near pushing us into another car in the lane next to us, cutting that conversation short. It was several minutes later until my heart rate slowed enough to even think about talking again. It scared Dani, too, with the little shriek she let out, something she hardly ever does. Damn, I’d have hated to mess up that truck before even getting it out of town. At least we confirmed the brakes work.

Several miles later, Dani began fiddling with the radio, finding our favorite XM channel, ‘Prime Country’. The speakers in that thing were, just, holy crap! Hope you understand what I’m trying to say ... they were unlike anything we’ve ever heard. The music filled that cab, sounding like we were in the front row of the concert.

She turned it up, bobbing her body like she might have been if dancing on stage at that imaginary concert. I listened with her through a couple songs, one by Garth Brooks, ‘The Thunder Rolls’. It was like we were in our own private thunderstorm, rolling through the truck, freakin’ unbelievable! After his song I turned it down, there was something I really wanted to talk to Dani about.

“What if...” I was almost scared to even pose the question, fearing her answer, “Amanda’s right ... you’re offered a big part in some movie?” holding my breath for Dani’s answer.

I watched her after I asked, as much as I could, trying to drive. She closed her eyes, took a breath, and hesitated seemingly forever before speaking, “I ... don’t know ... what do you think, honestly ... what should I do?” looking straight at me.

She was treating this like a family thing, to be decided together, guess I couldn’t ask for anything more, “Well ... if we believe Amanda ... and April, it’s going to happen, probably sooner than later ... would be hard to turn down, I think,” but wanted her to know what was really scaring me, “I guess ... what scares me is ... us... “ I nearly broke into tears, just thinking about the possibility of a life without Dani.

She saw the turmoil on my face, reaching a hand across. I took one hand off the steering wheel; hell, this thing steers itself with no hands on the wheel, so it’ll manage with just one and our hands met. Dani can do a lot of things ... and do them well ... like fuck. But she doesn’t control her emotions well, not when they’re so raw as they were right then, tears streaming down her face, “Honey, let’s go home ... today ... forget we were ever here, forget Amanda, it’s not that important ... you have to know ... as much fun as we ... I ... have been having, you’re still ... and always will be my husband!”

Now I was crying; happiness, disgust with myself for my lack of trust, and other emotions that I can’t even enumerate. It took me a few minutes to get my thoughts together, “No, you have another night, don’t waste it. And as for Ananda, let’s not worry about it until it happens, might not ever ... besides,” I smiled at Dani, “I have a date with April tonight, wouldn’t want to disappoint her.”

She smiled back, “No, we wouldn’t, would we.”

I could tell you how much better I felt at that moment, but there aren’t any words.

“We’ll both have fun tonight,” I told Dani, “and as for Amanda...” I smiled, “if you’re nominated for an Oscar, I’ll go with you.”

That brought a smile to my wife’s face.

The rest of our trip back to Tampa was among the most pleasant ever, the new truck, the scenery, the anticipation of the night ahead ... my wife beside me. And get this ... our mileage from Tallahassee to Tampa in that full-size, four-wheel-drive truck – twenty-seven miles per gallon! Fucking unbelievable!

It was nearly three-thirty when we arrived at Alan’s. We’d made a couple pit stops and stopped in some little town, I have no idea of the name, for lunch. Dani rushed to change her clothes, fix her hair, her makeup, the things women have to do, she still needed to meet her agent; sign a contract ... pick up that check.

An hour-and-a-half later, we were leaving Amanda’s office, Dani gripping that check as if her life depended on it. Twenty-five-freakin’-thousand dollars! The thing sure as hell looked real, had the numbers right on it, amount written out, Daniella Shore as the payee, and a signature on the bottom.

What was more, Amanda told Dani that there was a part in an upcoming movie she thought would be perfect for her, a starring part. “I’ve already mentioned you to the producer, he’s interested, going to watch your commercials tomorrow. They’ve been looking for someone new, have interviewed and auditioned over a hundred women. He’ll let me know after they see the commercial if they want you to audition ... but I know they will,” she said.

Dani and I looked at each other in awe, this was so damned much more than unbelievable! “Over a hundred? Not much chance, then, is there?” Dani said, downplaying any possibility.

“Honey,” Amanda told her, “just wait.”

Forty-five minutes back to Alan’s house, we stepped inside and were immediately aware of brownies, the scent of freshly baked brownies filled his house. Dani once again became his woman, kissing him, letting him wrap her in his arms. The last night, I wondered what possibly he could have planned.

I found out, fairly quickly – sort of – when Dani went upstairs to change. “Do you have plans for your date with April?” he asked after Dani had disappeared upstairs.

Uhh, guess I hadn’t, other than going to her house like she’d suggested. Alan understood my look without me saying a word. “If you’d like, my restaurant will have a table waiting for you, they always keep mine open or you can bring her back here, I’m fixing dinner for Dani, you two would be welcome to join us.”

It did sound like fun, an actual date, just the two of us, out with a pretty, fun girl; sort of a prelude to the ‘after’, “Yeah,” I told him, “the restaurant sounds good to me.”

“Good, why don’t you call her, set up a time, and I’ll let Jeremy know, he’s the host tonight ... oh, and after, I have some other plans I know you’d enjoy...” he smiled at me, reading my mind – ‘April’s house, April’s house, April’s house’, “unless you want to go straight to her house. Be worth your while, though, come on back here and we’ll all go out together.”

So, I called April after Alan gave me her number. I was a nervous wreck, this was the first time I’d asked a girl out for a date since ... fuck, Daniella, and we’ve been married twenty-eight, nearly twenty-nine years now. Yeah, she’d already said, several times, that we had a date tonight, but still...

She was thrilled with the restaurant, said she could be ready by seven-thirty. I figured we could decide plans for afterward together, but damn, I was curious what Alan had in mind.

Alan called Jeremy, asked him to have the table set up for us by eight, and I went up to my room to shower, shave, and get dressed. This evening, and night, I had been looking forward to ever since Sunday morning when April mentioned it. Looking forward to it a lot!

The key to the you-know-what was on top of my nightstand, next to the bed. This was the first time I’d had it off since ... Wednesday morning. It took me a minute to think back to when it was, it seemed like an eternity ago, so much had happened since then.

Fortunately, I had brought along some nice clothes, just in case, even a tie. I didn’t wear it, though, Alan’s restaurant wasn’t a ‘formal’ thing, just very nice. I got myself cleaned up and put on my nicest dirty shirt and pants – not really, was just thinking about that Johnny Cash song, ‘Sunday Morning Coming Down’. I have no idea why that song popped into my mind, but I love it, haven’t heard it for years, though.

I have a blue shirt with silver threads through it that Dani bought me for Christmas one year, along with a pair of tan slacks, a little aftershave, which Dani had insisted I bring, don’t think she expected quite this, though – her husband going on a date with a pretty girl we’d just met.

What did Alan have planned for later?

At six-thirty I was ready, I thought I looked rather dashing, hoped April would approve. Picking her up in the new truck was going to be fun, too.

“Let me know if you’re coming back here afterward, we’ll wait if you are,” Alan told me before I left.

I hadn’t seen Dani since she’d gone upstairs, dunno what she was doing, other than getting herself ready for her evening with Alan. I wanted to see her before I left to pick up April, but it wasn’t to be.

April lived quite a ways from Alan, so I left at seven. Alan handed me a container of brownies, “Might want to try some before dinner,” he suggested, “a little before dinner treat,” with that grin on his face, he knew damn well what they’d do.

I put her address in our navigation system, just had to push a button on the steering wheel and tell it the address. The route popped up on the map in about five seconds, twenty-three minutes to her house. It seemed weirder than hell, driving by myself to pick up a girl for a date, my wife still back at Alan’s house getting herself ready for what was undoubtedly going to be quite an evening with her lover, me not there for most of it. I thought back over the last week, this will be the first time they’ve been alone. Well, guess they were on our first trip to Tampa, but that seemed like ancient history.

To say that I was nervous walking up the walk to April’s apartment almost seems like an abuse of the word. Scared out of my freakin’ mind isn’t exactly accurate, either, but it’s a hell of a lot closer than just ‘nervous’. I knew she was the one who’d initiated this date, but still...

She lives in a beautiful apartment complex, I’d have been impressed if my mind hadn’t been so jumbled up with ‘what the hell am I doing?’ I got out of the truck, took a couple steps up her walk then remembered the brownies. Suddenly, I wanted one of Alan’s brownies in the worst way, hoping it’d calm me down a little. A prop, that’s what they were, just ‘a thing’ to hand her, little gift. Flowers would have been better, should have stopped and bought some flowers or something.

My heart was pounding out of my chest standing in front of her door. My brain went back to that Sunday morning, God, I’d actually fucked this girl! She’d been naked! So freakin’ pretty. My jumbled mind couldn’t stop wondering, ‘why me?’ ‘what about me?’ I stood in front of that door like a zombie, finally lifting my hand and knocking an instant before I realized there was a doorbell, should have rung the doorbell. I thought I might have a heart attack, stroke, or some such thing, my heart was beating so hard.

I was just about to push the doorbell, my finger just hovering over it when the door opened. Oh my freakin’ God! If I’d thought she was pretty before...! Suddenly, my ‘looked rather dashing’ thought from earlier was completely out the window in comparison with this ... this ravishing young woman.

Her beautiful smile was spread across her face, genuine, no one could fake a smile like that. I remembered her job, making beautiful people even more so. She sure as hell did it to herself. I suddenly remembered the ‘gift’ that Alan had sent, “Alan made some brownies, thought you might like one before dinner,” I stammered, hoping I sounded a little more suave than I felt. I felt anything but.

“Thank you,” she said, that smile! “These are...?”

“One of his specialties, I think, really good,” in more ways than one, I didn’t add.

“I remember ... Sunday morning,” she said, taking the Tupperware container, opening it and taking two out, handing me one. “Kind of suspected there might be something special about them,” taking a bite.

I took a bite of mine, too, not only were they ‘special’, but they tasted damned good. “You ... your dress, you’re so beautiful,” I had worked up the courage to tell her. Not only that but her perfume, it was different than Dani’s but just as intoxicating, feminine, sexy.

Her dress was a wrap-around, tight, something I’d expect to see on some beautiful actress, clinging to her body, silk or something similar, several inches above her knees, just enough cleavage to drive a man wild, turquoise...

And her hair, that long, black hair down her back, shimmering, just waiting for my fingers to run through it.

“Thank you,” she said, doing a slow twirl, “wait until you see what’s under it,” with a coquettish smile, and if my heart hadn’t already been pounding, it sure as hell would have been then! Maybe especially when she said, “You look nice, too,” running her fingers up the front of my shirt, “love your shirt, feels so ... mmm ... sexy,” and moved closer, bringing her lips to mine, her tongue tickling my lips to open for her. This wasn’t a horny teenager, groping kiss, this girl knew exactly what she was doing, sucking my tongue into her mouth, tickling the tip, lightly sucking, her soft lips molding into mine – all of it in just a few seconds, long enough to let me know ... short enough to leave me wanting more, a lot more. She backed away just enough to whisper, “You sure about going out? We could ... you know ... just stay here.”

I think my heart rate went from the high hundreds to zero in about a quarter-second.

“On the other hand, would be a shame to waste the nice clothes. The bed will still be waiting for us, anxiously,” coming from that beautiful mouth, “hope you like silk sheets,” she added, “my husband loves them when we make love.” She’s trying to kill me, I was sure of it.

“Maybe we better take the brownies with us,” she suggested, “I’ll have to get the recipe from Alan ... might want some dessert, seems that I recall them being very effective,” taking my hand and leading me out to my truck.

“Nice,” she said, “I’ve never been in a truck before, sexy.”

I was grateful for the air suspension that lowered the truck when stopped, April had no trouble stepping up with her high heels. Of course, I gave her a little boost, getting a short feel of her silky dress. When I climbed in the other side, I noticed that she hadn’t made any effort to push her dress back down to cover the tops of her lacy stockings on those luscious legs. Not sure if I’d mentioned that she was tall, maybe five-nine or ten, and God, those long legs!

I pushed the little voice button on the steering wheel, “Find Ryder’s Bar and Grill.” I still didn’t know my way around. It immediately popped up two selections on the big monitor and a feminine voice asked, ‘Please select.’ I pushed the screen on the second one, which was his newest. Surprising that it was even there as he’d just opened it a little over a month earlier. God, how our lives had changed in that month-plus!

“Mmm, this is nice, much nicer than my Insight,” April said, leaning back in the luxurious leather seat. I knew I was going to have trouble keeping my eyes on the highway, away from those legs.

And her little comment, ‘wait until you see what’s under it,’ kept going through my mind as well. I was wishing she had stuck with her first urge, skipping the going out, but knew inside me that it would be well worth the wait, only adding to the anticipation. Besides, I wanted to know what Alan was planning with my wife, all of which would add to a more than exciting evening with my new friend.

We had very little conversation on the way to the restaurant, April reaching over and her long, manicured fingernails gently tickling my leg, seemingly innocently. She had to be noticing how hard my schtick was inside my slacks.

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