Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 17

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 17 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

The next morning, it was like the night before hadn’t even happened. Alan was fixing breakfast when I went downstairs, Dani wasn’t up yet. “She’ll be down in a bit, getting ready for the trip to Tallahassee. you still want to go, I assume?”

“Yeah, do.” What I really wanted was to talk about last night, with Dani.

But we didn’t, not when Dani came downstairs, nor on the drive to Tallahassee. I should have been excited about the possibility of buying a new truck, but the couple in the front seats, one hand with fingers intertwined across Alan’s center console was the thing grabbing my attention.

Dani was wearing a short (I measured it once – 13 ½”, waist to hemline) burgundy leather skirt, the one she’d bought that first time in Tampa; about a two-inch, laced gap up one side giving the impression that she was naked underneath it. I don’t know, maybe she was, with the new Daniella. It was certainly possible, maybe even likely. It seemed like miles of sexy, bare legs stretched below that skirt. Her blouse was black silk, buttoned down the front with just enough left undone to show a nice hint of the cleavage in-between and the fringes of her lacy, black bra. And those heels, the ones Alan bought her, strapped around her ankles, accentuating her sexy legs, she’d knock the socks off any guy, maybe even a gay guy.

Between all that, Dani’s newly discovered makeup, including her ‘rose petal peach’ lipstick, dangly silver hoop earrings, and the ‘drive men wild’ perfume (don’t think that was the actual name, but should have been) she was wearing, and Alan’s hand occasionally gently rubbing the inside of her thigh, the sexual tension inside Alan’s truck was through the friggin’ roof.

A couple hours into the trip, Dani got a phone call. I could tell it was April, and from Dani’s excited demeanor, and what she was saying, it was good news about that commercial. When she got off the phone, she told us excitedly, “April said I need to call that agent right away, they want to use my commercial, maybe even more.”

She already had her phone in her hand and dialed the number April had given her, repeating each number as she dialed. Dani has a fabulous memory. Maybe that’s why she’s a science whiz, can teach physics, biology, and most anything science to a bunch of high school kids.

“Hi, this is Daniella Shore, may I speak with Amanda, please?” Dani has a beautiful ‘professional’ voice. Hell, she could have been a damn good receptionist if she’d wanted.

Dani said very little, an occasional ‘yes’ or ‘please’, then ‘thank you’ before she clicked her phone off. Then she just sat there, looking out the window, leaving Alan and me in suspense.

“Well?” I finally asked her.

She turned around to talk to me, God, she was gorgeous. “She already had a meeting set up at two this afternoon, just needed my go-ahead. She said her fee is ten percent, she’s emailing me a contract to sign. Said she’d call after the meeting.”

Wow, this was getting real. All the ‘what-ifs’ went scurrying through my mind; what if Dani decided she liked performing better than teaching? What if they wanted her here full time? What if she decided to move? I’m sure Alan wouldn’t object. But me? What if, what if, what if! There were no answers right now.

It was shortly after lunch when we got to Tallahassee, so we decided to have lunch before going to the Ford dealership. Alan took us to a little out-of-the-way café where he said he goes whenever he’s in town. It’s an old railroad car, looked like one of those old-fashioned passenger cars, a Pullman, just like in the old westerns, converted to a café. I ordered a barbecue bacon burger, and I don’t remember what Alan and Dani ordered, except that hers was a salad of some kind. Seems like she’s always ordering a salad. Maybe that’s one reason she manages to stay looking like she does. Well, that and the fact that she’s always exercising, she and Jenny together more often than not. You would never guess that Dani is forty-eight. Would be interesting to ask someone that doesn’t know her how old they think she is, I’d bet they’d guess somewhere in her thirties.

There was one thing I wanted to talk about with Dani, we needed to set ourselves a limit on how much to invest in a truck. When I asked her, she answered right away, “Fifty thousand, no matter what? We could transfer half that into our checking and get a loan for the rest.”

I agreed, and Alan said that we could get a lot of pickup for that with the discount he knows we’ll get from his cousin.

“Speaking of Tevin,” Alan mentioned right after, “Dani ever tell you about that night she introduced him to the pleasure of sex?”

She had, but I’d come to realize there always seemed to be a little more to the story, “Think so, but I’d love to hear you tell about it.”

He chuckled, “Yeah, Dani seems to leave out some of the juicy details, doesn’t she?”

The little restaurant was crowded, so I knew I wouldn’t be the only one hearing this. Dani’s face had turned a very distinct shade of red.

“Like, she mention how tall he was? And that his dick matched his height? Or that he could get her whole tit in his mouth...? Course, it was a small tit back then.” Dani glared at him, “Small but beautiful ... and tasty,” he smiled, Dani exaggerating the scowl on her face. “Not sure what the deal was with his wife who divorced him, but it sure as hell wasn’t because he couldn’t satisfy her in bed.”

“Alan!” Dani screeched, “not so loud!”

That chuckle again, “But Babygirl, I think our neighbors here deserve a little juiciness once in a while, too. Don’t you think so, Robert?”

Oh hell yeah! I was more than enjoying Dani’s embarrassment. “She, uh ... she’d mentioned him being tall but seemed to have left out the other part.”

“See what I mean about leaving out the good parts? Babygirl, you gotta learn how to tell a story, like...,” he looked back over at me, “bet she didn’t even mention how long that boy could last, he must have fucked her for a full ten-fifteen minutes, had the screams pouring out of her; you remember, Babygirl?”

We both looked at her, my poor Dani was hiding her face with her hands, “Come on girl, what you tell me afterward? Surely you remember.”

Her face was still hidden and we heard a mumble, “Told you I’d have sex with him again any time,” barely loud enough to hear.

“Don’t think that was quite how you put it, though, you remember the exact words?” Alan was being insistent that she tell us.

She finally put her hands down from in front of her face, looking around the room to see that nobody was paying attention. Damn right they were! Just trying hard to not show it. They wanted to hear this as badly as I did.

“That I’d fuck him again anytime, that I loved that big dick inside me,” with practically a low growl, kind of a voice I don’t think I’d ever heard out of Dani. “Happy now?” she muttered under her breath.

“Heh, heh, yeah, that’s pretty close to how I remember it. Kind of elaborated on the big dick a little more, though ... to be fair, he was skinnier than me, just longer, inch or two, at least. Kid’s snake was halfway down his leg.”

Longer? I couldn’t even imagine. And this is the guy we’re about to go see about buying a truck?

“Oh yeah,” Alan added, “one other thing ... don’t want to be accused of leaving anything out ... she was on fire afterward, fucked me half to death.”

God, this was an eighteen-year-old cheerleader, my future wife!

“Unfortunately, never got to, Tev never got to visit again before I’d left for college,” Dani added.

Until now? The thought went through my muddled, oversexed brain. No, far as I knew, after this transaction was done, we were headed back to Tampa. That was the plan.

Forty minutes later, nearly two, we pulled into the Ford dealership. An eager-looking, young guy, hair down to his shoulders, rushed out to greet us, and Alan asked to speak with Tevin. The guy looked disappointed but led us inside to an office cubicle. The dark-skinned guy little darker than Alan, inside got a huge smile on his face and I didn’t think he’d ever stop unwinding when he stood. Hell, the guy towered over us, easily six-six or seven, bald as a cue ball, and just as good-looking as he was bald. Reminded me of a pro basketball player.

He rushed around the end of his desk, shook Alan’s hand, greeting his ‘cuz’, and then to Dani, “And you must be Daniella,” he said, looking her up and down, “even prettier than I remember,” and then they were in each other’s arms with a long, lingering hug. Maybe ‘into each other’s arms’ is a little strong, but it sure was more than a hug of old friends meeting again.

He broke away from Dani and shook my hand, “Alan says you’re looking for a truck,” he said.

I looked at Alan with a little bit of a smirk, ‘truck’, he’d said, ‘I’m not the only one,’ my look told Alan, after giving me such a hard time about calling it a truck instead of pickup.

His grip was, shall we say, ‘strong’. My hand nearly hurt when he let go. No self-confidence lacking in this guy.

“Yeah, prob’ly an F150, diesel,” I told him.

“Wise choice, the best, those new little diesels are to die for,” he agreed. “Come on, let’s go take a look,” with a lingering look toward Dani. No wonder, with the way she was dressed, even without their ‘history’.

But he was very professional, leading us out to the lot. “How much you wanting to spend?” he asked.

“Not over fifty,” Dani and I told him, simultaneously.

“Okay, we can look at an MSRP up to around sixty-five, then, with the discount we’ll give you, that’ll get you a heck of a nice truck. Color in mind?”

Dani answered, “I love baby-blue,” she said.

I was thinking the pretty white, but this is hers, too. So, baby-blue it’ll be. He showed us a gorgeous blue Lariat, F150. Dani loved it. “Want to take it for a drive?” he asked.

“What’s that over there?” I asked, pointing toward a two-tone, white/kind of aquamarine, maybe turquoise? THAT was the one I wanted.

It’s a King Ranch, going to be quite a bit out of your price, but it’s a beautiful truck, isn’t it?

I walked over to look at it. I could tell from Dani’s face that she fell in love with it just like I had, love at first sight. But damn, eighty-seven thousand dollars! Kind of caramel-tan leather upholstery, two-tone. “Has everything Ford offers, would be looking at around seventy-grand for that one.”

Seventy-freaking-thousand dollars! No, the blue one might not be quite as gorgeous, but it’s at least in our price and undoubtedly, we’d love it, too. “Think we’d better take the blue one for a drive,” I told him. Dani’s face fell just a little, she wanted that one, too, but we’d agreed. And it’s not like it wasn’t WAY outside what we could afford. It also was a fact that the blue one was also a beautiful truck.

So, Tevin took my driver’s license inside to copy, then we all piled in the blue truck. He drove it off the lot, then pulled over and let me behind the wheel. Damn, it was nice to drive. Loved that diesel engine, too. I was convinced. “You want to drive it?” I asked Dani. She was in the front passenger seat, Alan and Tevin in the back.

“No, I’m fine,” she told me.

When we parked it, we both took another look at that two-tone truck. Damn, wished it wasn’t quite so high.

“What do you think?” I asked Dani, as we walked back inside.

“Love it, think we should get it,” she said.

“Great,” Tevin said, “I’ll figure the best price we can give you.”

He went into his office, we all waited in the showroom, wandering around, looking at the cars. While we were wandering, Dani’s phone rang, and she answered, listening for just a moment, then covered the mouthpiece, “It’s that agent, think she has some news,” she said, then into the phone, “Wait, just a minute, want to step outside and I’ll put you on speaker so my husband can hear, too.”

Outside, Dani did just as she said, put her phone on speaker-phone, then told Amanda she was ready.

“Okay, there’s good news and maybe not so good,” she said, “they want you ... the face of their campaign, their spokeswoman ... but they’ll need you here at least twice a month, I know where you live and tried to get a compromise to only once but that was nonnegotiable. You’d have to be here twice every month for taping, probably just a day or two, though.”

Dani and I looked at each other, it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared, hopefully could be two weekends so wouldn’t interfere with teaching. If not, she’d just have to take a couple days every month ... and would give her that time with Alan, I was sure she was thinking.

“Okay, we could live with that,” Dani said, “what else?”

“Well, they offered a hundred thousand dollars for a year’s contract...” My eyes about bugged out, my mind did a little math – every other week, twenty-six trips, that’s four-thousand every trip. For ONE day’s work, maybe two! Dani’s mouth was gaped open, too.

“But I got it to a hundred-fifty-thousand for six months ... and after the six, we’d renew for what would undoubtedly be a HUGE increase, likely seven figures for the next six.”

What the fuck! Dani’s face had turned white, aghast at what we’d just heard. Neither of us could say a thing.

“And now you want to hear the good news?”

“What, there’s more?” Dani’s voice barely squeaked out.

Amanda let out a little laugh, “Oh yes, dearie, a lot more. The very best part is that it’s a non-exclusive contract.”

“Which means?” Dani croaked.

“That we can shop you to other studios, they don’t have any exclusive rights to your service ... and we have scripts looking for actresses that would be ideal for you, Dani, may I call you Dani?”

That question seemed to bring Dani out of her trance, “Yes, please do, all my friends call me Dani.”

“And I hope we become very good friends, Dani. We’ve seen your recent shoots, so have some others, some very big names. I think ... that your life is about to change more than you can even imagine ... think Sandra Bullock, Diana Lane ... those are the kinds of parts you’re going to be seeing very soon.”

Dani was speechless, so was I. “But first, can you come by our office tomorrow and sign this cosmetics contract? We’ll have a twenty-five-thousand-dollar advance check ready for you, to release the videos you’ve already done to production.”

I had to ask, “How ... from one commercial? They can see that in a person?”

“Sweetie, these people have been doing this for a long time. Trust me ... they can tell ... I can tell.”

All Dani could say was, “Tomorrow, uhuh,” and clicked her phone off, her face white like she’d just seen ... what, Sandra Bullock naked?

“I think...” I said, “we should tell Tevin we decided on the King Ranch, instead.”

And with that, Dani broke out laughing, hysterical laughter, “This is freakin’ unbelievable!” she squealed when she calmed at least enough to talk. “Yeah, that one, for sure!”

It hit me what Amanda had said – Diana Lane, ‘those kind of parts’, thinking about the sexy movie we’d just watched the night before, starring – Diana Lane.

Tevin was more than a little surprised when we told him we’d suddenly changed our minds, pleased about it, though. The MSRP, including everything, on the truck was $87,809, he ended up giving us a deal of 69,500, plus tax and licensing, of course, putting it closer to seventy-seven thousand.

It took until six-thirty to get the loan approved, all the paperwork done, the temporary license from Washington, the truck washed, and so on. “Never sold anything to anyone from Washington State before,” he said.

Right when we were ready to go, Alan suggested, “It’s getting pretty late, we’ll be in the middle of the night getting home, why don’t we get a hotel room, spend the night, my treat?” looking back and forth between Dani and me.

“Fine by me,” I said, even though I was damned excited to drive the truck back. Like an idiot, the ramifications of what he’d just suggested didn’t even soak in ... until a few seconds later...

“Sure...” Dani started to say.

“Tev, why don’t you have dinner with us?” Alan suggested, and those ramifications registered in my minuscule brain waves.

And Dani’s face turned white once again, she knew ... and then a smile spread across her face, she liked.

“Love to,” he said, watching Dani’s face go through its emotions, “have to work till seven, though, is seven-thirty okay?”

I shrugged, fine by me, I was looking forward to it. Perhaps I should say, more than looking forward to it. Dani’s opinion was pretty obvious without her having to voice it.

“Great, we’ll find a hotel, the Marriott has a restaurant, meet there at seven-thirty?” Alan suggested.

As soon as Tevin walked away, Dani turned to Alan, “You planned that all along, didn’t you?”

He got that ‘who me?’ expression on his face, “Just thought after that phone call, maybe you needed a celebration dinner, what better place?”

And ‘celebration night’, left unsaid, was what he really meant.

We’d gone past the Marriott on the way into town, right next to the freeway. I drove the new truck, and surprise of surprises, Dani rode with me. “That was quite a phone call with your new agent, huh?” I told her.

“I’m still in shock, can you believe that, a hundred-fifty thousand dollars for six months?”

“I was thinking about the rest of it, you know, the ‘Diana Lane, Sandra Bullock’ comparison.” I looked over at Dani, “She seemed pretty convinced that you’re going to be a star.”

“I’m guessing she says that to all her new clients, just to get them interested,” she said.

I shook my head, “Umm, no, it’s April’s, too, she told me almost the same thing.” I looked over at her, “Did you know she set that whole thing up Tuesday, so the other girl wouldn’t come in ... because she saw something special in you? And yesterday, she told us point-blank that you’re going to be a star.”

The mention of the sexy April reminded me – just one night away!

A smile, “No, didn’t know,” and something crossed her face, like ‘could this be real?’

God, that truck was wonderful! I loved everything about it; quieter and more luxurious than I’d expect any luxury car to be, except for that low growl of the engine, which I loved, too. But I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell our future was going to hold?

But the present was here now, I realized, or at least the immediate future, which was very predictable, following Alan’s truck into the Marriott’s parking lot. And damn, I was looking forward to it, glancing over at Dani, sitting in the passenger seat with her short leather skirt, silk blouse, and looking sexy as hell. We parked a couple spaces over from Alan and all went in together. Alan asked for a suite, but all they had available was a few rooms with either two queen or king beds. He asked for one with the king beds. Pretty safe bet who would be sleeping alone on one of those beds.

We had no luggage, not having planned to spend the night. Well, I think Alan did all the time but he never let on, and Dani and I certainly hadn’t. Alan asked if three toothbrushes and a little tube of toothpaste could be sent up for morning, explaining to the clerk that we hadn’t known we’d be spending the night.

Up in our room, on the fourteenth floor, Dani and Alan sat on one of the beds, me on the other. There was a nice-sized couch, a comfy-looking chair, and a writing desk and chair as well. “I guess congratulations are in order ... if it means anything, I agree with your agent, you’re going to go a long way,” Alan told Dani.

Dani smiled, leaned over, and kissed him, “Think you’re going to be up to making love with a budding starlet, tonight?” she asked him.

Alan got a smile on his face, picked my wife up, plopping her on her back on the bed, Dani screeching and laughing. He pulled her panties off and buried his face in her pussy, Dani’s laughter turning into one loud moan.

After maybe half a minute of feasting on my wife’s pussy, Alan pulled back, saying, “Hell yeah! But first ... dinner.” Dani lay on her back, her body trembling, knees still spread wide, her pussy a puffy, juicy red, and obviously ready for a lot more.

“Come babe,” he said, tugging her arms up into a sitting position, “we need to go meet your old boyfriend.”

Dani was still panting, her face red and flushed, “God, you’re a bastard!”

Alan chuckled, “Yeah, but you love it! Now, get up and get ready for dinner.”

She reached for her panties to put back on. Not much there, but at least they covered her a little. Alan jerked them away first, “Oh no, Babygirl, you’ve forfeited those for the night.

My dick was rock hard inside its little plastic enclosure.

Dani stood on a couple of wobbly legs, that skirt seeming even shorter than it had before, since I now knew there were no panties underneath it, picked up her purse and said, “Good thing I at least keep a little makeup in here,” holding her purse up like a prized possession and hurried into the bathroom.

Alan chuckled, licking Dani’s pussy juices off his lips, looking at me, “Thought maybe she might want to get in the mood a little before dinner with Tev.”

Yeah, think it worked, too.

Dani had composed herself, her face looking freshly fixed, lipstick renewed, and fresh perfume when she came out of the bathroom, still sporting that ‘come-hither-horny-as-hell’ look. I noticed right away, too, that she’d ditched the bra as well, her breasts and pointy nipples making themselves very noticeable through the thin silk.

And how her breasts jiggled when she walked. God, I wanted to reach out and touch!

Dani came over to me, pressing herself against me, her fingers tickling just below my belt, lips maybe a half-inch from mine, “Hope you enjoy the evening sweetheart ... know I will.” And with that, she backed away, taking Alan’s hand, and followed him out the door. I scurried after, eager for what I knew the night was going to bring, just no idea ‘how’ it was going to bring it.

We saw that dark chocolate, bald head as soon as we entered the restaurant. He stood, damn near bumping the ceiling, his eyes never wavering from my wife as we walked closer. How could they? Other heads, too, turned her direction as we walked through the restaurant. Some women’s heads, too. Other women kind of scowled, probably jealous.

This time the ‘hug’ was much less professional. He made no secret of his desires, pulling Dani tight to his chest, hands traveling her back over her silk blouse. Her head barely came to the bottom of his chin.

He was at a long booth, plenty room for four, two at the back, one on each side. Tevin slid in first, all the way around the back, Dani next to him, then Alan next to her. I sat on the opposite side adjacent to Tevin.

“I was surprised when Alan told me you and your husband were visiting,” he said, “then when he called and said you were coming to Tallahassee for a truck...”

“We’ve been looking forward to it ... I’ve been ... anxious,” Dani said.

“Hope you’ll like that truck you bought,” he said.

“Oh yeah, gonna love it, I know,” I told him, “Dani just ... Dani, why don’t you tell Tevin your news from yesterday.”

She blushed, about to speak when the waitress brought us some water and menus, Anything I can get you to drink?” she asked. Her name tag said ‘Veronica’.

“You serve alcoholic?” Alan asked.

“She nodded, “We do, pointing to a little electronic device on the table, “they’re all on there,” she said.

“Whatever you want,” Alan told us, “this is a celebration dinner, Dani was just about to tell us why we’re celebrating ... I’m buying.”

“I’d like a hard ice tea,” I told her. I’ve always been curious about them, time to give it a try. A little alcohol on my brain wouldn’t hurt tonight, either, I thought.

The other three ordered as well, Dani asking for a strawberry lemonade with a little gin added. After Veronica left, Alan asked Dani to explain about the celebration.

She blushed, even after everything that had happened, dressed like she was, I loved how Dani would still blush when she was embarrassed, explaining, “I kind of accidentally did a little commercial...”

“Kind of, accidentally? How do you ‘accidentally’ do a commercial?” Tevin interrupted her.

“I’d made friends with this woman who works at a studio, she took me shopping Tuesday morning but had to stop at her studio first. They were about to shoot a commercial but the model canceled. April suggested they use me...”

“And the rest is history? So they say?” Tevin interjected.

“Well, sort of, apparently they liked it and asked me to do another yesterday. Then, April, she’s the friend at the studio, called me suggesting I get ahold of this agent.”

Alan and I just sat listening, I couldn’t take my eyes off my wife, she looked so damned delectable. I wondered what Tevin must be thinking. Hell, I knew what he was thinking.

“And she called me this afternoon. Offered me a six-month contract for what we thought was an obscene amount of money ... and said other studios would likely want me to audition for movies.”

“Yeah, she said a little more than that ... but I’ve learned,” with a grin on my face, “that Dani tends to leave out a lot of the good details.”

With that little reference, Dani’s face turned a bright, beet red. More than a ‘little blush’.

Tevin’s face got that inquisitive look, obviously wondering what brought that on. “Think Robert just reminded her of something we talked about earlier ... something from like thirty-some years ago,” Alan explained, with a smirk on his face.

Dani squirmed in her chair, her red face not fading at all. Fortunately for her, Veronica brought our drinks and took our food orders. We guys ordered steaks, and Dani ordered a crab salad. She loves crab, always cajoling me to buy her one. We’ve even gone crabbing in the ocean, never caught much, lots of little ones and just a very occasional legal one

Anyway, my mind wandered for a bit, after Veronica left, Tevin spoke up, “You know, I still remember that night. Dreamed about it for a long time afterward; years, as a matter of fact. Then when Alan called yesterday, said you might be coming here, dredged up that memory all over again.” He grinned, “Have hardly been able to work since then with my mind going to places I know it shouldn’t ... you’re so much prettier than I even remember.”

Dani turned to him, looking him in the eyes, “Me too, wanted it to happen again for a long time,” and she leaned into him, her open lips finding his, leaving no doubt as to what she wanted. “Now, too,” she added, her lips millimeters from his, “tonight,” in that low, sexy purr she sometimes uses when she’s horny as hell.

The rest of dinner was kind of anticlimactic, now that we knew exactly where the night was headed. I’d say we knew as soon as Alan suggested Tevin join us for dinner, but Dani made it even more crystal clear. After that phone call today, maybe I didn’t know our future but sure as hell had a pretty damn good inkling what was in Dani’s immediate future.

We’d all had at least two drinks when finished with dinner, enough to loosen any inhibitions. I don’t think Alan had such a thing as inhibitions and didn’t know about Tevin. He certainly wasn’t the shy virgin kid Dani had told me about months earlier, his demeanor just exuding confidence. Maybe that was why he was the sales manager at a big dealership.

When we left the restaurant, Alan suggested we stop by the bar for a little bit. I think, from the way they were looking at each other and openly flirting, pretty damn heavy flirting, that Dani and Tevin would have rather gone straight up to the room, but Alan pretty much insisted.

There was a country singer with a guitar and a small dance floor. As soon as we were seated at a table, a cocktail waitress in a skimpy skirt and blouse took our drink orders and had them set in front of us in what seemed like seconds. It was Thursday night and not particularly crowded.

But even before, Dani and Tevin were on the dance floor, Alan getting a tiny taste of what I’d been feeling for nearly a week, watching Dani in the arms of another who we both knew was going to be fucking her very shortly. He didn’t seem to mind, though, enjoying watching his cousin with his girlfriend, my wife.

And true to what she’d said earlier Dani was enjoying herself, plastered tight to Tevin, his hands exploring her back down to her butt. At least it was leather so didn’t pull up much from his hand on her rear. That gap down the side, though, with the way she had it pulled up her waist, made it abundantly clear that there was nothing underneath it.

Occasionally, one or the other would whisper something, either eliciting a smile from Tevin or a giggle from Dani.

After a couple of dances, their drinks still nearly untouched, the two of them sat down, and Dani suggested that it was time to go up to our room.

On the way up, Dani was backed up to Tevin in the elevator, both his hands right under the swell of her breasts, thumbs gently rubbing upward. Dani’s perky nipples were, shall we say, ‘at attention’, her breathing deep and labored, eyes closed.

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