Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 15

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Alan was on the phone in the morning when I went downstairs. Dani wasn’t there yet. I wandered into the kitchen, got a pitcher of apple juice from the frig, and an insulated glass from the cabinet, filled it with crushed ice, and sat down at the table. Alan seemed to be talking to someone from one of his restaurants.

He came in several minutes later, a frustrated look on his face, “Gotta run, little issue at the restaurant, prob’ly back in a couple hours,” he said, “I’ll go let Dani know.”

He scampered upstairs, just long enough to change, then back down, telling me, “April’s coming over, be here in just a few. She has to hurry, though, has to be at the studio by nine ... oh, there’s some cinnamon rolls in the cupboard, third to the right of the sink, you and Dani help yourselves,” and he was out the door.

Apparently, there’d be no fuck on the counter, no porn video starring my wife, and no ‘after’ treat from April that morning. But, at least, I’d get a chance to finally spend a little alone time with my wife.

I checked the cupboard where Alan had suggested, damn, those looked good; huge, thick frosting, probably all his own recipe. I set them down on the counter and put one on a plate in the microwave for a minute. Best damned cinnamon roll I’d ever eaten. I wondered if they also had the marijuana aphrodisiac in them. Wouldn’t be a bit surprised, kind of hoped they did.

I was at the table with my roll and apple juice when April came in, every bit as gorgeous as I remembered from the day before; looked about eighteen, short, sexy skirt. I started to offer her a cinnamon roll when she told me, “Gotta hurry, late,” and rushed up the stairs to Dani and Alan’s bedroom. God, even that thought, ‘Dani and Alan’s bedroom’, was a turn-on to me. Everything seemed to be a turn-on.

She was upstairs probably fifteen minutes when she helped Dani down and over to the table beside me. Damn! What next would she be wearing?

Before I even had a chance to take it in, April was there, giving me a kiss on the lips, her tongue tickling mine, “Looking forward to that night when Marvin’s gone on that trip ... probably Friday,” she said, leaving me drooling like a puppy dog. And then she was gone.

Okay, now that my heart rate’s back to only about quadruple, I’ll relay what Dani was wearing that morning: a black, flowery, thin, but at least not transparent, short halter-top, just to the elastic under her tits, tummy bare, tits swaying with every movement; The combination of the low-cut, hip-hugging stretch leggings and lace panties riding high on her hips, inches above the top of the leggings was just ... WOW; red heels to match the red lace panties. Dani, apparently has taken a liking to sexy heels, which she rarely wore before. Not that everything she’s worn on this trip hasn’t been out of character from our twenty-eight years of marriage.

I hoped that Dani’s new ‘dress code’ would carry over after we went home but honestly, didn’t have much hope that it would. Here, she’s anonymous, no one knows her. At home, would be completely different. Maybe we’ll have to take a few more trips to Seattle or Spokane just for the opportunity. A guy can dream, anyway.

“You like a cinnamon roll, apple juice?” I asked my wife. God, how could just asking my wife a simple question seem so awkward – and so fuckin’ erotic? And this after only two nights of her being Alan’s woman.

“Please, yes,” she answered, sounding just as strained.

I got up, gathered another plate and glass, poured her the juice, heated and sliced her roll the way I knew she liked them, and took both back to the table, taking her hand and showing her where the roll was. God, even that brief touch of Dani’s hand sent shock waves of lust through my body that I haven’t felt in years. I needed nothing more at that moment than to take my wife upstairs and fuck her until she couldn’t walk! I’d never felt the surge of jealousy like I did at that moment, the fact that here, she was Alan Ryder’s woman, not mine. He could and likely would do exactly what I wanted so fucking bad, if not today, then assuredly tonight, like he had been doing the last two nights.

Dani took a bite of the roll, “Mmm, this is good,” she said, agreeing with my verdict from earlier. Then, she felt along the table until she found my hand, putting hers over it and squeezing, only exacerbating my need, and asked, “Hon, are ... you okay? Us ... are we okay?”

I put my other hand over hers and answered, “Perfect ... except...”

She looked toward my voice with her unseeing eyes, “Except?”

I hesitated to answer, not knowing how to say what I wanted to say, “Except ... I ... need you so fucking bad ... to make love with you ... and know I can’t.”

Dani started to say something, “Hon...”

“No, I knew what I was getting into before we came. Had an idea how it would affect me ... just, maybe not quite as much ... nearly as much, I guess, as it has ... but still, I knew then and I know now that this week you’re his, not mine. It’s just hard, so hard!” There, I’d made my little speech.

Dani smiled, leaning my way and her lips found mine, “I love you, hope you know that,”

Her tongue pressed into my mouth, my body shaking with wanting her, kind of like the first time we made love so long ago, except on steroids. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt like I did then. And I knew Dani was feeling it, too; her kiss wasn’t only passionate, it was more like ... hell, I can’t even think of the right words. This wasn’t my Dani, it was some other woman desperate for sex, intoxicated by lust for my wife. The cinnamon rolls – laced with Alan’s magic potion?

She took my hand, pressing it against her breast, naked through her thin top. I pinched her nipple the way I know my Dani likes and got a loud moan vibrating through her mouth. “Suck it ... please,” she begged.

I pushed the elastic up over her breasts and found one with my mouth, sucking her tit into my mouth. My body felt more alive and on edge than I ever had before, Dani loudly moaning and pressing the back of my head hard onto her.

A hand stole its way down her tummy, underneath those stretch pants, inside Dani’s skimpy panties, eliciting an even louder moan, until she said, squeezing her legs together, “Oh god ... no ... can’t ... want so bad ... can’t touch my pussy.”

My dick was about to burst through its plastic cage. A finger pressed into her, “Ohhhh!” Dani groaned just before she pushed my hand away.”

She wrapped a hand around the hard plastic encircling my cock, “Take it off ... I can suck you ... want to.”

God, the only thing that would be better would be to be inside her. Yet ... my body shuddering, wanting to do as she said, desperately wanting what she’d offered, I stood, barely able to stand, stumbled up the stairs, into Alan’s room where I’d left the key. My willpower was gone, I couldn’t stand a moment more, looking in the nightstand where I’d left the key. Fucking thing was gone! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I was nearly desperate needing that key and it wasn’t there. I nearly dumped the whole damned drawer out on the floor, but my sanity, what little bit was left, exerted itself.

I looked everywhere I could think he might have put it, being careful to not disturb anything. That was a little hard in my frantic search, but I was careful. I finally gave up, he either made a special point of hiding it or took with him. How the hell did he happen to find the damned thing, anyway?

“The key, I can’t find it, not where I left it,” I told Dani on my way back down the stairs.

“I have one,” she said, “in my purse ... in ... Alan’s truck...” she groaned. The truck that he would have taken a little while earlier. Just to be sure, I looked out the window, thought that he might have had another car in the garage, it was worth at least looking. No, he’d parked in his driveway the night before; it was gone. I groaned in frustration.

“Not there, he took it,” I told her.

“With my purse ... and the key inside,” she added, sounding almost as frustrated as I was. God, I wanted ... no, needed my wife’s mouth wrapped around my dick. I was fine before but after she’d suggested it ... dammit that key!

I sat back down, closed my eyes, and just imagined what it would have been like. “Come here,” Dani said, patting the couch right beside her.

I scooted over next to her, she found my face with her hand, wrapping it in her fingers, tugging slightly – my lips to hers; her tongue to mine, her hand wrapping around my neck, bare breast pressed against my chest, almost exactly where we were before the key debacle; not an unpleasant place to be at all – except for the frustration. “Love you, you know that?” Dani whispered, pulling away just long enough.

“Sorry I was gone for so long,” Alan said when he got home a little after four that afternoon, “two of my waiters called this morning, said they couldn’t come in – had to find replacements, get them up to speed quickly.” He added, with a smile on his face, “Couldn’t stay, though – have plans for the evening.”

Pretty sure those plans involved fucking my wife, probably mostly.

Before Alan got home, Dani and I talked about her temporary blindness. I’d been so curious what she was thinking about it; if she liked it, hated it, or what. She confirmed that she could see absolutely nothing, not even a hint of light coming through, like she had no eyes at all. She reminded me of something she’d told me about Alan quite a while ago, how much she enjoyed the surprise, not knowing what was happening next. “This is the ultimate ‘surprise’,” she told me, “When he fucks me ... I don’t even know how to explain ... like every nerve ending is times ten.”

I nodded, not that Dani could see it, but I was remembering... “That night, that you were blindfolded ... and...” I know she started to say it, the name of the woman from that night, “My friend, when she fucked you...” Dani never used to use that word, but now... “I could tell how it went through you. It’s that way every time when Alan does me ... and I love it when I know you’re watching.” She’d squeezed my hand after that and her other hand wandered down to my groin, squeezing the plastic. “I wish...” she’d begun, never finishing the statement. She didn’t need to, I knew.

“I’m fixing us dinner at home,” Alan interrupted my reverie, remembering what Dani had told me about the blindness. “April’s coming over to help Dani dress for dinner.” He must have seen the look on my face, the hopefulness – April! “She can’t stay, though, has an appointment later this evening.”

Crap, my heart rate began to slow again. It did remind me of something, though, “I need to get Dani’s purse from your pickup.” He handed me the keys with a knowing smile on his face. He knew exactly why I needed that purse – it has a key in it that I need.

Except now I don’t need it. I did earlier, but that opportunity is gone. The cage stays in place until some other opportunity arises, but for now, I know it’s going to be needed. I had a brief moment of hope when Alan mentioned April coming over, but that was just as quickly dashed. I gave the purse to Dani, didn’t trust myself having access to the key.

And speaking of April, she did come, took Dani upstairs for nearly two hours. Alan brought me a drink, gave me the remote for the TV, showed me how to lower the giant screen from the ceiling, and told me, “Press DVR and you’ll find that video of Dani,” then showed me where the wireless headphone was before he disappeared in the kitchen.

I did as Alan suggested, lowered the monitor, and watched my wife starring in her sex video. Just a little something to get my heart beating, blood flowing to my caged dick. And flow it did! Fuckin’ good thing that plastic was strong.

When Dani made a reappearance down the stairs, April leading her, she was stunning; hair dyed a golden blonde, cut shorter to her shoulders, and curled around her gorgeous face. It seemed like every time April was here, helping, Dani was more beautiful.

She was wearing a soft, wrap-around blouse; red bra clearly visible underneath it; matching short, red leather skirt, red heels. I could smell her sexy perfume across the room. Alan got up, met her where she was still standing at the bottom of the stairs, “Ahh, Babygirl, you’re ravishing! Too bad we’re eating in tonight, love to show you off, let other people feast their eyes on my woman,” then kissed her, a long, lingering kiss. By then, I was just about wild with jealousy. I wanted my wife – go to her, hold her, caress her under that soft blouse. God, I wanted to fuck her!

While I was watching Alan and Dani, April stepped over to me, kissed me, her tongue just grazing my lips. God, she smelled nice! “Friday night ... we’ll have all night,” in that soft, seductive voice.

Ohhh! I sat there, my mouth gaped open, watching April’s butt in those tight pants as she left, trying to imagine a night with her.

Dinner was spectacular, some kind of seafood pasta that Alan had made. Not that I paid a lot of attention to the food with my wife sitting across the table, Alan feeding her – and whatever else from the occasional expression on her face, his hand under the table.

“You tell your husband about Tevin?” Alan asked Dani.

She smiled, “I did, he enjoyed that story,” she answered. Yeah, safe to say that I did. He’s Alan’s cousin that Dani had seduced way back in high school. Alan had set them up, his first time.

“I told him you were coming, he was disappointed he couldn’t get any time off work ... you know he talked about you for years afterward. You had quite an impact on him, gave his confidence with girls quite a boost ... everything else, too. He gives a lot of credit to that night for his career.”

“Which is?” Dani asked.

“Sales manager at a big Ford dealership in Tallahassee. Got me a good deal on my pickup ... might even you, if you were interested. Gonna need something to pull that boat with.”

I looked at Dani, yeah, we would. Might be interesting, too, Dani seeing him again.

“What about New Year’s Eve, tell him about that?”

Dani blushed, actually blushed, after all this. I remembered asking her about New Year’s Eve, all she’d said was, “We ‘more than’ kissed.” That was before any of this started. Actually, it was New Year’s Eve when I first started teasing her about Alan. Apparently, there’s much more to the story than ‘more than kissing’. I was MUCH more interested in this story than in the pasta.

We waited, Dani not saying anything, “Well, if you’re not going to, I will,” Alan said. He started, “I...” then, “No, I want to hear this from you, you tell us, Babygirl.”

“Yeah, hon, I really want to know,” I told her.

Dani looked like a lost puppy dog, looking both ways but not seeing, her face bright red. “I ... you said it would be just the two of us. I went shopping, bought some things I knew you’d like.”

Alan chuckled, “And I did, too.”

“Yeah, your friends, too!” She hesitated, “I’d kill my daughter if she wore ... I had to keep my coat buttoned to leave the house. Mom and Dad would have grounded me... ‘have fun, honey,’ Mom told me. They had no idea!” She let out a little giggle at the little trick she’d played on good old Mom and Dad.

“So, what was this you were hiding under the coat?” I was dying to know.

“Alan was the only one who was supposed to see,” she said, “and even that had me nervous.”

“It was? It was?” I asked again, getting a little frustrated at Dani’s evasion.

She looked toward me, not ‘at’ me, since she couldn’t see me. “It ... I bought ... I was so embarrassed at the store ... just now realized ... if I’d bought a camisole with it, the salesgirl would’ve thought ... never mind, I’m rambling. The blouse ... it was totally see-through lace, little flower designs, light purple. The bra, thin and almost as see-through ... could see my boobs through them. The skirt matched, darker purple, but at least it was solid so my panties didn’t show ... except for being so short.”

God, I’d loved to have seen that! “What happened to them?” I asked her.

Dani frowned, thinking, “Don’t know ... might even be in that trunk hidden away in Mom and Dad’s attic.”

Note to self – check that trunk!

“So, tell us the rest of the story, Babygirl,” Alan said. He acted like he was enjoying this, too.

She stuck her tongue out at him, kind of childish, I thought. “It was your fault ... I bought them just for you that night. You told me we were going to be alone at your house.”

“I didn’t know that my friends were going to invite me – us to a party.”

“I didn’t even get to unbutton my coat when you told me we were going to the stupid party, I tried to tell you no, but oh no – Mr. Bigshot wide receiver insisted it was his football buddies and they’d all have their girlfriends there.”

“As I recall, it took a lot of coaxing to get your coat off you at the party, too.”

“Yeah, wonder why! Especially when I was the only girl there. Whatever the hell happened to ‘all their girlfriends’?”

Alan grinned, “Imagine my surprise when she finally did take the coat off. I think every guy there got a hard-on.

“And then after the ball dropped in Times Square, ‘someone’ suggested we play spin the bottle. Guess whose turn it was to spin the bottle ... every time?”

Another chuckle from Alan, “Didn’t notice you complaining any ... even when they were feeling you up.”

Dani moaned, “God, I was so horny!”

“You weren’t the only one. I know three other guys who were pretty disappointed when I took you home.”

Speaking of horny! My dick was about to kill me. That image of Dani kissing one guy after another ... wow, just wow!

“I will say one more thing about that night,” Alan said, “That new year started out about as well as any before or since. If my buddies could have seen the rest of that night, they’d have, hell, I don’t even know ... taking that blouse off her was ... just ... so hot! And then what followed!” One of his hands disappeared under the table and Dani moaned, “like I’m pretty sure tonight’s going to end!”

“Speaking of which,” he said, “Robert, we need to clean up ... and then we can make your wife presentable.”

What the hell did he mean by that? She already looked pretty damned presentable to me. Maybe not to teach a high school physics class, but I didn’t think that was the kind of ‘presentable’ he had in mind. “Glad to help,” I told him, both of us getting up and beginning to clean off the table. Working together, it only took us four or five minutes to have the table cleared and dishes in the dishwasher. Unlike me, he’s a neat cook, keeping the kitchen clean as he works. His kitchen was nearly spotless before we even started. Now when I cook...

Alan slid Dani’s chair back and suggested I take one hand and he’d take the other. Dani followed us up the stairs into ‘their’ bedroom. At a quick glance, I didn’t see where she’d put her purse. You know, ‘just in case’ I might want something out of it.

Alan looked at me, “I know you’ve been aching to all day ... Babygirl, would you mind if your husband undressed you?”

She looked around the room, not knowing where I was, “No, I ... I’d like that.”

Alan was right, I had been aching to undress my wife, ever since she walked down the stairs that morning in that braless halter top and hip-hugging leggings. My heart was pounding as I quietly stepped over in front of her. I didn’t want her to even know I was there, not until ... Oh, that perfume! It was the perfume we’d bought that evening right before dinner at Alan’s restaurant. That sales girl was right, it elicited lust. It had been all evening – and then the story of that 1987 New Year’s Eve!

I reached around Dani, caressing up and down that blouse, pressing my chest against her breasts, and kissed her.

“Umm, uhh, think I just said ‘undress’”

“Uhuh,” I mumbled into Dani’s mouth, reaching for the button of her wrap-around blouse, working it loose and deepening our kiss all at the same time. The thought briefly went through my mind, wondering if she kissed those three guys like we were kissing.

A few seconds later, it was Dani’s bare skin I was fondling, her blouse and bra on the floor. I kissed down her neck, imagining that it would be Alan doing exactly this in a few minutes, sucking her nipple in my mouth. Dani’s head was thrown back, moans from her mouth.

Her leather skirt had an elastic waistband, no panties underneath. I knew I could kiss no lower than her belly button ... but when I got her home! My hands slowly worked up the inside of her thigh, feeling the dampness dripping down her leg when they got close to her slit. I reluctantly stepped back, leaving Dani standing in nothing except her red heels and her arousal. Alan was smiling, apparently having enjoyed the little striptease.

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